Random Musings on Current Events 9-17-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am disgusted with General and Flag officers who stay into retirement and do not stand for anything but their own retirement. They do not want to get demoted or stand up because they will retire at lower pay and or not get a lucrative beltway bandit job after retirement. I then think of my own circumstances in which I took an early retirement so that I did not have to get the experimental mRNA jab. No fat cat beltway job waiting for me.

I cannot believe that the Berkey Filter has been ruled to be a pesticide by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Denver office arbitrarily and without public comment because it uses trace amounts of silver, a natural antibiotic (not pesticide), in its filters. This is just another in a long list of onerous overreaches by the EPA.

Interesting that it seems Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are now being called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) findings now.

Another interesting convergence, in my opinion, is that CCP has stepped up its military drills around Taiwan at the same time there is a brewing local debt crisis, has announced plans for a grain distribution hub at its Russian border and an increase in its trade with the Middle East. Are the Han preparing to flex their belt and road and make good on their promise to take Taiwan in order to deflect and maintain domestic “tranquility”?

 My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the flood in Libya.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.3.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is spouting and supporting a push within the California Legislature to restrict conceal carry laws because of the most recent mass shootings in the golden state. First, why does California have a full time legislature and for that matter why does the United States have a full time Congress? Secondly, I get that Gavin Newsom is a psychopath as is many who desire to become full time legislatures. They love the power and the ability it gives them to operate above the law and the ability it gives them to bend the law to their will. What gets me is why are Californian’s putting up with this? How and why did Californian’s submit to this band of psychopathic sociopaths who have destroyed the state government and as a result made it intolerable for free men and women to live in the state? It certainly is something to ponder.

ANITFA is rioting in several major cities across the United States because of the much anticipated release of the police body cam footage of the Memphis police who killed a young man three weeks ago. This killing has provided an excuse for the leftists to riot and I am not exactly sure why they are rioting. Because the six Memphis policemen involved in the killing are African American, have been fired, and are now being charges with murder one cannot argue that it was racially motivated with any merit to their argument. Is it to keep our minds off the escalation in Ukraine? Is it to keep our minds focused on something other than the release of the Paul Pelosi attack video? Is it to keep our attention away from Pfizer? Or could it just be the leftists have decided to go for it no matter the consequences or who knows? One thing for certain I saw from a report in one of the citizens was a sign calling for the end of capitalism and espousing the virtues of socialism while they attack businesses.

It appears yet again that the “spontaneous” protest and rioting across the nation in response to the Memphis killing is indeed coordinated and planned. I have read reports of notices being put out, equipment being staged, and protesters shuttling about the country across state lines to incite and play part in the riots in advance of the well-publicized release of the video late in the day on a Friday. These rioters are breaking business windows and destroying the means of livelihood of these business owners and their employees. So far, I have heard of no one being hurt or killed but I would imagine the possibility is running high. There is no doubt in my mind that it is incumbent upon the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other Federal offices to devote a large portion of their resources to root out the conspiracy behind this outrage against business and working class Americans!!! It would be an absolute outrage if they did not.

I have not been reading or listening to a whole lot of news this week because I have been too busy preparing for my day job projects and in one case actually doing work for a project. Additionally, I am repairing a vehicle that was damaged. It is amazing how when I am busy doing actual work how little time there is for watching and commenting on political bull s*it. Quite honestly it feels good to use my hands to repair a car and my mind to calculate and delve deep into design and operational work, in other words, geek out on engineering related tasks. Perhaps this is part of the problem with the world. Too few people (and the numbers I would imagine are growing smaller) understand the joy of creating or repairing something to make it useful and functional.

