Random Musings on Current Events 3.29.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Life has gotten away from me, yet again, the past several weeks and I am finally getting down to do some ramblings, rumblings, and rants.

First off, my condolences and prayers go out to victims, victims’ families and citizens of Moscow, Russia in the aftermath of the tragic “terrorist” attack this past week. No matter who was responsible I think we can all agree that the individuals responsible are followers of those beings who espouse death over life.

The Dali running into the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, the first city destroyed by the D’Alessandro’s, has certainly caught my attention in the last week. Of course the finger pointing and narrative control regarding the cause and responsibility is spinning up and who knows if we will ever really know what caused the ship to run into the bridge. What I can say for certain is a major east coast harbor is going to be shut down for a long time and even longer a major freeway bypass of Baltimore will be shut down for a long time. Like COVID its impacts to the economy will reverberate for years to come. And like COVID we have inept and corrupt politically appointed individuals in charge of the government side of this, for example Transportation Secretary Buttigieg.

I would like to know and perhaps I should investigate if there is any way to report or block the robo texts that I am receiving from political candidates? A few years ago I donated to a candidate once and now I receive more robo texts than I do actual texts from people I know. Quite frankly it is irritating and gives me further reason to not trust the political machine operating in this country.

It seems that Donald Trump has not lost one whit of momentum in his quest to secure yet another nomination for the Republican part in his quest for another term as President. I found it interesting that I was still getting robo texts from Niky Haley before Super Tuesday and could not help but wonder what her or her handler’s agenda really was? Obviously, she is not representing my interests but rather a group of very wealthy individuals.

I am finding it interesting to read U.S. Grant’s first State of the Union Address and how much Sate of the Union addresses have devolved into grandstanding without stating any pertinent facts. Now a days it all seems to be about getting reelected. Joe Biden’s most recent State of Union was a far cry from those of yore and a complete waste of energy, breath, and time, no doubt.

I really find it ironic that Joe Biden and others in the uni-party are commenting that Donald Trump is losing his mental faculties? Yeah, right, whatever. They are back to projecting onto others whatever they are guilty of.

If anyone who reads my posts thinks that I am a fan of Donald Trump and his family please guess again. I really am not considering how readily President Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed and cow towed to the establishment during his first term. For now I will chalk it up to a bit of political naivete or perhaps fear that the CIA and other intelligence agencies would JFK him. Trouble is I really do not know. What I do know is that the stage was set for O’Biden and international interests to destroy the nation’s economy and freedoms and, subsequently, create a lost generation in our country in the name of a crisis. A crisis that eerily mimicked a bad flu season. 

My internet has been quite sporadic and not too robust this last week or so. There are rumblings of impending attacks on the US infrastructure to include the internet. Sometimes I cannot help but wonder if the groundwork is being prepared for such an attack. This especially considering how much Donald Trump is leading in the polls and considering what the world political elites did to the world the last time he was in the lead.

Senator Mitch McConnell has announced that is going to retire in November. Interesting that it comes on the heels of a new book being released that details the Chinese Communist influence in United States politics. I have not heard that the senator’s name is included in the book and if this is the case I cannot help but wonder if a deal was struck to keep his name out of the book? Or perhaps, his name is mentioned in the book and the senator is preempting his moves prior to its release? Whatever, it certainly did not stop him, his cronies, and the other uni party senators and representatives from passing the sham $1.2 billion dollar budget, did it? What a joke.

Lastly, I wish all well in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection this weekend.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.2.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems that Senator Schumer is going to pull a page out of Nancy Pelosi’s book and ram a bill addressing immigration down the throats of Congress without giving them time to read and absorb what is in the bill. Purportedly, it wants to create new authorities and even money for Ukraine and there are even rumors that Senator McConnell is in support of the bill. So, like Nancy Pelosi’s Affordable Health Care Act we are supposed to trust them and figure out what is in the bill after it passes. Again, I say bull shit! Slow the roll down and give us all time to read the bill because if you did not have something to hide you would allow us time to read. Furthermore, if you had not done all that you could to keep Donald Trump from being reelected, we would not have a group of criminals holding the reins of power in the Executive. For all I know they are passing a bill that legalizes and codifies Joe Biden’s immigration policy while at the same time throwing a bunch of pork out to McConnell’s, Schumer’s, and Biden’s cronies.

