Random Musings on Current Events 10.11.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

Yet another hurricane has struck the US Mainland and fortunately for Floridians it appears the state is much more prepared and they have a state government that does not rely too heavily on the Federal Government. I pray for the souls of those who have died, for those who are homeless, and for those who are working tirelessly on the relief efforts.

It appears the Democratic Party have pulled the big guns out now to campaign form Comrade Kamala. On the one hand we have a true believer in Marxist ideology in the guise of Comrade Barak and on the other hand we have the criminal in chief Bill Clinton.

I have been reading and listening to some who discuss the possibility of weather engineering and, quite honestly, I did not give it too much of my attention. However, in the recent months I am starting to wonder how advanced this science has become and, as such, how much is it being used against humanity. Of course all of the evidence that I am going to present for the moment is based upon my own observations but I will submit it is evidence, nonetheless. Case 1, hurricanes seem to be more violent and deadly than in the past and target rural America and areas that typically do not support Washington D.C. and the deep state (i.e. Appalachia and Florida) and not Miami or Atlanta for instance. Case 2, is it me or are the skies dimmer in your part of the world? I have for a while attributed this to increasing population causing more pollution which in turn has dimmed the skies but I am not so sure anymore. I say this especially considering all of the emission requirements in our now gutless cars that cost more and last a shorter amount of time thanks to government standards. Case 3, the wild extremes in weather. The western US has gone from drought to extreme rain and flooding and now is experiencing higher and drier temperatures than normal for this time of year. This does not even consider what is happening in the rest of the United States. If this is indeed happening and a government agency or agencies are responsible for this and hiding it under some sort of security classification it should be investigated and exposed to the public eye and light. Something does not sit right about this especially if they are hiding it under a security classification.

Speaking of FEMA mismanagement and FBI obfuscation I read in the past week or so that the US Bureau of Alcohol and Firearms (BATF) was the lead agency on the Lahaina, HI fire that devastated the town. First, I am curious as to why the BATF was the lead agency when the FBI was originally on scene as the lead Federal investigations agency? Why did it take so long to blame the conflagration on a reflash fire from a previous fire stated by failed power lines? Finally, for now, have the land owners been allowed back to their properties yet? This kind of information is never reported on and sometimes I have to wonder why.

Speaking of FEMA, why is Alejandro Mayorkas still head of the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)? Let’s see, the southern border has been left wide open under his DHS, the Secret Service has bungled security two times that we know of on Donald Trump who is only alive right now by the grace of God, FEMA has bungled its response to hurricane Helene, an Afghan who was vetted by the CIA and allowed into the country was arrested for plotting an election day attack, the Department of Justice has obviously been used for political purposes to attack Democratic and opponents of the US deep state and all of these agencies fall under the DHS. Is it because Mayorkas is a George Soros guy? Is it because he is a DEI hire? Or perhaps it is because the DHS is too big to be under one cabinet level person? What I think needs to happen is the DHS needs to be split up. It is too big and too many agencies with differing and far ranging missions are under the DHS’s purview. Not only that, but we can also see how easily it can be corrupted and used as a political weapon and the appearance of these fare and wide ranging agencies are being potentially used against those who have been deemed enemies by the deep state and by extension DHS’s leadership.

So I have heard recently that the Bush’s are privately anti Trump and are supporting Kamala Harris. As if anyone else needed any further proof that there is an inner group of people in the United States who span both parties and are cut from the same cloth.

Why does NPR still get public funding especially considering how left wing and controlled by the deep state it is? Oh, wait a minute, I guess I answered my question in my question. It is so obviously controlled by the deep state and by extension it shows how corrupt and left wing the deep state has become. Just a recent perusal of its website shows a fluff piece on Kamala Harris and two blatantly anti -Trump pieces, one of which, is an obvious advertisement for a new movie called “The Apprentice” which is a propaganda hit piece on Donald Trump being coincidently released in the month before the election. Shocking isn’t it or perhaps it is all “fake news” which seems to be the lefts catch phrase of the week. Just like them rascally Russians are responsible for everything wrong now it is fake news.  S

It is now apparent that Israel has opened a second front against radical Islamic terrorists backed by Iran in Lebanon by going after Hezbollah. From a purely clinical tactical point of view, which I am not in the least qualified to comment on but will nevertheless, it makes sense. Obviously, a lot of intelligence has been gathered in Israel’s invasion of Gaza along with years if not decades of intelligence gathering that has allowed Israel to effectively pinpoint Hezbollah leadership and eliminate them. I am further impressed from a pure tactical point of view how Israel attacked Hezbollah and immediately pounced on splinter Hamas groups attempting to reorganize in northern Gaza when Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were “distracted” in Northern Israel and Lebanon.

