Random Musings on Current Events 4.26.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Does anyone else wonder why the Communist News Network (CNN) is releasing its exclusive challenging the Pentagon’s narrative of the homicide bomber attack on August 26, 2021, at Kabul’s International Airport? I have written how it was a complete and utter failure of American US military leadership and my questioning of how come not a single senior officer, Secretary of Defense or President Biden have been held to account for this unnecessary tragedy. Now, we learn as matter of fact that the US military changed and left out a full accounting of events on that day. Personally I understand that US Marines may have fired into the crowd as Islamic terrorists were well known for their complex attacks in which a homicide bomber would blow himself up and then as a follow up other terrorists would shoot others in the confusion. So what, fog of war. I still see no one asking for an accounting from or for General McKenzie, his subordinate commanders, Secretary of Defense Austin or President Biden. I still have no faith or confidence, and even less so now, in any of these folk’s leadership.

The sham trial of Donald Trump continues on and, no, I am not following it day to day because I do not have time for this. I am too busy deleting and reporting as spam all of the spam texts and emails from political campaigns asking for my money.

The University of Southern California has canceled its main commencement ceremony due to “ongoing campus protest/unrest”. As if like clockwork The Summer of Love Redux seems to be heating up again exactly four years later. What a coincidence, a presidential election year in which Donald Trump is polling better than Joe Biden. I wonder why USC does not request assistance from local law enforcement to arrest those who are breaking the law like at the University of Texas, Austin did? Perhaps, the USC administrators are afraid it’s leftist faculty will protest much as UT Austin’s leftist faculty did, perhaps the USC administrators are leftists themselves, or maybe they just plain and simply have no backbone to support and defend the rule of law. Funny how USC is a private University as is Columbia, George Washington University, and NYU. Glad that I am not a parent paying tuition to any of these so called institutions of higher learning.

I certainly hope Merrick Garland is charged with contempt of Congress. Will it mean much? Who knows.

I logged onto Facebook for the first time in months yesterday and was inundated with adds featuring young scantily clad women, hopefully not girls, asking to be my friend, chat and blah blah blah with very few posts from my contacts. Evidently these are “AI” generated adds. What a ruthless, greedy, unscrupulous no good group of people at Facebook.

Speaking of election year shenanigans it seems that inflation actually increased based on reports released in the last week. It will be interesting to see what side of the political aisle, if any, the bankers are on in the coming weeks and months. Will the Federal Reserve change their targets to justify lowering interest rates, maintain current interest rates or increase rates which any sane person would do with no political skin in the game. One thing for certain the bankers have no interest in my lifestyle or for that matter whether I live or die. They are only concerned with maintaining their lifestyles and power on the backs of the majority of people.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.2.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems that Senator Schumer is going to pull a page out of Nancy Pelosi’s book and ram a bill addressing immigration down the throats of Congress without giving them time to read and absorb what is in the bill. Purportedly, it wants to create new authorities and even money for Ukraine and there are even rumors that Senator McConnell is in support of the bill. So, like Nancy Pelosi’s Affordable Health Care Act we are supposed to trust them and figure out what is in the bill after it passes. Again, I say bull shit! Slow the roll down and give us all time to read the bill because if you did not have something to hide you would allow us time to read. Furthermore, if you had not done all that you could to keep Donald Trump from being reelected, we would not have a group of criminals holding the reins of power in the Executive. For all I know they are passing a bill that legalizes and codifies Joe Biden’s immigration policy while at the same time throwing a bunch of pork out to McConnell’s, Schumer’s, and Biden’s cronies.

Speaking of Texas and Governor Abbot. Something smells rotten and it is not just the sewage and trash at the Mexican border that I am speaking of. We have a Governor who is shipping migrants into the heartland of the country instead of keeping them out while at the same time putting on a show in Eagle Pass with Texas National Guard putting up barbed wire. This while within minutes of Eagle Pass gates are evidently wide open in the border fence in which anyone can drive through. Something does not add up.

