Random Musings on Current Events 7-14-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Does anyone else get a little anxious going into July? Perhaps, it is a bit of my Irish ancestry, on both sides of The Troubles and the Orange-men July marches, getting restless. Especially, as this historically has been the marching season. The days are long, the air heavy, and everyone is waiting for the summer harvest.

I had occasion to learn of a couple who hail from the San Francisco Bay Area (Sonoma for those who are familiar) who are originally from New York City. It seems they checked into one of those Airbnb or VRBO places nearby me which is in a semi-rural location. The hosts put it in their welcoming letter that the place is semi-rural and that there may be dirt, bugs and mice on occasion but to let the hosts know as there are mouse traps set etc. Well, it seems this couple saw a spider and a beetle no longer than ½’ long crawled out of the sink in this short term rental.  

The couple complained and wanted a refund as they vacated the place within hours leaving the owner out at least two nights of rental. I cannot believe how spoiled big city Americans are and they claim to be the smart ones. The ones who know what is best for me and others who do not live in the coastal big cities. The same people who cannot deal with a spider and small beetle.

So, Mark Suckerberg, whoops I mean Zuckerberg, has started Threads, purportedly to compete against Elon Musk’s Twitter. Whoa, let me sign up for yet another platform started by a socially retarded geek who is most likely just a front for a government spy agency. Meta is claiming tens of millions of new subscribers on day one of the platforms launch. Geez, I wonder how many Meta users were either automatically enrolled by bots or how many of the tens of millions are just bots? Trust me I would not want to advertise with them.

Cluster bombs to Ukraine? Throw the neocons out or better yet; let the neocons themselves, their children, and their grandchildren go to the front. Perhaps a new law, constitutional amendment or something else totally beyond the scope of reality shout be created. This would require any law maker or holder of high office to be required to serve at the front. If they are too old then some of their offspring should be required to serve at the front. If they have no offspring then they should not be allowed to debate, vote, or be part of any decision that sends other’s or their offspring to war.

Yet again more child sex abuse by those in places of influence or high office. This time at the BBC. These pedophiles should be held accountable for their crimes and the most importantly those who create, allow or turn a blind eye to these types of folks need to be held accountable as well.

Wow! It seems Elton John has finished up the last gig of his last tour. I wonder how long it will be before he returns for another last gig of his last tour. I know I know a bit of cynicism on display.

It is relieving to see that a federal court issued an injunction that prevents the federal government from colluding with social media. Hopefully, this preliminary injunction will become a permanent injunction and eventually law. What happened in the last presidential election and during the COVID hysteria must never be allowed to happen again in a “fee” society. Thank you, Senator Schmitt from Missouri.

I see President Trump paid a visit to the UFC event in Las Vegas this last weekend. I loved listening to Kid Rock in the background as he made his entrance. Just watching the Twitter feeds showing his entrance made me smile.

Hey President Biden! Perhaps you should meet with Benjamin Netanyahu, after all, I would trust the Israelis any day over anyone else over there in that part of the world. Or did they not pay enough bribe money to Hunter or whoever else is running the family enterprise? Or maybe it is they do not agree with the followers of Islam and supporters of the Iranian Mullahs that are pulling your strings?

Oh, my goodness a teacher was stabbed by a student in Britain, a county with some of the strictest gun controls in the world!!! Wtf happened, you mean violence still happens. Imagine that. As I get older and not as nimble as I once was in my youth it gives me comfort to know that I can still carry a firearm to protect myself against those who are younger and more agile than me.

Another report shows three children were among the six killed in stabbings at a kindergarten in China. China, one of the most repressed countries in the world. If just one adult in the school had a firearm how many of the dead would be dead now?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 6.2.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It appears that Kevin McCarthy’s Congress has caved yet again to the Democrats and agreed to raise the debt ceiling yet again. What disturbs me is the bill also includes somewhere in the neighborhood of $800-900 billion for Ukraine. It is so obvious that even Republicans are in on the fleecing of America in the name of Ukraine.