Speaking of Texas and Governor Abbot. Something smells rotten and it is not just the sewage and trash at the Mexican border that I am speaking of. We have a Governor who is shipping migrants into the heartland of the country instead of keeping them out while at the same time putting on a show in Eagle Pass with Texas National Guard putting up barbed wire. This while within minutes of Eagle Pass gates are evidently wide open in the border fence in which anyone can drive through. Something does not add up.

It is telling that Europe seems to be freer than the United States with the farmer and trucker protests. One thing for certain is Europe is not beholden to the companies that mass produce genetically modified foods and to big tech. If one were to do something like that in the United States with the unholy alliance between government and its law enforcement and intelligence agencies with big tech the protesters would probably be geo-fenced and arrested. Then they would be thrown in front of a kangaroo court orchestrated by a Hollywood producer and thrown into a D.C. jail without constitutional protections.

Why does Lloyd Austin still have a job? 

I read recently that the Hawaii Electric Company (HECO) has had rolling blackouts on the Hawaiian main island of Oahu. This because solar and wind were not provided enough peak power after a coal fired plant was shut down in the last year.

So, three American service members have been killed in Jordan and God rest their souls. The questions I have are why were they there in the first place and why is there an immediate siren call from the neoconservatives calling for the escalation of hostilities towards Iran? Sometimes it seems that there are elements in the west and the Middle East, for that matter, who are hell bent, no pun intended, on endless if not nuclear war. 

Why do computers have to keep invading every aspect of my life? Do they really make my life more convenient? Am I really saving any more time or am I really any more productive? Sure, I would not be able to type this blog up to have it read by spam bots, no doubt, and the random passerby in cyber land but would it really be that great of a loss to humanity as a whole? Personally, I think not. Why is there a mad rush to replace equipment with computer driven equipment when the original equipment has run great for decades and continues to run great? Perhaps I should refurbish an old typewriter, find and refurbish an old printing press, and try to sell print copy. Of course, I would additionally have to protect myself from the ire of the environmentalists who will accuse me of contributing to deforestation because it takes trees to make paper, the teams of big tech salesmen who will attack my method of information dissemination as antediluvian, who knows I may even get accused of being a troglodyte.

Speaking of troglodytes and those who do not want to move into the so called and purported to be modern times it seems the Red Sea is still being shut down by a semi nomadic people with no sea power to speak of. A tribe of people, no doubt, being used as a proxy by a more technologically advanced nation or nation’s relatively inexpensive weaponry has effectively shut down the once vaunted British and US Navies. Good on them I say because the British and US Navies are now reaping what has been sown in the societies and by extension into the services that purportedly serve these societies.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.1.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Henry Kissinger is dead at 100 years of age and reading the news certainly caused me to pause. I can remember him from my youth as the way his name sounded, to a youngster, was different and difficult for me to ignore. Of course, I had no idea who he was or what he represented at the time. Now I am more familiar with some of the things that he did, such as open up China while serving in the Nixon administration, leveraging his political ties afterwards to make millions of dollars opening China to western businesses, purportedly being a founder of the World Economic Forum and who knows what else. One thing for certain is he was an Internationalist and a powerful one at that. I will pray for his soul and for his family whether I agree with his stances or not because something tells me he is going to need it.

The southern border of the United States is still wide open and yet President Biden, his puppet masters, and several in Congress want to tie over a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and southern border controls together. I cannot believe the arrogance of these folks. I wish the leaders of Congress would vote individually on these matters so we could see where our Representatives and Senators actually stood on these issues. However, they will not, most likely, because most of these people are good at sales and deal making or else, they would not be in office. They do not appear willing to actually take a moral stand and lack conviction for anything but maintaining their station in office.

