Random Musings on Current Events 7.8.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium.

However, it now appears that Elon Musk is no longer purchasing Twitter. It seems Twitter has too many fake accounts being used to bolster their supposed user numbers and fake account numbers. Fake accounts, bots, and spam accounts. I think that I will no longer even mention Twitter and Facebook because they are fake. Talk about a waste of breath and time even mentioning them.

President Biden spoke in Ohio this week in which he blamed Vladimir Putin, greedy oil companies and who knows who or whatever else except for what truly is to blame. An out of control bureaucracy that thwarts oil and gas at every turn. Granted, the fossil fuel industry does not have saints running it and I truly believe alternative energies such as geothermal, wind, and solar should absolutely be incentivized and encouraged but I have no illusions that they are suitable to completely replace fossil fuels. No matter what pound per pound fossil fuels provide much more energy. Perhaps, the deal Hunter Biden made with SINOPEC via their American subsidiary UNIPEC for our strategic reserves should be rescinded and instead that oil should be put into the US economy. Such a bunch of corrupt opportunists and I will type no more as I can better use the time to work to pay for my vehicle’s gasoline.

I woke up to the smell of burning timber in the air this morning. It seems another wildfire in California is burning and being down wind, I am smelling, for yet another summer, the defecation blowing in from a dis functionally run, despotic, one party Democratically run state. I bring this up every year and I am getting tired of it, but Democrats appear to be nothing more than leeches that feed off the carcasses of once great and thriving communities, states, and countries. Take for example the cities of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland and the states of California, New York and Illinois. Now the worthless looting and mooching class of elites wants to completely kill the United States of America so that we can join the ranks of Venezuela and other once great and vibrant countries and that are now worthless countries who have lost their ways.

Speaking of poorly mismanaged communities there has been yet another mass shooting tragedy in a Democratically run community. I pray for the victims of the Highland Park shooting. I read the conservative press is rightfully pointing out that that Highland Park and Illinois, in general, have some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation. What I fear and expect is the leftist pro-gun control group will raise the stakes now and demand that there be no guns allowed, period. The Fourth of July, what a day to pick to commit an atrocity such as this. Do you think the shooter might be an enemy of the state?

Let us also not overlook the shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark over this past weekend also. A country in with very restrictive gun laws. Evidently the weapons used was purchased legally but the person using the weapon did not have legal possession of the weapons. Therein lies the crux of the matter in my opinion. The weapons somehow ended up illegally in the possession of someone illegally who used the weapons to commit a crime. The weapons are not criminal, the people who used the weapons are criminal.

Speaking of the Fourth of July and its weekend, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney spouted diatribes to the effect that Donald Trump making a political comeback would be disastrous for America and or the Republican Party. Let me think about this for a New York second Senator Romney and Representative Cheney. When President Trump held the office of President, I was paying half the cost for gasoline and food that I am now paying, the Taliban in Afghanistan did not have three quarters of a billion dollars in weapons that they now have, Russia and China were much friendlier, and there did not seem to be as many “mass shootings” as there are now. So, what America and Republican Parties are you speaking of that would it be disastrous for? The America and Party that rewards with graft and pork the states that you represent, the America and Republican Party that rewards a small elite of corrupt politicians and their donors, the America and Republican Party that seeks endless wars and crisis to support the graft and political favors? I know Donald Trump is not a “nice guy” and I am somewhat uneasy about what his true intents are, but I know what your true intents are and, quite frankly, I prospered more under a Trump administration, despite all the obstacles put in his way, than I have under any other presidential administration in my lifetime. Maybe the military industrial complex that pay your bills lost money but I certainly did better.

In closing I have only one thing to say with “There You Go” by Johnny Cash playing in the background, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

Random Musings on Current Events 6.10.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I suppose and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Why is an attempt on the life of a Supreme Court Justice not being decried from every corner of the land? Why is it that none of the liberal media outlets made this their top headline? Who really are the violent ones in our society? Congressional Democrats block bill to provide Supreme Court Justices additional security yet at the same time want to limit my ability to protect myself? Does anyone else see a pattern here? A pattern of subjective application of logic and law. A subjective application in which chaos, is being fomented and allowed to flourish.

I cannot believe that I am paying more than $5.50 (now it is $5.70 since I wrote the initial draft four days ago) per gallon for low grade gasoline and now I am also having to increase my food budget more than $200/month! This is happening while the Congressional January 6th committee hearings are happening. Hey Congress and media! Do you think I give a rip about this committee and its televised broadcast with commercials? No, I will be too busy working extra hours to make ends meet thanks to you! Besides it really is just a bone being thrown to the media by Congress to boost some ratings. Nothing substantial will come out of the Kabuki Theater show being put on because there is nothing to it. If something does come out of it it will just be further proof of how corrupt the ruling elites, Democrats and RINO Republicans, truly are.

Another item closer to home is my local newspaper/media outlet that happens to be a Gannet owned rag and an article on their website yesterday. The headline mentioned that Democrats are turning out more early voters that the GOP in the county that I live in. I read the article and there is much speculation and reasoning as to why this is the case but I will not go into detail. However, call me cynical, I cannot help but think what a bunch of bull or how meaningless all the debate can be. My state’s Legislature used COVID to pass an initial mail in ballot law and then made it permanent in the most recent Democratic majority legislature. I cannot help but wonder if we will ever see a Republican win in this state again considering that we are neighbors of the one party Peoples Republic of California and the power hungry elite that controls the Golden State. This on top of the rumors that Speaker Pelosi and her minion, Governor Gavin Newsom, have funneled large quantities of campaign money to the Democratic coffers of my state’s Governor and other Democratic candidates.