Let me state as I have probably not stated before that I consider the child of mine who died more than a year and a half ago to be a victim of COVID. A victim not of the disease itself but a victim or the ridiculous over reaction and societal controls put in place because of this man made disease. My child did not get to experience a normal high school graduation, did not get to attend college in person, and then was coerced into taking the experimental mRNA injection which happened to be made by Pfizer by the government and her employer, Delta Airlines.

I have filed a claim with the CICP and have heard nothing after more than six months yet Congress has managed to send another more than $800 – $900 billion to Ukraine? Is it me or has anyone else concluded that there is way too much corruption on both sides of the aisle in D.C.? I know I know, this is a rhetorical question.

How come there has never been a national review and reconciliation around COVID and government’s response to COVID? Isn’t convenient that the politicians and media have just moved on as if nothing happened and they experiment with whatever crisis they next can peddle to the American people.

Elon Musk is cozying up to the CCP this past week in China. Big surprise considering he has made his billions cozying up to government officials in the United States too.

The World Health Organization has chosen North Korea to head up its new Executive Board. Wait! What? Huh? Hey Congress, I have a great way to reduce spending and that is to withdraw all US Funding from the WHO.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.17.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems the Chinese Communist Party or a hobbyist has launched another balloon, however, this time it was shot down near the Aleutian Islands just as soon as it entered United States airspace and now yet another balloon has been shot down over Lake Huron. I have to ask why is the Air Force wasting missiles shooting these down? Why can’t they use canons to shoot these down? Am I missing something? Wouldn’t shooting down the balloons with canons be a great training opportunity and cost much less?

I watched the Super Bowl but did not watch the half time show but instead chose to play cards with family. Evidently, I did not miss much after reading the reports of the show and it did not surprise me considering the state of entertainment in the nation.

I have to ask why there is a Black National Anthem (This will be the last time I capitalize this item to avoid the appearance of legitimizing it.) and why it was allowed to be played at the Super Bowl? For me it is nothing but divisive to allow it to be played. Has there and is there discrimination based on race? Yes, there is no disputing this fact but now we are allowing a parallel anthem to be played alongside our national anthem? Think about the impact this has on the country. Yet again I must wonder why I am watching and supporting the NFL? This playing of the black national anthem has nothing to do with uniting the country and everything to do with dividing the country. In fact, I have to wonder if the Chinese are behind and supporting the groups or whatnot that insisted the black national anthem be played at the beginning of the game. After all, Lebron James was in attendance and somehow crowned himself king of something and everyone knows he is a shill for the CCP along with the NBA. Also, let us not forget that the Han Chinese are a very racist ethnic group as is I would imagine LeBron James is as well.

I am getting caught up on the train car derailment, spill, and burning of the toxic vinyl chloride in East Palestine, Ohio news and have more questions than answers at this time. Least of which is why was over a 100,000 pounds of a substance that when burned releases phosgene gas, hydrogen chloride, and other toxic substances allowed to happen and, in fact, dictated to happen? Yet again the public relations around this incident are eerily similar to the public relations surrounding the Three Mile Island nuclear incident that occurred over a generation ago in Pennsylvania. We have a dangerous substance that control over was lost (leak), the owners who lost control telling us everything is OK, and the state and federal government trying to catch up and repeat the talking points of the owner(s). All the while independent reports of residence reporting dead wildlife, the Ohio National Guard arresting independent journalists, and other incidents that point to a cover up and or repression of facts are ongoing. I will say again and will say again and again it does not matter what anyone in leadership does, necessarily, appearances can mean everything which is why our leaders should hold themselves up beyond reproach. Will they? I doubt it in today’s environment.

One fact that I do know is that rail transport falls under the purview and regulation of the United States Department of Transportation and that perhaps the Secretary of Transportation should spend a little more time learning about transportation in the country rather than speaking empty platitudes about race, sexual proclivities and “equity”. This is just yet another incident in a growing list of incidents that shows Mr. Buttigieg is nothing more than an empty suit who was hired because of the political party that he belongs to and because of his homosexuality because it certainly had nothing to do with his experience or competence or his willingness to learn what his job really entails. Not only that it appears he is a chicken sh*t along with the Governor of Ohio, and Norfolk Southern executives who refused to attend the East Palestine, OH townhall.