To me, if Representatives and Senators actually read the Constitution that they took an oath to defend rather than maneuver, plot, and position themselves for reelection they would understand one of the few specific duties of the Federal Government duties is the defense of our borders. The clearest and most present danger is the army of illegals crossing the southern border, end of story. I think there could be an argument that those who profit from this flood could be considered enemies within our border which is an even more frightening proposition. We have no clue what the intentions of many of the illegals are nor their willingness to learn and assimilate within a Constitutional Republic and this is dangerous. Ukraine and Israel are but mere distractions to many Americans away from the real, clear and present dangers to our society and ways of life. In other words, please do not ask me to fight someone else’s battles when there is a battle raging right in my backyard whether we want to admit it or not.

I have been listening in to a podcast in which the gentlemen, who shall remain nameless for the time being on my blog, pointed out that the power players in business, government, and media have failed to incite a race war in the united States and the world so now they are moving to one of the oldest methods of starting wars in the world, religion. Elements within the Israeli government allowed October 10 to happen to gain support for a disproportionate Israeli response which in turn will inflame anti-Jewish responses throughout the world etc. This will in turn lead to attacks against Christians and the next thing we know we have a full scale religious war spreading throughout the world. As soon as I heard him speak, I took pause, looked at my own feelings, and agreed with his view. Now, many weeks later we see pro Palestine and pro-Israeli marches around the world, attacks on Jewish centers and even two Palestinians killed in the united States. I only pray that cooler heads will prevail because religious wars, as all wars, never end until they burn out. Like fire, wars are often unpredictable and leave nothing but charred ruins in their wakes.

King Charles, of England, is attending or attended COP and blathered some stuff about the climate and how we all need to do our part and blah blah blah. I wonder if he used a private jet to get to Dubai where COP is being held? All these climate change conferences do is provide cover for the elites to meet, discuss, trade and do whatever it is that the ruling elites do in my opinion. Once thing I am certain of is that I will obtain no material benefit from their days of blathering and partying, no doubt.

I saw a news report from China in which the mystery respiratory illness is running rampant through school age children. My first question is how many of these youngsters received the experimental mRNA injection? Once that number is known then a follow up question would be how has the experimental injection compromised the youngsters’ immune systems? Questions that no doubt will not be answered, at least publicly.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10/21/2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

As if I need another reason not to support the Republican Party in the United States was needed over twenty Republican members of Congress held out on the nomination of Jim Jordan to be the Speaker of the House. It is obvious that the Republican Party is a house divided which really is in the united states of America’s favor, quite honestly, in my opinion. What is frightening is how unified the Democrat Communist Party of America is and how they have been able to co-opt elements of the Republican Party. If their aim is chaos and turmoil they are succeeding and they would make Leon Trotsky a happy man if, indeed, he was ever capable of being happy.

Like the Nazi regime in the Ukraine needs any more money it will be getting around 60% of the money in the Israel/Ukraine aid bill proposed by the neocons. Once again, all I can think is that there is a pending election and the international socialists need more money to fund their election rigging in the United States and elsewhere. It really must be important to allow many hundreds to be killed in Israel and to take the lid off Joe Biden’s basement to allow him or his avatar to go to Israel and Jordan.

I am breathing smoke, yet again, from fires in California only this time it is from “managed” burns to ostensibly remove undergrowth from forest floors. Once again, I am having to breath polluted air from one of the most corrupted and mismanaged states in the union. Once again, I must ask myself why were these forests not managed properly in the last twenty to thirty to fifty years so these “managed” burns would not be necessary in the aftermath of some of the worst fires in recorded history? Would it not make more sense to log and manage these forests and therefore provide productive jobs to thousands of men and women instead of polluting the air I breath yet again? Not only that, the wood logged could then be put to more productive use instead of importing lumber from foreign sources.