It is telling that Europe seems to be freer than the United States with the farmer and trucker protests. One thing for certain is Europe is not beholden to the companies that mass produce genetically modified foods and to big tech. If one were to do something like that in the United States with the unholy alliance between government and its law enforcement and intelligence agencies with big tech the protesters would probably be geo-fenced and arrested. Then they would be thrown in front of a kangaroo court orchestrated by a Hollywood producer and thrown into a D.C. jail without constitutional protections.

Why does Lloyd Austin still have a job? 

I read recently that the Hawaii Electric Company (HECO) has had rolling blackouts on the Hawaiian main island of Oahu. This because solar and wind were not provided enough peak power after a coal fired plant was shut down in the last year.

So, three American service members have been killed in Jordan and God rest their souls. The questions I have are why were they there in the first place and why is there an immediate siren call from the neoconservatives calling for the escalation of hostilities towards Iran? Sometimes it seems that there are elements in the west and the Middle East, for that matter, who are hell bent, no pun intended, on endless if not nuclear war. 

Why do computers have to keep invading every aspect of my life? Do they really make my life more convenient? Am I really saving any more time or am I really any more productive? Sure, I would not be able to type this blog up to have it read by spam bots, no doubt, and the random passerby in cyber land but would it really be that great of a loss to humanity as a whole? Personally, I think not. Why is there a mad rush to replace equipment with computer driven equipment when the original equipment has run great for decades and continues to run great? Perhaps I should refurbish an old typewriter, find and refurbish an old printing press, and try to sell print copy. Of course, I would additionally have to protect myself from the ire of the environmentalists who will accuse me of contributing to deforestation because it takes trees to make paper, the teams of big tech salesmen who will attack my method of information dissemination as antediluvian, who knows I may even get accused of being a troglodyte.

Speaking of troglodytes and those who do not want to move into the so called and purported to be modern times it seems the Red Sea is still being shut down by a semi nomadic people with no sea power to speak of. A tribe of people, no doubt, being used as a proxy by a more technologically advanced nation or nation’s relatively inexpensive weaponry has effectively shut down the once vaunted British and US Navies. Good on them I say because the British and US Navies are now reaping what has been sown in the societies and by extension into the services that purportedly serve these societies.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 1.27.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I just read an article by Sasha Latypova in which she describes the four steps to propagate a scam to further a fascist takeover of a society (not her words but more mine). Loosely, she said the following:

Step1 – Poison a few people in a few geographic location with a drug (chemical or bio toxin) that causes highly morbid central nervous system effects;

Step 2 – Pretend it was a bug;

Step 3 use the internet to spread fake information that the bug is a highly lethal agent and its symptoms are anxiety, sleeplessness and worry and;

Step 4 – All the hypochondriacs run to their doctors and flood the ERs at which point they can be encouraged to take the fake PCR-remdesivir-ventilator protocol and call it Covid.

Alex Soros tweeted out a re post from the Atlantic that features a bullet hole and a sum of $47. I certainly hope the Secret Service, charged with protecting all Presidents and former Presidents, is investigating this tweet and the original authors of this photo. Once again this is not a deescalatory move on the part of the left but rather an escalatory move. One would almost think that they are trying to start a civil war in the worst case scenario or social unrest in the best case scenario. My hope is that cooler, more grown up, heads will prevail.

So, now that the replacement workforce and silent army of purportedly more than 6 million illegal immigrants has been allowed into the country since the Biden regime took the reins of power in the D.C. Kamala Harris is calling for amnesty. Geez, it must be nice to be chauffeured around the third world cities of D.C., Oakland and San Francisco with personal protective details. Kind of similar to Chicago, New York, and Baltimore where the people she works for used to live. I suppose Kamala will be getting a place on Martha’s Vineyard, The Hamptons, or probably Napa Valley after she is no longer in the public spotlight.

A US District Judge, Lewis Kaplan, has postponed a defamation trial against Donald Trump until Tuesday due to a juror’s coronavirus illness. Ummm, what? Tuesday is the New Hampshire primary. It sure looks like Covid is still being used to keep Donald Trump from the oval office at any cost. One only can wonder what other nefarious crisis is being hatched to suppress freedom and commit mass murder? There really are some people who will do anything to subvert our most precious institution of democracy, voting, to keep him from filling the office. One can only imagine the level and breadth of the corruption in D.C. and the other institutions of power.

