Random Musings on Current Events 11.25.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Arizona is fighting their election results with multiple counties being unwilling to certify their elections. I believe this to be awesome and it appears there are true patriots in Arizona who are willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. This is unlike their neighboring state of Nevada where the Republicans have once again merely rolled over and accepted the results of a fraudulent election in many cases. They conceded without nary a fight.

Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zenn has been convicted of pro-democracy support along with five others. So, just another example of what Communist Thugs will do to maintain their power and how words do hurt them. Like how Democrat Governors would shut down churches during the pandemic while allowing box stores to remain open. What was it the Democrat governors were afraid would be said by the clergy and others in houses of worship?

Does it surprise anyone that Pope Francis has said nary a word of support for the Cardinal or condemned the actions of the Hong Kong court? Why would it surprise anyone that an avowed Argentine socialist would not support a Cardinal who espouses and supports freedom in a city being forced by the government to submit to the will of the socialist dictatorship? One thing it seems socialists all over the world have in common is their belief and support of socialist dictatorships. After all, no one in their right minds, given all the information and realities of socialism, would ever willingly and freely choose socialism.

Is anyone else surprised that the mainstream media is not reporting one wit of the Foxconn riots in China? You know the factory that assembles iPhones and pays their workers a mere pittance of what their counterparts would make in Taiwan let alone in the United States.

More shootings in the US are being exaggerated up by the left as a reason for gun control. This despite the narratives being pushed by the mainstream media usually being proved false withing twenty four hours of their release. Blah blah blah and by the way you will not take my Second Amendment rights away from me.

I see the World Cup competition has started in Qatar with even a bit of drama scripted around Iran to give the requisite national drama. Personally, NBC has been advertising their coverage for months now and I do not plan to watch any of the globalist sponsored spectacles. I will, however, watch some American football and hockey. Soccer puts me to sleep and I will not contribute to NBC’s ratings, support any of the sponsors, nor will I give the globalist puppet masters any of my time.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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