Speaking of lumber and the trees from which lumber comes from, the deciduous trees are well into their change of color and it is quite beautiful in my part of the world despite the smell and light haze from the smoke. The mornings are very cool, the afternoons mild and I can only imagine the first storm of the year will be here soon. I can only pray that the only storms looming on the horizon are only the storms of winter and not of man and the demons that possess men.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.13.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I have been quite busy the last several weeks and have missed my personal deadlines not once but twice with regards to posting my ramblings, rumbles, rants and revelations. During the course of these two weeks, I had a bit of a personal revelation or perhaps made an interesting observation.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Israel and the victims of last week’s terror attacks perpetrated by the evil followers of Mohammad. Additionally, my thoughts and prayers go out to the peaceful followers of Islam in the Gaza strip. As it seems to always happen the innocent get caught in the crossfire of the evil one’s actions.

Does anyone else find it ironic that the terror attacks on Israel happened the Friday before the Monday that RFK Jr. announced his bid to run for President as a third party candidate? His announcement barely made the news as all the news was about the terror attack.

Kevin McCarthy is no longer speaker of the house and Nancy Pelosi held the Democrat caucus firm in its resolve to not support him. I have always questioned how a Republican from California could be leader of the Republican caucus in the House which is at the national level. I question this because the Republican Party in California is but a shell of a party and is essentially controlled opposition at the best. Perhaps Mr. McCarthy and any other Republican from California should focus on their own backyard before trying to assume the mantle of any national position because from where I sit there are mountains of work to be done in California to reverse the state’s slide into a third world, narco, corrupt, Marxist one party rule petty dictatorship.

I learned recently that the animal doctor CEO of Pfizer is the highest paid executive in the pharmaceutical industry. All I can say is God bless him because the other thoughts that I have regarding this demonic possession probably would not serve me well in the after life.

Please pardon any implied vitriol that may have been apparent in my previous rambling about the horse doctor. Perhaps it is vitriolic because I am approaching the second anniversary of the death of a child 30 days after taking the second dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. Thirty days that saw my child experience increasing headaches, dark thoughts, and what I call a disconnect from spirit. A batch that according to VAERS was one of the worst, in the months after my child’s death. However, over time, somehow, this batch’s adverse reporting changed to a batch that was not so bad. Call me cynical, which I am, and lacking trust over anything “official” now a days.

Speaking of which, all these events happening around the world and it is late morning in my part of the world. I think I am going to call a lid on my public activities and take a nap. Oh no! Wait a minute! I just stole a line from the Biden administration. I hope I do not get raided by a DOJ swat team for my feeble attempt at satire.

Speaking of satire and Joe Biden, where is Joe Biden? Where is the denouncement of today being a global day of Jihad by Hamas? Of course, why should I expect anything different from his puppets who kept their puppet Joe asleep and under lid after the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and the Lahaina, Hawaii fire?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9-1-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

President Biden wants everyone to get a new coronavirus vaccine this year. Well, I say, good for him. I have had coronavirus and see no reason to support a bloated, tyrannical and quite frankly evil industry that makes money from people’s misery.

Here it comes, state’s Secretary’s of State are questioning if Donald Trump should be on the ballot this year because of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The powers to be really do not want him on the ballot and they are frightened of him. It is so plainly obvious it is appalling. Just how corrupt is the system that they are now resorting to this tactic since every other move has failed them?

If anyone really wants to see where the United States is heading if something radical does not happen soon all they have to do is look across our southern border. Three bodies were hung from a highway overpass near Monterrey, Mexico. Not exactly something one sees in the United States.

Speaking of the failed state of Mexico that is run by drug Cartels of the illicit drug type. Not the type of drug cartels of the pharmaceutical type that are running the United States it seem some of our Border Patrol agents came under fire in California near the Mexican border. Isn’t this a violation of US Sovereignty? Isn’t the protection of our borders a specifically defined responsibility of the federal government according to the US Constitution?