It is impressive how united and determined Israel is to eliminate the terrorists in these areas. So impressive and efficient it makes me wonder even more how it was that the Hamas animals were able to do what they did now more than a year ago on October 7 and no one is allowed to ask this question. It makes me pause and wonder just how far Netanyahu and his coalition could be willing to go up to and including the sacrifice of his fellow country men, women, and children. How come this has not been investigated or questioned?

What I do know for certain is a lot of distraction, obfuscation and money is changing hands as a result of this war and there appears to be a willingness to escalate as evidenced by the killing of Hasan Nasrallah who is purportedly and direct descendant of the Islamic prophet Mohammed in the Shia sect. If this is true, does it really matter? Probably not considering that he was the ninth child of ten from his father but intriguing, nevertheless. What is obvious is that Israels actions are relatively pinpoint from a war perspective and that they are going after the heads of these Iranian backed terrorist organizations with a vengeance.

Rest in Peace Ethel Kennedy and my condolences to her family and as well to all the victims of the most recent hurricanes.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.27.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.

Oh my Liz Cheney is pining for a new conservative party in the Unites States. More like a re-branding of the Neo Con party for elites. After all Dick and Liz have endorsed Kamala Harris. Geez, whose side are they on?

Speaking of Neocons it seems Senator Graham is calling out and emphasizing the threat to Donald Trump from the Iranians as anti-Iranian rhetoric is ramping up in the media and as Israel has turned it eye north and is attacking the Iranian backed Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is frightening to me because I can easily see the potential for something to happen in the US and Iran be blamed for it in order to draw the US into overt war against Iran. In the meantime I will pray that if there are plans of the Neo Cons and Deep State folks to do something nefarious that it is quashed before it manifests. Too many coincidences are currently lining up to make me feel at ease.

Kamala Harris is skipping the Al Harris dinner and is the first candidate in decades to skip this dinner. Normally I would not give a whit about this because it is in New York City and as far as I am concerned New York City brands themselves as the be all to end all and I will admit there has been reason for this, however, New York may as well be a foreign country to me. However, Kamala Harris skipping out on this is telling. She either does not have the capacity for extemporaneous conversation, is vehemently anti-Christian and Catholic, or all of the above plus more. My guess is that her handlers are terrified of what she might do. Who knows?

Interesting that the union that IRS workers belong to has endorsed Kamala Harris. Interesting that Barrack Obama was famous for organizing the Service Employees Union that represents many government employees. Interesting the union such as the Teamsters who organize workers in the private sector will not endorse Kamala Harris. Yet another pieces of evidence that big government supports Barack, oops, Kamala Harris.

I found it interesting that French President Macron has shuffled his cabinet to include many so called center right and conservative members but this includes no one from Marine LePen’s party. Interesting that it appears to be a maneuver to co-opt LePen’s movement at some level. I wonder if the gambit will pay off for Mr. Macron?

So, as if they have nothing else to worry about, Sir Keir Starmer’s government is cracking down on pubs in the UK at the same time he is reducing pensioner’s winter fuel allotments. Doesn’t this seem reminiscent of the COVID lock downs in which people could not publicly gather. What is Sir Keir concerned about? Is he afraid that as his constituents are ripping darts and slamming beers, they might actually talk bad about his government and himself? Perhaps the Islamic element in the UK’s government have finally gained enough power to reduce a mainstay of English society in which the English socialize and that they frown upon because it is against Sharia Law to partake in? Whatever the reason, and I am not much of a drinker, the reason cited, public health, seems like a bunch of gas lighting on the surface to me.

So, New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams is under indictment ostensibly for accepting an upgrade to first class on a flight by interests of Turkey about a year after he called out how the resettling of illegal immigrants was taxing the city of New York’s resources. This indictment coming from the same DOJ that has indicted Donald Trump. Hmm, not that Eric Adams is a saint but something sure is fishy with this. I guess it does not pay to call out the Harris/Biden administration in public, even if one is a liberal Democrat.