What I would have considered, at one time, my two favorite basketball teams are playing for the Nike Basketball Association’s (NBA’s) championship, and I will not watch a game. The NBA’s self-congratulatory statement of feigned pious self-appreciation explaining how the NBA has lost hundreds of millions of dollars due to being shut out of the Chinese market after the former Houston Rocket General Manager Daryl Morey’s “Fight for freedom, stand for Hong Kong” Tweet does not elicit one tear from me. Mr. Silver, you and your advertisers do not deserve my attention let along my financial support. I have been to Hong Kong and what was once a free, healthy and vibrant city is no more. There are more important things in life than a sport created by Naismith to keep his students occupied during the cold Massachusetts winters. You may want to explain that to your boss, Mr. Knight, as well explain that my Constitutional Freedoms far outweigh any entertainment product that you offer. I only wish that Mr. Morey had stood his ground and not apologized. After all, despite his groveling, he still lost his job.

President Biden said, “enough is enough” regarding gun violence in this country. I agree Mr. President, when will you support the right for all law abiding citizens to carry firearms whenever and wherever they choose? Because, as I saw in Uvalde, Texas, I cannot rely on law enforcement to protect me and my family. Mr. President, give me a break! 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoing a bill earmarking $35 million for a Tampa Bay Rays facility days after the team went on an anti-gun tirade. I think this is awesome!

The US Department of Justice announce they will not prosecute Scavino and Meadows but Navarro is arrested on the same day this is announced. I must agree that there is a witch hunt underway, and people will continue to be arrested until finally a charge sticks somehow and somewhere to someone. Talk about the rotten politicization of what should be an objective law enforcement organization. Can anyone say GESTAPO, STASI, KGB, or FSB?

I watched “Top Gun Maverick” the other day and have to say that I enjoyed it. It was a fun movie to watch, and it even elicited some emotion, like movies did in my youth. This without the overtly political garbage being pushed by Hollywood these days. Sure, there was some changes from the original such as female fighter pilots which certainly different than the US Navy that I joined shortly after the first Top Gun was released. However, this is the new reality, and it is my understanding that some of the female pilots are good. I think the Vice Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson played by Jon Hamm is actually an accurate representation of most flag officers in the US Navy today. That of being risk adverse and valuing their careers more than mission. Of course, there were the stretches, for example stealing an F-14, pulling 10 g’s as a 50+ year old, and location realism, however, I really did not care. It was an entertaining movie that I did not mind paying to see in a theater. Additionally, judging by the reports, I am not alone as revenue records are being broken by the movie.

Early results are coming in for the first round of primary elections and it does look like left wing cities may have pushed too far to the left. This is most evidenced by the recall of San Francisco’s District Attorney. Maybe there is a ray of sanity left in the world and in this nation’s once vibrant and healthy cities, but I am not going to hold my breath. San Francisco keeps reelecting Nancy Pelosi, so they have a long way to go to recapture its lost brilliance.

I went to a high school graduation ceremony for a niece and a nephew and it was held in one of the local auditoriums in the city nearest me. It was full of people with no regard for social distancing or vaccination status. Albeit there were still a few people wearing masks, but they were doing so of their own volition. For my wife, daughter, and myself, however, there was a cloud over the ceremony because our youngest daughter, who graduated two years ago from high school, did not get to have this experience thanks to the COVID scam. She and countless others missed out on their graduation ceremony’s along with however many others missed out on events thanks to the mass hysteria created, generated, and foisted upon us by our so called leaders in politics, the press, and bureaucratic institutions. Let me say that I am happy for those who get to have ceremonies this year, but it is a bittersweet moment for myself, my family, and others like us whose children did not get to have this experience.

In closing this week I have only one thing to say, “God bless America and to all who are in this country both patriots and enemies equally.”

Random Musings on Current Events 5.27.22

Once again it is time for some Twitter, for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word, like Random Musings. In particular Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet and unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants, and revelations in the media. Additionally, it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction; time will tell I suppose. For that reason, I will not remove Twitter, just yet, from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Nancy Pelosi is being denied Holy Communion by the Archbishop of San Francisco. Well, it is about time someone in a Roman Catholic Church position of leadership stood up! I applaud you Archbishop Salvatore Codileone and I hope that your soul is at peace with your decision. I will say that I do not think Nancy Pelosi will really give a rip unless it costs her votes. I believe this because I truly believe she sold her soul long ago and there is nothing left of it.

Now Whoopi Goldberg telling the Archbishop it is not his job to deny communion? Ummm Ms. Goldberg, it is more his job than it will ever be yours. Whoopi! What a waste of breath.

Food shortages, baby food shortages, gasoline prices skyrocketing and war in the Ukraine have all happened since the Democrats and RINO Republicans counterattacked and retook control of all government and continued their control of mainstream media thanks to the installation of Joe Biden as president. Monkey Pox? Yawn. It reminds me of the Boy Who Cried Wolf story. How does the government/media complex expect me to ever believe another medical crisis is real? Again, I say, “yawn”.

I laugh at the reports of drugs, cartels, immigration and etc. coming over the US’s southern border. If there was political will to stop this, it could done in short order. From my perspective there is too much money being made by corrupt politicians, law enforcement, media and who knows who else on this side of the border from this problem. This is in addition to all the same occurring south of the border. The one thing I know for certain is that it is yet another tool that has and is being used to separate this country from its roots so that it can be destroyed from within. Yet another reason to reach back into our American roots and develop our self-sufficiency and robust local networks in which we look out for each other. I believe this because we certainly cannot trust the national government and most definitely anyone associated with the international cabal.

