Random Musings on Current Events 2.9.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

My prayers went out to Senator Mike Lee as he is the canary in the coal mine, so to speak, calling for a change of leadership in the Senate. The so called immigration bill is yet another push to expand government, enrich the Washington elites and Senators McConnell and Schumer are right in the middle of it. The elites must really be running scared of Donald Trump to have to shovel another $60 billion, or whatever was in the bill, to Ukraine so that they can refill their coffers in order to take Trump on. Of course Senator McConnell, the political beast that he is, could see the winds turning against him and publicly said the bill would not pass before the February recess. Something tells me the bill will be back in some other form. Now, the political creatures will meet in secret yet again during their recess and come back with some other scheme to fund their moves, no doubt.

The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) released evidence of payments directly from Iran to Hamas on the same day that Iran announces construction on another nuclear reactor. Geez, hmmm, is someone or are some people trying to drag the west into a war with Iran? Say it isn’t so. Also, why is this any of this half a world away from me any my business? Why am I being asked to bail out or trust the intentions of the Zionist experiment known as modern Israel? I am still trying to figure that one out for reasons beyond the scope of this ramble.

The House of Representatives failed to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkis and it really does not surprise me. There is way too much money being made off of illegal immigrants in the United States. The elites, agriculture, and business benefit from the inexpensive labor of these immigrants at the expense of those who are already here in the United States. I do find it interesting that Representatives McClintock, Buck and Gallagher from California, Colorado, and Wisconsin all voted against the impeachment. It really does not surprise me as each state that their districts are in are controlled by Democrats.

I have a question and that is if it takes $60 billion or thereabouts to fill the coffers of the international and domestic WEF elites it must really be an inefficient grift. I cannot help but think how much more efficiently that $60 billion could be used in a market based economy. Maybe that economy could even put some more people to work in the United States. Of course that will not work for the power brokers who want everyone beholden to their whims no matter how efficiently the capital is being used. It really is such a tired old world method of control. I cannot help but wonder if we are slipping into a neo-feudal based society.

Another item of note is watching the progression of long running shows in the UK. It seems that they have replaced the boss with a whining sniveling person with brown skin, eliminated strong men from the show and the women are the bosses. This while the women hide behind men or send men off running to do the physical dirty work. I suppose women really have always been in charge at some level but the wokeness of the writing is really quite obvious and disgusting.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 1.27.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I just read an article by Sasha Latypova in which she describes the four steps to propagate a scam to further a fascist takeover of a society (not her words but more mine). Loosely, she said the following:

Step1 – Poison a few people in a few geographic location with a drug (chemical or bio toxin) that causes highly morbid central nervous system effects;

Step 2 – Pretend it was a bug;

Step 3 use the internet to spread fake information that the bug is a highly lethal agent and its symptoms are anxiety, sleeplessness and worry and;

Step 4 – All the hypochondriacs run to their doctors and flood the ERs at which point they can be encouraged to take the fake PCR-remdesivir-ventilator protocol and call it Covid.

Alex Soros tweeted out a re post from the Atlantic that features a bullet hole and a sum of $47. I certainly hope the Secret Service, charged with protecting all Presidents and former Presidents, is investigating this tweet and the original authors of this photo. Once again this is not a deescalatory move on the part of the left but rather an escalatory move. One would almost think that they are trying to start a civil war in the worst case scenario or social unrest in the best case scenario. My hope is that cooler, more grown up, heads will prevail.

So, now that the replacement workforce and silent army of purportedly more than 6 million illegal immigrants has been allowed into the country since the Biden regime took the reins of power in the D.C. Kamala Harris is calling for amnesty. Geez, it must be nice to be chauffeured around the third world cities of D.C., Oakland and San Francisco with personal protective details. Kind of similar to Chicago, New York, and Baltimore where the people she works for used to live. I suppose Kamala will be getting a place on Martha’s Vineyard, The Hamptons, or probably Napa Valley after she is no longer in the public spotlight.