I sure wish Paul Pelosi would start a newsletter for us less connected investors. His track record of investing success is phenomenal and I sure would pay a little to make the kind of investing moves that he does. Can you believe his latest stroke of genius selling his Visa stock the week before the DOJ filed an antitrust lawsuit against Visa? He truly is the man when it comes to investing.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.20.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The gyrations, actions, and assertions of the press and the lack of any of the aforementioned regarding the most recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump has done nothing but solidify my opinion of the main stream media and the bureaucratic state apparatus in the United States. All I can do is pray for those who can be reached by prayer the make up this apparatus and for those who have been and will be victimized by it.

Speaking of Donald Trump’s would be assassin the question, which albeit is a bit rhetorical, is where did Routh get his money? How did a man who purportedly is a roofer manage to travel back and forth from the Carolinas to Hawaii and then to the Ukraine and back? I know the powers to be do not want to speak the big “c” word but it is obvious that there is a conspiracy behind all of this. There I typed the word.

I saw this past week that the median income in the United States is now $80,610 according to realtor.com. I think this figure caught my attention is because it certainly is trending higher. Trending at the rate of inflation? No way.

Speaking of inflation it seems the Federal Reserve has flinched and lowered their lending rate a half a point this past week. I do not know about anyone else but it did not surprise me and I am already prepared for the next round of inflation. No, I am not speaking of the supposed inflation reported as the Consumer Price Index but rather real inflation. Like paying more for food, energy, and clothing.

I suppose we all need to think twice about where we obtain our electronic goods going forward. Of I have to say that I was quite surprised when I learned of the attack on Hezbollah using exploding pagers and walkie talkies. My surprise that pagers are still being used in parts of the world. My prayers go out to the victims of these attacks and to the perpetrators of these attacks.

I wonder if I painted my dog with black spots people would think they are pandas? I just have to shake my head at what the zoo in China did. Maybe I should paint stripes on them and pass them off as Zebras native to North America.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.15.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Yet another assassination attempt on Donald Trump? What? This time while he was playing golf and certainly not a public event. You have got to be kidding me? Two attempts in about two months and the common denominator now seems to be the Secret Service more and more. In Pennsylvania it has become more and more evident the Secret Service leadership did not assign the proper team to protect a man who not only is a Presidential candidate but evidently had an increased threat profile from Iranian sources. Now, how is it that a shooter was able to target the former President without some for knowledge that Donald Trump would be playing golf when he was and where he was playing? It is becoming more and more evident that there needs to be more of a shake up in the highest levels of the Secret Service starting with the current head, yet again.

Oh by the way, I have absolutely no faith that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who is in charge of the current investigation, will do anything but cover up the truth. Sorry Attorney General Garland your speech this last week did nothing to assuage my concerns with regards to the politicization of the Department of Justice and the FBI. To me the speech was nothing but another attempt to gaslight the average everyday American.

So, Boeing is experience a strike and the workers are asking for more pay. Apparently, there has not been a new contract in many many years and all the while Boeing management has been running the company into the ground. I am not sure if the rot is in the Board of Directors or the CEO’s, one of which recently, parted ways with the company. On top of that the new CEO has gotten promises of some obscene amounts of bonuses that are completely unrelated to his performance. Quite honestly, I cannot blame the rank and file for striking because it appears their wages have not kept up with inflation. The trouble is due to mismanagement and what appears to be gross fleecing of the company there is not a whole lot to give the workers. I think, if I were the workers, I would take what management is offering but in addition I would demand ownership of the company because the current ownership is obviously failing what was once a mighty and prestigious company.

So, Taylor Swift, Pfizer’s poster girl has come out endorsing Kamala Harris for President. All this tells me is Pfizer does not want President Trump elected which, to me, is in Donald Trump’s favor. Thank you, Ms. Swift, for enlightening me on this matter.

I watched part of the Presidential debate the week before last and I say part, because I could not stomach it after Donald Trump was interrupted and “fact checked” the third of fourth time. Not only that I could no longer watch Kamala Harris’ feigned smile and condescending look in the split screen. I agree that Donald Trump could have done better but did he really need to? There is no substance or integrity behind Kamala Harris and I think the American public, at large, is waking up to this fact. I for one am not better off now than I was 3 and half years ago. I, like President Trump, have to ask why she has done nothing the last 3 ½ years she has been in office.

