Random Musings on Current Events 11.10.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Senator Tuberville continues his hold out against the blanket confirmation of the President’s rubber stamp of military promotions in the General and Flag Officer ranks. However, some of his so called fellow Republican Senators are considering Senator Shumer’s with a resolution to the Senate Rules Committee to essentially do an end around Senator Tuberville’s insistence that he cannot approve some of the promotions because the promotions would violate the Hyde Amendment because of the proposed military promotions are for people who support abortion. Of course, the Republicans who are willing to vote for this rules change include Senators Graham, Romney, Ernst and a couple of others, so far, that I am not familiar with. Big surprise there and what surprises me is that Senator McConnell is not on the list at least publicly but I am sure he is privately. In the amount of time, they have spent waiting for this to play out I have wonder how many of these promotions they could have individually approved or rejected? That would have just taken too much work I suppose and furthermore would have required the Senatorial staffs and Senators to take public stands on this issue, specifically, and they cannot have that with elections looming on the horizon.

It really is too bad that the funding of the Vice President was not cut as proposed by several in the House of Representatives. She really is a failure at doing her job and really should be fired. Maybe she will donate some of her salary to Secretary Buttigieg. Not likely!

Stop the presses! The Screen Actors Guild strike looks like it is over! Oh, my goodness! Time for more fresh fecal matter to be put out by Hollywood. I would imagine there is some serious constipation ready for release.

The Associated Press has cut ties with Hassan Eslaiah the free-lance photographer who was embedded with Hamas during the October 7 attack on Israel. Of course, not before photographs that he took to include a selfie with Yahya Sinwar the Hamas mastermind of the attack. I wonder how many clicks and increased revenue the AP and other news outlets received publishing Eslaiah’s photographs?

Has anyone noticed how quiet and controlled the press releases from the Israeli side of the Gazan invasion are? The Israeli’s are true masters at controlling narratives and the press. So much so that there is still no mention of why Hamas was able to penetrate Israeli defenses on October 7. I am still not convinces that Israeli Intelligence, at some lever, did not know in advance the attacks were going to occur especially when freelance photographers etc. were embedded with Hamas. The best kept secrets are secrets never told and once told they are no longer secrets. Why was there an apparent stand down at the Gazan border that allowed this attack to be so successful? It just makes me wonder.

Houthis have purportedly shot down a US Drone in or around Yemen. Geez President Biden did you do that? Did your policies of delisting the Houthis and allowing Iran, who has declared the United States and enemy, embolden if not fund the Houthis?

Pro Palestinians have defaced Britain’s Cenotaph war memorial the same week as Armistice Day. When will the west wake up to the fact that Islam is not a peace loving religion? When will Christians and others realize that Islam that demands total subservience not only religiously but politically? Islam is a religion or movement that not only subscribes how to live life but how to govern peoples. It is an insidious movement that will do whatever it takes to infiltrate and overthrow existing governing structures and install its own according to the Quran if it cannot outright invade. Just read about what happened to Constantinople in its later years and how its decay led to inviting Muslim to do menial work for the corrupt, lazy, and incompetent elites of its crumbling empire. So many parallels it makes me wonder if there is any hope for the western liberal Christian based ideal.

Finally, I will take a pause this weekend and attend an annual Veteran’s Day parade in honor of all those who have served. It usually is a solitary event for me since none in my family or immediate circle of friends usually wants to attend and quite frankly it is OK with me since none of them are veterans and they really do not understand. They do not understand that it is not just a parade for me and that I really am not alone. I am not alone in my memories of all those over the decades that I served with who have come and gone in my life. Some I liked some I did not. Some liked me and some did not like me but we all took oaths and “did our time”. I am not sure of the motivations that led others to serve our country and my motivations changed over time, quite honestly. The one thing that we all did, however, was to serve our country whether we agreed to it or not in the case of many who were drafted in Vietnam through World War II, though the numbers of those who were drafted are diminishing. The one thing we all had to learn was to be part of a team at minimum a basic level just to make it through boot camp or whatever path to a commissioning that we took. To all the Veterans out there I want to say, “thank you for your service”.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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