A Crisis in Confidence with National Leadership

I have a crisis of confidence in the leadership of my country to effectively lead on my behalf and the behalf of the majority of Americans. This has been further exacerbated in the last week with the apparent failure of senior leadership to effectively and orderly pull out of Afghanistan followed by their inability to assume responsibility whatsoever for their failures.

First, what has happened throughout Afghanistan in the past several weeks that has culminated with the fall of Afghanistan and the debacle at the airport falls squarely on senior political, civilian, and military leadership. As Joe Biden has pointed out the “buck stops here” and now the question is how big or epic will this “blunder” be. I have no illusions that the Joe Biden made this decision in a vacuum as his handlers, I am quite sure, made the decision. From this day forward I will refer to Joe Biden as the Joe Biden Cabal (JBC) because in his dotage I seriously doubt he has one shred of independence of mind left. It is time for some resignations, retirements, and quite honestly some criminal investigations.

Secondly, how am I to support and believe any of these leaders when they are now pulling out every conceivable card in the effort to make me a test subject in a mass gene therapy experiment? I was totally disheartened when Lloyd Austin claimed that every member of the armed services will be subject to the experimental shot by September 15, 2021. The jab has not even been approved by the FDA yet for goodness sakes. Mr. Austin that in not a lawful order and you should, if you were still in service, face a court martial if you make in mandatory. The military leadership appeared to have spent more time figuring out how to give an experimental jab to all sailors, airmen, and soldiers than ensuring the safe exit of Americans out of Afghanistan. I can only wonder what is being done to thwart any military planning against the Peoples Republic of China.

Speaking of the FDA and their corruptions. I find it interesting that they will push through testing on experimental gene therapy and its acceptance for a disease that really poses no more threat to the population than a flu yet they will not approve CBD, which is not marijuana, for use in food. I really find it interesting that now a pharmaceutical company is claiming to have a patent on CBD, which I thought one could not get if it is a naturally occurring substance, and the marketing of CBD will become illegal. Hmmm, does this smell of corruption to anyone else but me?

Of course, do not let me get started on the EPA which has essentially become a tool wielded to shake down industry and business in the country along with the various other bureaucratic government institutions. How did we get to the place where government agencies choose who can succeed and who cannot in our economy? I must wonder about the type of person who would aspire to positions of authority in these organizations. Are they power hungry mediocrities or useful idiots for those in the businesses who use the government to protect and gain favorable market conditions?

Lastly, for today, is the utter contempt I have for the media and big tech in this country mainly for not holding the leadership of the country accountable and, in fact, blatantly supporting the leadership’s information operation. It has become so obvious that the system has become or is so corrupt that honor no longer is present amongst these vipers and they will do whatever it takes to provide cover and concealment to the crooked political class, the crooked senior military class, the crooked business class, and especially themselves. I no longer consider any of you authorities in your so called areas of expertise. You may have power and can wield in the material world more so, but you do not in my mind which is the real seat of my power.

Vaccine Vagaries

So, I am being told by some in the media, bureaucratic institutions, and fascist businesses that because I am not “vaccinated” I am responsible for the increase in the delta variant of the SARS Covid-19 variant. Well, now I am confused, and I am confused for the following reasons:

I thought a vaccine was to help one develop resistance to a disease. In other words, it helps the recipient develop antibodies to increase their general immunity to that particular disease. If this is the case, then why should the “vaccinated” have anything to worry about? If anything, I should, as an unvaccinated person, be the one worried about the variants.

I learned recently that the laws were changed within the last several years to broaden the legal definition of what a vaccine is so that it no longer necessarily must meet the definition of what I thought a vaccine is meant to do as I discussed in the previous paragraph. To be honest my brain starts to hurt at the thought of this. My head is not hurting from the latest COVID variant but rather the latest pharmaceutical attorney variant. I would like to know if a vaccine is being developed to protect us from the pharmaceutical/attorney/fascist/socialist virus and its variants?