A US District Judge, Lewis Kaplan, has postponed a defamation trial against Donald Trump until Tuesday due to a juror’s coronavirus illness. Ummm, what? Tuesday is the New Hampshire primary. It sure looks like Covid is still being used to keep Donald Trump from the oval office at any cost. One only can wonder what other nefarious crisis is being hatched to suppress freedom and commit mass murder? There really are some people who will do anything to subvert our most precious institution of democracy, voting, to keep him from filling the office. One can only imagine the level and breadth of the corruption in D.C. and the other institutions of power.

This past week I made my annual purchase of a weekly calendar to track appointments, miles driven etc. for my business. I was shocked to see the calendar cost of about $34 up from $31 last year and up from about $21 8 years ago. Doing the math that is nearly a 10% increase from last year and a 62% increase over 8 years. That is a 7.75% average annual increase over 8 years. Taking last year’s increase out of the equation it amounts to a 6.8% over 7 years. Yet another sign that inflation is continuing to rise and well above what the government reported inflation rate.

God bless the US Navy SEALS who went missing in the Red Sea while Lloyd Austin was in the hospital unbeknownst to any of his direct reports. Realistically did the Secretary need to have direct knowledge of the operation? Who knows and there is a chance that he did not but the appearance is further evidence of why I have lost confidence in the Secretary’s ability to lead.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.15.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

So, Mark Zuckerberg has a palatial palace replete with a panic room probably larger than my house on the Hawaiian Island of Maui. If he had made his money only through his own determination and grit, I would not have a problem with this fact. Sure, I might feel a little bit of misguided jealousy but the market theoretically rewards those who bring the best products to market the most efficiently. However, Facebook (Meta) did not rise on its own and is doing the bidding of elements within the US, Israeli and who knows what other governments. Additionally, I believe that I heard Facebook received venture capital from the CIA and I have to assume that it came with strings and possibly “help” in becoming the data vacuum of the world that it is. That does not sit well with me because Fascist regimes are well known for picking winners and losers in the world of business.

I heard today that Harry Windsor was awarded a significant settlement in a suit against a British media company. The reason for the suit is that the company illegally intercepted Harry’s emails among other things. I usually do not give a rip about him or any other royal but in this case, I am happy to see and congratulate him on his victory. One cannot wonder if there was a government agency behind the intercepts. Who, what, where, and how did this media company have the technical abilities to do what they did? How much collusion, if any, was there between MI-5 or elements within MI-5 and this media company. Perhaps I am cynical after revelations of US government collusion between the FBI and who knows what other three letter agencies with US Big Tech and US media.

I loved listening to an analysis this week regarding the Chinese dictator and his visit to the United States this past month. This gentleman that I am speaking of assesses that XI had to come over to the United States because his power is weakening in China or else, he would have insisted his puppets meet him in China. He had to show that he could visit the Peoples Republic of California, be secure, and appear to be in charge. Whether or not he was in charge I do not know but, to be honest, it does make sense. I know there are problems in Han China and I must wonder just how much paper over the tiger is being used to cover up what is really happening?

The Winter Solstice is rapidly approaching here in the Northern Hemisphere where I am now sitting and typing. The coldest time of the year when sunlight is at a premium and of course we are approaching the Christmas season as we are now halfway through the Advent season. It is supposed to be a time for family and friends gathering but having had that growing up now it is time of remembering those who are no longer with me. God bless them all.

So, it appears there are those in Britain who want to send illegal Rwandan immigrants to Liberia. Not even debating the merits and human rights issues is anyone else taken aback how out of place this seems to be? We have the continuing graft and corruption operation underway in Ukraine still, the Israeli purging of Hamas, and now this. It just seems so out of place.