This past week was the second anniversary of the Kabul Airport bombing and my stomach still roils. The entire chain of command failed those Marines, Sailors, and Afghan civilians and I still have not hear of the any General Officer demotions instead of their promotions.

Proud Boys Dominic Pezzola, Ethan Nordean and Joe Biggs have received 10,18, and 17 year prison sentences, respectively, and for what? Drunken trespassing of a Federal Building and damage to a Federal Building. Was anyone hurt and did anyone go with the intent of hurting anyone? Where is the equal application of the law against the rioter is the 2020 Summer of Love who destroyed buildings and murdered others to include retired police officers? How about the others who have committed suicide and who are rotting in the D.C. jailhouse? Again, I ask, where is the equal application of justice and I did not ask this after freezing for 30 seconds mid-sentence staring blankly at the screen.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8-25-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The Pretender in Chief decided to grace Maui with his presence this past Monday. I guess his handlers finally got enough heat that they decided to let him out of his cage or wake him up enough to make the trip to the Aloha State. Meanwhile, the curtain of opacity has descended on the island and the islands governments. Governments rife with nepotism and corruption.

I finally listened to “Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony. Finally! A good protest song being sung by someone who truly believes what he is singing. I can only pray that he does not lose his way in the sudden fame that he is garnering. I pray because if there is more of this in him that I am sure I and others want to hear.

The county that I live in just approved an increase of nearly $300/year for those who operate short term rentals (Airbnb, VRBO, etc.). At its core the purpose of the fee increase will include hiring two additional staff members to administer the counties permitting of the short term rentals within its boundaries. This all came about because of neighbor complaints in an exclusive neighborhood in the county where 94% of these short term rentals exist and it is a neighborhood with far higher values than the rest of the county and where many of the owners of these homes are absent most of the year. So, those who live outside of this neighborhood are now being asked to subsidize the poor management of those who live in this neighborhood and, in addition, the taxpayer now must pay for additional salaries in an already bloated bureaucratic institution. Sounds like the county government is emulating the rich men north of Richmond playbook.

Donald Trump has been arrested by the Fulton County Georgia Sheriff and even got a mug shot taken of him. You have got to be kidding me with the banana republic charade that most likely holds no legal water. Interesting that the Republican debate’s ratings are half of the first Republican debate in 2015. Maybe because Rupert Murdoch is benefiting from the immigration flow across the border like many other crony capitalists and elitists in both parties, ahem, excuse me the uni-party.

It pumps me up to see Senator Tuberville not rubber stamping the promotions of flag and general officers! Thank goodness someone in Congress, along with those who support the Senator, are doing their jobs.

Well now I have another reason to like Carlos Santana besides just his music. In this instance it is because I happen to agree with him regarding a man being a man and a woman being a woman. As I have said before, A male has an XY chromosome pair and woman has an XX chromosome pair. I do not care how one mutilates or drugs themselves in the vain, egotistical, sick manner in order to pretend to be the opposite sex, they are not. End of story, enough said, close the books on this one.

More aid is being promised to Ukraine. I guess the Biden’s and the rest of the ilk in Washington need more money to ensure the next election does not go Donald Trump’s way. Let’s see they have paid of the Manhattan DA’s office, the Washington D.C. DA’s office, the Fulton County DA’s office, the mainstream media and who knows who else and Donald Trump is gaining more ground in the polls. Holy cow how many more people are they going to have to pay off because I am sure the coffers are running low which would explain why more dollars need to get laundered through Ukraine!!! On the flip side this shows the depravity, ruthlessness and quite honestly idiocy of the group running this country that they are willing to kill the goose that lays the golden egg and not even realize that they are killing it.

 God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8-11-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those on Maui and especially to those who lost their lives and to their loved ones.

