Random Musings on Current Events 1.27.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Peaceful riots have turned violent yet again, only this time in Atlanta as leftist hijack a protest against police violence and trouble appears to be brewing in Minneapolis, Minnesota again. Minneapolis is probably in response to the threats to remove Ilhan Omar from the US House Intelligence Committee I suspect. Same playbook, different year, only this time I must wonder what the leftists are up to considering they do not have a Presidential election to overthrow. Or perhaps maybe they are already starting and the true leftist leaders, the ones who hide behind the scenes, are finished with Joe Biden and his corrupt family.

Lindsey Graham is in the Ukraine lecturing us all on how we need to send more arms and even tanks to the Ukraine and blah de de blah blah. I tuned out listening to him because I imagine he probably was going to tell me that if I have one doubt then it is treason. I stole some of the previous sentence’s words from a song written about Vietnam as it seems the new bosses are the same as our old bosses to steal words from another song of the same era. Lindsey Graham is nothing more than Neocon spokes mouth at a minimum and who knows what else in the worst case. Is there any doubt in anyone else’s mind?

Speaking of Neocons and others in Congress I heard that the national debt is now $31.5 trillion, interest rates are rising, the economy is slowing and national government spending is now over $1 trillion per year in the United States. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics just announced the Consumer Price Index (CPI) calculation will be changed and yet they have failed to provide transparency on how the calculation will be performed to the general public. All I must do is read the two previous sentences in which a Neocon spokes mouth wants to launder US Taxpayer money through a war to feed the coffers of the defense industry and the other in which the numbers will be fudged to pay retirees and others less money by obfuscating what the real inflation rate is. It seems that the US Federal Government’s sole purpose and those in control of it is to feed itself no matter the cost to the citizens it purports to serve.

I spoke with a friend several months ago who is very knowledgeable in the world of tech. He told me that he believes that we will be cyborgs (part machine, part human) in the near future. It is his opinion that many of us are already part cyborg considering how much we carry our minicomputers disguised as cell phones (smart phones) with us wherever we go. Trouble is, I can see his logic and it disturbs me. Where does the line between being human and tech end? At what point do we cease being human and become a machine with intelligence? Where are our philosophers and clergy to help us define and debate this potential impending reality?

I had reason to visit a medical office the other day in a city nearby where I live. I really did not know what the medical center’s primary focus is but for some reason I was dreading and felt a sort of darkness around the place. Even trying to find it was a bit difficult as the building that I was trying to find that housed the office that I was visiting is tucked among a group of similar buildings. It was as if the building and offices in it were disguised and repelling at the same time to obfuscate their existence to all but those who knew what to look for. I turned the correct corner finally, felt a sense of unease, and the building had a giant sign announcing it was a Woman’s Reproductive Health Building. It was at that moment I realized the type of offices the building held. What I noticed was how warm and inviting the building seemed to be at the same time I felt a sense of nausea. It was well apportioned and the office that I visited had dimmed lights, was warm, and smelled of vanilla. All of which seemed designed to put a woman at ease and now I fully understand why I have felt a darkness emanating from that particular business center. 

I have to buy cartridges for my printer which happens to be a Brother color printer and I find it really is no different than any other home office printer whether they be Canon or Epson or whatever. The ink is really expensive for what I get. Essentially what I am getting is two halves of molded plastic, albeit tailored for each individual machine, that is filled with ink. I would imagine the cost of the raw product is less than one tenth of what I pay. I thought about this for some reason staring at a Cross Pen and thinking about how hard it is to get refills for it and how most people, I would believe, have moved to using computers to do their writing. Therefore, there really is not a huge demand for the type of pen that I prefer to use and partly explains why Cross Pen has off shored their production to, hold your breath, China. Yet another consumer good experiencing supply chain issues.

There is news all over the alternate and fringe mainstream media about Project Veritas recording a Pfizer executive. What he says specifically I would encourage others to find but do not use Google because it has censored Project Veritas and anything to do with the recording of this executive. It is interesting that now the so called executive’s social media has been completely scrubbed and there are calls that he was a disinformation agent and blah blah blah. Perhaps either or both are true. What I do know is that Pfizer has a huge advertising and lobbying budget and that they took no money from the US Federal Government to develop their version of the modified ribonucleic acid (nRNA) jab to prevent COVID-19. This so they could reap all the profits unencumbered. So, in summary, I know Pfizer has the deep pockets and ability to be guilty of setting this whole thing up, being guilty of what the gentleman professed Pfizer being guilty of, and I also know Pfizer can certainly afford to have a sophisticated damage control operation instituted. 