This past week I made my annual purchase of a weekly calendar to track appointments, miles driven etc. for my business. I was shocked to see the calendar cost of about $34 up from $31 last year and up from about $21 8 years ago. Doing the math that is nearly a 10% increase from last year and a 62% increase over 8 years. That is a 7.75% average annual increase over 8 years. Taking last year’s increase out of the equation it amounts to a 6.8% over 7 years. Yet another sign that inflation is continuing to rise and well above what the government reported inflation rate.

God bless the US Navy SEALS who went missing in the Red Sea while Lloyd Austin was in the hospital unbeknownst to any of his direct reports. Realistically did the Secretary need to have direct knowledge of the operation? Who knows and there is a chance that he did not but the appearance is further evidence of why I have lost confidence in the Secretary’s ability to lead.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.15.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

So, Mark Zuckerberg has a palatial palace replete with a panic room probably larger than my house on the Hawaiian Island of Maui. If he had made his money only through his own determination and grit, I would not have a problem with this fact. Sure, I might feel a little bit of misguided jealousy but the market theoretically rewards those who bring the best products to market the most efficiently. However, Facebook (Meta) did not rise on its own and is doing the bidding of elements within the US, Israeli and who knows what other governments. Additionally, I believe that I heard Facebook received venture capital from the CIA and I have to assume that it came with strings and possibly “help” in becoming the data vacuum of the world that it is. That does not sit well with me because Fascist regimes are well known for picking winners and losers in the world of business.

I heard today that Harry Windsor was awarded a significant settlement in a suit against a British media company. The reason for the suit is that the company illegally intercepted Harry’s emails among other things. I usually do not give a rip about him or any other royal but in this case, I am happy to see and congratulate him on his victory. One cannot wonder if there was a government agency behind the intercepts. Who, what, where, and how did this media company have the technical abilities to do what they did? How much collusion, if any, was there between MI-5 or elements within MI-5 and this media company. Perhaps I am cynical after revelations of US government collusion between the FBI and who knows what other three letter agencies with US Big Tech and US media.

I loved listening to an analysis this week regarding the Chinese dictator and his visit to the United States this past month. This gentleman that I am speaking of assesses that XI had to come over to the United States because his power is weakening in China or else, he would have insisted his puppets meet him in China. He had to show that he could visit the Peoples Republic of California, be secure, and appear to be in charge. Whether or not he was in charge I do not know but, to be honest, it does make sense. I know there are problems in Han China and I must wonder just how much paper over the tiger is being used to cover up what is really happening?

The Winter Solstice is rapidly approaching here in the Northern Hemisphere where I am now sitting and typing. The coldest time of the year when sunlight is at a premium and of course we are approaching the Christmas season as we are now halfway through the Advent season. It is supposed to be a time for family and friends gathering but having had that growing up now it is time of remembering those who are no longer with me. God bless them all.

So, it appears there are those in Britain who want to send illegal Rwandan immigrants to Liberia. Not even debating the merits and human rights issues is anyone else taken aback how out of place this seems to be? We have the continuing graft and corruption operation underway in Ukraine still, the Israeli purging of Hamas, and now this. It just seems so out of place.

So the shipping giant Maersk has paused its ships from entering the Red Sea through the Bab al-Mandab straight. This due to the near miss recently from the followers of Islam who are upset with the Israeli Gaza War. I wonder what this is going to do to inflation rates. Of course I do not blame Maersk as it appears the US Navy is failing to keep the sea lanes open. It is an ominous sign with no signs of improving with the US Military more concerned about training ESG and testing experimental inject able technologies on its members. Admirals and Generals are not the backbone of militaries and this seems to be a fact that has been forgotten or ignored.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.10.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Senator Tuberville continues his hold out against the blanket confirmation of the President’s rubber stamp of military promotions in the General and Flag Officer ranks. However, some of his so called fellow Republican Senators are considering Senator Shumer’s with a resolution to the Senate Rules Committee to essentially do an end around Senator Tuberville’s insistence that he cannot approve some of the promotions because the promotions would violate the Hyde Amendment because of the proposed military promotions are for people who support abortion. Of course, the Republicans who are willing to vote for this rules change include Senators Graham, Romney, Ernst and a couple of others, so far, that I am not familiar with. Big surprise there and what surprises me is that Senator McConnell is not on the list at least publicly but I am sure he is privately. In the amount of time, they have spent waiting for this to play out I have wonder how many of these promotions they could have individually approved or rejected? That would have just taken too much work I suppose and furthermore would have required the Senatorial staffs and Senators to take public stands on this issue, specifically, and they cannot have that with elections looming on the horizon.