I sit here typing and wonder what “crisis” will next be created by the tyrannical minority to exert more control over my life. Whether the crisis that is created be to take more control over my finances in the guise of a digital currency, a terrorist attack to pass a revised and updated Homeland Security Act, a man made pandemic to pump a whole lot of money into the markets and essentially create a soft socialist takeover of the economy or what? Perhaps it is Chinese balloons, the unemployment rate lowering more than anticipated or whatever else the sociopaths dream up.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It appears that the railway workers in the US have been dealt a bad hand by both the President, their Union leaders and now the US Congress. Here we are just emerging from a pandemic, fraudulent as it was, in which we were supposed to stay home when sick to learn that railway workers did not have sick leave. I had to ask myself, “What?” The railroads are a major component in the logistics backbone of this nation and its workers are not asking for much, at least on the surface. What is going on here that the politicians and union leaders are siding with the railway companies? Something stinks here and the rank and file appear to be getting screwed.

I just had a conversation in which I learned that Janet Yellen was on Stephen Colbert and she blamed the American public, writ large, for inflation. I heard this and did a double take as I could not believe what I heard. So, Secretary Yellen, you and others in government screwed us all with your ridiculous, overbearing, and unnecessary shutdowns for a man made virus that ostensibly was unleashed to implement legalized voter fraud, then you provided stimulus to help offset these shutdowns and now you are blaming us for inflation? So, you screwed us against our will and now you are going to tell us that we are to blame for the forcible screwing? That makes a lot of sense, not!

I am tired of the LGBTWRS movement. It is a waste of time, it is counterproductive, and I will not stand for it anymore. I do not support homosexuality, I will call people by gender specific pronouns whether they like it or do not like it, and I will not allow or support men competing in women’s sports because they are men no matter how they dress. The Socialist movement used women in the beginning and now the women are being kicked to the curb.

Speaking of cross dressing bald headed fools that somehow have gotten positions of leadership in the Biden administration. We have one who steals luggage and somehow plays it off that it was an accident. The guy is a criminal, his security clearance should be revoked, he should be fired without severance, and he should never be allowed a position of authority ever again. After all, I would probably have the same done to me just for typing the above paragraph.

Speaking of another cross dressing piece of work the Surgeon General should be given the option to either start dressing as the man that he is or resign. The person is a man, end of story. If you have a penis, you are a male whether you self-identify or not. I notice that you are unwilling to become a eunuch.

Arizona seems to be capitulating in the face of the most recent election steal while the White House throws a lavish state dinner in which celebrities and others are invited for French President Macron and his wife. It was a dinner to honor and stroke each other’s backs and egos for the globalist elites.

Still a very watered down response from the administration and MSM regarding the protests in China and in Iran. Of course, the Chinese have sent tanks in to quell some of these riots while some leaders in the west, for instance the CEO of Apple who was invited to the White House State Dinner, praises the government of China. This man and others like him do not respect me or my rights and I, for the record, never expect these types of people, if you want to call them people, to respect me or my rights.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.25.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Arizona is fighting their election results with multiple counties being unwilling to certify their elections. I believe this to be awesome and it appears there are true patriots in Arizona who are willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. This is unlike their neighboring state of Nevada where the Republicans have once again merely rolled over and accepted the results of a fraudulent election in many cases. They conceded without nary a fight.

Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zenn has been convicted of pro-democracy support along with five others. So, just another example of what Communist Thugs will do to maintain their power and how words do hurt them. Like how Democrat Governors would shut down churches during the pandemic while allowing box stores to remain open. What was it the Democrat governors were afraid would be said by the clergy and others in houses of worship?

Does it surprise anyone that Pope Francis has said nary a word of support for the Cardinal or condemned the actions of the Hong Kong court? Why would it surprise anyone that an avowed Argentine socialist would not support a Cardinal who espouses and supports freedom in a city being forced by the government to submit to the will of the socialist dictatorship? One thing it seems socialists all over the world have in common is their belief and support of socialist dictatorships. After all, no one in their right minds, given all the information and realities of socialism, would ever willingly and freely choose socialism.

Is anyone else surprised that the mainstream media is not reporting one wit of the Foxconn riots in China? You know the factory that assembles iPhones and pays their workers a mere pittance of what their counterparts would make in Taiwan let alone in the United States.

More shootings in the US are being exaggerated up by the left as a reason for gun control. This despite the narratives being pushed by the mainstream media usually being proved false withing twenty four hours of their release. Blah blah blah and by the way you will not take my Second Amendment rights away from me.