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 1.20.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I must decide if I want to spend the money to continue this blog. This blog that is read by few and far between and lately half of them are in mainland China. Evidently, I am circling somewhere over the target, at least relative to my ramblings concerning China and the Chinese Communist Party, otherwise, why would they be watching me? Yes, I assume in is the government of China that is watching me with no proof because I firmly believe that there is nothing that happens in China without the explicit or implicit approval of the government.

I learned that the net worth of Jerome Powell in the two years that he has been chairman of the US Federal Reserve has seen his net worth grow from $20 million to over $60 million. This while my net worth and standard of living has shrunk during this same time period. How is it that a man who creates no value whatsoever but merely oversees an organization that essentially is devaluing the value of currency more than triples his net worth? Does anyone else see something fundamentally wrong with this?

Speaking of rich people, smoke and mirrors, and hypocrisy. It seems that the number of private jets flying into Davos has skyrocketed for the meeting of the worlds uber elite. This and they are requesting pilots who have not participated in the mRNA injection experiment and will be serving beef at the meetings and restaurants surrounding the meeting areas. Why do we collectively give our freedoms and power over to these self-aggrandizing, selfish hypocrites who do not give a rip about our standards of living? 

I read yet another Associated Press (AP) report and this report is on the storms that keep rolling into the US west coast. As per script the article details some of the trials and tribulations of Californian’s this winter to include flooding, heavy mountain snows, and the Los Angeles River, among other coastal California rivers running unabated into the Ocean. As per script the article had the obligatory sentence blaming this all on climate change. As per script I rolled my eyes how fires, drought, flooding, winter storms are all due to climate change. Well, duh, the climate did change when the Hua Tonga Tonga Volcano ejected water vapor and ash to the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere last January only mankind had nothing to do with it.

It seems the drums of war keep beating without any change in their tempo. Now the US and NATO are sending tanks, more money, and whatever else to the Ukrainian NAZI fascist. This while natural gas prices rise in the US because ours is being shipped to Europe. This because a war was started by the west and Russia shut off Europe’s natural gas and the west sabotaged another pipeline from Russia. It seems that Fascism is alive and well in the West, a portion of the world that ostensibly destroyed fascism in World War II.

Speaking of fascism, Davos, and their intersection apparently the Chairmen of Siemens, the huge multinational conglomerate that even includes the once venerable Westinghouse, a company of US origins, apparently feels that a billion people need to stop eating meat. OK, so what he is saying is that he needs a billion undernourished servants who will not have the energy to question that he and others like him dictate. I am supposed to believe a man who is chairman of the board of yet another company that flourished underneath the fascist German Nazi’s is altruistic and has my best interests in mind when he spews his venomous, inciting, and condescending drivel?

Now Green Berets are being arrested for trafficking illicit drugs from Central and South America. Add them to the inglorious list that includes Navy SEALS. It seems that the collapse of the United States is nigh now that our elite warrior class has also been corrupted.

Personally, I know that I need to step up my spiritual practice because the institutions that I once held in high regard are no more. Perhaps it was a mistake in the first place to hold these institutions in high regard because as Moses said, “We must hold no false idols before God”. Perhaps I did not hold my God in high enough regard and so now I must step up my practice. This because mankind’s leadership is certainly failing and appears to be on the road to mass destruction.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings of Current Events 1.13.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format in a New Year.

We now have another Speaker of the House in the United States Congress who is from California. What is it about California that produces those with such ambition that they rise to the top of the House of Representatives in Washington D.C.? I for one think the debate for The Speaker was healthy despite it being nothing more than Kabuki Theater to appease the Build Back America wing of the Republican Party. What frightens me is that the man elected Speaker is a Republican from a state in which the Republican Party is in shambles and a failure. It is a state party that has allowed the Nancy Pelosi Democrats unbridled power and that is a one party state. I must question who Kevin McCarthy really is working for? Is it the American people, a California elite, the Uni Party, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi, and or all the above? Whatever or whoever it is that he is working for I do not trust him nor do I trust that he will hold the line against future encroachment on my rights as an individual under the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Nor do I trust that he will not work to destroy the populist movement that has been ignited by President Trump and help to decentralize power from Washington D.C. I suppose time will tell but I am not going to hold my breath.

Damar Hamlin collapses on the field. Was he a guinea pig in the COVID mRNA experiment? I suppose we will never know but it certainly makes me wonder when I hear out of Europe that throughout all sports the number of deaths for athletes, using the same sample population, has jumped from less than 50 to over 1,500 in one year.

Classified documents are being found in Joe Biden’s residence and at his Washington D.C. Penn State offices and somehow, I am supposed to believe it is different than the documents that were found in President Trump’s Mira Lago residence? Well yest it is different. Number one I know that as President of the United States one has the authority to declassify documents, however, as Vice President one does not and the documents in Joe Biden’s possession go back to his days as Vice President. Another difference is Donald Trump is a political outsider much as I am. I have no doubt that if classified documents were found in my possession, I would be busting large rocks into small rocks at an institution such as the federal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth.