Yet another “mass” shooting at a school by some lunatic who is no longer living to interrogate. Another mass shooting at a “soft” target. Another shooting in which the anti-gun advocates call for greater gun control when it is they themselves who created the environment that allows these types of shootings to occur. Their demonization of weapons has created gun free zones that the lunatics know they can enter and kill at will. If only one teacher in the school had a weapon how much lower would the body count be? Guns did not cause this tragedy but instead it was the media, corrupt politicians, and corrupt teachers unions who should have the light shown upon them as to why this tragedy occurred. 

Another question that I heard yesterday and it makes sense to me to ask is, “How did an 18 year employee at Wendy’s get north of $4,000 to purchase all of the equipment that he used? This when the local police force could not even afford a bullet proof shield?” Something just does not make sense here and yet again I have to bring up the perpetrator is dead so there is no way to answer these questions.

Henry Kissinger has seemingly risen from the dead. Some of my earliest memories are of him in the Gerald Ford administration and though I was too young to remember, let alone understand, what was being reported about him I have never forgotten his name. Perhaps because as a young child the sound of his name being spoken had some sort of a ring to it? Regardless, I agree with what he said but in the same instance, knowing he is a made man in the confederation of internationalists, I must wonder what his end game truly is?

My next rambling comes from President Trump’s re-Truth post from El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele in which talking about the USA he posted, “Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.” I mused about what constitutes an enemy from within a few years ago and it seems to be coming true. The USA does have an enemy and it is operating with seeming impunity inside the USA and its corridors of power.

Finally, I have lost much faith in the nation’s leadership and lack trust in pretty much anyone who is in power and by default I cast a wary eye towards its institutions. This is a sad commentary in my opinion.

Vaccine Vagaries

So, I am being told by some in the media, bureaucratic institutions, and fascist businesses that because I am not “vaccinated” I am responsible for the increase in the delta variant of the SARS Covid-19 variant. Well, now I am confused, and I am confused for the following reasons:

I thought a vaccine was to help one develop resistance to a disease. In other words, it helps the recipient develop antibodies to increase their general immunity to that particular disease. If this is the case, then why should the “vaccinated” have anything to worry about? If anything, I should, as an unvaccinated person, be the one worried about the variants.

I learned recently that the laws were changed within the last several years to broaden the legal definition of what a vaccine is so that it no longer necessarily must meet the definition of what I thought a vaccine is meant to do as I discussed in the previous paragraph. To be honest my brain starts to hurt at the thought of this. My head is not hurting from the latest COVID variant but rather the latest pharmaceutical attorney variant. I would like to know if a vaccine is being developed to protect us from the pharmaceutical/attorney/fascist/socialist virus and its variants?

The CDC is admitting that the PCR tests cannot differentiate between coronaviruses and is pulling the PCR tests? The same PCR test that was and is being administered and with which whose results have fueled the government takeover of our economy and lives?

I also learned that these same PCR tests are calibrated using a computer code downloaded from the CDC and that there is no actual test sample to be had anywhere that is being used to calibrate this equipment. As an engineer with experience calibrating monitoring and testing equipment, I find this piece of information extremely disturbing. One of the most disturbing aspects of this is that 16 months after the lockdowns being imposed upon me, my country and the world it appears that the machines are not calibrated, and no one has questioned this? Needless to say, any of the doubts I had up to this date are not being assuaged and if fact they are actually being fueled like a wildfire in one of California’s mismanaged forests.

I recently read that America’s Front Line Doctors has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the CDC’s VAERS reporting system is hiding the actual number of coronavirus “vaccine” deaths? What? What are they doing with the taxpayer money that is being provided to them? They purport to be in existence for public safety but if the public does not have accurate data how can the public make informed decisions? Instead, the CDC puts out recommendations for masks that provide no protection to viruses whatsoever. In fact, I just saw a picture of my state’s governor wearing a paper mask after he reinstituted mandates. Based upon my earlier post regarding masks I now know he and his staff are ignorant of facts, science, and or are just intellectually lazy. In fact, typing this I recognize that he really is not qualified to be a supervisor at McDonald’s let alone governor of my state.

How is it that the efficacy of these so called vaccines is wearing off in less than six months? Call me cynical but at what I have heard is that at a cost of approximately $12 per dose people will now need a booster? Again, what? I have received booster on previous vaccines and I will emphasize these were vaccines not experimental gene therapy shots. However, the frequency to receive these boosters was years not mere months.

If you discern a bit of sarcasm and cynicism in this post, then bully on you! I am a bit under the weather I seem to be typing slowly and maybe not flavoring this post with as much cynicism or sarcasm as this post deserves. Whether I have contracted the delta variant or not I really do not give a piece of cow dung. I am resting and staying home and out of public places which, to me, is the conscientious thing to do. I do this of my own free will and I do not need a meddling, self-serving, no load, parasitical government agency or elected official telling me what I can or cannot do.

Random Musings 1.11.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

So, Congress sat on the second COVID relief bill for months and now, suddenly, after what appears to be a false flag attack on our nation’s Capitol Building, they suddenly can move an impeachment through in days? This is the same Congress that feels providing $2000 dollars to the rank and file American is too much money. The same bill that provides billions of dollars to foreign countries, their pet projects, and corporations on the government dole? So, I, as an American, am supposed to believe that Congress really thinks what happened at the capitol building is President Trumps fault? Call me a cynic but I am starting to wonder what Congress is hiding? I find it amazing how this supposed “crisis” is being used to jam through an impeachment or calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment? What was on Grandma Nancy’s laptop and or the other laptops that went missing from her office?