Speaking of do nothing hires in the Joe Biden administration it seems that Pete Buttigieg our Secretary of Transportation is going after the regulation of airline mileage points. What? Airline mileage points? What about what is arguably the most toxic release of chemicals this country has ever seen in Pennsylvania? What about the nations crumbling infrastructure and the rest of the infrastructure bill that so far has seen $7.5 billion spent to install 7 vehicle charging stations? My gut tells me that Secretary is yet another political appointment of what essentially amounts to a vacant suit to disguise giant money laundering schemes to pay off political cronies on the taxpayer’s back.

 God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.9.2024: Olympics, Government, and California

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am trying to decide what is worth rambling about this week but as I am sure anyone who has lost a child can relate to this week has been one of those weeks. A week of waking up and not liking where I am or liking how I feel. Sure I could get a drink or find some other way to numb the feeling but I am choosing not to. I can still function, mostly, and so I am choosing to not escape but rather learn how to still engage the world with the pain.

One of the items I could ramble about are the Olympics and all that is transpiring around this even. However, I am not really paying attention because it is difficult to listen to the announcers and the advertising. I watched it one night and I did not feel good the next day. It almost felt as if there is some sort of signal being put out through the sound on NBC’s transmission that is not healthy. I could be imagining things but it was enough for me to know that I do not want to watch any more.

Then there is the world and everything that is simmering below the surface. It seems the media is in a sort of semi hiatus because of the Olympics. Not too much is being brought out or too much hay is being made by the MSM because of the Olympics.

Speaking of not too much hay being made, it has become even more clear in the last week that there were multiple shooters during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Of course we are not hearing any of this in the MSM but it is so obvious and so depressing how corrupt it appears the national security apparatus is in the United States. Now the leaders of the FBI, CIA, and USSS hare refusing to cooperate with the Congressional committee probing the assassination attempt. Just what if anything are they hiding? Sure, Congress has been known to grandstand for political purposes but needless to say Congress pays these Security organization’s bills. I would like to see Congress withhold the CIA’s, FBI’s, and USSS’s funding for all capital projects and freeze hiring right now. Pass an emergency bill today that would do this until there is some cooperation. Will Congress do this? No, I am sure the CIA and FBI have dirt on powerful Congressmen and are blackmailing them.

California’s continued mismanagement of their forests the past several decades continues with rural towns and the states downwind of California paying the price as wildfires continue to rage and spew their toxic venom. Who are the real powers behind the corrupt Newsom and Pelosi? These are the people that need to be held accountable.

Speaking of holding people accountable I heard an interview with Tulsi Gabbard this week in which she articulated very well the problem that we are facing with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In particular, she mentions how Joe Biden has not had the capacity to make decisions for quite a while and so what it means is that someone or someone’s have been making decisions and that these people are not the ones elected by the American people. Therefore, they cannot be held accountable at the ballot box and Tulsi Gabbard is right. However, these people do not have Presidential immunity and so could they not be held accountable in other ways? Treason for one floats to the top of my head. They are running a confidence game on the American people outside of the Constitutional powers granted to the Executive and purposely subverting and ignoring the Constitution and laws. The 25th Amendment is the first that comes to mind. But then again, I am just a dumb engineer with no social skills and who deals with the laws of nature and not the subjective laws of an elite.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.2.2024; Olympics, California and the Democratic Communist Party of America

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Joe Biden is no longer running for President and the Democratic Party’s politburo has settled upon Kamala Harris who is and Oakland, California native and started her political career in San Francisco. Her political career really took off when she began to sleep with Willie Brown then and still a major political power in San Francisco and arguable in the republic of California. I had a chance to visit Oakland last summer to watch a professional baseball game and let me tell you I have seen third world countries in better shape than Oakland. Do not even get me started on San Francisco, a city overrun with drug addicts and petty crime that no one is willing to clean up until a foreign dictator decides to pay it a visit.

Speaking of cleaning up I read that the city of Los Angeles has decided to clean up its homeless city, I mean, encampment that purportedly has a population of around 180,000. The same one the I wrote about in 2023 that I could smell on the I-5 when traveling north from San Diego. Geez, call me cynical, but I have to wonder if it is because it is an election year? Or could it be that Governor “Gruesome” Newsom was told by the Democratic politburo that the reason he could not run for president is because of the gross mismanagement of California citing the Los Angeles homeless encampment as an example, for instance. I cannot help but wonder which politically connected businesses have gotten the billion dollars or more allocated for the failed homelessness “solutions” over the past few years? Now, who is going to foot the bill to clean up the waste? I wonder in Grandma Nancy Pelosi still has the juice to pull more bailout for California out of Congress? Who am I kidding we all know she sits on the Politburo.