Moving along as the week progressed there have been a few more “toxic incidents”, for lack of a better descriptor. A tanker truck with acid rolling over in Tucson, Arizona, a large amount of plastic planters burning near Orlando, Florida, and another train derailing near Detroit, Michigan for instance that I am aware of. A few years ago I began to see the pattern of organization behind the near simultaneous and scripted release of news by the main stream media, then the “spontaneous” race riots, and now I am getting a niggling sense that these “chemical release accidents” seem to be happening in a coordinated manner. A few years ago I would have dismissed this unsubstantiated intuitive feeling as nonsense. However, this intuitive feeling was proven right as evidence the FBI and DOJ have been colluding with main stream media and big tech, the obvious preplanning and staging for the “spontaneous” ANITFA riots in the Summer of Love along their attempts this past month in response to the Memphis police atrocity. So, therefore, why would it be a stretch to imagine these toxic incidents happening within a short time of each other are not a coordinated attack of sorts.

Of course, let me back up, I must remember, that the ruling globalist elites that currently run our government would never do anything to harm our citizenry. After all, they were not responsible for the release of a man made genetically altered Covi-SARs virus, the subsequent economy crushing lockdowns, and the pushing of an untested new technology to be injected into billions of people. Nah, they are completely benevolent and spend all of the money that we are forced to send them in the guise of taxes at the point of a gun in a benevolent manner.

In conclusion, this week I am grappling with a fundamental problem that we face in the United States. Currently, it seems as if I am yelling into an echo chamber much as many of the people who agree with me on various podcasts, blogs, Substacks etc. seem to be doing. While those who believe the tripe being peddled by the mainstream media etc. are yelling into their own echo chambers. Of course, I would like to think that I bring reason, cause and effect, and logic to my conclusions after shaking free of the hypnotic effect of the “mainstream”. Therefore, a fundamental problem, as I see it, is how does one break the hypnotic power of big tech and the mainstream media? Perhaps I need to look inside to determine how I was able to break free and somehow share this process? I know there are many other ways and fortunately many are working this problem. It just seems to me there are more ways that just have not been revealed to me yet? I will continue to pray, discuss, and meditate on this problem in the coming days, weeks, months, and years if need be.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 1.20.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I must decide if I want to spend the money to continue this blog. This blog that is read by few and far between and lately half of them are in mainland China. Evidently, I am circling somewhere over the target, at least relative to my ramblings concerning China and the Chinese Communist Party, otherwise, why would they be watching me? Yes, I assume in is the government of China that is watching me with no proof because I firmly believe that there is nothing that happens in China without the explicit or implicit approval of the government.

I learned that the net worth of Jerome Powell in the two years that he has been chairman of the US Federal Reserve has seen his net worth grow from $20 million to over $60 million. This while my net worth and standard of living has shrunk during this same time period. How is it that a man who creates no value whatsoever but merely oversees an organization that essentially is devaluing the value of currency more than triples his net worth? Does anyone else see something fundamentally wrong with this?

Speaking of rich people, smoke and mirrors, and hypocrisy. It seems that the number of private jets flying into Davos has skyrocketed for the meeting of the worlds uber elite. This and they are requesting pilots who have not participated in the mRNA injection experiment and will be serving beef at the meetings and restaurants surrounding the meeting areas. Why do we collectively give our freedoms and power over to these self-aggrandizing, selfish hypocrites who do not give a rip about our standards of living? 

I read yet another Associated Press (AP) report and this report is on the storms that keep rolling into the US west coast. As per script the article details some of the trials and tribulations of Californian’s this winter to include flooding, heavy mountain snows, and the Los Angeles River, among other coastal California rivers running unabated into the Ocean. As per script the article had the obligatory sentence blaming this all on climate change. As per script I rolled my eyes how fires, drought, flooding, winter storms are all due to climate change. Well, duh, the climate did change when the Hua Tonga Tonga Volcano ejected water vapor and ash to the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere last January only mankind had nothing to do with it.

