Random Musings on Current Events 9.30.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Tracking the progress of Hurricane Ian, I must pray for the wellbeing of those who have been impacted and will be impacted by it.

There is no doubt in my mind now that there is an unholy alliance between the leftists and neocons in the Biden administration and the Federal Government. My standard of living is decreasing, my fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights are under attack, the man occupying the office of President appears incompetent, and a war with a nuclear power is being stoked. If one were to watch Star Wars it appears that there is a Sith Lord operating in the background.

I listened to a news broadcast from the United Kingdom the day after the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage and found the language interesting. In an interview with this channel’s correspondent in Brussels he started his monologue by stating that if Russia (emphasis on if) was responsible then etc. and etc. By the time his monologue was complete his language had changed and he was stating that NATO will be taking certain actions. There was no repeat that the cause of the pipeline was unknown but finished that unequivocally it was Russia’s fault with no proof presented. It seems as if he were reading from a script that had been written prior to the attack designed to leave the listener believing action was necessary against Russia. To me, there is no reason whatsoever for Russia to sabotage one of its major revenue streams and when I listen to someone who is sort of subliminally telling me what I need to believe the hairs on my back rise. Something fishy is going on here and the smell is not coming from Denmark or Russia but rather the smell appears to be coming from Washington D.C., London, and Brussels.

I heard an interesting statistic this past week and it deals with demographics in the US. Evidently, those of African descent account for about 12% of the population, those who identify as a sex other than what they are is far less than 1%, and those who identify as homosexual is about 3%. OK, so what, one may ask. I bring this up because Hollywood and the media in the US and the UK now must always have a person of color in every show and additionally many now portray homosexual relationships and several have a woman and or a woman of color as either a lead character or in a position of power. I do not care one way or another, especially, if someone is qualified to do their job, what sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation one is. What I mind is the amount of oxygen that is being sucked out of the public discourse and my limited entertainment bandwidth to push this agenda. What a waste of time and effort and quite honestly it is divisive and a misrepresentation of reality. It is quite honestly propagandist brainwashing being disguised as entertainment in my opinion. Quite honestly the entertainment value has declined as a result in most cases.

Watching the talking heads on national news has anyone else noticed and cringed at the amount of makeup and plastic surgery and hair coloring that these folks have? Personally, when I see a smooth face, it does not hide the wrinkles in their hands and necks and an instinctual roil on my stomach occurs. Though I do not typically get seasick I have felt a bit queasy in high seas when I cannot see the horizon and the feeling is similar. I attribute this to my mind not being able to reconcile what it is seeing with what it is feeling.  What I see in their faces does not match what the rest of their body shows me and the connection between what I see and feel does not match. 

Speaking of which maybe the queasiness that I feel when I watch Nancy Pelosi, Amy Klobochar, the aforementioned talking heads and others who use copious quantities of makeup, plastic surgery and hair coloring to appear youthful is due to climate change. After all, climate change seems to be the default reason for all the world’s problems and a queasy stomach is certainly a problem. OK, perhaps it is not only due to climate change, it is all Vladimir Putin’s fault! Of course, none of these problems are caused by Satanic, Luciferic beings yanking the chains of leaders inside the US, Europe, and Asia. Nor is any of it my fault for giving my power to these worthless demonic infested beings because then, after all, I would need to take responsibility for my own actions. Taking responsibility for one’s own actions would be such an outdated and blasé action now that it would be almost novel.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.23.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Vladimir Putin has declared that he is mobilizing reserve forces in Russia and reiterated his statement that he will use nuclear weapons if he feels it necessary to protect Mother Russia. Well, to me there is nothing new in this statement. What is surprising to me is the feigned shock being displayed by our so called incompetent leaders in this country and the west.