I see the World Cup competition has started in Qatar with even a bit of drama scripted around Iran to give the requisite national drama. Personally, NBC has been advertising their coverage for months now and I do not plan to watch any of the globalist sponsored spectacles. I will, however, watch some American football and hockey. Soccer puts me to sleep and I will not contribute to NBC’s ratings, support any of the sponsors, nor will I give the globalist puppet masters any of my time.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings and (mostly) Election Observations 11.11.22

Random Musings and Special Election Observations 11.11.22

The pundits are already blaming the poorer than advertised showing of Republicans because of Donald Trump. This was from a “New York Democrat” on Fox who voted Republican. He blames Donald Trump for the Republicans not winning in New York. All I can say right now is get lost New York and get lost California. I do not give a rip about what you think, say or do. Go and do something with yourselves and leave me out of it. For you who care, I toned down and removed several expletives in this draft as compared to my first draft in case you wondered what I really think

The area that I live in, which is predominately Red, had the number of polling locations consolidated from 2 to 1 in this election. In the one remaining polling location, where I voted yesterday, there were five machines, one of which was not working, and this number was down from nine voting machines at this location the previous election. Within 45 minutes of my arriving to vote, the line was long, all of the voting machines (Dominion Voting Machines in case anyone wonders) quit working and the workers at the polling location said that a technician had been called. In the meantime, I live in a State where all voters were mailed a ballot, the workers made sure everyone who was in line to vote in person knew that if they had a mail in ballot, they could drop them off in the box provided at the polling location. The voters in line were informed that they could go to another polling location in the county as well. Needless to say, I would estimate around 40 people took advantage of dropping their ballots into the box and the line grew increasing short in a relatively short amount of time.

Due to the rapid decrease in the length of the line I quickly found myself inside the building where the machines were located only to learn that the computer that was used to somehow synchronize a card that is used to insert into the voting machines themselves was the problem. The woman who was working on the computer was the same person who suggested and argued that the drop box was secure and that there was no way to commit fraud despite the mail in ballots having no way to verify their accuracy via signature once taken out of the envelope.

All the while as people cast their mail in ballots more people arrived and the remaining stalwarts, me included, remained in line waiting to see what was going to happen. At some point the workers made mention that no technician had been dispatched at about the same time a news crew from one of the local television stations showed up. The crew mentioned that there were problems in another area of the county that is predominately Red also, shot some footage, and left. Miraculously, within five minutes of the news crew leaving the computer that synchronized the voting machine cards started to work and within ten minutes I was able to cast my vote on a machine. I spent a total of two hours waiting in line for a machine and the computer did not work for about 50 minutes.

I decided to check the national news a few hours later during my lunch break and learned that in Arizona’s Maricopa County there was massive trouble with voting machines and in other places around the country voting machines did not have the right ink or ink distribution to print ballots. Funny that it seemed, according to reports, that most of the problems, like the one I experienced, were mostly in Red areas. I thought to myself, uh oh, how can a first world country, supposedly, and the inventors of high tech computers have these sorts of troubles?

Moving on to the evening, the results were on television in my household whether I wanted them on or not. I learned that in the big Democrat run city of Philadelphia the democrat candidate at the time had over 90% of the vote. Does that seem a bit extreme to anyone else? Of course, the talking heads have all the reasons in the world that this is happening in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, and other areas. I am sorry but it is all starting to sound a bit too canned for my taste and a bit too formulaic. Let us not forget that Philadelphia and New York are essentially “no go” zones due to rampant crime.

The day after the election, I woke up to find that the Arizona and Nevada races were too close to call and at the same time the election office had been closed for hours in my home state. In Nevada Republicans were ahead in the Senate and Governor races but only 76% of the votes had been counted which puzzled me to no end. Nevada is a state that uses the dominion voting machines but county officials are stating that it will take longer because of the mail in ballots. This after they shut down their ballot counting machines overnight and claim the results will not be in for over a week. Wait! What really is going on here? Something smells fishy here and it is not just the fishy smell blowing north across the border from Arizona.