It seems the drums of war keep beating without any change in their tempo. Now the US and NATO are sending tanks, more money, and whatever else to the Ukrainian NAZI fascist. This while natural gas prices rise in the US because ours is being shipped to Europe. This because a war was started by the west and Russia shut off Europe’s natural gas and the west sabotaged another pipeline from Russia. It seems that Fascism is alive and well in the West, a portion of the world that ostensibly destroyed fascism in World War II.

Speaking of fascism, Davos, and their intersection apparently the Chairmen of Siemens, the huge multinational conglomerate that even includes the once venerable Westinghouse, a company of US origins, apparently feels that a billion people need to stop eating meat. OK, so what he is saying is that he needs a billion undernourished servants who will not have the energy to question that he and others like him dictate. I am supposed to believe a man who is chairman of the board of yet another company that flourished underneath the fascist German Nazi’s is altruistic and has my best interests in mind when he spews his venomous, inciting, and condescending drivel?

Now Green Berets are being arrested for trafficking illicit drugs from Central and South America. Add them to the inglorious list that includes Navy SEALS. It seems that the collapse of the United States is nigh now that our elite warrior class has also been corrupted.

Personally, I know that I need to step up my spiritual practice because the institutions that I once held in high regard are no more. Perhaps it was a mistake in the first place to hold these institutions in high regard because as Moses said, “We must hold no false idols before God”. Perhaps I did not hold my God in high enough regard and so now I must step up my practice. This because mankind’s leadership is certainly failing and appears to be on the road to mass destruction.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.23.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

For the next couple of weeks, I am sort of taking a news sabbatical. What this means is I will not actively be seeking out news but let those who I know tell me what they have read and heard. From this I will piece together my Random Musings. Along with what I hear from others and because of my news sabbatical I have time to formulate and type up what comes to mind in the quiet times.

I just had quite the experience of receiving a text message providing my physical address, one phone number that I have used along with several that I have not used along with being told that I must pay them for something that I did not do. This or they were going to ruin my reputation. It is some sort of blackmail scam and I am not quite sure what to do about it. Perhaps I will call my local Sheriff’s office? Some people work so hard to run a fraud that it makes me wonder why they do not spend half of that energy and do something positive for the world.

The Chinese are building islands out of submerged reefs now in the South China Sea instead of reefs that were above the high tide mark. All of this and the US Congress and President are hosting the Ukrainian President because Russia is our mortal enemy. Give me a freakin’ break! I will choose a Christian Eurasian country any day over a communist Asian country run by thugs who appear intent on taking over the world. Do not get me wrong, I do not trust the Russians either but China has infiltrated the West and is using Sun Tzu tactics to destabilize the country from within far more successfully than the Russians or Soviets ever did.

The end of advent draws nigh and the Christmas season draws near. We have just had the shortest day of the year up here in the northern hemisphere. I feel the inward draw of the earth along with the advancement of night and the longest night of the year. It is hard to feel anything or do much of anything.

I, for one, will be taking the next two weeks off from blogging. It is the Christmas season and I am going to honor it. This is the time of year that I will reflect on this past year and what the coming year might bring. I will be minimizing my time online and spending time with family, friends and minimal day job activities. I would encourage all to remember what this season is about and it is not what the commercialized big corporate world tells you that it is. It is the time of year that we reset our solar clock to the lunar clock and make up for the approximately 12 day difference, hence the 12 days of Christmas. I will remember the Light One and the great teacher who incarnated to show us a way to learn about ourselves and to treat others.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It appears that the railway workers in the US have been dealt a bad hand by both the President, their Union leaders and now the US Congress. Here we are just emerging from a pandemic, fraudulent as it was, in which we were supposed to stay home when sick to learn that railway workers did not have sick leave. I had to ask myself, “What?” The railroads are a major component in the logistics backbone of this nation and its workers are not asking for much, at least on the surface. What is going on here that the politicians and union leaders are siding with the railway companies? Something stinks here and the rank and file appear to be getting screwed.