Queen Elizabeth II has been eulogized and interned this week and for me as well as many others she will always be known as The Queen despite my owing nor professing any allegiance to her nor will I to King Charles III. I will simply call him King Charles or Charles Windsor. I do so not out of respect nor disrespect but rather, probably, out of ease of communication, efficiency and my ambivalence to the notion of aristocracy. Perhaps I should not be quite so ambivalent because there is a class of people in the US and world who still consider themselves to be aristocratic and above the law. This would be the class of people who are the so called leaders in government, business, and media who tell me directly and through their controlled surrogates that I am a worthless piece of dung while they jet around the world on their jets, yachts and limousines. I would imagine that they will have plenty of food and be warm this winter. After all this is attitude of efficiency, ease, and ambivalence is their attitude toward me which probably is giving them too much credit if I think twice about it.

I watched replays of the procession from Westminster Castle to Westminster Cathedral and from the cathedral to Windsor Castle’s St. George Cathedral and took note of Harry and his not being allowed to be in uniform and as well his Uncle Prince despite each of them having been in combat. It is a strange world and I would trust Harry more than I would William despite knowing and understanding why he did not serve his time in combat. Then again, I suppose Charles sees the writing on the wall and knows that he needs to trim up the family because the business will be under attack in the next many months if not years.

Speaking of which, the other day someone asked me if I think the monarchy is a good thing and should survive the death of Queen Elizabeth II? My response was a bit muddled and at times incoherent but nevertheless I did manage a bit of an extemporaneous reply. I acknowledged that the English Bill of Rights from which the US Bill of Rights was derived was developed to curb the power of the monarchy and for that reason I believe everyone should be wary of someone or one institution or cabal of institutions developing absolute power. For this reason, I am wary of the monarchy and at the same time I am aware of the growing power of Big Tech and the International Elites and how we should fight as if our lives depended upon the rights guaranteed us in the Bill of Rights and our Constitution as if our lives depended upon them. Because quite frankly, they do.

On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II and her reign were a relatively benign reign and she was not too interested in amassing power for herself but in turn provided a sense of stability, a sense of history, and a sense of formality midst a world that seems to be intent on destroying or forgetting. Again, I have mixed emotions of this and wonder why we as humans are drawn to this, if it is necessary, and at the same feel a certain wonderment about it. It seems almost hypnotic and yet comforting at the same time.

The Clinton Global Initiative is back for the first time 2016. What is going on here? I wonder why the Clinton’s are ramping up their money laundering machine yet again? It seems there will be a host of celebrities in attendance as well. Celebrities that I will no longer watch, listen to, and especially purchase anything of again. Yes, I am speaking especially to you Bono.

I will say one good thing that has come out of The Woman King’s release this past weekend is how much uproar within the left there is about the Dahomey tribe’s involvement in the slave trade. As for the movie I will not pay nor will I take the time to watch it ever. So much of the unoriginal drivel being pumped out of Hollywood is woke garbage based not on fact but on ideology. I watched the latest Lord of the Rings spin off and the warrior leaders are women and women of color. I am sorry but in combat, and there are a few exceptions to the rule, women, in general, are not going to last too long no matter what Hollywood says. I would imagine the real Woman King always had a guard of male warriors around her.

It provides me a sense of relief, albeit temporary, to see that the Firth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the Texas bill allowing users to sue social media platforms if one feels their accounts have been wrongfully suspended or censored. Of course, I would assume this will go to the Supreme Court. What is disturbing is the level of corruption in Congress that has allowed this censorship to happen in the first place. Again, I call for the removal of Section 530 protections! However, since Congress seems incapable of doing so it appears Texas will.

I think Senator Graham is in the same camp as Senator McConnell and wants to work in the minority in Congress. After all, why would he make abortion a federal issue when it already has been settled by the Supreme Court that put the decision regarding abortion with states? Go home you neoconservative lap dog and keep your mouth shut until after the election for goodness sakes.

President Biden is addressed the UN General Assembly and all I heard was blah blah blah. He was either hooped up on drugs or they have the mean and serious looking double delivering the speech. Blah blah blah, Ukraine this, Russia that, the right to freedom of navigation and blah blah blah. How does any of this help me fill my vehicles gas tank up or have enough money for food? Blah blah blah and watch your step on the way out.