I watched Karine Jean Pierre’s first press conference after Joe Biden was removed by the politburo and talk about gas lighting. I could only watch it for about five minutes before the urge to vomit became so great I had to turn the channel off.

I still have to ask myself if Joe Biden is not fit to run for office then why is he being allowed to still hold the office. What was the 25th Amendment passed and ratified for?

Speaking of gas lighting I am a bit amused at how hard it has been for the FBI and deep state in the USA to spin a narrative that actual sticks regarding the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. From what I see, hear, and deduce there was easily more than one shooter and there were too many “coincidences” lining up in terms of failed security. Now I learn that former USSS Director Cheatle was in the room with then Vice President Cheney on Sept 11, 2001, when Cheney assumed presidential powers for a short time. She is so deep state, come on. Now, let’s get after Secretary Mayorkis and his involvement or feigned lack of involvement in the failed assassination attempt. Speaking of which there is too much power consolidated in the Department of Homeland Security and agency that has way too many internal security organizations reporting to it. It has obviously become too powerful and it appears to be too corrupt to police itself and it increasingly appears to be acting outside Constitutional limits.

Once again, I can only imagine that Joan D’Arc and Charlemagne rolled over in their graves when the Paris Olympic games opening ceremony was underway. As I mentioned in a previous Random Musings I, gratefully, did not watch the ceremony and it was only after I made my last post that I learned of the distasteful if not outright anti-Christian Last Supper disgrace. Is it any wonder France has lost her standing in the world these past couple of centuries. Sure, Louis and Marie were not good and there needed to be a change in France, no doubt. But in the process France threw out the Christian Church and has been invaded several times by Russians, Germans, and followers of Islam. All the while its godless rulers try to maintain the illusion that they are control while Notre Dame was no doubt burned down by terrorists, their most recent elections were so obviously and blatantly corrupted and the followers of the dark one corrupted what should be an inclusive event, whose roots trace back to the cradle of western civilization in Greece not Persia, Asia, or Africa, and have alienated me and many many others.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.18.24 and an Attempted Assassination

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

When I started typing up this rant last week I typed about the kerfuffle over President Biden’s performance in the most recent presidential debate. I wrote about how entertaining it was to watch Hollywood and Washington elites and how uncomfortable they were with the sudden dawning that there was a chance that Joe Biden could lose the next election. Especially how uncomfortable they were with the worst kept secret of the last four years being exposed for all to see. Specifically, that Joe Biden is a man in his dotage who has experienced noticeable physical and more importantly mental decline over the past several years.

I rumbled about how if ever there has been a case that the 25th Amendment should or could be invoked perhaps this was a time for doing so. However, in light of the event of this past weekend and the ensuing actions and inaction of the Joe Biden administration it has become even more apparent that there really is no one individual steering the ship or if someone or some persons are indeed steering the ship this person or persons are evil.

From where I am sitting, I am one of many who are thanking God that Donald Trump is still alive today.    Quite honestly if last Saturday were to repeat itself 99 other times Donald Trump would not be alive today. What happened last Saturday should not have been allowed to get to the level it did and the rot that allowed this comes directly from D.C. and more of the rot seems to be exposed daily.

First, why did FBI Director Wray, Secret Service Director Cheatle and especially Secretary Mayorkis not immediately, on Saturday, hold a joint press conference? Was it because they could not wake up Joe Biden? Was it because the politburo propping up Joe Biden could not convene until Monday to determine what the official executive response would be?

Once Director Cheatle responded it had to be the most feeble and ridiculous response that could have come out of a senior level official. I am not a fan of former Attorney General Bill Barr but he hit the nail on the head in an interview in which he said Director Cheatle should be fired for being “tin eared” if for nothing else. For that matter I would include pretty much the whole Biden administration as being tin eared. Safety of a sloped roof which in fact is barely sloped, agents stationed inside the building and not outside, and the fact that she will not resign has left me flabbergasted and my intelligence insulted. I do not know why it left me flabbergasted considering how many generals got extra stars after the botched Afghanistan withdrawal and that Secretary Austin is still the Secretary of Defense. Do I expect anyone to resign or be fired? No. Should there be resignations and or firings? Yes, absolutely.