The CDC is admitting that the PCR tests cannot differentiate between coronaviruses and is pulling the PCR tests? The same PCR test that was and is being administered and with which whose results have fueled the government takeover of our economy and lives?

I also learned that these same PCR tests are calibrated using a computer code downloaded from the CDC and that there is no actual test sample to be had anywhere that is being used to calibrate this equipment. As an engineer with experience calibrating monitoring and testing equipment, I find this piece of information extremely disturbing. One of the most disturbing aspects of this is that 16 months after the lockdowns being imposed upon me, my country and the world it appears that the machines are not calibrated, and no one has questioned this? Needless to say, any of the doubts I had up to this date are not being assuaged and if fact they are actually being fueled like a wildfire in one of California’s mismanaged forests.

I recently read that America’s Front Line Doctors has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the CDC’s VAERS reporting system is hiding the actual number of coronavirus “vaccine” deaths? What? What are they doing with the taxpayer money that is being provided to them? They purport to be in existence for public safety but if the public does not have accurate data how can the public make informed decisions? Instead, the CDC puts out recommendations for masks that provide no protection to viruses whatsoever. In fact, I just saw a picture of my state’s governor wearing a paper mask after he reinstituted mandates. Based upon my earlier post regarding masks I now know he and his staff are ignorant of facts, science, and or are just intellectually lazy. In fact, typing this I recognize that he really is not qualified to be a supervisor at McDonald’s let alone governor of my state.

How is it that the efficacy of these so called vaccines is wearing off in less than six months? Call me cynical but at what I have heard is that at a cost of approximately $12 per dose people will now need a booster? Again, what? I have received booster on previous vaccines and I will emphasize these were vaccines not experimental gene therapy shots. However, the frequency to receive these boosters was years not mere months.

If you discern a bit of sarcasm and cynicism in this post, then bully on you! I am a bit under the weather I seem to be typing slowly and maybe not flavoring this post with as much cynicism or sarcasm as this post deserves. Whether I have contracted the delta variant or not I really do not give a piece of cow dung. I am resting and staying home and out of public places which, to me, is the conscientious thing to do. I do this of my own free will and I do not need a meddling, self-serving, no load, parasitical government agency or elected official telling me what I can or cannot do.

Random Musings 8.2.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proved that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say.

I would like to further comment on my previous post titled Mask Madness with a question. Is it just me or is it coincidental that the “Delta” variant is increasing at the same time the Arizona election audit is wrapping up and California’s recall election has been scheduled to occur in the next couple of months?

Vaccine madness: I sit here at my desk this Monday afternoon wondering what in the world has happened to my country? I am now supposed to believe lifelong bureaucrats drivel regarding COVID and discount leading experts in the US regarding the treatment of COVID-19 such as Peter McCullough, M.D. for example. I am supposed to assume that Twitter, Facebook, Amazon (aka Washington Post) fact checkers have a scientific background and are completely objective in their assessments of what is real and fake?

The latest madness is the article describing how children in a hospital contracted COVID, unvaccinated contracting COVID and then the patients all wishing they had the vaccine. Only, I learn later that a member of the alternative media called the purported hospital to learn that there were no deaths nor any unvaccinated people having checked in recently with COVID. This smells similar to the story authored by the former porn star debunking hydroxychloroquine and it is no wonder why my distrust of anything related to Washington DC, the East, and West Coast elites grows daily.

Moving on to another subject and that is the Olympics. Weren’t they games held in ancient Greece to foster spirited competition between the city states? Didn’t the modern games used to hold somewhat of a similar goal? As far as I am concerned the globalist NBC telecast of what purports to be games held without fans and in an atmosphere are a sham and complete globalist propaganda sham. I feel for the true athletes who seek to prove their mettle against others on the international stage. However, if asked my response now is, “what Olympics”.