I just had a conversation in which I learned that Janet Yellen was on Stephen Colbert and she blamed the American public, writ large, for inflation. I heard this and did a double take as I could not believe what I heard. So, Secretary Yellen, you and others in government screwed us all with your ridiculous, overbearing, and unnecessary shutdowns for a man made virus that ostensibly was unleashed to implement legalized voter fraud, then you provided stimulus to help offset these shutdowns and now you are blaming us for inflation? So, you screwed us against our will and now you are going to tell us that we are to blame for the forcible screwing? That makes a lot of sense, not!

I am tired of the LGBTWRS movement. It is a waste of time, it is counterproductive, and I will not stand for it anymore. I do not support homosexuality, I will call people by gender specific pronouns whether they like it or do not like it, and I will not allow or support men competing in women’s sports because they are men no matter how they dress. The Socialist movement used women in the beginning and now the women are being kicked to the curb.

Speaking of cross dressing bald headed fools that somehow have gotten positions of leadership in the Biden administration. We have one who steals luggage and somehow plays it off that it was an accident. The guy is a criminal, his security clearance should be revoked, he should be fired without severance, and he should never be allowed a position of authority ever again. After all, I would probably have the same done to me just for typing the above paragraph.

Speaking of another cross dressing piece of work the Surgeon General should be given the option to either start dressing as the man that he is or resign. The person is a man, end of story. If you have a penis, you are a male whether you self-identify or not. I notice that you are unwilling to become a eunuch.

Arizona seems to be capitulating in the face of the most recent election steal while the White House throws a lavish state dinner in which celebrities and others are invited for French President Macron and his wife. It was a dinner to honor and stroke each other’s backs and egos for the globalist elites.

Still a very watered down response from the administration and MSM regarding the protests in China and in Iran. Of course, the Chinese have sent tanks in to quell some of these riots while some leaders in the west, for instance the CEO of Apple who was invited to the White House State Dinner, praises the government of China. This man and others like him do not respect me or my rights and I, for the record, never expect these types of people, if you want to call them people, to respect me or my rights.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.25.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Arizona is fighting their election results with multiple counties being unwilling to certify their elections. I believe this to be awesome and it appears there are true patriots in Arizona who are willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. This is unlike their neighboring state of Nevada where the Republicans have once again merely rolled over and accepted the results of a fraudulent election in many cases. They conceded without nary a fight.

Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zenn has been convicted of pro-democracy support along with five others. So, just another example of what Communist Thugs will do to maintain their power and how words do hurt them. Like how Democrat Governors would shut down churches during the pandemic while allowing box stores to remain open. What was it the Democrat governors were afraid would be said by the clergy and others in houses of worship?

Does it surprise anyone that Pope Francis has said nary a word of support for the Cardinal or condemned the actions of the Hong Kong court? Why would it surprise anyone that an avowed Argentine socialist would not support a Cardinal who espouses and supports freedom in a city being forced by the government to submit to the will of the socialist dictatorship? One thing it seems socialists all over the world have in common is their belief and support of socialist dictatorships. After all, no one in their right minds, given all the information and realities of socialism, would ever willingly and freely choose socialism.

Is anyone else surprised that the mainstream media is not reporting one wit of the Foxconn riots in China? You know the factory that assembles iPhones and pays their workers a mere pittance of what their counterparts would make in Taiwan let alone in the United States.

More shootings in the US are being exaggerated up by the left as a reason for gun control. This despite the narratives being pushed by the mainstream media usually being proved false withing twenty four hours of their release. Blah blah blah and by the way you will not take my Second Amendment rights away from me.

I see the World Cup competition has started in Qatar with even a bit of drama scripted around Iran to give the requisite national drama. Personally, NBC has been advertising their coverage for months now and I do not plan to watch any of the globalist sponsored spectacles. I will, however, watch some American football and hockey. Soccer puts me to sleep and I will not contribute to NBC’s ratings, support any of the sponsors, nor will I give the globalist puppet masters any of my time.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.4.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am deeply disturbed but not surprised that the founders of True The Vote are currently sitting in jail in the week before the election. They must be over the target considering that they have been thrown in jail for speaking the truth and it is truth based on fact.