So the shipping giant Maersk has paused its ships from entering the Red Sea through the Bab al-Mandab straight. This due to the near miss recently from the followers of Islam who are upset with the Israeli Gaza War. I wonder what this is going to do to inflation rates. Of course I do not blame Maersk as it appears the US Navy is failing to keep the sea lanes open. It is an ominous sign with no signs of improving with the US Military more concerned about training ESG and testing experimental inject able technologies on its members. Admirals and Generals are not the backbone of militaries and this seems to be a fact that has been forgotten or ignored.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.1.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Henry Kissinger is dead at 100 years of age and reading the news certainly caused me to pause. I can remember him from my youth as the way his name sounded, to a youngster, was different and difficult for me to ignore. Of course, I had no idea who he was or what he represented at the time. Now I am more familiar with some of the things that he did, such as open up China while serving in the Nixon administration, leveraging his political ties afterwards to make millions of dollars opening China to western businesses, purportedly being a founder of the World Economic Forum and who knows what else. One thing for certain is he was an Internationalist and a powerful one at that. I will pray for his soul and for his family whether I agree with his stances or not because something tells me he is going to need it.

The southern border of the United States is still wide open and yet President Biden, his puppet masters, and several in Congress want to tie over a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and southern border controls together. I cannot believe the arrogance of these folks. I wish the leaders of Congress would vote individually on these matters so we could see where our Representatives and Senators actually stood on these issues. However, they will not, most likely, because most of these people are good at sales and deal making or else, they would not be in office. They do not appear willing to actually take a moral stand and lack conviction for anything but maintaining their station in office.

To me, if Representatives and Senators actually read the Constitution that they took an oath to defend rather than maneuver, plot, and position themselves for reelection they would understand one of the few specific duties of the Federal Government duties is the defense of our borders. The clearest and most present danger is the army of illegals crossing the southern border, end of story. I think there could be an argument that those who profit from this flood could be considered enemies within our border which is an even more frightening proposition. We have no clue what the intentions of many of the illegals are nor their willingness to learn and assimilate within a Constitutional Republic and this is dangerous. Ukraine and Israel are but mere distractions to many Americans away from the real, clear and present dangers to our society and ways of life. In other words, please do not ask me to fight someone else’s battles when there is a battle raging right in my backyard whether we want to admit it or not.

I have been listening in to a podcast in which the gentlemen, who shall remain nameless for the time being on my blog, pointed out that the power players in business, government, and media have failed to incite a race war in the united States and the world so now they are moving to one of the oldest methods of starting wars in the world, religion. Elements within the Israeli government allowed October 10 to happen to gain support for a disproportionate Israeli response which in turn will inflame anti-Jewish responses throughout the world etc. This will in turn lead to attacks against Christians and the next thing we know we have a full scale religious war spreading throughout the world. As soon as I heard him speak, I took pause, looked at my own feelings, and agreed with his view. Now, many weeks later we see pro Palestine and pro-Israeli marches around the world, attacks on Jewish centers and even two Palestinians killed in the united States. I only pray that cooler heads will prevail because religious wars, as all wars, never end until they burn out. Like fire, wars are often unpredictable and leave nothing but charred ruins in their wakes.

King Charles, of England, is attending or attended COP and blathered some stuff about the climate and how we all need to do our part and blah blah blah. I wonder if he used a private jet to get to Dubai where COP is being held? All these climate change conferences do is provide cover for the elites to meet, discuss, trade and do whatever it is that the ruling elites do in my opinion. Once thing I am certain of is that I will obtain no material benefit from their days of blathering and partying, no doubt.

I saw a news report from China in which the mystery respiratory illness is running rampant through school age children. My first question is how many of these youngsters received the experimental mRNA injection? Once that number is known then a follow up question would be how has the experimental injection compromised the youngsters’ immune systems? Questions that no doubt will not be answered, at least publicly.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.20.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I watched the movie “The Legend of Bagger Vance” the other night and one of the main characters, played by Matt Damon, Captain Junah, is a man haunted by his past service in World War I in which many men who served under him were killed in action. Bagger Vance, played by Will Smith, is an angel sent to help steer Junah straight and help him get through his PTSD or Shell Shock or whatever they called it after WWI. There is one scene that sticks with me and that is when Bagger tells Junah to see the course. Essentially, he is telling him to see it with his heart. See his path and what he, Junah, needs to see to play his shot. Not anyone else’s shot but his shot.