I must admit that as I started my typing this fine Monday morning, I was somewhat hesitant to do so because I am not sure who may be recording my keystrokes, tracking my ISP, and etc. Tracking me and recording my comings and going on the internet to be used against me at a time of their convenience. Used against me because I do not agree with them politically, commercially or for whatever reason they deem in order to use it against me. Who knows with the current cult of death that is trying to take over my country it may be to use against me to facilitate my death for all I know. I am wondering if I should seriously consider going underground and stop my rants and rumblings because of how it could be used against me in the near to distant future. For all I know a bank may freeze all my assets or out and out arrest me because I shockingly supported a political candidate and The Constitution of the United States of America.

As I watch the news of Big Tech deplatforming Parler, President Trump, and other conservative websites I have watched the argument that these companies are private companies and so, therefore, do not have to abide by the tenants of the Second Amendment. On the face of this I completely agree as they are not government agencies, however, they have been granted Section 230 protections which essentially extends government guaranteed protections to them. So, by extension, they are defacto extensions of the government given protections similar to the utility companies. Therefore, in my mind, they are subject to Second Amendment restrictions. So, perhaps, it is time to start the seizure of domain names starting with Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter for starters until some changes are made in terms of either changing the Section 230 rules, they submit to the regulations like electric utilities must abide by, arrest the management of these companies for treason, change their algorithms to allow all speech, other actions that I have not thought of and or any or all the preceding actions.

With the Georgia Senate races being called in favor of the Democrat Party candidates I am sitting here in my peaceful location flabbergasted that, from my point of view, the same type of fraud committed in the past national general election was perpetrated in Georgia. The same fraud apparently has been committed and no one has gone to jail or is even being investigated. I pray and hope there is action being taken under the radar, so to speak.

I just took a drive into downtown Sacramento, California and am reminded what a third world country California has become ruled by a small corrupt elite cadre of looters. Tents of the homeless lined the freeway entrance and exit to and from the city core. In case anyone who may read this post do not understand the significance of Sacramento, California, Sacramento is the capitol of the US state of California which arguably if it were to be a stand alone country it has one of the largest economies in the world. The ruling elites of California which has spawned the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Gerry Brown Sr, and Jr will be the first to tout California as a world powerhouse to be admired and respected. Well, based on firsthand observation, I cannot confirm their assertation. It is devolving into a third world hole in which fecal matter is deposited. Do not let them fool you.

Lastly, and I know that I have said this before. I have no patience for pedophiles and speaking from personal experience it is one of the worst crimes against a person and against humanity that can be perpetrated. I have a quite visceral response to this crime. I say let the truth come out!

Goodbye 2020

It has been a week since I last posted a comment and to be honest the reason I have not posted is because I am a bit despondent. I will admit that I donated money to a couple of political campaigns this year and I am still receiving solicitations from the campaigns. I am now dismissing them out of hand because I see absolutely no action being taken to hold the cheats, sneaks, and fraudsters who have stolen this most recent election from me and people like me. I still say count every legal vote and the evidence is not being shown to me that every legal vote has been counted and that tens of thousands of illegal votes have occurred. To those who say they will take care of it later I say, “Yeah right do you think I am stupid? You want to drag your feet and hope that people will forget about it so that you can make your money off of the next election”. I am still waiting for the “bombshell” and needless to say I am getting a bit impatient with all the rhetoric and other bologna being peddled.

What this pause to reflect has given rise to within me is the thought that when I do not like a service that I receive from a business or I do not like a particular stance they take politically I can choose to no longer do business with that particular business. For instance, I do not do business with Amazon and will never pay for any of its services, I have not been on Facebook in six months and I will choose any store over Walmart if I can, I am looking at how I can move my business email account off of Google, long ago I quit using Google as my search engine, and now I am looking for alternatives to Netflix as well. Additionally, when Colin Kapernick started taking a knee I took all of my 49er gear down, quit watching the NFL, and this year quit watching MLB when I saw a BLM on a pitcher’s mound. This really has been difficult for me because I like to save money like anyone else and really enjoyed watching sports for entertainment and really have enjoyed the services of Netflix and quite honestly Google had the best search engine for years. I was a happy consumer until these companies, however, now that the owners of these companies have shown themselves to be megalomaniacs with no love for my country and openly support Marxist Leninist Trotskyite organizations and principles I will start my one man boycott of their companies. If others join me all the better but I will at least do my part.   

However, I do not have this recourse when it comes to my government. I do not have the choice to not pay for the so called services that the governments provide me. Let me state up front that I am not an anarchist. I do believe that government is necessary but I am a firm believer that government and its powers should be limited if this has not been clear in the past. I enjoy the notion that thugs that rule China, Russia and elsewhere cannot send ships carrying troops to invade the United States. In other words, I believe the federal government is tasked with the self-defense of our country. It is stated so in the US Constitution for good reason. Because there are those who believe in taking the hard work of those who are industrious and productive by force. I get it. Quite honestly, I enjoy the roads that I drive on though I am not so sure a private company could do the job of maintaining and building roads far more efficiently than my state government. I know there is waste and fraud in the awarding of these contracts as there obviously is in the awarding of military contracts on the federal level. I also enjoy the relative peace that having a local, county and state police and or sheriffs provide in my local area. Without them I am quite sure society would degrade and I would always have to be thinking about mine, my families, and my community’s safety.

But, what I do not enjoy is when my government becomes corrupted and when public service becomes a path to riches at the expense of me I do not have a choice to not pay for the government’s services like I do with commercial enterprises. I do not have a choice to not pay my taxes because if I do not pay my taxes the sheriff or some other branch of law enforcement (who ostensibly only purpose is to keep the peace) will show up at my door with their guns and arrest me. The main recourse I and my fellow citizens have is our vote. Our vote is the currency that each and every citizen has in the marketplace of political ideas and actions. We are each supposed to have one vote no matter how rich, poor, politically connected or not politically connected we are. And now it appears that this has been a charade going back at least twenty years if not further back. At least twenty years since the use of voting machines and probably a century or more in the case of cities with large political machines that have perfected the art of voter fraud.