Evidently Pfizer, General Mills, and Audi are not going to advertise on Twitter anymore because of what Elon Musk is doing with his newly acquired acquisition. It seems I have three more companies to not spend money with. Of course, General Mills will be a challenge considering how many products they make but I will figure it out.

So, Paul Pelosi’s attached has seen a judge for the first time which he should as there was a crime committed and justice should be served. What struck me watching the news story is the artist rending of the proceeding shows the judge and all others in the court room wearing masks. You must be kidding me that in San Francisco they are still requiring people to wear the useless face diapers just like they required everyone but the Politburo to wear at the Chinese Communist Party Congress in the previous weeks. Is this further evidence of the influence the CCP and its communist sympathizers and supporters have in San Francisco?

Speaking of poorly run Democratically controlled cities I am thinking that I may create a domestic cities Fact Sheet that is similar to what the US State Department has for the countries in the world. Since I do not have the resources what I thought would be a good idea to start with is publishing a Travel Advisory Level ranking. The State Department’s Travel Advisory has four levels that range from 1-4 with 1 being the safest to 4 being the “Do Not Travel” category. Right now, I would place San Francisco and New York City in the 4 (Do Not Travel) category because they do not enforce laws and are essentially lawless cities. By the way Afghanistan is a country that currently has a Travel Advisory Level of 4 as an example.

Whoa whoa whoa!!! I just read that Las Vegas’ Operating Engineers Local 501 just reported Resort World to State of Nevada officials of ties to the Chinese Communist Party state owned military companies through its parent company, Malaysia based Genting Group. Why did they not report this to Federal Agencies whose task is. specifically spelled out in the United States Constitution, to protect the borders of the United States? Could it merely be an organizing stunt or could it be because the union has an inkling that the Federal Government and its agencies have been corrupted by the CCP?

Protesters got into the Supreme Court chambers this week shouting, “We will restore our freedom to choose! Women of America, Vote”. Pardon me? I must wonder if the Supreme Court justices felt threatened at any given time during these protests? Perhaps we should set up a November 2nd committee to investigate Nancy Pelosi and others who have called for the continuing protests against the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe vs. Wade?

It now appears that Liz Truss and England may have been responsible for the Nordstream Pipeline bombing. In my opinion, they may have been the tip of the spear but trust me it is a spear with a shaft that was thrown and that there were plenty of others who either turned a blind eye or helped the English materially in some way or another.

Bloomberg News has an article that we must get used to artificial intelligence (AI) and details some of how it will affect our lives moving forward. Personally, it appears that Bloomberg is pushing the AI narrative because they know the economies are being collapsed and seee it as a replacement for all the people that will soon be losing their lives through war, famine, and the ensuing disease that always is part of war and famine. It is as if they have read the tea leaves, so to speak, or perhaps they are part of the group engineering this war, famine and disease. Michael Bloomberg does almost have a sort of cyborg quality about him after all.

There is now documented evidence, evidently, that the FBI and DHS were colluding with Twitter, Google, and Facebook (Meta) to censor information on the Wuhan Virus, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine, Hunter Biden, George Floyd etc. to label information as misinformation. This is wrong at all levels and is in violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. These people need to be held accountable up to and include criminal charges and restitution to those harmed by them being brought against them. They need to have all their rights to public discourse removed for life. They have failed this country. 

I am hearing that government, education, media and other officials who pushed the Wuhan Corona Virus narrative are asking for immunity from liability and amnesty for their actions (i.e., Jim Kramer, The Atlantic, New York Times, etc.). I am disgusted that after they plunged us all into an economic and life altering global shutdown, they now want immunity and an abdication of responsibility for the harm and devastation that they are responsible for? They will never get it from me and I would hope others will never give them a pass and that these globalist and petty dictators are held accountable for what appears to more and more be crimes against humanity. Let’s start with Anthony Fauci, Laurene Powell Jobs, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Murial Bowser, the United Nations, Facebook executives, Twitter executives, Google executives, Department of Defense officials, Big Pharma Execs etc.) n opportunist, an elitist, and a crony capitalist for sure but not a leftist. It appears the Pelosi compound has now been affected by the do nothing against crime group running San Francisco. A city which is on my no go list.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the twin suicide bombing attacks in Mogadishu, Somalia that killed more than 100 people and injured over 300. It has been a while since Islamic militants have staged this sort of attack. Perhaps there is something that people are trying to distract us from.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.29.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