Speaking of Bagger Vance and the fact the movie takes place in the United States’ south, I happened to listen to “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd and the lyrics are:

Mama told me when I was young

“Come sit beside me, my only son

And listen closely to what I say

And if you do this, it’ll help you some sunny day, ah yeah”

Oh, take your time, don’t live too fast

Troubles will come they will pass

You’ll find a woman, yeah, and you’ll find love

And don’t forget, son, there is someone up above

And be a simple kind of man

Oh, be something you love and understand

Baby, be a simple kind of man

Oh, won’t you do this for me, son, if you can?

Forget you lust for the rich man’s gold

All that you need is in your soul

And you do this, oh, baby, if you try

All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied

…But, be a simple, be a simple man

Oh, be something you love and understand

Baby, be a simple kind of man

There is, to me, something about this song that sums up what I have been rolling around in my mind as I observe the ramblings, rumblings and rants of the world.

The Conservative Constitutionalist needs to slow down, pull in, and remember what is really important and it certainly is not what is happening half a world away in the Middle East, Ukraine, and in China. The Conservative Constitutionalist needs to play his game and not anyone else’s game. Sure, events there can impact what is happening to me eventually and probably will and, in fact have, but for now I have found myself, along with many others, getting worked up about these events for no reason. Every time I click a link, I am supporting some large media giant sell advertisement or every time I turn on a news broadcast, I am supporting yet another media giant and helping them to sell advertising.

I believe what I am trying to say is that I have, unintentionally been supporting the rich elitists and their lifestyles at the expense of my lifestyle and letting myself be swayed to live in their world, at their pace, and to ignore what is right in front of me. It is Thanksgiving week now and I was reminded this past weekend that this is really a time of Thanksgiving unique to the American experience. It is a time to reflect on this country’s native American heritage and its melding with the early English settlers and how the early Native American’s taught and saved the early English settlers from starvation and how to live in this new world. What I was reminded of is that I am an American first and foremost. I am not a European, an Asian, a Middle Easterner, or anyone else but an American, end of story. Also, that I need to focus on what is right in front of me and not what is happening half a world away.

I had the opportunity to spend some time in Southern New Mexico last week and it was a bit depressing. The town that I was staying in is depressed and there is no way around it. Two restaurants that I had eaten in the past were shut down for good, no doubt, victims of the COVID lock downs. The only jobs to be had were servicing the travelers along the interstate, a Dollar General and government jobs. Certainly, none of these jobs are jobs in which wealth is being created for this community. Instead, one of them, the government jobs, are nothing more than redistributing wealth by taking from wealth producers in order to support the recipients.

Oh yes, it was disgusting to see how they were able to clean up and keep the riff raff away in San Francisco for the visit of Xi, the Chinese dictator, while businesses flee the corrupt, decadent, third world bung hole of California. Yes, I said bung because I dare not write what I really want to call it. California politicians and remaining business leaders really are a clear and present danger to the stability of the United States. I will not even mention the sock puppet in chief of the United States who capitulated to the dictator. In fact, it appears they are in Xi’s employee which could be considered an act of treason if one were to pursue that line of thinking.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.4.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I have committed to posting something to this blog at least one time per week and lately I have been slacking a bit doing this. So, therefore, I am typing despite not really having paid much attention to anything in the news this week. Regardless, here I go.

The United States has a new Speaker of the House and it appears that he is on the side of the Neocons in his support for Israel and going to war in the Middle East. God help humanity because the puppet masters pulling strings seem to want this war so that they can maintain their power in the world and in the process kill a whole bunch of people. These people do not support life but rather are purveyors of death.