Now, it is Friday and in Nevada Adam Laxalt barely holds a lead for Senate, the Republican Governor candidate, Joe Lombardo, is barely holding on to a lead, in Arizona Kari Lake just cannot seem to get over the hump, and Arizona’s Republican candidate for Senate Blake Masters cannot seem to really close the gap. In Washoe County, Nevada which has the cities of Reno and Sparks, the second most populous county in Nevada behind Clark County which has Las Vegas I have heard reports of voter machine malfunctions on election day. Additionally, I have heard that Washoe County has a live stream of their vote counting rooms that up until about 3 PM yesterday, Thursday November 2, 2022, and Adam Laxalt was up by nearly a thousand votes. At about 3 pm two of the cameras went down for a couple of hours and when the four cameras came back online Catherine Cortez Masto, the Democratic candidate for the US Senate, had a five thousand vote lead in the county and the Joe Lombardo’s lead was drastically diminished. Coincidence? I do not know but it certainly seems strange in today’s world and climate. One would think that the County, which once could produce election results on election night, would be able to do the same in today’s day and age.

Speaking of Arizona and machines breaking down in Maricopa County, the Secretary of State responsible for monitoring the elections is running for Governor and did not recuse herself from monitoring the election!? Whoa whoa whoa! Talk about a blatant conflict of interest and the mainstream press is not reporting a thing about this, not even Fox.

A good Veteran’s Day to all in the United States who have served and to those outside the United States have a good Remembrance Day.

What is going on here? Have we given up so much of our freedoms in the name of convenience and maintaining stability that we cannot even call a spade a spade? All of this reeks of corruption and no one within the establishment will call it so. Only people outside of the establishment are calling it what it is.

A good Veteran’s Day to all in the United States who have served and to those outside the United States have a good Remembrance Day. God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.14.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state in a sort of journal format.

One time I donated to President Trump’s campaign and, in fact, I even supported Senator Graham during the 2020 election. It was obvious that my information was either given or sold to the Graham campaign because I was sent emails and texts that were remarkably like those that the Trump campaign sent. This election cycle my texts are getting blown up with solicitations from mostly Republican candidates and yet again they all essentially look the same as from 2020. What is amazing to me is how many phone numbers that these campaign organizations of businesses are purchasing because no matter how many of these numbers that I ignore, which is all of them, more texts keep rolling in.

Speaking of which I recently got several of these texts from the Republican National Party (RNC) despite being called by their phone callers more than once in which I told them that I will no longer support the RNC. I told the phone caller, both times, that so long as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, the RINO Senator from Utah and other Republicans who would rather be in the minority rather than be leaders received support from the RNC I could no longer support the RNC. I have not received any more phone calls to my knowledge but I sure am getting a lot of texts. Of course, I ignore at least five calls a day that are obviously telemarketers or spam so perhaps I am giving them too much credit.

More January 6 hearings in the kangaroo committee in the US House of Representatives. I would yawn if it were not for the waste of taxpayer money, time, and affront to freedom that it represents. Just ask Brandon Straka and others while Nancy Pelosi who threatened to punch President Trump while he was still in office was never arrested and will surely not be called before the kangaroo committee. Who really incites violence?

Speaking of California, the state that Nancy Pelosi’s tiny district that she supposedly represents is part of, I just learned that there is an organization or perhaps even a movement called the New California State which appears to be legitimate at least on the surface. I am impressed to learn that this seems to be well organized and to be honest well along in its development and organization. Stay tuned for more on this because I believe that I may have to “recognize” this new state. My concern is that I hope they are prepared for the attacks that inevitably will come at them from all corners of the dictatorial regime in California with backing from Washington D.C. See my comment on Nancy Pelosi in the preceding paragraph. One also need to look no further than the chair of the kangaroo committee representing yet another small district in the Golden State.