It really is too bad that the funding of the Vice President was not cut as proposed by several in the House of Representatives. She really is a failure at doing her job and really should be fired. Maybe she will donate some of her salary to Secretary Buttigieg. Not likely!

Stop the presses! The Screen Actors Guild strike looks like it is over! Oh, my goodness! Time for more fresh fecal matter to be put out by Hollywood. I would imagine there is some serious constipation ready for release.

The Associated Press has cut ties with Hassan Eslaiah the free-lance photographer who was embedded with Hamas during the October 7 attack on Israel. Of course, not before photographs that he took to include a selfie with Yahya Sinwar the Hamas mastermind of the attack. I wonder how many clicks and increased revenue the AP and other news outlets received publishing Eslaiah’s photographs?

Has anyone noticed how quiet and controlled the press releases from the Israeli side of the Gazan invasion are? The Israeli’s are true masters at controlling narratives and the press. So much so that there is still no mention of why Hamas was able to penetrate Israeli defenses on October 7. I am still not convinces that Israeli Intelligence, at some lever, did not know in advance the attacks were going to occur especially when freelance photographers etc. were embedded with Hamas. The best kept secrets are secrets never told and once told they are no longer secrets. Why was there an apparent stand down at the Gazan border that allowed this attack to be so successful? It just makes me wonder.

Houthis have purportedly shot down a US Drone in or around Yemen. Geez President Biden did you do that? Did your policies of delisting the Houthis and allowing Iran, who has declared the United States and enemy, embolden if not fund the Houthis?

Pro Palestinians have defaced Britain’s Cenotaph war memorial the same week as Armistice Day. When will the west wake up to the fact that Islam is not a peace loving religion? When will Christians and others realize that Islam that demands total subservience not only religiously but politically? Islam is a religion or movement that not only subscribes how to live life but how to govern peoples. It is an insidious movement that will do whatever it takes to infiltrate and overthrow existing governing structures and install its own according to the Quran if it cannot outright invade. Just read about what happened to Constantinople in its later years and how its decay led to inviting Muslim to do menial work for the corrupt, lazy, and incompetent elites of its crumbling empire. So many parallels it makes me wonder if there is any hope for the western liberal Christian based ideal.

Finally, I will take a pause this weekend and attend an annual Veteran’s Day parade in honor of all those who have served. It usually is a solitary event for me since none in my family or immediate circle of friends usually wants to attend and quite frankly it is OK with me since none of them are veterans and they really do not understand. They do not understand that it is not just a parade for me and that I really am not alone. I am not alone in my memories of all those over the decades that I served with who have come and gone in my life. Some I liked some I did not. Some liked me and some did not like me but we all took oaths and “did our time”. I am not sure of the motivations that led others to serve our country and my motivations changed over time, quite honestly. The one thing that we all did, however, was to serve our country whether we agreed to it or not in the case of many who were drafted in Vietnam through World War II, though the numbers of those who were drafted are diminishing. The one thing we all had to learn was to be part of a team at minimum a basic level just to make it through boot camp or whatever path to a commissioning that we took. To all the Veterans out there I want to say, “thank you for your service”.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.4.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I have committed to posting something to this blog at least one time per week and lately I have been slacking a bit doing this. So, therefore, I am typing despite not really having paid much attention to anything in the news this week. Regardless, here I go.

The United States has a new Speaker of the House and it appears that he is on the side of the Neocons in his support for Israel and going to war in the Middle East. God help humanity because the puppet masters pulling strings seem to want this war so that they can maintain their power in the world and in the process kill a whole bunch of people. These people do not support life but rather are purveyors of death.