Dear Republican Party of the United States of America. Your emails soliciting donations have been marked to go to my spam folder and your snail mailings go immediately into my garbage can without even a second look. This latest sham of Kabuki Theater called the Infrastructure Bill is a farce. I now know and believe that your intent is to run this country into the dustbin of history as you allow the continued debasement of the once mighty US Dollar and my country. All but a few reeks of corruption, grift, and a lack or moral backbone. In fact, I cringe at the fact that I am even giving you time in my typing this afternoon because you barely deserve even this. When you clean your ranks of RINO’s and other criminal families I may consider rehiring you as my party of choice. But until then you are fired!

Mask Madness 

Mask Madness                                                                         

Sitting here at my desk a few days after the governor of my state reinstituted mask mandates for all indoor public activities and places and finally decided to research and see if I could prove one of my hypothesis. The hypothesis being that besides a N95 mask all other masks do not have tight enough weave or properties to stop a virus. Following are the results of an hour or so of rooting around the internet and looking at the specification sheets for paper masks and N95 masks currently in my possession. I will add that the only information I could find on cloth are results from Wake Forest Baptist Health from earlier this year.

What I found is the National Institute for Health has published that the size of the COVID-19 virus is about 1 micron. For those of you who do not know what a micron is think of it as 1/1,000th of a millimeter. If the thickness of a dime is 1 millimeter then the size of a coronavirus is 1/1000th of the thickness of a dime. Pretty dang small in other words.

As expected the N95 mask is able to filter particles greater than 0.3 times the size of a coronavirus 98% of the time. This is definitely a suitable mask to wear, however, the cost is nearly ten times that of a typical paper face mask one can purchase and who knows how much more costly than a bandana or other homemade face mask?

Moving onto the” paper face mask its labeling shows nothing concerning the size of particle that it will filter. However, there is a box on the carton that clearly states in all capital letters, “Not for medical use. Intended for single use only – discard after use. This general use mask cannot eliminate the risk of contracting and infectious disease”. I want to point out that this is the mask I see being worn by the far majority of people out in public. I also want to note that I know several who wear their masks more than once to include me.

Lastly, according to the Wake Forrest study, “The best homemade masks achieved 79% filtration as compared to (paper) surgical masks (62% to 65%) and N95 masks (97%). But other homemade masks tested performed significantly worse, sometimes demonstrating as little as 1% filtration…The best-performing design was made of two layers of high-quality, heavyweight quilters cotton with a thread count of 180 or more, and those with an especially tight weave ad thicker thread such as batiks. A double-layer mask with a simple cotton outer layer and an inner layer of flannel also performed well”.

What does my limited research tell me one may ask? It tells me that if I truly want to protect myself I need to spend nearly ten times as much money for a mask that will protect me. It also tells me that the mask mandates are arbitrary and really do not help the public. If it was to help the public the government and quasi government agencies (i.e. CDC and NIH) would make these facts easily accessible to the general public. Based on my previous conclusions it further tells me that politicians and bureaucrats in the health industry and government writ large are essentially intellectually lazy and or really are just trying to appear to do something or have another agenda or who knows what else that I have not thought of.

I say intellectually lazy because if I were to impose an imposition on a state or county I think that I would want to explain the facts to those I purportedly seek to protect. Not providing this information or worse not even thinking to look this information up before making a decision independent of the CDC or NIH or whatever agency shows a lack of discernment, healthy skepticism and or a basic lack of science and math. Of course the more nefarious explanation of this could be that there is a hidden agenda behind the gross overreach of executive power but I will not go into that in this writing. What I will say is that at a minimum we have elected officials who (including their staffs) who appear to have very little if any comprehension of basic math and science. Additionally, we have given career bureaucrats with dubious agendas the power to tell us what to wear and not to wear.

Lastly, this tells me that I really have nothing to gain wearing a mask other than making others feel better for a threat that really is no worse than an influenza. Additionally, I am not going to spend my money on a N95 mask for a virus that is no more virulent than influenza at worst and the common cold at best. Additionally, my next course of action will be to ask anyone who confronts me with not wearing a mask to state the science they are basing their decision to wear a mask on. I will not accept because this is what the CDC or NIH has said as an answer.