The Russians have shot several rocket volleys over the Ukraine in the past week. I thought their rocket reserves were decimated and that Russia was on the verge of collapse? You will have to pardon my cynicism and pessimism but I do not believe a word that is coming out of the mainstream media, the US Government spokes people, and certainly not out of the White House. Now Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is saying the Ukraine conflict was solely started by Russia? This is the same man who is forcing by coercion US Military personnel to take an experimental mRNA injection or be separated from the military and I am supposed to believe and trust what he says in truth? A man who was until just a couple of years ago on the payroll of Raytheon? I don’t think so.

Alex Jones has been handed a penalty of nearly a billion dollars based on a sham trial in which the Judge, an obvious political hack, would not even allow him to defend himself. This because he failed to produce documents that did not exist and in which Alex Jones admitted that he made a mistake. Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a New York second. I am not familiar with the details of the trial and what Mr. Jones said, did not say, or what his organization did. However, I have been aware of Alex Jones for well over a decade and know that he is anything but a conformist. My impression is that he is passionate and will say what is on his mind at any given moment whether it is right or wrong but will admit when he is wrong which apparently happened in the case of Sandy Hook. This leads me to question the magnitude of response against Mr. Jones in this matter. It seems to be way out of proportion and has me questioning if this is not a political-economic hit job when the media is constantly falsifying and covering up for those in the elite (i.e., Hunter Biden, Iraq War justification, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton server, Russia Collusion etc.). All I can think now is that apparently Alex Jones is over the target for there to be such a ridiculous trial and penalty to be levied against him. I must ask, for the umpteenth (who knows how many) time, what really is going on here? This appears to be a complete sham against him and quite honestly a criminal conspiracy. What about Mr. Jones’ First Amendment Rights and thanks to this ridiculous over reaction by the establishment and its blatant violation to guarantee his First Amendment Rights I must think that Mr. Jones is probably correct about more and more things than ever before.

I have been checking this website’s statistics and how many visitors I am getting per day and per week. Needless to say, it is not too many and I am OK with that. After all, I must wonder with the bots and algorithms written and controlled by Twitter, Google, Facebook and the others just how many visits their sites really are getting? I know it is more than me as it should but I now am quite confident that they really are not as big as they purport to be. In fact, like Lucifer they are mostly illusion using lies and deception to hoodwink a great number of people into giving up their souls.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.16.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I am laughing today at the complete and total overreaction of Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton (I thought she had been put out to pasture), and other Democrat’s outrage at Governors DeSantis and Abbot transporting illegal immigrants to “sanctuary cities”. It is even more hilarious that the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was the transport of a couple of handfuls of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Talk about Democrat hypocrisy being on full display. How about the millions of illegal immigrants being allowed to cross our countries southern borders you hypocrites? In the meantime, I need to take a moment to allow the ache from laughter in my midsection to subside.

Apparently, the number of Democrat candidates is growing around the country who are unwilling to debate their Republican opponents in debates this election season. I find it interesting that with all the reports of Democrats distancing themselves from President Biden these Democrats are following his basement campaign strategy. Perhaps, they are unwilling to debate because they know the fix is already in and do not want to risk overwhelming the fix with an increase in voters against their campaigns after potential bad showings in debates?

I just paid my Waste Management garbage pickup bill that is mandated by my county whether I use Waste Management’s services or not. I know in the good interest of good sanitation and cleanliness it is vitally important for garbage to be collected, however, what I am not comfortable with is my county giving essentially what amounts to a monopoly franchise for this service. Waste Management not only picks up garbage but they also control the transfer sites and landfill. On top of this their customer service really is not that good. I often wonder how they became so big and connected?

With all the money and aid that is being promised to Ukraine and knowledge of Hunter Biden’s murky ties to Ukraine, along with other high level Democrats, I cannot help but wonder how much of that taxpayer money is making it back to secret offshore accounts belonging to these Democrats and their cronies.

Major credit card companies are adding a category showing gun store purchases. I guess it is time to stop using my credit cards for anything. Unfortunately, all my credit cards are from these same companies. I wonder what I am going to do going forward because I certainly do not want to support these companies anymore.