I would have to say that my grievances are numerous but currently I am not happy with either the executive, the legislative, nor the judicial branches of government nor either of the major political parties in my country. It seems to me that elements of the Executive are out of control with the CIA, FBI and DOJ come to mind right off the top of my head. With regards to the Legislative Branch it seems to be so completely corrupt that they are willing to allow the Executive to run rough shod and comply with their overreaches as for instance in the allowing of the investigations of President Trump and the people around him and carrying out a phony impeachment. I am thinking of James Comey and his underlings in particular in this moment. Additionally, they pass a $1.4 trillion dollar “omnibus” spending bill that provides only $600 to me yet provides $1200 dollars to non-citizens and tens of millions of dollars to foreign interests and etc. It is so obvious that Congress is run by lobbyists and their interests. The Judicial Branch appears to be gone as the Supreme Court will not even do their job as granted them in Article III Section 2 of The Constitution. Texas vs. Pennsylvania has no standing? Give me a break it is your judicial Power to adjudicate controversies between states! This does not even get into all the instances of judicial activism which would be too numerous to list over the last 100 years. Just look at all of the Propositions in California that the people voted for and passed that were subsequently thrown out by corrupt leftist judges.

I sit here and I have to wonder where the leaders are in Washington DC? I have supported President Trump because I see him as being a leader and though I do not agree with everything he stands for, I probably could never work directly for him, and some of his Tweets have made me laugh and cringe I can respect him and his executive abilities. President Trump has not made his fortune off of his position in government as have so many of his detractors both inside and outside (i.e. Big Tech with their Section 230 protection and etc.) of government. What frightens me is that the people inside government have become so comfortable and dependent upon government largess that they have come together to apparently unlawfully prevent mine and others votes from counting. I am fearful that if this is allowed to keep Donald Trump from winning this election then our republic is lost because the one currency I have to express my pleasure or displeasure with current elected office holders, my vote, has been utterly debased and invalidated. To me there is no happy ending to this story if this truly is the level of power the foreign and or domestic enemies of my Constitution have gained and are allowed to keep. As the year of my lord 2021 dawns I will wait quietly to see what, if anything, comes out of Washington DC and around the country in the next week to three weeks. Time is running short and I have to think that I may need to go underground because I will admit that I am more fearful of the left in power than the left carrying out their threats should who appears to be the rightful winner of this election keep power.

Hello 2021!!! Happy New Year!!!

Post Script: Commissions on election fraud, special councils, and Congressional hearings will not change my mind on how I feel about the legitimacy of this past election. I want answers now or the opportunity will be lost forever I fear. If it looks like a delay tactic, and smells like a delay tactic to get the current nonpolitical office holder out of office then it probably is a delay tactic.

Golden Age or Dark Age?

Two days ago, I was reading a story and in the story two of the characters were having a conversation. The two characters are older characters who have seen a lot and have been around a lot and one of the characters is speaking of today. There are two sentences spoken by one of the characters that somehow rang true to me. It rang true to me because in those two sentences it seemed to sum up my observations and opinions of one industry in particular. The two sentences read, “This should be a golden age ushered in on the wings of science and technology. Instead, it is the opposite. The start of a new dark age, using those same tools to spread ignorance and fear.”

It seems like just a little bit of time ago, in reality thirty years ago, I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area working and taking an introduction to computer science class. I was fascinated with the new technology and had to learn what it was all about so that I could move forward in my life with some fundamental knowledge of how the technology worked. It was being touted that this “new technology that would increase productivity and save time for all of us”. In the class, I learned about inputs, outputs, memory, and the computer processing unit (CPU). Within a couple of years I was using an IBM 286 to manipulate data and do word processing. Within another couple of years I was learning how to write code and at the same time explore this new medium called the internet in which I could instantly in my house or in a computer lab communicate and or share ideas and information with others. It seemed to me to be the dawn of a golden age in which information would flow much more freely and quickly than it had up to that time.

It was interesting to note that I remember speaking with the first person that I bought a computer from in 1993. This gentleman essentially bought the computer components and assembled the complete machine for his customers. In a conversation he talked about being in Berkeley California in the 1980’s running in computer geek crowds and meeting Bill Gates. The gentleman that I bought the assembled computer remembered Bill Gates as the geek of geeks and yet he always had a crowd of people around him. By the time I was told this story in 1992 Microsoft was well on its way to the dominance that it developed and currently maintains.

Regardless, I was riding high on the power of the personal computer and the internet as I was able to research, perform calculations, and find spare parts and machinery that otherwise could not be found much easier than it had been before. I think one of the biggest boons for me was the word processing capability because I have never liked typing considering all of the mistakes I make when writing. It was awesome! Suddenly, friends of mine who lived in the San Francisco Bay Area were encouraging me to move back there as they were taking jobs at startups with huge stock options with promises of personal fortunes. Needless to say I was starting to become uncomfortable with how non-technical people were starting to become experts in high tech. Again, secretaries were becoming millionaires. I chose not to move and thank goodness I did not because when the dot com bubble burst some of these same friends lost their jobs and their stock options became worthless. For me personally the euphoric bubble was beginning to burst.

The survivors of this bloodletting only became bigger and stronger and little did I know some of these of the strongest and biggest companies were receiving protections from the US Government. Evidently, as they became bigger they also started using their new found wealth to begin lobbying and out right supporting political candidates. It is little wonder as I sit here now and reminisce that I was becoming disillusioned with the industry instinctively. All the while they became larger and larger. It did not help that new program versions and hardware “versions” were being pushed every year or two and I just could not bring myself to keep up when I had machines that were running perfectly good. I could sense that the technologists had been replaced by greedoligists as the user interfaces became more and more glitzy despite the user functionality remaining essentially the same and in fact decreasing in many cases as the software became more and more proprietary locking me out of certain capabilities.