The illegal immigrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard are booted after one day. Hypocrisy on full display. What is good for you does not apply to me so says the Democrat elites.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.16.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I am laughing today at the complete and total overreaction of Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton (I thought she had been put out to pasture), and other Democrat’s outrage at Governors DeSantis and Abbot transporting illegal immigrants to “sanctuary cities”. It is even more hilarious that the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was the transport of a couple of handfuls of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Talk about Democrat hypocrisy being on full display. How about the millions of illegal immigrants being allowed to cross our countries southern borders you hypocrites? In the meantime, I need to take a moment to allow the ache from laughter in my midsection to subside.

Apparently, the number of Democrat candidates is growing around the country who are unwilling to debate their Republican opponents in debates this election season. I find it interesting that with all the reports of Democrats distancing themselves from President Biden these Democrats are following his basement campaign strategy. Perhaps, they are unwilling to debate because they know the fix is already in and do not want to risk overwhelming the fix with an increase in voters against their campaigns after potential bad showings in debates?

I just paid my Waste Management garbage pickup bill that is mandated by my county whether I use Waste Management’s services or not. I know in the good interest of good sanitation and cleanliness it is vitally important for garbage to be collected, however, what I am not comfortable with is my county giving essentially what amounts to a monopoly franchise for this service. Waste Management not only picks up garbage but they also control the transfer sites and landfill. On top of this their customer service really is not that good. I often wonder how they became so big and connected?

With all the money and aid that is being promised to Ukraine and knowledge of Hunter Biden’s murky ties to Ukraine, along with other high level Democrats, I cannot help but wonder how much of that taxpayer money is making it back to secret offshore accounts belonging to these Democrats and their cronies.

Major credit card companies are adding a category showing gun store purchases. I guess it is time to stop using my credit cards for anything. Unfortunately, all my credit cards are from these same companies. I wonder what I am going to do going forward because I certainly do not want to support these companies anymore.

Personally, it has been a long and difficult week and I am going to hoist and enjoy immensely a cold amber ale from one of my local breweries.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.9.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I learned something about quantum computing and the meaning about the language used when discussing quantum computing. Specifically, a qubit is a basic unit of quantum information used by quantum computers. Whereas traditional processors use regular bits, which can be turned on or off to create binary code. Qubits, however, can be turned on, off, or both on and off simultaneously in a phenomenon known as superposition. I see why this is now the topic of a race between China, US Big Tech and others. I am sure because this is not a linear increase in computing power but rather a magnitude of order change in the ability to crunch data.

A group known as the New Civil Liberties Alliance has filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana stating, “Public statements, emails, and recent publicly released documents establish that the President of the United States and other senior officials in the Biden Administration violated the First Amendment by directing social-media companies to censor viewpoints that conflict with the government’s messaging on Covid-19.”  For me this is an exciting development and long overdue. It is one thing for Big Tech to censor free speech but if they are doing it at the behest of those in government it is wrong on so many levels and it is indeed unconstitutional no matter what the subject matter is. Of course, is Zuckerberg and others in big tech merely throwing this out now because their end game is the elimination of government as we know it now? It would not surprise me because they really do not want to answer to anyone and it appears they consider themselves above the law.

Does anyone else believe for a New York second that the only reason Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom and others are against the American Data Privacy and Protection Act solely for altruistic reasons? After all a large data holder is defined as generating $250 million in revenue and processing covered data of 5 million individuals. This immediately includes Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Twitter for starters and no doubt they are large campaign contributors and employers in California, Utah, and other states. They are not fooling me.

Speaking of the growing technocracy which appears to be in lock step with global elites I learned that Apple will be able to market their latest iPhone in Russia. So, Europe is going to freeze this winter, to travel to Russia, one must go through Turkey or the Middle East and yet Apple can sell their newest phone in Russia? Tell me who really is in charge here?

I am seeing the increased use of crowds behind President Biden and his public addresses similar to what President Trump pioneered. Typical behavior from the political leech class that has very little if any imagination. Too bad President Trump’s team could not have copyrighted the use of crowds behind him.

It will be interesting to see how Nevada’s governor, essentially a man granted dictatorial powers by the Democratic supermajority in Nevada’s legislature due to the COVID “emergency”, will respond to the murder of a reporter critical to one of his appointees. A man who has been charged with the murder of the appointee.