Personally, it has been a long and difficult week and I am going to hoist and enjoy immensely a cold amber ale from one of my local breweries.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

After yesterday I am more firmly of the belief that the current Democrats in power are unwavering, uncompromising ideologues that are extremely dangerous for this country. I guess that I am a fascist, semi fascist, and or an extremist because I believe in the Constitution. A document that I swore to uphold many times. This group in charge does not want to find middle ground, in fact, they want total power and are showing more and more dictatorial tendencies by the day. I am finding more and more that they cannot nor will not be reasoned with. I cannot believe that President Biden (really his handlers) is doubling down on this matter.

Did anyone else feel the stage set that Biden used was eerily reminiscent of NAZI stagecraft? Red and black colors with military staged in the background. Quite chilling as a matter of fact.

Speaking of which it seems that Washington Post’s (Jeff Bezos’ propaganda outlet) Eugene Robinson branded Biden’s speech a wartime address. It seems that the Technocracy truly may be fomenting civil war in this country. Speaking of which a theory that has been posited but only recently came to my attention is that the end game of all this angst and division in our country is being created by and being stoked by technocrats with the end game being the creation of a technocracy. I need to think about this a bit but certainly at the surface it seems without a doubt plausible. Perhaps Big Tech is an enemy of The Constitution of the United States of America?

Speaker Pelosi does not support the Data Privacy Bill because “California has stricter data privacy laws”. She is essentially saying the Data Privacy Bill will supersede California’s laws which are “stricter”. I do not know for sure but alarms bells are sounding once again in my mind. Silicon Valley which borders Speaker Pelosi’s representative district and the tech giants that have undoubtedly supported her, her husband, and her family are not going to support a bill that holds them to a less restrictive regulatory environment? Yet again something smells fishy, and unlike the smells of fish in a San Francisco Chinatown market, this fishy smell is really rotten which is nothing new around the Pelosi/D’Alesandro family.

Twenty three pages redacted, including 10 of them completely redacted, from the affidavit from the DOJ to search President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? Geez, they must have a lot of sources and methods being used to justify the raid. Sources and methods that one would think would be better used to perhaps go after international drug and human trafficking rings? How about international arms dealers that are illegally supplying these rings, terrorists and rogue nations? Or maybe pedophile rings, Hunter Biden’s laptop and his connections with the CCP at the least!? Give me a freakin’ break! What a waste of taxpayer money. Oh yes, and the Judge who signed the warrant represented one of Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators in a case. What an incestuous body of vile putrid water.

Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to what was painfully obvious with regards to censoring the Hunter Biden laptop information prior to the 2020 presidential election. Of course, he is blaming the FBI and is taking no responsibility for allowing it on to happen on his platform. What a weasel.

Stephen Smith and Ryan Clark? It is any wonder why I no longer watch ESPN. Talk about a couple of racists. They think because someone is black, they should be able to get away with anything. Blah blah blah, here is such a thing as reverse discrimination and racism.

I saw something that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla who ironically just announced that he tested positive for COVID, wants to put microchips in pharmaceuticals created by Pfizer. In the video I saw of him describing the uses for these microchips I became terrified. Paraphrasing what he said he mentioned that these can be used to ensure a person takes their medications. On the face this looks OK but what if someone is being coerced or forced to take a medication against their will? This has such potential for abuse by the petty and not so petty tyrants in our world. What’s next? The ruling elite class will be able to tell if I have taken my SOMA that makes me compliant and subservient to their dictates?

I just this week learned of the USDA raid of the Miller farm in rural Pennsylvania. Pfizer CEO

apparently, if one wants to eat and drink whole milk and organic produce and meats, they are going to have to obtain it on the black market. I must wonder what agricultural conglomerate has paid the USDA off to put the Miller family farm out of business so that they can scoop the land up at bargain basement prices? This reeks of yet more corrupt government overreach.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.19.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

The current event most prominent in my world now is that it rained for several hours last night in the middle of August which is highly unusual. The dust has been cleaned off everything outside leaving the colors much more brilliant. What’s more is there is no smoke, so far, this August for the first one in years from California. Evidently, the arsonists have moved to western Europe, for the time being at least, and are setting fires there.