The last programming language that I learned was C++ and I realized that programming was advancing at rate far faster than I cared to match and so I kind of turned my focus on other items periodically upgrading my computers to newer, faster, and more complex machines. Although I will admit that one of the most frustrating trends at the time was all the extra programs provided on these new machines that were difficult to remove. Quite honestly I never really felt comfortable that I had removed all the superfluous programs and as a consequence that the machine ran as fast as it could but I never really paid too much attention or devoted too much time to “clean” all the garbage programs out of my machines. It began to feel that the machine really was not truly my machine but that I was somehow paying for a machine that someone else could control and manipulate.

This became even more noticeable over the years when due to the increase in interconnectivity updates began being pushed out to my machines, licenses to run certain software packages required one to be online, and security due to hacking and other malicious code became so sophisticated and pervasive that to even visit and use some sites I had to keep my computer security up to date. Thus requiring my machine to be nearly always connected to the internet. My machine became even less my machine but rather like something I am leasing with someone always watching my every move and I have to pay for it. Oh and yes, if you think you are not being watched when you are online I have known this for quite some time and really it is not too difficult to tell that someone is watching you.

Now here we are today and we have FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google) who have essentially become the most powerful companies in the world. Some of whom enjoy the privilege of Section 230 protection and have actually benefitted from the COVID “pandemic” as people have been brow beat into being fearful of going out and meeting people in person. Like Amazon’s destruction of small and even large brick and mortar businesses now they enjoy the benefit of having governments actually destroy their competition while they become larger and larger and more and more powerful. Ever so much more powerful that using technologies perfected with their partners in Communist China they apparently have even been able to turn tools of mass censorship on the country that spawned them. So much for the euphoria that I once associated with the internet; the medium that could provide for free flow and dissemination of information and that could provide so much more freedom to the world.

Make no mistake of my opinion but that I have no doubt that several if not all of these companies have colluded at some level with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). It is my opinion that if a company has done business in China they have had to make deals as the CCP is the most powerful authoritarian regime on the face of the earth currently. In order to do business in CCP controlled China these companies had to develop censorship algorithms. Now it appears the FANG have colluded with the Democratic Party and have conspired to cheat America out of a free and fair elections. I just wonder where the lines between the CCP and FANG exist because from my point of view the lines are very very blurry.

Additionally, I know look back on the history of recent elections in California and even the state that I live in and have to wonder how long this apparent digital vote cheating has been going on? Additionally, in all the other states that are using computerized voting systems? It is my opinion that the union between the big tech giants, the Democratic Party, elements of the Republican Party, the mainstream media and now apparently the CCP is an unholy alliance and an out and out criminal alliance. Freedom is euphoric but what we have now is oppression that is rapidly leading to a disintegration of social cohesion in the United States that is not going to end up good for many many tens if not more tens of millions of people. One that if not stopped now may be too late to be stopped if it indeed it is not already too late. Will the next four years bring us more fear and ignorance or will they bring us more jobs, freedoms, and be more akin to a golden age?

Random Musings 12.11.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I am reading the breaking news about the Covid vaccine and question why many are hell bent on purchasing and distributing the Pfizer vaccine. Something bothers me about putting something in my body that must be super cooled and could potentially affect the RNA of my body. Another thing that bothers me is the rumors that the US Military has already purchased large doses of this vaccine for distribution to our troops. Again I call on the leaders of this country to please do not allow our military to be used as guinea pigs for the vaccine. Right now the only vaccine I am remotely comfortable with is the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine which uses similar technology to previous vaccines and additionally it does not need to be super cooled when stored.

Another thing is to all of these government officials who say they will take the vaccine in public to set an example. Pardon my cynicism but I know how easy it would be to fill a syringe up with a saline solution and play it off as a dose of the vaccine. I personally would prefer to catch the virus right now and treat it like President Trump and Rudolph Giuliani and countless others have and survived.

Chinese honey traps?!? Hmm, some things never change in the espionage game. The good representative from California should immediately be stripped of his security clearance and seat on the House Intelligence Committee pending the outcome of whatever investigation that may be underway if there is one underway.

I am smiling at the actions of Texas and the other 18 states who have enjoined the lawsuit and are challenging the states who have apparently committed fraud against the elections. I am frowning at the states who have filed amicus briefs in support of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia. Of course the states supporting the four states are Democrat Party controlled states such as California, Nevada, and others. I know, big surprise there. I am patiently awaiting what the Supreme Court has to say about this as, to me, this is one of the biggest cases in my lifetime. Even bigger than Florida in 2000 and I certainly hope the Supreme Court takes it up despite the perils fraught with whatever decision they make. Of course, personally, I hope the Supreme Court rules against judicial activism and executive overreach and goes with a conservative originalist interpretation of The Constitution.

Please, whoever is responsible for the security of the Supreme Court Justices and their families security, do your job. I would not put it past radicals on either side but especially the left to find a way to threaten them. Now, if one of them has been dumb enough to compromise themselves then let it come to light so they can be impeached and removed from office because they do not deserve to sit on the bench.

I watched news reports of the city of Los Angeles’ new District Attorney stating that he will not enforce select laws, eliminate cash bail and a host of other actions. Isn’t this just another example, similar to judicial activism, of an elected official overstepping their authority? One man who has been elected using money from an enemy of the state (George Soros) and probably money from Nancy Pelosi considering the new AG is from San Francisco to one position is legislating. To me this is unconstitutional and borderline if not outright criminal. Once again Pelosi ways are being exported to another city to feed off of and destroy. Baltimore to San Francisco to Los Angeles and let us hope not the United States.