Geez, I feel so much better knowing David Weiss was appointed special counsel to investigate Hunter and the rest of the Biden’s. Just another bunch of smoke and mirrors that will spend millions of taxpayer dollars to accomplish nothing of substance, I would imagine.

I sure am glad that I do not live in Illinois and specifically Chicago. Imagine living in the murder capital of the United States and it being difficult if not illegal to own or possess sufficient or proper firearms to defend oneself? Then again, maybe it is because of the draconian gun laws that Chicago is the murder capital.

I am supposed to believe that President Trump is guilty of all these charges being brought against him? Sure, it really does not affect me, now, however, if these people will trump up charges to go after a former President what would they do to someone like me? Well, I think we already have a glimmer considering they unleashed a global pandemic that has killed unknown millions either directly or as the aftermath of shutting down a whole world’s economy and will continue to do so for who knows how long. I am but a flea but President Trump is not and it explains, to me, why they go after him so viciously.

It is my understanding that there are people out there who are still getting “COVID”. I would imagine these cases have been verified by the tests that some have made millions, if not billions of dollars from. Tests that some have shown to be inaccurate and unreliable but hard to say for certain because these tests and their results have been censored.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7-28-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am reading the California governor wants to spend $4.5 million for undocumented aliens in the tarnished state. This is ostensibly to aid the workers in labor investigations. In all actuality it is for the attorneys that represent them and knowing the corruption and cost of attorneys this money will not last long. Better to spend the money repaving a section of pot holed road in the Sierra Nevada’s or elsewhere destroyed by this last winter’s storms. Will that happen? No, Gavin Newsom has a campaign to finance after all.

ESPN is asking for the sports leagues to invest in the company that is failing. Maybe ESPN, you should report on sports and not politics and you might see your ratings rise. Not only that but eliminate some of the commercial breaks and get rid of the self-aggrandizing, racist Stephen Smith. He is nothing but poison and is one of the reasons I no longer watch your network.

Hmm, New York state has a $36 billion shortfall due to “taxpayers fleeing”. Geez, I wonder why they are fleeing.

I read a report in which Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz called on House Speaker McCarthy and Senator McConnell to press for action on the Biden family’s business dealings. Congressman Chaffetz I do not believe either one of them will push the matter because Senator McConnell and his family are just a guilty and do not want to shine light on the practices of the uni-party. I am not sure about Speaker McCarthy but his actions or lack thereof certainly indicate that he is hamstrung for some reason.

Europe seems to be on fire this week and summer as Rhodes is being evacuated and Palermo’s airport on Sicily has been closed. My cynicism is on high alert as mysterious fires have developed, like those is Canada and the US West in previous years and this year.

Yellow Freight purportedly maybe filing for bankruptcy next week. Hmm, interesting I wonder what is behind their business failure?

I think Senators Durbin and Whitehouse should be brought up for impeachment or expulsion from the Senate under High Crimes and Misdemeanors. What gives them the right to target private citizens and conservative Supreme Court Justices’ communications? This smacks of a willful infringement of Constitutional Rights.

I am watching the fallout of Britain’s Nigel Farage’s debanking as the second CEO of a bank that he was debanked from has been fired-cum-resigned.  What I find interesting, as well, is that the UK Government is the majority shareholder of NatWest one of the banks that delisted Nigel Farage.

The Hunter Biden saga continues and the courts are now revealing what the alternate media has said all along. Information that has been and is still suppressed by the old media and the big tech platforms going back to the last Presidential election. What I must wonder is why now?  

Fox is forcing Jason Aldean to remove BLM riot footage from his video. Yet more proof, in a long list, of why I no longer trust or watch Fox News going back to 2020.