The “Inflation Reduction Act” has been passed and signed by Joe Biden into law. Geez, I feel so much better now knowing that Washington DC has my back. Perhaps I should buy some body armor to protect my back?

I took pause and remembered the debacle of the United States’ final withdrawal from Afghanistan this week on its first anniversary. I have written about this already for Memorial Day and will not go too far into it. What I will say is that I still see that no one being held accountable for the debacle.

I read that James Carville, The New York Times, and other leftists claim that the Republican Party is the greatest threat to democracy in this country. Mr. Carville and others let me check the facts. The last time I read history, if it has not yet been changed by the Ministry of Information, all socialist states demand larger governments with more centralized control and taxes and the government control to support their central governments. The extremes being NAZI Germany, USSR, Communist China and the less extremes being Sweden and other Nordic States. Who really is the greatest threat to democracy? I feel that Mr. Carville you should give up your residences so that I can get my fair share for missing work this past year to grieve the death of my child. After all, don’t you and others in your camp believe in the redistribution of wealth axiom of Marx “…each according to his need?”

I had a routine visit with my doctor this past week and it seems that I am getting healthier. My blood sugars have declined, my cholesterol has declined, and all other metrics are the same. To be honest I am not really working out anymore that I have the past couple of years, I have experienced the death of a child, in my grief I have not worked as much and therefore my income has declined and it makes wonder how this is so? The only thing that I can think of is I retired from the nation’s military reserve and it is now more than a year since I have taken a vaccine of any sort. The last couple of vaccines that I had were flu vaccines for the previous 4 years that I took to maintain my status in the armed forces reserves. Obviously, I chose not to be part of the FDA Phase 3/4 (unclear to me which phase this really is) clinical trial of the mRNA drugs which is the reason I chose to retire from the military when I did. So, I attribute it to a decrease in stress from either being on the hook for war and additionally my body is purging itself of all the garbage that has been injected into me for years. I thank God every day that I chose to be part of the mRNA experiment as a member of the non-injected test group.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bouria has COVID after being vaccinated four times. Interesting, I have never taken the mRNA injection, survived COVID albeit I did take Ivermectin, and have not had COVID since except for maybe once. I say once because I had a similar immune response as I did when I had COVID and my immune response was unlike anything I had ever had. The only difference is the immune response the second time lasted no more than a day and were far milder than the first time.

Speaking of which I commend Novak Djokavic for not bowing down to the US, Australia and other countries requiring the mRNA injection to enter their countries. On the other hand, I condemn the US, Australia, and other country’s bureaucratic institutions and their leaders who keep pushing this ineffective, unnecessary, and it appears to be deadly in some cases injection. I certainly cannot blame Mr. Djokavic and others who do not support the Fauci Tax that ultimately may be paid with their health and possibly life.

For the first time in many months, I went to my local Amazon Whole Foods Market and was struck by the number of people wearing face diapers in the store. Is this a foreshadowing of what the “Big Tech Masters of the Universe” have in store for us plebeians this fall?

Does anyone else find it interesting that President Biden is slow rolling the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022. Does anyone else find it ironic that Mitch McConnell’s Senate wrote the bill? Does anyone else believe that the bill would have been written if the Presidency was held by anyone other than the Joe Biden cabal? All one needs to do is look at who supported Liz Cheney and not be suspicious of Leader McConnell’s intentions and wonder if it is just another media theater orchestrated for the “base” knowing it will never pass.

Now there is human to dog transmission of Monkey Pox virus evidently. Pardon me but I want to vomit. I am supposed to support this lifestyle? F*&k You!

Liz Cheney was soundly defeated and by so much so that not even voter fraud could ensure her victory in Wyoming’s primary. Good for Wyoming, it is not a surprise to me, and thank God for it.