There was a song playing on the radio a few minutes ago and it really seemed to have the vibe and feel of how I am feeling today. Finally, I realized the name of the song and it was Rude Mood by Stevie Ray Vaughn and the name alone if fitting for how I, in general, have felt all week.

Yesterday the smoke rolled in from the Oak Fire west of Yosemite National Park and of course as if on cue ABC News and USA Today are blaming it on climate change which just made me yawn. No mention of forest mismanagement on California and blah blah blah. Call me conspiratorial, which perhaps I am, but we have gone all summer without a major fire and what happens the week that President Biden does not implement the “Environmental Emergency” but a conflagration that grows to over 10,000 acres in less than 24 hours. Whereas, a fire that started several weeks ago, the Washburn Fire, east of Yosemite in arguably harder to reach terrain on July 7, 2022, is still under 5,000 acres in size. Oh, another difference is that CALFIRE, a California Agency, is managing the Oak Fire versus the   US Forest Service that is managing the Washburn Fire. Is this a coincidence? I do not know but considering that the level of trust remaining in my trust tank is extremely low I must wonder if it is not a coincidence. In the meantime, as has been for the last three summers I have a slight headache, my nose is plugged, my eyes burn and my lungs have a slight ache from breathing all of California’s defecation.

Since I am in a rude mood and because the Oak Fire spread so rapidly and violently and it is hard to know with what CALFIRE responded with to this fire. The US Forest Service reports the assets that they have allocated to their incidents but CALFIRE does not. Is this a case, similar to last year’s Dixie Fire, which was allowed to essentially burn until the fall, over three months, due to a lack of initial response? Afire started by Pacific Gas and Electric’s poorly maintained power lines contacting trees and that before it was extinguished had engulfed nearly 1 million acres in five counties and was the first fire to crest the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Then there was the Caldor Fire which was another fire started last year that was initially managed by CALFIRE that ultimately crested the Sierra Nevada Mountains becoming the second fire in history to do so and for several days threatened the Lake Tahoe Basin. Neither of these fires were fully contained until the first rains fell in October. Oh, and let us not forget that CALFIRE is yet another California governmental agency that is under no other than California’s Governor Newsom. Let’s not forget the Tamarack Fire, another CALFIRE initially responded to incident that was allowed to burn for several days until high winds kicked it up and it burned into the state of Nevada. I wonder how long the US Forest Service will continue to report in detail their response effort because we all know Governor Newsom answers to Nancy Pelosi, how corrupt that political machine is and how much they want to obfuscate and keep the general public in the dark to hide their machine’s corrupt political machinations. After all, they must eat at The Laundry on a regular basis and it is expensive and they need money to pay for their meals. Doesn’t everyone?

Speaking of California and San Francisco in particular is anyone else outraged that children a contracting Monkey Pox. A disease spread by close intimate contract to include saliva, seamen, and blood? My goodness, wake up America, a disease that is primarily found in homosexual male populations is now in children? What does that tell you other than most of these children have contracted Monkey Pox from pedophiles. Why aren’t the police tracing who these children have been with, arresting them, and charging them with crimes against children? This is f***ing disgusting!!!

I was just reminded that the US Federal Reserve expanded the US Dollar money supply by 40% prior to COVID and the Ukrainian War ostensibly to bail out the banks that were about to fail. Funny how even my memory can be short at times.

Speaking of the US Federal Reserve, I just read an article that the US Federal Reserve really has no power left to stop inflation because the US is in massive debt. Not only public debt but also private debt and personal debt. A telling statistic for me is that the majority of Americans equity in their homes is somewhere around 33% when it was 85% after World War II. The good modern day tenants to the modern day financial aristocracy now owe so much more that they truly have become a sort of peasant tenant tied to the property. This while there continue to be advertisements for home equity loans and one just has to say, hmm.

