Random Musings on Current Events 5.26.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Yet another Memorial Day is rolling around and I no longer get as excited about the holiday aspect of the weekend. Instead, a somber feeling overtakes me as I remember those that I personally know who have gone to the other side and those who I did not know who went to the other side paying the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I encourage anyone who has not done so to read my previous writings on Memorial Day.

Another week has gone by and my brain is getting reacquainted with the precision of rotating equipment. Precision that is measured in the thousandths of an inch and that if not correct could lead to major problems as machine wheels spin in excess of 7,000 revolutions per minute.

Speaking of precision, I learned that, since I last worked on this type of equipment, another venerable manufacturer of precision industrial gear boxes was purchased by a large multinational conglomerate. As unfortunately it seems to happen the acquired companies’ costumer service is terribly hard to find if one uses the conglomerates web site after I submitted a request several days ago and have yet to receive a reply. This while the machine that I am working on with others sits idle and costing the customer, a small privately owned company, money in down time. Do you think the large multinational cares? Yes, a bit of a rhetorical question but the answer is no and I would bet the corporate heads of the conglomerate are living a high life as they suck the life out of the little guys. I wonder if they are proponents of ESG and all the other woke B.S.?

I am currently sitting in a remote county of California and comparing notes with another person with knowledge of the area going back decades and we both can see the signs of decay. What was once a vibrant community with a lumber mill and many ranches it saw the lumber mill get shut down more than a decade ago, thanks to the environmental lobby in Sacramento. Of course, Sacramento threw the region a bone opening some government employment in the meantime. But as it usually goes the community lost its vibrancy because the government worker mentality of working minimally for a steady paycheck has taken over. No longer does the entrepreneurial spirit reign with many vacant buildings dotting the landscape.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.24.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It is President’s Day and we have, for some reason, combined Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday with George Washington’s Birthday and call it President’s Day. I am not sure if we are supposed to honor both Presidents, all Presidents, or just Presidents on this day. When I was young there was a distinction between Lincoln and Washington with us always getting Washington’s Birthday off as a holiday. Why this changed I know not because it happened when I was too busy either serving in the military, going to school or raising a family. Now I must ask, “What was wrong with the old way? Why did it change?” I bet it was for some woke bull pucky reason. Call me cynical but there seems to be a lot of that going around.

The West Palestine disaster just seems to be getting worse by the day and FEMA is only reluctantly becoming involved after two weeks and a growing chorus of people questioning the executive response to the disaster. A disaster that is looking more and more a case of negligence at best and nefarious at worst. Reports of the train not having proper placards, the EPA changing rules on vinyl chloride just weeks before the derailment, reports of Norfolk Southern not performing proper maintenance on their rail equipment, a toxic atmospheric plume spreading east while a toxic water plume spreads east and south into the Ohio and Mississippi River basins. What is true and what is fake I do not know because, quite frankly, my cup of cynicism hath runneth over and is spreading like toxic waste.

As if to insult to injury I woke up one day this past week and President Biden made a “surprise” visit to Kiev, Ukraine with an offer of another half a billion dollars in aid. Had President Biden made a trip to East Palestine, Ohio yet? No and in fact I learned Pete Buttigieg is making a visit to the town but only after President Trump visited the town.

Speaking of East Palestine, Ohio I am slowly learning that in addition to the release of hydrogen chloride and phosgene gas as a byproduct of burning vinyl chloride another far worse byproduct are dioxins and we are hearing nothing of these. These result from the incomplete combustion byproducts of burning vinyl chloride. I also learned there were empty rail cars ready in order to transfer the partial contents of remaining vinyl chloride prior to it being lit on fire. What the heck happened and is going on with respect to this incident. For those who do not know dioxins are a multi-generational poison that will affect mothers, soon to be mothers, and the off spring of young girls. Think Love Canal and other places where dioxins have been released. I smell criminal negligence in the air.

Hey US Department of Defense! Your primary function is to defend the homeland not the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. F*ck that you feckless, treasonous, apparatchiks!

Speaking of being F*cked. Seriously, Sean Penn? Spiccolli? Talks about the poster child for all that is wrong in Hollywood and its deranged and demented culture. Hey Sean! Why don’t you go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of instead of being a Neocon spokes mouth like Lindsey Graham. In fact, I must wonder if you are on the payroll of the Biden Crime Family?

May you rest in peace Bishop David O’Connell. A 69 year old man who died of an “apparent” gunshot wound. A man who “worked to restore trust between inner-city residents and law enforcement,..”. So many questions run through my mind the foremost being how come an apparent Mexican style shooting of a clergy member has happened in my country? Should I be surprised that something like this has happened in Los Angeles? I have known the direction that the city and state of California were going but now it appears to be in the open. Has the Sinaloa or Cartel Jalisco New Generation or one of their proxies in California openly declared war? So many questions, yet again, and yet not enough answers. 

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.25.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Arizona is fighting their election results with multiple counties being unwilling to certify their elections. I believe this to be awesome and it appears there are true patriots in Arizona who are willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. This is unlike their neighboring state of Nevada where the Republicans have once again merely rolled over and accepted the results of a fraudulent election in many cases. They conceded without nary a fight.

Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zenn has been convicted of pro-democracy support along with five others. So, just another example of what Communist Thugs will do to maintain their power and how words do hurt them. Like how Democrat Governors would shut down churches during the pandemic while allowing box stores to remain open. What was it the Democrat governors were afraid would be said by the clergy and others in houses of worship?