Then as if to add further insult Secretary Mayorkis’ response was to ask Congress for more money for the Secret Service or he will have to use people from other parts of the Dept of Homeland Security. This coming from the man whose department has failed to protect the border. Deflect and blame others for one’s own incompetence, malfeasance and or to obfuscate one’s own true anti American intent for the DHS and its departments. 

Obviously, the group running the Executive right now is merely a reflection of the man at the top or perhaps he is the reflection of them. It lacks energy, it lacks focus and it appears more and more incompetent by the day. Now there are reports that a company shorted 12 million shares of DJT stock last Friday betting that the price of the stock would fall. Now I have to wonder if there is more to it than a lack of energy, focus and incompetence. Could this company have had some insider information? Now, it seems there could be a malicious intent behind this incompetence and I have to wonder if the lack of focus, energy and incompetence is merely a cover to allow for the rot, maliciousness and evil to fester and spread? I am finding it difficult to accept that the shooter was acting alone and speaking for myself to restore my trust in these institutions is going to take far more than just the firing of Director Cheatle.

As if that is not enough to rant about concerning the comings and goings of the D.C. now it appears President Biden’s campaign is on life support with it losing support from a growing number of Democrat Party elites. Here is a man who had no opposition in the primary because the biggest threat to him from within the part was essentially drummed out of the party and, ironically, denied Secret Service protection despite his father and uncle having been assassinated. Now this same Democrat Party elite is going push Biden aside and essentially put another candidate forward without a primary in which rank and file Democrats could vote. One can only wonder who the Democrat Party politburo will put forward and I have to wonder if President Biden’s, yawn, Covid diagnosis was merely the public excuse to obfuscate his being summoned back to D.C. by this same politburo.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 6.28.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Holy S*#t it has been a month since I last shared my rambling and rants and quite honestly, I am ambivalent toward the whole thing. After all I do not get paid for sharing and I have more important things to do for the most part than pay attention to the comings and goings of a broken and corrupt group of people.

Regardless, I did watch the Presidential debate last night with the two presumptive nominees as the debaters. What struck me is how much more sophisticated Donald Trump’s answers were compared to Joe Biden’s answers. Mr. Biden’s answers, when I could understand them, were rambles like what politicians would do in campaigns of yore. You know answers designed to gas light the audience. It really pained me to see the man who is called the President of the United States on stage.

I found the conversation about fentanyl interesting more in what was not said rather than what was said. Obviously, it was a no win question for Donald Trump about how he would treat those who are already addicted to the drug. I have to give it to President Trump and his ability to not answer the question because there is no easy answer to that question. It almost felt like President Trump was holding back because it is well known the precursors to fentanyl come from China and are imported through Mexico enriching the Mexican drug cartels along the way. No mention of that, however.

In the meantime I am still paying more for food and other items that I have to use on a regular basis, I have seen a fraying at the edges in the VA System, and I am grateful of the fact that I have maintained my anonymity typing this blog. Geez, I wonder who, all sarcasm intended, really was the biggest liar on stage last night?

Now the only trouble is I see a void of darkness that the country, indeed the world, will have grave difficulties from emerging from. The forces of light shall prevail but the tribulations will be astronomical. It is just beginning.

I have to make a living and cannot type much more today. After all this blog does not provide any income to me.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Memorial Day 2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I sit down to type for the first time in several weeks and it happens to be Memorial Day. I paused today after praying to remember those I personally knew who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country and the countless others that I did not know but who did the same for mine and my country men’s freedoms.

I have to admit that not too much from the media has been penetrating my world and reality the past several weeks due to my being extremely busy with family and business matters. Regardless I do remember a few and will comment on them.

Donald Trump’s trumped up trial has ended evidently or is in the process of ending. At least enough that he no longer has to sit in the court room. I cannot help but yawn and care a wit about the trial. Yes, it will be a crying shame if Donald Trump is found guilty and sentenced to jail time because it will further divide the country in a dangerous way. However, that appears to be what the powers behind the powers want. Personally I cannot get too worked up about it because I am too busy living to buy into the powers behind the power’s death cult.