Speaking of the new Speaker, I read that he is going to allow a border and immigration bill of sorts to pass through the House. Of course, it is already being written that the Republicans in the Senate, the ringleader being Sen. McConnell, will not allow it to pass as written. This because he and others are beholden to those who are making money off the out of control border immigration issue. Is there any wonder why even the RINO Republicans are against the border wall and controlling the border. They and those who they represent are making too much money and maintaining their power with an open border. All I can do is yawn when I read these stories. The media will make a big deal out of it and nothing substantive will change except that the politicians will tout their positions this upcoming election cycle. OK before I fall asleep, I need to move onto another topic.

Out west in the United States the mainstream media is touting an El Nino year and because of its blah blah blah. Personally, I think the winter will be a little warmer than last winter because the effects of the Hua Tonga Volcano eruption will not be as pronounced in the earth’s upper atmosphere as we are now deeper into the second year after the eruption. I believe much of the light reflecting particulate has settled back into the lower atmosphere, however, there is still some residual to reflect light. This will still impact weather patterns but not as severely. It will be interesting to see how this effects the weather patterns and only time will tell, not a media report quoting the so called experts.

I read today that JP Morgan, Citibank and others are taking huge losses to the tune of 10’s of billions of dollars due to their exposures to US Treasuries. Personally, I can hardly even comprehend the quantities being bandied about and want to use scientific notation to write these figures out to aid in the ease and simplicity of writing them. Nine zeroes after the figures and the banks get to just write them off as if nothing happened as people behind closed doors in the city of Washington, New York, and San Francisco argue among themselves trying to figure out how to maintain confidence in the system.

I must ask myself why do I even worry about paying my credit cards and debt? They certainly do not because it is not the money, they are concerned about but rather it is how to maintain their lifestyles at the expense of the vast majority of the people in the country. I still wonder what would happen if the country as a whole decided not to support their lavish lifestyles in New York City, The Hamptons, San Francisco, Marin County, Washington D.C. etc.? Would there be chaos? Sure, there would be but would it be worse for the men and women who have never had to do hard work in their lives or those who already know how to wash dishes, swing a hammer, turn a wrench, farm and or hunt for the food they eat?

Speaking of the food that we eat I went to the grocery store the other day and yet another item that had not had its price raised much in the last year suddenly had nearly a 25% increase in its price. The pundits, government officials and so called experts can talk all they want but inflation is real, it is here and it is much higher than the official CPI. All this so the elites can maintain and illusion of stability so they can maintain their lifestyles on the backs of most Americans.

Sure, it makes it less expensive to pay the debt but at what cost? The inflation eats away at savings in dollars and one must devote more of his time laboring to maintain their same lifestyle. What irritates me to no end is the beneficiaries of this inflation have no clue or care one wit what it does to those who labor to maintain the elite’s lifestyles. This can only go on for so long before the system can no longer maintain itself because the dollar is no longer tied to the real economy, the economy of labor for bread, shelter, and transportation. Of course, I would imagine the socially inept geeks who made their fortunes on computers will try and make robots to do this work because we all know they do not like nor want to be with or compete with real human beings. Human beings are too unpredictable, dirty, and free thinking to their tastes unlike computers that are cold, logical and controllable.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9-17-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am disgusted with General and Flag officers who stay into retirement and do not stand for anything but their own retirement. They do not want to get demoted or stand up because they will retire at lower pay and or not get a lucrative beltway bandit job after retirement. I then think of my own circumstances in which I took an early retirement so that I did not have to get the experimental mRNA jab. No fat cat beltway job waiting for me.

I cannot believe that the Berkey Filter has been ruled to be a pesticide by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Denver office arbitrarily and without public comment because it uses trace amounts of silver, a natural antibiotic (not pesticide), in its filters. This is just another in a long list of onerous overreaches by the EPA.

Interesting that it seems Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are now being called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) findings now.

Another interesting convergence, in my opinion, is that CCP has stepped up its military drills around Taiwan at the same time there is a brewing local debt crisis, has announced plans for a grain distribution hub at its Russian border and an increase in its trade with the Middle East. Are the Han preparing to flex their belt and road and make good on their promise to take Taiwan in order to deflect and maintain domestic “tranquility”?

