Random Musings on Current Events 9.9.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I learned something about quantum computing and the meaning about the language used when discussing quantum computing. Specifically, a qubit is a basic unit of quantum information used by quantum computers. Whereas traditional processors use regular bits, which can be turned on or off to create binary code. Qubits, however, can be turned on, off, or both on and off simultaneously in a phenomenon known as superposition. I see why this is now the topic of a race between China, US Big Tech and others. I am sure because this is not a linear increase in computing power but rather a magnitude of order change in the ability to crunch data.

A group known as the New Civil Liberties Alliance has filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana stating, “Public statements, emails, and recent publicly released documents establish that the President of the United States and other senior officials in the Biden Administration violated the First Amendment by directing social-media companies to censor viewpoints that conflict with the government’s messaging on Covid-19.”  For me this is an exciting development and long overdue. It is one thing for Big Tech to censor free speech but if they are doing it at the behest of those in government it is wrong on so many levels and it is indeed unconstitutional no matter what the subject matter is. Of course, is Zuckerberg and others in big tech merely throwing this out now because their end game is the elimination of government as we know it now? It would not surprise me because they really do not want to answer to anyone and it appears they consider themselves above the law.

Does anyone else believe for a New York second that the only reason Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom and others are against the American Data Privacy and Protection Act solely for altruistic reasons? After all a large data holder is defined as generating $250 million in revenue and processing covered data of 5 million individuals. This immediately includes Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Twitter for starters and no doubt they are large campaign contributors and employers in California, Utah, and other states. They are not fooling me.

Speaking of the growing technocracy which appears to be in lock step with global elites I learned that Apple will be able to market their latest iPhone in Russia. So, Europe is going to freeze this winter, to travel to Russia, one must go through Turkey or the Middle East and yet Apple can sell their newest phone in Russia? Tell me who really is in charge here?

I am seeing the increased use of crowds behind President Biden and his public addresses similar to what President Trump pioneered. Typical behavior from the political leech class that has very little if any imagination. Too bad President Trump’s team could not have copyrighted the use of crowds behind him.

It will be interesting to see how Nevada’s governor, essentially a man granted dictatorial powers by the Democratic supermajority in Nevada’s legislature due to the COVID “emergency”, will respond to the murder of a reporter critical to one of his appointees. A man who has been charged with the murder of the appointee.

I just read a quote from James Madison and it goes, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”

Rest in Peace Bernard Shaw, Semper Fi, and my condolences to your family and friends.

Lastly, my condolences and prayers go out to the Windsor family and rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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