The FAA grounded all departing flights for several hours this week because of a glitch in their air traffic control’s Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) computer system. Just another system of the slow rolling failure of air travel in the United States. When government agencies are spending more resources ensuring their work force is trained in woke bull puckey and forcing untested technology injections on their employees instead of ensuring their equipment is maintained and kept up to date, things fail. Fortunately, this time no one was hurt despite many travelers being delayed. I for one am no longer comfortable using commercial airline travel because I must wonder what other systems will soon fail. Not only that I have trouble supporting businesses who were lackeys for the pharmaceutical industry and coerced their employees to be guinea pigs for the experimental mRNA jabs (i.e., Delta Airlines etc.).

Rest in Peace Jeff Beck and Lisa Marie Presley and may there be some good jam sessions with those who have gone before you, Mr. Beck.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

California Snapshot 1.13.23

The other week I had to drive through much of California due to the failure of Southwest Airline’s reservation system. Sitting down to write my observations I wonder if there are similarities to Southwest Airlines’ failure to upgrade basic infrastructure needed to maintain the airline’s ability to function to that of the state of California.

Driving from California’s Imperial Valley two hours east of San Diego, through San Diego and up Interstate 5 past Sacramento I observed, I was impressed, and I was saddened at what California and its citizens have done in the past and what the state has become.

First off, driving north on I-5 from San Diego the freeway ventures inland a bit before it takes a turn to the west by northwest as it enters Los Angeles county and East Los Angeles, I was struck by something that is indicative of what California has become. This happened before the freeway passes by downtown Los Angeles and heads up toward the San Fernando Valley and the Grapevine, the major mountain range and pass that separates the Southern California counties from California’s Central Valley. Traffic was slow and for several miles and the distinct smell of urine permeated the air. I am not sure if this is where the massive homeless camp exists, if I was downwind of the camp or what. Here I was driving in what is supposed to be a first world city in a first world nation on one of its freeways and smelled like urine and I did not mention there was trash littering the side of the freeway for miles.

Next, I stayed in two motels during my trip, one in the Imperial Valley and the other in Bakersfield, both of which are in California. Each motel is part of the same hotel/motel chain and each billed themselves as a suite and the difference was palpable. The room in the Imperial Valley cost 50% more than the room in Bakersfield and, quite honestly, it was substandard as compared to the room in Bakersfield. Granted both rooms were clean, the beds were made, and the towels were folded and clean. The differences existed around the edges. In the Imperial Valley, the room had no tissue, for example, and the person at the front desk was ambivalent when I asked why I could not turn the television volume down with the provided remote control. The room reminded me of one in Las Vegas in which there was no warmth and designed only to take my money.

The room in Bakersfield, on the other hand, was remarkably similar in structure and what it provided but seemed warmer for lack of a better word. I was struck by what it seemed to provide for less money. The room was cozier and just seemed to provide more value for lack of a better word.

Moving through the state I was making time out of necessity wanting to avoid an incoming storm and so I did not spend much time anywhere. Driving through Los Angeles and up the interior portion of the state had the biggest impact on me. I was amazed at the amount of infrastructure that had been built to support industry at one time in Los Angeles. I saw beautiful brick buildings that obviously were once factories with large power lines feeding these buildings. I noted that the power lines had been physically cut from the building and that they were nothing more than silent hulks with rusting metal fringes now. “What happened here?”, I thought to myself.

Of course, I know what happened and I can sum it up with one word, corruption. Corruption at the local, county, state and federal levels of power.

The infrastructure is failing, billions of dollars are being spent on a railway that will never pan out that could be spent widening I-5 up the Central Valley and 395 around Victorville, for instance. Will this happen? I doubt it because that would require the gilded elite to leave their cherished enclaves of Los Angeles, Alameda, Sonoma, Napa, and San Francisco Counties and drive around the whole state of California. Yes, I said drive and not fly. They would have to eat somewhere other than the French Laundry, like an Outback Steak House or, gasp, Arby’s, Denny’s, a local diner and stay in motels because they are the only restaurants and lodgings in many of these small towns.

Speaking of San Francisco Country and the city by the bay I learned that in the financial district of the city there are armed guards at many of the shops to prevent theft. This is in a city that no longer prosecutes petty theft up to $1,000.00. So, let me get this straight, businesses must pay high taxes in a city and state ostensibly that provides the service of law enforcement. A city and state that no longer will enforce the law and now these businesses must pay for private security on top of the high taxes that they receive no benefit from paying. Is it me or does anyone else see a problem here?