I just read a quote from James Madison and it goes, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”

Rest in Peace Bernard Shaw, Semper Fi, and my condolences to your family and friends.

Lastly, my condolences and prayers go out to the Windsor family and rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

After yesterday I am more firmly of the belief that the current Democrats in power are unwavering, uncompromising ideologues that are extremely dangerous for this country. I guess that I am a fascist, semi fascist, and or an extremist because I believe in the Constitution. A document that I swore to uphold many times. This group in charge does not want to find middle ground, in fact, they want total power and are showing more and more dictatorial tendencies by the day. I am finding more and more that they cannot nor will not be reasoned with. I cannot believe that President Biden (really his handlers) is doubling down on this matter.

Did anyone else feel the stage set that Biden used was eerily reminiscent of NAZI stagecraft? Red and black colors with military staged in the background. Quite chilling as a matter of fact.

Speaking of which it seems that Washington Post’s (Jeff Bezos’ propaganda outlet) Eugene Robinson branded Biden’s speech a wartime address. It seems that the Technocracy truly may be fomenting civil war in this country. Speaking of which a theory that has been posited but only recently came to my attention is that the end game of all this angst and division in our country is being created by and being stoked by technocrats with the end game being the creation of a technocracy. I need to think about this a bit but certainly at the surface it seems without a doubt plausible. Perhaps Big Tech is an enemy of The Constitution of the United States of America?

Speaker Pelosi does not support the Data Privacy Bill because “California has stricter data privacy laws”. She is essentially saying the Data Privacy Bill will supersede California’s laws which are “stricter”. I do not know for sure but alarms bells are sounding once again in my mind. Silicon Valley which borders Speaker Pelosi’s representative district and the tech giants that have undoubtedly supported her, her husband, and her family are not going to support a bill that holds them to a less restrictive regulatory environment? Yet again something smells fishy, and unlike the smells of fish in a San Francisco Chinatown market, this fishy smell is really rotten which is nothing new around the Pelosi/D’Alesandro family.

Twenty three pages redacted, including 10 of them completely redacted, from the affidavit from the DOJ to search President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? Geez, they must have a lot of sources and methods being used to justify the raid. Sources and methods that one would think would be better used to perhaps go after international drug and human trafficking rings? How about international arms dealers that are illegally supplying these rings, terrorists and rogue nations? Or maybe pedophile rings, Hunter Biden’s laptop and his connections with the CCP at the least!? Give me a freakin’ break! What a waste of taxpayer money. Oh yes, and the Judge who signed the warrant represented one of Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators in a case. What an incestuous body of vile putrid water.

Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to what was painfully obvious with regards to censoring the Hunter Biden laptop information prior to the 2020 presidential election. Of course, he is blaming the FBI and is taking no responsibility for allowing it on to happen on his platform. What a weasel.

Stephen Smith and Ryan Clark? It is any wonder why I no longer watch ESPN. Talk about a couple of racists. They think because someone is black, they should be able to get away with anything. Blah blah blah, here is such a thing as reverse discrimination and racism.

I saw something that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla who ironically just announced that he tested positive for COVID, wants to put microchips in pharmaceuticals created by Pfizer. In the video I saw of him describing the uses for these microchips I became terrified. Paraphrasing what he said he mentioned that these can be used to ensure a person takes their medications. On the face this looks OK but what if someone is being coerced or forced to take a medication against their will? This has such potential for abuse by the petty and not so petty tyrants in our world. What’s next? The ruling elite class will be able to tell if I have taken my SOMA that makes me compliant and subservient to their dictates?

I just this week learned of the USDA raid of the Miller farm in rural Pennsylvania. Pfizer CEO

apparently, if one wants to eat and drink whole milk and organic produce and meats, they are going to have to obtain it on the black market. I must wonder what agricultural conglomerate has paid the USDA off to put the Miller family farm out of business so that they can scoop the land up at bargain basement prices? This reeks of yet more corrupt government overreach.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.