Speaking of the new Speaker, I read that he is going to allow a border and immigration bill of sorts to pass through the House. Of course, it is already being written that the Republicans in the Senate, the ringleader being Sen. McConnell, will not allow it to pass as written. This because he and others are beholden to those who are making money off the out of control border immigration issue. Is there any wonder why even the RINO Republicans are against the border wall and controlling the border. They and those who they represent are making too much money and maintaining their power with an open border. All I can do is yawn when I read these stories. The media will make a big deal out of it and nothing substantive will change except that the politicians will tout their positions this upcoming election cycle. OK before I fall asleep, I need to move onto another topic.

Out west in the United States the mainstream media is touting an El Nino year and because of its blah blah blah. Personally, I think the winter will be a little warmer than last winter because the effects of the Hua Tonga Volcano eruption will not be as pronounced in the earth’s upper atmosphere as we are now deeper into the second year after the eruption. I believe much of the light reflecting particulate has settled back into the lower atmosphere, however, there is still some residual to reflect light. This will still impact weather patterns but not as severely. It will be interesting to see how this effects the weather patterns and only time will tell, not a media report quoting the so called experts.

I read today that JP Morgan, Citibank and others are taking huge losses to the tune of 10’s of billions of dollars due to their exposures to US Treasuries. Personally, I can hardly even comprehend the quantities being bandied about and want to use scientific notation to write these figures out to aid in the ease and simplicity of writing them. Nine zeroes after the figures and the banks get to just write them off as if nothing happened as people behind closed doors in the city of Washington, New York, and San Francisco argue among themselves trying to figure out how to maintain confidence in the system.

I must ask myself why do I even worry about paying my credit cards and debt? They certainly do not because it is not the money, they are concerned about but rather it is how to maintain their lifestyles at the expense of the vast majority of the people in the country. I still wonder what would happen if the country as a whole decided not to support their lavish lifestyles in New York City, The Hamptons, San Francisco, Marin County, Washington D.C. etc.? Would there be chaos? Sure, there would be but would it be worse for the men and women who have never had to do hard work in their lives or those who already know how to wash dishes, swing a hammer, turn a wrench, farm and or hunt for the food they eat?

Speaking of the food that we eat I went to the grocery store the other day and yet another item that had not had its price raised much in the last year suddenly had nearly a 25% increase in its price. The pundits, government officials and so called experts can talk all they want but inflation is real, it is here and it is much higher than the official CPI. All this so the elites can maintain and illusion of stability so they can maintain their lifestyles on the backs of most Americans.

Sure, it makes it less expensive to pay the debt but at what cost? The inflation eats away at savings in dollars and one must devote more of his time laboring to maintain their same lifestyle. What irritates me to no end is the beneficiaries of this inflation have no clue or care one wit what it does to those who labor to maintain the elite’s lifestyles. This can only go on for so long before the system can no longer maintain itself because the dollar is no longer tied to the real economy, the economy of labor for bread, shelter, and transportation. Of course, I would imagine the socially inept geeks who made their fortunes on computers will try and make robots to do this work because we all know they do not like nor want to be with or compete with real human beings. Human beings are too unpredictable, dirty, and free thinking to their tastes unlike computers that are cold, logical and controllable.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.28.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The drum beat for kinetic war continue to beat in the Middle East and sides are being drawn and activated. Is there anyone else out there concerned that this could lead to a much greater conflagration? It certainly seems not considering newly elected Speaker of the House Johnson’s first speech as such included more money laundering, pardon me, support for Ukraine. This while the politicians in the United States are practically in open verbal warfare against each other’s sides over whose side the U.S. should be on and to what degree we should be. War is a racket!

I still have not heard anyone in the mainstream ask the question about how the Israeli’s left their border with Gaza in such a way that Hamas was able to penetrate and do what they did and so successfully? Someone within the Israeli security apparatus had to stand the defenses down for the period of time it took the massacre to develop and occur in the way it did. You also cannot make me believe that the Israeli security and intelligence apparatus along with the United States and other western power’s intelligence agencies did not know something was up. Now it seems there are hidden forces doing what they can do to stoke this tension due to the continual uptick in rhetoric.