I am listening to people who are afraid of threatened violence by the left should the election be legally overturned by the Supreme Court and a legal count is ordered which overturns the election. I personally do not believe we should be concerned as I am fully confident that true patriots have been keeping quiet, preparing and most importantly keeping their powder dry. It may not be pretty but it may be necessary to ensure the survival of our constitutional republic.

Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, has announced a boycott of You Tube. I love it Mr. Sanger!

I heard a new term on HRR today who is posting on Brighteon and it is Techno Fascist. Thank you!

Random Musings 11.19.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I listened to the news this morning while working out and there are reports of intimidation against Republican poll watchers and against an attorney who is or perhaps was working on one of President Trump’s lawsuits against the election results. One of the stories takes place in Michigan and the other takes place in Pennsylvania. These would then be examples, if proven true, of thuggish brutish and criminal behavior and the perpetrators of these crimes need to be held accountable.

So, Google starts Google Pay and thus creates their own bank, Amazon has now gone into the pharmacy business all announced in the span of a whole two days. Geez, who has been making money during this pandemic while countless numbers of small businesses are shuttered? Yet again, can anyone say anti-trust?

California Governor Newsom caught on camera with leaders and a lobbyist of California’s medical community eating in one of the most expensive restaurants in the country. That in and of itself stinks in the midst of a pandemic but to add icing to the cake none of them wore personal protective equipment (ppe), they were sat indoors, and the whole party of twelve was packed around a table with obviously less than six feet between each of them. Can you say hypocrisy?

What bothers me most is that Governor Newsom can meet with the so called medical leaders of the state for dinner in a group of twelve, which by the way exceeds the maximum allowed by state edict, to one could ostensibly assume to discuss their next actions against the citizens of California in the name of the pandemic. This while on the other side they are placing increasing numbers of counties in “purple” status which shuts down restaurants and are encouraging people to not hold Thanksgiving Dinners in their own homes. Wow, do you think perhaps Governor Newsom, his handlers and minions and all of the others across the country, (i.e. Governor Cuomo) and etc. like him do not want families, friends, and associates to gather because they fear political repercussions? You know the sort of political repercussions that could germinate when friends, family, and associates gather, talk, and begin comparing notes so to speak.

Let us not forget that the British did allow large gatherings in the days leading up to the American Revolution as have plenty of other dictators and etc. throughout the course of human history. Let us not forget that often the Sons of Liberty met in taverns throughout the American Colonies because obviously this fact has not been lost on the perpetrators of the COVID restrictions.

I just finished watching he press conference with President Trump’s attorneys and have to say I am encouraged. I am still digesting a fair amount of it but have to say overall it was encouraging despite Mayor Giuliani’s perspiration streaked face. Of course doing a Yahoo search I pull up the headlines such as” Giuliani quotes ‘My Cousin Vinny’ as he sets out conspiracy theories at bizarre press conference”, “Most respectable lawyers have quit Trump’s lawsuits…”, and “Confusion as Trump’s lawyers how press conference nest to sex shop”. I personally think Sidney Powell and especially Jenna Ellis were very well laid out. Ms. Ellis mentioned, and I am paraphrasing, that these are essentially opening statements and that the case is not to be judged in the court of public opinion but rather in the legal system. Therefore, there is no need to provide the details to the press. So true! If you are to believe Yahoo News one would think that the team is nothing but a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theorists. I wonder if they are saying this because each of the attorneys called the members of the press for their lack of objective reporting. I for one am patient and would like to see this played out in court. I certainly do not believe an iota of what the media is reporting. In fact, seeing the facts that can be laid out in the manner that they have been so far seems to me that more investigating is needed. I lived through the election of 2000 and it took much longer to resolve than has expired so far in since this current election was supposedly held.

One last thought is when people need to be bullied, censored, and otherwise threatened and intimidated into a view other than what they initially believe I ask myself why? I ask myself who are the people doing the bullying and intimidating and what are they hiding and trying to pull over on me? Something stinks when this simultaneously occurs geographically disperse areas and at the same time. Kind of like the “spontaneous’ eruption of protests and riots across the country as if on cue and with equal fervor.  

No Man’s Land

I sit this morning with all media turned off to be with my thoughts, impressions, and prayers as I try and make sense of the election day and the four years leading up to yesterday and today. It is quiet but it is not a peaceful quiet. I am recollecting and pondering what I consider to be our nation’s first virtual election its implications today and potentially going forward. The nearest example to this eerie silence is the eerie silence that I have experienced before battle commences in military field exercises and the silence one experiences just before going outside the wire in a hostile combat zone. A sort of no man’s land in which anything could happen. The silence that one hopes they have all their kit in order and that their training will be sufficient for any contingency and that help will be close enough should contact be made. However, one difference today that I sense is I am not sure where or if there will be any help.

Let me state up front that I call this our nation’s first virtual election because as I recall the events of the last several years I am waking up even more to the corrupting influence Silicon Valley is having on our nations media, political class, and business in general. I will also state up front that it is not just Silicon Valley that is the corrupting influence but rather the dark unholy marriage between Silicon Valley’s vast financial resources with the corrupt political, media and business classes in our country.

In the last several weeks an expanded vision of corruption and the extent to which the vile nefarious wraith like influence of Silicon Valley’s influence has dawned in my consciousness. The vision of Jack Dorsey’s hollow sunken distracted eyes set in his hollow cheeked scraggly bearded face has haunted me since watching him get grilled by Senator Cruz. The brazen disrespect as exemplified by what I consider to be statements bordering on perjury regarding Twitter’s policies regarding posts and accounts that they ban and the reasons they do so just rang hallow to me. It took nearly another week for Twitter to remove their ban on the New York Post’s reporting of the Hunter Bidden laptop. It appears to me that Jack Dorsey considers himself to be above the law.