 My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the flood in Libya.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9-8-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I want to pause and remember the anniversary of September 11, 2001, and the memory of those who were murdered by Islamic Terrorists and those who supported the terrorists. Not only that but to honor the memory of those who paid the ultimate price in the Global War on Terrorism because of the that day. Additionally, I would like to honor those who served and their families who supported those who served over the decades in this endeavor.

I had to laugh at the elite effete snobs of Burning Man getting mired in the mud this year. No, I did not feel sorry for them one bit and I am sure that if one were to ask any of them, they would be the first to say they do not want anyone feeling sorry for them because they are too proud to admit it. The image of mud coming out of portable toilets conjured the image of the mud demon in the movie Dogma for me which, perhaps, is why I laughed. Even more ironic is that Chris Rock, who starred in Dogma was at Burning Man and had to hitch a ride in the back of a pickup truck to paved road to get out of Burning Man’s “Black Rock City”. It has been said it is better to laugh than to cry, though, at this moment I am not sure I necessarily agree with that statement.

What is going on in Lahaina? It seems that the installation of the curtain of opacity has been finished. No satellite, no drones, and collusion, yet again, between government and big tech to censor any news around this event. Not only that but the official propaganda, ahem pardon me, media has pushed this event out of its news cycle. What really is going on there? Will we ever know? Was it MECO equipment? Was it a directed energy weapon? Was it an arsonist? Why did the police stop traffic from leaving Lahaina? How come there are reports of hundreds of children if not thousands not showing up for school? Why is there a “dust control” fence up around the site? What did the FBI divers find? What is up with the former Las Vegas Police Chief now being the Maui County Police Chief? Why didn’t the US Coast Guard release the numbers of victims pulled from the waters surrounding Lahaina? Will we ever have the answers to these questions or will we be wondering decades later much as we still wonder about the assassination of JFK? Wait a minute, I have been to Dallas where he was murdered and there is no doubt, in my mind, that it was a coordinated ambush. What does this knowledge say about Lahaina to me?

Gen. Frank McKenzie was interviewed on Fox News and was asked about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He stated that withdrawing from Bagram before the evacuation was a mistake and that he feels history will “…view the decision to come out of Afghanistan and the way that we did and the manner that we were directed to come out as a fatal flaw.” I had to read this twice because he is claiming that he was directed to withdraw in the manner that we did and I know it is within the realm of reality that he was ordered to do so. Number one, I can respect his following orders as he should have done so. However, that being said he was already a General and his retirement was secure even if only at Lieutenant General pay and almost any fool knew Bagram was much easier to secure than the Kabul airport. If he knew better then why did he not resign instead of following foolish, at best, or malignant and misguided orders in the worst case. Retiring with Lieutenant General pay would have been the honorable course instead of following foolish orders and with the utter failure of the withdrawal and the loss of the Marines, Sailor, and civilians an absolute requisite to maintain his honor as events transpired. General McKenzie you can try and punt the blame now that you are no longer in active service to the United States but on the face of it, your command failed and any honorable man would have fallen on his sword, metaphorically speaking, with the utter failure at Kabul’s Airport two years ago.

I learned recently that the Veterinarian in Chief head of Pfizer is the highest paid pharmaceutical executive in the world. Hey Doc! Why don’t you give up some of your money to the victims of your companies experiments? Oh no, I forgot, you ae evidently a sociopath and your actions clearly classify you as a anti human globalist with homicidal intent. You giving up any of your money will never happen, who am I kidding?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9-1-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

President Biden wants everyone to get a new coronavirus vaccine this year. Well, I say, good for him. I have had coronavirus and see no reason to support a bloated, tyrannical and quite frankly evil industry that makes money from people’s misery.

Here it comes, state’s Secretary’s of State are questioning if Donald Trump should be on the ballot this year because of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The powers to be really do not want him on the ballot and they are frightened of him. It is so plainly obvious it is appalling. Just how corrupt is the system that they are now resorting to this tactic since every other move has failed them?

If anyone really wants to see where the United States is heading if something radical does not happen soon all they have to do is look across our southern border. Three bodies were hung from a highway overpass near Monterrey, Mexico. Not exactly something one sees in the United States.