I read this morning that President Trump is considering the releasing of footage from the FBI’s raid of his home and that the FBI demanded the security cameras be turned off when they raided his home. What did they have to hide? Honestly, I am laughing out loud reading the reports and imagining what sort of squirming and puckering is happening inside the DOJ at the moment if it is true. If it is true, I hope he releases it, especially if the FBI is really hiding something. At the same time, I have had a more humbling and sobering thought considering those of us Americans who do not have the resources that Mr. Trump has and how would we be able to protect ourselves from out of control public agencies if we were in the cross hairs so to speak?

Speaking of which, do I really expect the Judge who issue the warrant to search President Trump’s residence to release any meaningful part of the affidavit? Not really, the drama surrounding all of this is yet another way to draw out and garner ratings for the establishment media and if there is anything incriminating in the affidavit it would just shed light on his issuance of the warrant. If he or the DOJ has nothing to hide then they would not be afraid to release the affidavit.

How come Big Tech has not been unionized yet? I would think Big Tech would welcome unionization considering their support of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party’s “support” of unions.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.12.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

President Trump’s home in Florida is raided by the FBI and DOJ! I must ask myself if a Rubicon of sorts has been crossed and has a dangerous precedent being set? What strikes me is that even Yahoo and other leftist news outlets have been relatively quiet about this. I am surprised that they have not been trumpeting on and on about this event.

Considering the FBI and DOJ apparent conducting a search of a former President’s residence for what seems like politically motivated reasons I have to say that my mistrust of Federal Law enforcement notched up a tick or two. Now I must wonder what can happen to me because I am quite certain that what I am posting on my blog is not in line with the current left wing party narrative. Will the FBI come to my residence early in the morning unannounced and force me to stand outside while they “search” my residence? Who is to say that they will not plant something to charge me with or steal, pardon me confiscate or impound, valuable items that I may possess. I would imagine that Trotsky, Mao, and Stalin are jumping for joy in hell while Washington, Adams, and Jefferson are rolling over in their graves right now.

Speaking of federal government overreach and that I wrote earlier about the Inflation Reduction Act and my doubts that it will do anything to help me. Well, it seems my suspicions were not unfounded in at least one respect. 87,000 new IRS agents that as part of their job descriptions states that they must be willing to use deadly force if necessary? On top of that language that anyone making less than $400,000 per year keeps getting removed from the bill really does not give me warm feelings about this. It appears to be yet another front being reinforced in the war against the middle class. Additionally, it strikes me that as the military is being gutted from within by wokisms and mandatory injections of a product in stage 3 clinical trials the IRS appears to be raising an army. The only trouble is the army being raised by the IRS will not be held in check by Posse Comitatus ACT that limits the current military from acting within US borders.

I have a guilty pleasure that I must confess and that is I like to watch baseball. In fact, I even subscribe to Major League Baseball’s streaming service so that I can watch my favorite team’s games. This year I would have to say that my favorite team is under performing and not being on the inside I am sure it can be for any number of reasons that they are not performing. Some are obvious as they have been plagued by injuries which is just part of the game. Some reasons could be club house chemistry which I have no idea or I am in no position to comment. One thing for certain that strikes me odd is during the commercial breaks there are these segments that highlight different players from different teams around the league and not ever is there a highlighting of a player from my team.

Why is this I ask myself when there is multiple all stars on my team? Could it be a sort of retribution of my favorite team’s manager not going to the White House after their last World Series Victory for publicly stated political reasons? Could it be because my favorite team continues to support scams such as Black Lives Matter and flies all the rainbow flags loudly and proudly during Pride Month? I do not know for certain but all these examples have certainly soured my opinion of my favorite team’s management and ownership. I certainly appreciate their past commitment to winning, however, I will admit my feelings toward them have soured in recent years. So much so that I am considering whether I will continue to follow them after this year. It just is not entertaining having so much politics injected into what I consider to be entertainment. Especially when I disagree so vehemently with their politics and their opinions which are the opinions of millionaires.

I have been reading and hearing all sorts of things about a gentlemen named Yuval Noah Harari and none of it has been too flattering. I finally got an opportunity to watch him on television yesterday. I focused on his eyes while speaking and to be honest they never seemed to squint or open with expression. I could swear that his pupils never changed unlike those who were interviewing him.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.