The next idea or realization that occurred to me is looking geographically where the most left leaning politicians in the country reside and represent relative to Silicon Valley. Obviously, we have Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco, Kamala Harris from Oakland, California. Two cities within a half hour drive of Silicon Valley when traffic is not too congested. Then radiate outward from here my mind goes to Hollywood a mere one hour flight from Silicon Valley which is represented by none other than Adam Schiff. And to the north we go to Portland another hour’s flight from Silicon Valley and finally up to Seattle maybe another half hour flight beyond Portland. Spreading east over time we have seen Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and other states gradually leaning and going more left with passing time.  This year we have witnessed vast and huge sums of money being poured into political races throughout the country to include the South Carolina and Iowa Senate races. Where did this money come from?

I witnessed the Dot Com bubble and bust in the 1990’s and in fact participated peripherally in many of the conversations and actually embraced the advent of the internet and personal computing. I used an Intel based 286 computer to type up some of the first work packages, letters, and data base manipulations for my work and loved the flexibility and power that if provided at the tip of my fingertips. Using the Intel based 386 computer I explored the internet for the first time setting up an email account and communicating with my local universities servers I thought I was the mater of my own universe.

I remember visiting friends in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990’s and the energy and euphoria of the boom were palpable as one could almost taste the excitement and buzz surrounding the amount of wealth being created and generated. My friend’s wife started to work for a startup company and part of her compensation package was options on the company’s stock as promises were made, co-workers were investing their money in tech stocks expecting to retire at the age of thirty, and on and on and on. I remember noting the apparent, even then, ruthless competition to acquire talent as campuses were being created to keep employees satisfied and the vast sums of money being thrown at engineers to entice them to work for these companies. All the while property values and the cost of living in the San Francisco Bay Area continued to up and up and up.

Of course, this all came crashing down wiping out many life savings in the process and bankrupting countless internet and tech startups as it probably should. It is the way of business and only the strongest survived. To survive the slaughterhouse of the late nineties I will also submit that not only were some of these companies the strongest but some of them were the most ruthless. For instance, Amazon emerged taking out whole industries starting with brick and mortar book sellers. I will admit that Amazon is much more efficient at moving product than the traditional book seller but I am one who enjoyed the physical act of going to a store that smelled of new books, where one could browse many genres of books, and where one could sit down and manually flip through pages scanning and deciding if this was the right purchase for me. It was not a virtual experience illuminated by photons emanating from a computer screen. The survivors of this onslaught came out stronger, with increased market share, and began accumulating wealth beyond imagination.

What does one do when they have accumulated so much wealth that they do not know what to do with it? Personally, I do not know as I have not experienced this in this lifetime. But I have observed people like Bill and Melinda Gates building an expansive mansion near Seattle and starting a Foundation. I have seen Jeff Bezos continue to expand his reach into media, food, back to setting up brick and mortar store fronts, and seemingly reach to become the wealthiest man in the world. Google has quietly acquired countless companies while becoming a verb along with the most visited search engine on the internet. Facebook, to me is a time suck and quite honestly is drug like. I have spent some time on Facebook and have been shocked at how quickly the time has gone by engaging in conversations, reading posts, and making posts. Mark Zuckerberg has been quiet with where he spends his money at least from my point of view Twitter, on the other hand, sort of came out of nowhere in my world as I was already becoming disillusioned with the internet and all things Silicon Valley when they broke on the scene. And after seeing Jack Dorsey’s wraithlike drug fueled eyes I am glad I have not given Twitter much of my time or energy.

Where do they spend their money? Though I do not direct proof as I do not have the resources to thoroughly investigate my suspicions it has dawned on me that there is a pattern developing and patterns that I am suspicious of. First off, there is a rise in left wing Democratic politicians on the national stage who are from California. Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and Adam Schiff come to mind. Second, California is now a one party state and this has happened since the rise of Silicon Valley wealth. Nevada, Oregon, Washington are just about one party states and this shift has all happened since the wealth of Silicon Valley has been accumulated. The largest beneficiaries of the COVID 19 crisis has been Silicon Valley and their monopoly on virtual communications platforms and shopping. How many hundreds of millions of dollars of money were poured into Democratic Party candidate’s coffers? To me there is only one industry that can support the type of funding across the country and in the manner that the money was spent and the industry is tech and the media outlets it supports and is in collusion with. Have we, as a country, entered the land of Mordor in which the ever present eye of Sauron could fall upon us at any time and deploy his wraiths to do his bidding?

I know see the lines more clearly now and it frightens me. I am frightened and awestruck at the lengths these people will apparently go to maintain their power and influence. I now have to question the legitimacy of some conspiratorial theories that COVID 19 was a creation of an alliance between international leftists in the United States and the Chinese Communist Party to ensure President Trump is not reelected as possibly being correct. It seems while the majority of the people are in isolation a great power grab is being undertaken by leftist elites who are more than willing to censor, further isolate, black mail, and threaten violence in order to lead our country into a leftist collective hell hole ruled by an ever shrinking minority. If President Trump loses this election it will be a close loss and I have to wonder had there not been COCID 19 in which the Joe Biden campaign literally was able to get massive virtual support through television commercials, Silicon Valley censorship and suppression, media suppression of relevant news while in person meetings were limited if not outright banned by Democrat Governors in the battleground state would President Trump have won by a landslide? Would President Trump have clearly won once Democratic strongholds with ease? Again, with COVID 19 restrictions in place this election became a virtual election that played into the hands of Silicon Valley and their surrogates at the expense of freedom.