Does it surprise anyone that Pope Francis has said nary a word of support for the Cardinal or condemned the actions of the Hong Kong court? Why would it surprise anyone that an avowed Argentine socialist would not support a Cardinal who espouses and supports freedom in a city being forced by the government to submit to the will of the socialist dictatorship? One thing it seems socialists all over the world have in common is their belief and support of socialist dictatorships. After all, no one in their right minds, given all the information and realities of socialism, would ever willingly and freely choose socialism.

Is anyone else surprised that the mainstream media is not reporting one wit of the Foxconn riots in China? You know the factory that assembles iPhones and pays their workers a mere pittance of what their counterparts would make in Taiwan let alone in the United States.

More shootings in the US are being exaggerated up by the left as a reason for gun control. This despite the narratives being pushed by the mainstream media usually being proved false withing twenty four hours of their release. Blah blah blah and by the way you will not take my Second Amendment rights away from me.

I see the World Cup competition has started in Qatar with even a bit of drama scripted around Iran to give the requisite national drama. Personally, NBC has been advertising their coverage for months now and I do not plan to watch any of the globalist sponsored spectacles. I will, however, watch some American football and hockey. Soccer puts me to sleep and I will not contribute to NBC’s ratings, support any of the sponsors, nor will I give the globalist puppet masters any of my time.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Electric Grid Basics

I have been sitting quiet for the last year or so watching, listening, and reading all the news about energy, energy production, and specifically electric power production. I have a bit of experience in electric power production and thought I would share a bit of what I know.

Electricity in the United States and in other parts of the world is distributed to end users through what is called “the grid” or “distribution grid”. The grid in turn is supplied electricity by electric power producers who own and operate generators. These generators come in all sorts of sizes and shapes and are fueled using fossil fuels, nuclear fusion, and even alternative energy sources. Many do not know but the United States is divided into more than one “grid” that operate independently of each other much as the United States grid is separate from Europe’s grid, Japan’s grin, China’s grid, etc.

To maintain these grids a certain voltage must always be maintained on the grid and if one does not understand how electricity works, voltage (electric potential) is what drives electricity flow much as pressure from a pump or change in elevation drives water, oil or any other liquid flow.

Generators are the pumps of electricity and are what create the voltage or potential to drive current flow through power transmission lines, grid, to our houses and business. The generators create this voltage in different ways as some generators rotate in the case of alternating current generators and some create direct current voltage as in the case of solar panels, for instance. For us to plug in our computers, run our appliances, and turn on our lights this voltage is converted to electric current when these items are turned on. However, when the switches are moved to turn all these items on there is a drop in voltage (see ohms law). To maintain voltage on the grid when the demand for all these appliances, computers, motors, and lights the managers of the grid must ensure there is sufficient power generation to maintain this voltage on the grid. In other words, with higher demand on the grid the managers of the grid must ensure more generators are supplying the grid.

For the operators of the grids to ensure there is sufficient generation capacity to make up for all the switches being flipped they must maintain a certain amount of excess generation is supplying the grid at any given time to support the voltage on the grid. This excess generation must be available because the voltage drops due to increases in current flow are seen immediately and ripple through the grid in fractions of seconds. After more than a century of operating grids there has developed a science with tried and true methods to operating grids in relatively efficient ways. For instance, the operators of the grids can usually predict when electricity demand will peak and fall. For instance, it is well known that in the peak of summer heat air conditioner usage will be at its highest and so therefore maximum generation will be required. Thus, the grid operators have contracts in place and in some cases own peak generation capabilities that they can turn on or off depending on what the grid demands are.

This leads me to explain that there are two broad terms used in the electric power generation world and this is base load generation and peak load generation.  Base load generation is that “base” of power that is always going to be used no matter what. For instance, in our house’s refrigerators, some appliances always have lights shining and are never turned off and so this would be considered a base load demand. Extending these demands to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of houses to include businesses whose security systems, many computer servers, and lights that are always on this becomes what is considered base load electricity demand. Peak load demand, in turn, happens during those times of the year or ay when more air conditioners, lights, appliances etc. are being used as previously mentioned.

The best base load generators are the big natural gas, coal, and oil fired facilities in addition in the alternative/renewable energy world geothermal and hydroelectric electric power production are also considered base load power generation sources. I will admit, however, there is an argument to make that hydroelectric being susceptible to droughts may not be considered a base load power source. To be considered a base load facility the facilities must be capable of generating power twenty four hours a day seven days a week. Solar and wind power cannot provide base load power because they are subject to the vagaries of weather on a minute by minute basis potentially. Wind does not always blow and the sun does not shine at night or as strongly when it is cloudy, for instance. Solar is great as a peak power supplement as there is a great increased use of air conditioners in the hot summer months when the sun is shining at its highest and typically when there is not too much cloud cover. We all must understand that solar and wind cannot be considered a base load generation capability but for some reason are touted as the best alternative energy sources or at least get the best press. Geothermal power production and hydroelectric power production are true base load sources. In fact, geothermal power production is the only alternative power production source completely independent of weather and weather patterns currently generating electricity at the commercial level that I know of.

This is a much more complicated system obviously but this is it in essence. It is more complicated as no base load facility can run indefinitely without maintenance shutdowns, the grid is quite complicated with series of transformers and protections throughout to change voltages up to down for the transfer of power to end users. In fact, in some cases there is a conversion of direct current generation to alternating current in the case of solar power generation and in some cases alternate current to direct current. Also, no one company owns the whole of electricity generation and delivery with small independent power producers to large utility generators and even different business owning the transmissions lines from the generators and everything in between. With the many interests there are also contractual challenges, natural resource supply, and regulatory issues adding yet more layers of complexity.