Thanks to JP I read an article about Shasta Country in California and of course the mainstream reporting was negative toward the citizens of Shasta County who are retaking the get along go along government official who may have even been socialists in sheep’s clothing. It really pumped me up to see that some in the Golden State are fighting to return to their once greatness. Go Jefferson!

I have noticed that some of the podcasts that I routinely listen to that would be considered on the conservative side have been delayed lately on the i-Tunes site. Is this a coincidence? I wonder.

Another thing that I have noticed this week is an increase in the number of apparent spam calls to my phone from places all over the country. Do I have any conclusions or reasons why this might be happening? No, for now it is just another data point.

Lastly, while China is in an uproar over the potential visit of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan Senate Majority leader Schumer has stripped “anti-China” verbiage from a multibillion dollar tech industry research and development bill for the US technology sector. First, why is the government passing bills giving $250 billion to semiconductor chip manufacturers? Don’t they already make enough money? Wouldn’t that $250 billion be better spent on bridges, roads, railroads etc.? Secondly, China!?! A country that stifles and caps free thought and individualism and that must steal technology in order to compete. Yet another article to keep my mood rude.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.15.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media.

Ukrainian President Zelensky claims Russia fired deliberately, purposefully at ordinary houses. Ok, this is war and atrocities happen undoubtedly. However, I do not know the full story. Perhaps the “ordinary house” was being used to shoot at Russian troops? Perhaps, it really was not really an ordinary house. President Zelensky, you messed up when you listened to your CIA handlers and allowed a war to happen between you and your next door neighbor who happens to be a big brother that you do not get along with. If you expect the United States to be able to support you just ask Poland what happened to them when England promised to support them before WWII.

Netherlands farmer’s revolt over what I have heard are nitrogen emissions or pollution or something else about nitrogen. This, to me, does not make sense considering crops require nitrogen to grow and our atmosphere comprises something in the neighborhood of 89% nitrogen. What really is at play here? Who is behind these “environmental” regulations and what is their real end game? Something is a foot here and it seems anti life and as if someone or something is trying to really disrupt the world’s food sources. I cannot help but think about how Stalin starved the Ukrainians and how the English starved the Irish. It would not be the first time food has been used as a weapon for certain.

I read that the price of gold and silver are falling because the price of the dollar is strengthening. This because there is “…flight from the Euro and Yen to the dollar”. So let me think about this for a New York second. People are dropping fiat currencies and fleeing to another fiat currency because that particular fiat currency is the world reserve currency because Saudi Arabia has, up to this point, only traded its oil in this particular fiat currency. Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has stated that Saudi Arabia should be willing to trade its oil in other currencies to “balance” the world’s economic powers or something to that affect. Uh oh, how long will the paper gold and silver traders be able to keep their charade up? It is becoming apparent to me that, perhaps, the gold and silver trader’s paper could be fiat at this point as well.

China has an increase in COVID outbreaks leading to shutdowns at the same time banks are beginning to fail in China. Is this coincidental or are they related? Call me cynical but I would not be the least bit surprised that a power hungry elite controlling the largest population on earth would use a virus to imprison their people as the specter of bank failures and increasing riots loom. If they had free and fair elections, I would think that they might even use a virus to rig the elections but I am not the least bit cynical.

Interesting that Canada is allowing Russia’s Siemens repaired turbine be returned to Russia. A turbine that Russia owns by the way. I guess Canada blinked because of the threat of Europe freezing this winter. I wonder how many people realize that Siemens Canada was once a Westinghouse facility, an American company, that built turbines?

NPR Tweets about Shinzo Abe’s death and called him an ultra-nationalist. This while President Obama, woops, I mean President Biden used his death as a platform to call for gun control. These people have no respect for life or death.

I learned a new term this week and it is called Dragflation and it means inflation rises while an economy declines. It seems some are predicting just this for the US and other post COVID economies around the world.

Rest in Peace Ivana Trump and my condolences to your family.

God bless America both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.