Another “mass shooting” in the United States only this time it was in the state of Maine. It seems the shooter and main suspect is now dead of self-inflicted wounds(?). This gentleman, according to the msm narrative had mental problems to include hearing voices in the weeks leading up to what he did. I must wonder if he had received the mRNA jab and if so when he received it? Of course, this little data nugget will never be reported on.

I am tempted to not comment on the immediate response of the Democratic Marxist Party members espousing the need for more gun control. This in the minutes after the story broke before any relevant information had been received. I was tempted to not comment because I have said it before and I am getting tired of saying the same old thing. They are Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyites and I will type no more.

I visited my local county offices this week and noticed that the flags they are flying have the gold fringe. It seems, I am learning, that this could mean that they espouse themselves to be some sort of corporation operating under Maritime Law and not Common Law, which is the original law of the land in the United States. Does this mean they are operating outside the bounds of the Constitution? Something that I need to learn and investigate, no doubt.

We are rapidly approaching the second anniversary of the death of my child whose death I blame on COVID, the response to COVID, and Pfizer who provided the vaccine that this child took thirty days prior to my child’s death. Am I angry? Sure, and I am also sad and not sure where this child’s death will take me. I constantly must remind myself of my Christian upbringing and pray for the purveyors of death who unleashed the man made virus and continue to profit from the government and industry’s responses to the virus.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Israel Palestine Thoughts 10/21/2023

The tension in the Middle East is palpable, or is it? Quite honestly it has impacted me by creating yet another noisy media event and some of my Israeli colleagues being called back to Israel which, in a sense, is very real, especially for them. Peacetime business is drying up and the war dogs are howling beyond the background noise of the information war that always is being fought and that will no doubt always be waged.

I cannot help but wonder what elements within the Israeli Government allowed the atrocity to be committed by the Gazan vermin who happen to follow Islam? Watching videos of the vermin breaching the border I noticed at least one surveillance balloon; empty guard towers and fence lines being breached unopposed and I am supposed to believe the vaunted Israeli Defense Forces did not notice this happening in real time and they did not have the means to stop this before it spiraled in the way it did?

What I can believe is that an oppressive government who shut an entire country down for a bad and in many cases lethal strain of manmade flu, forced its population to become a giant pharmaceutical experiment for an untried and untested genetic modification, enacted strict gun control laws, and was facing a political threat to their government engineered and allowed this attack to happen to maintain its power. This to me, is the most plausible explanation for why this happened. Furthermore, this abject failure which appears to be an engineered failure is a discussion that needs to happen now and not after it drags the whole world into a maelstrom beyond that which has already occurred and it is a discussion devoid of emotion as much as possible.

Was what the Hamas vermin did wrong? Yes! Absolutely and they should be held accountable. There is no place in my world for these vermin. However, I must ask myself, “what about the vermin who allowed this attack to happen?” which supports my assertion that the discussion needs to happen now. As an American all I must do is look at what elements within my own country are trying to do. They constantly push gun control, states followed the lead of the Federal Government’s non-elected bureaucrats in shutting down most of the country over a bad case of manmade flu, States and businesses coerced millions into taking an untried and little tested genetic modification, an open southern border that is allowing who knows through with who knows what intent, and this powerful political element is facing an existential threat to its power due to a restive populist movement. This is the same vermin that forced the Patriot Act down our throats in the highly emotional times after the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon and hyped the coronavirus to impose even more unconstitutional “emergency” powers over the united states of America.

War and fabricated emergencies have been the answer of autocrats, despots, and dictators for hundreds if not thousands of years when its populace becomes restive. This is nothing new and they do not fool me nor, quite frankly, do they fool many others. The purveyors of war and death become empowered from the blood of the innocent and do not give a second thought about it. I can only pray that it is not too late because a genie has been let out of its bottle and I can only wonder if the genie will go back into its bottle sooner with minimal chaos being dealt rather than later with much much more chaos being wrought in ways that I do not want to even think of.