Speaking of the failed state of Mexico that is run by drug Cartels of the illicit drug type. Not the type of drug cartels of the pharmaceutical type that are running the United States it seem some of our Border Patrol agents came under fire in California near the Mexican border. Isn’t this a violation of US Sovereignty? Isn’t the protection of our borders a specifically defined responsibility of the federal government according to the US Constitution?

This past week was the second anniversary of the Kabul Airport bombing and my stomach still roils. The entire chain of command failed those Marines, Sailors, and Afghan civilians and I still have not hear of the any General Officer demotions instead of their promotions.

Proud Boys Dominic Pezzola, Ethan Nordean and Joe Biggs have received 10,18, and 17 year prison sentences, respectively, and for what? Drunken trespassing of a Federal Building and damage to a Federal Building. Was anyone hurt and did anyone go with the intent of hurting anyone? Where is the equal application of the law against the rioter is the 2020 Summer of Love who destroyed buildings and murdered others to include retired police officers? How about the others who have committed suicide and who are rotting in the D.C. jailhouse? Again, I ask, where is the equal application of justice and I did not ask this after freezing for 30 seconds mid-sentence staring blankly at the screen.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7-28-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am reading the California governor wants to spend $4.5 million for undocumented aliens in the tarnished state. This is ostensibly to aid the workers in labor investigations. In all actuality it is for the attorneys that represent them and knowing the corruption and cost of attorneys this money will not last long. Better to spend the money repaving a section of pot holed road in the Sierra Nevada’s or elsewhere destroyed by this last winter’s storms. Will that happen? No, Gavin Newsom has a campaign to finance after all.

ESPN is asking for the sports leagues to invest in the company that is failing. Maybe ESPN, you should report on sports and not politics and you might see your ratings rise. Not only that but eliminate some of the commercial breaks and get rid of the self-aggrandizing, racist Stephen Smith. He is nothing but poison and is one of the reasons I no longer watch your network.

Hmm, New York state has a $36 billion shortfall due to “taxpayers fleeing”. Geez, I wonder why they are fleeing.

I read a report in which Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz called on House Speaker McCarthy and Senator McConnell to press for action on the Biden family’s business dealings. Congressman Chaffetz I do not believe either one of them will push the matter because Senator McConnell and his family are just a guilty and do not want to shine light on the practices of the uni-party. I am not sure about Speaker McCarthy but his actions or lack thereof certainly indicate that he is hamstrung for some reason.

Europe seems to be on fire this week and summer as Rhodes is being evacuated and Palermo’s airport on Sicily has been closed. My cynicism is on high alert as mysterious fires have developed, like those is Canada and the US West in previous years and this year.

Yellow Freight purportedly maybe filing for bankruptcy next week. Hmm, interesting I wonder what is behind their business failure?

I think Senators Durbin and Whitehouse should be brought up for impeachment or expulsion from the Senate under High Crimes and Misdemeanors. What gives them the right to target private citizens and conservative Supreme Court Justices’ communications? This smacks of a willful infringement of Constitutional Rights.

I am watching the fallout of Britain’s Nigel Farage’s debanking as the second CEO of a bank that he was debanked from has been fired-cum-resigned.  What I find interesting, as well, is that the UK Government is the majority shareholder of NatWest one of the banks that delisted Nigel Farage.

The Hunter Biden saga continues and the courts are now revealing what the alternate media has said all along. Information that has been and is still suppressed by the old media and the big tech platforms going back to the last Presidential election. What I must wonder is why now?  

Fox is forcing Jason Aldean to remove BLM riot footage from his video. Yet more proof, in a long list, of why I no longer trust or watch Fox News going back to 2020.

Speaking of Senators, Sen. Tuberville is pushing the Senate to seriously review the promotion of each General and Flag officer above the rank of O-7. This means he is tasking the Senate to review the second star and above for each officer selected by the DOD which is one of the jobs of the Senate. A serious review instead of rubber stamping the nominations. After the debacle of Afghanistan, the forced COVID bio warfare injections on our service members, and the military’s focus on transgenderism etc. I think it is high time more attention be paid to these promotions. The flag and general officer corps has failed this nation and the service members who serve under them and they need to be held accountable.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.