Speaking of Senators, Sen. Tuberville is pushing the Senate to seriously review the promotion of each General and Flag officer above the rank of O-7. This means he is tasking the Senate to review the second star and above for each officer selected by the DOD which is one of the jobs of the Senate. A serious review instead of rubber stamping the nominations. After the debacle of Afghanistan, the forced COVID bio warfare injections on our service members, and the military’s focus on transgenderism etc. I think it is high time more attention be paid to these promotions. The flag and general officer corps has failed this nation and the service members who serve under them and they need to be held accountable.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7-14-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Does anyone else get a little anxious going into July? Perhaps, it is a bit of my Irish ancestry, on both sides of The Troubles and the Orange-men July marches, getting restless. Especially, as this historically has been the marching season. The days are long, the air heavy, and everyone is waiting for the summer harvest.

I had occasion to learn of a couple who hail from the San Francisco Bay Area (Sonoma for those who are familiar) who are originally from New York City. It seems they checked into one of those Airbnb or VRBO places nearby me which is in a semi-rural location. The hosts put it in their welcoming letter that the place is semi-rural and that there may be dirt, bugs and mice on occasion but to let the hosts know as there are mouse traps set etc. Well, it seems this couple saw a spider and a beetle no longer than ½’ long crawled out of the sink in this short term rental.  

The couple complained and wanted a refund as they vacated the place within hours leaving the owner out at least two nights of rental. I cannot believe how spoiled big city Americans are and they claim to be the smart ones. The ones who know what is best for me and others who do not live in the coastal big cities. The same people who cannot deal with a spider and small beetle.

So, Mark Suckerberg, whoops I mean Zuckerberg, has started Threads, purportedly to compete against Elon Musk’s Twitter. Whoa, let me sign up for yet another platform started by a socially retarded geek who is most likely just a front for a government spy agency. Meta is claiming tens of millions of new subscribers on day one of the platforms launch. Geez, I wonder how many Meta users were either automatically enrolled by bots or how many of the tens of millions are just bots? Trust me I would not want to advertise with them.

Cluster bombs to Ukraine? Throw the neocons out or better yet; let the neocons themselves, their children, and their grandchildren go to the front. Perhaps a new law, constitutional amendment or something else totally beyond the scope of reality shout be created. This would require any law maker or holder of high office to be required to serve at the front. If they are too old then some of their offspring should be required to serve at the front. If they have no offspring then they should not be allowed to debate, vote, or be part of any decision that sends other’s or their offspring to war.

Yet again more child sex abuse by those in places of influence or high office. This time at the BBC. These pedophiles should be held accountable for their crimes and the most importantly those who create, allow or turn a blind eye to these types of folks need to be held accountable as well.

Wow! It seems Elton John has finished up the last gig of his last tour. I wonder how long it will be before he returns for another last gig of his last tour. I know I know a bit of cynicism on display.

It is relieving to see that a federal court issued an injunction that prevents the federal government from colluding with social media. Hopefully, this preliminary injunction will become a permanent injunction and eventually law. What happened in the last presidential election and during the COVID hysteria must never be allowed to happen again in a “fee” society. Thank you, Senator Schmitt from Missouri.

I see President Trump paid a visit to the UFC event in Las Vegas this last weekend. I loved listening to Kid Rock in the background as he made his entrance. Just watching the Twitter feeds showing his entrance made me smile.

Hey President Biden! Perhaps you should meet with Benjamin Netanyahu, after all, I would trust the Israelis any day over anyone else over there in that part of the world. Or did they not pay enough bribe money to Hunter or whoever else is running the family enterprise? Or maybe it is they do not agree with the followers of Islam and supporters of the Iranian Mullahs that are pulling your strings?

Oh, my goodness a teacher was stabbed by a student in Britain, a county with some of the strictest gun controls in the world!!! Wtf happened, you mean violence still happens. Imagine that. As I get older and not as nimble as I once was in my youth it gives me comfort to know that I can still carry a firearm to protect myself against those who are younger and more agile than me.

Another report shows three children were among the six killed in stabbings at a kindergarten in China. China, one of the most repressed countries in the world. If just one adult in the school had a firearm how many of the dead would be dead now?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.