Speaking of Memorial Day, yet another month has passed since the death of my child thirty days after taking the second dose of the initial two dose Pfizer COVID vaccine and not a peep from anyone in the MSM about increased death rates etc. nor a peep from the Donald Trump campaign about the farce of COVID. All I can say is that some powerful interests in the world did want Trump being reelected and it goes to show the depths of what they are willing to do to maintain their power. They are truly evil beings and I find it hard to call them human.

I had a conversation in the last couple of weeks with someone close to me who was worked up over something that they heard or read about in the media. I found myself starting to get worked up, as well, but was able to pull back my emotions and look at the matter from a more objective point of view. What dawned on me is that there is a faction or elite or whatever you want to call it in the United States and the world that purposely uses the media to foment angst in the main stream or general populace. Trouble is more people buy into and accept the general angst being purveyed than who do not. How else can one explain how compliant the world was when COVID broke?

Speaking of COVID and continuing my rant and rumblings I want to be clear with the few who read this blog that I too bought into the angst and fear being peddled in the early days of COVID. However, I rapidly became disillusioned with the whole narrative when alternative discussion regarding the supposed disease was suppressed and the world’s economy was shut down and fundamental civil rights were violated across the world to include in the United States of America, the supposed land of the free and home of the brave. Never again should we become the land of the oppressed and home of the fear obsessed.

To the purveyors of fear in the media and halls of government may God have mercy on you and may God’s justice prevail on you.

Another event that occurred this past several weeks was the Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis being seen as far south as the Carolina’s. I personally did not get a chance to see them because I was busy in the middle of a personal event that kept me busy from sun up to sun down and needless to say I was exhausted by the end of the day. I did, however, hear of many who had interrupted sleeps etc. I will also say that what I thought was the sun those days did feel more intense. Perhaps it was the effects of the geomagnetic storms from the sun rather than the sun radiation itself that lent to the intense feeling?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 4.26.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Does anyone else wonder why the Communist News Network (CNN) is releasing its exclusive challenging the Pentagon’s narrative of the homicide bomber attack on August 26, 2021, at Kabul’s International Airport? I have written how it was a complete and utter failure of American US military leadership and my questioning of how come not a single senior officer, Secretary of Defense or President Biden have been held to account for this unnecessary tragedy. Now, we learn as matter of fact that the US military changed and left out a full accounting of events on that day. Personally I understand that US Marines may have fired into the crowd as Islamic terrorists were well known for their complex attacks in which a homicide bomber would blow himself up and then as a follow up other terrorists would shoot others in the confusion. So what, fog of war. I still see no one asking for an accounting from or for General McKenzie, his subordinate commanders, Secretary of Defense Austin or President Biden. I still have no faith or confidence, and even less so now, in any of these folk’s leadership.

The sham trial of Donald Trump continues on and, no, I am not following it day to day because I do not have time for this. I am too busy deleting and reporting as spam all of the spam texts and emails from political campaigns asking for my money.

The University of Southern California has canceled its main commencement ceremony due to “ongoing campus protest/unrest”. As if like clockwork The Summer of Love Redux seems to be heating up again exactly four years later. What a coincidence, a presidential election year in which Donald Trump is polling better than Joe Biden. I wonder why USC does not request assistance from local law enforcement to arrest those who are breaking the law like at the University of Texas, Austin did? Perhaps, the USC administrators are afraid it’s leftist faculty will protest much as UT Austin’s leftist faculty did, perhaps the USC administrators are leftists themselves, or maybe they just plain and simply have no backbone to support and defend the rule of law. Funny how USC is a private University as is Columbia, George Washington University, and NYU. Glad that I am not a parent paying tuition to any of these so called institutions of higher learning.

I certainly hope Merrick Garland is charged with contempt of Congress. Will it mean much? Who knows.

I logged onto Facebook for the first time in months yesterday and was inundated with adds featuring young scantily clad women, hopefully not girls, asking to be my friend, chat and blah blah blah with very few posts from my contacts. Evidently these are “AI” generated adds. What a ruthless, greedy, unscrupulous no good group of people at Facebook.

Speaking of election year shenanigans it seems that inflation actually increased based on reports released in the last week. It will be interesting to see what side of the political aisle, if any, the bankers are on in the coming weeks and months. Will the Federal Reserve change their targets to justify lowering interest rates, maintain current interest rates or increase rates which any sane person would do with no political skin in the game. One thing for certain the bankers have no interest in my lifestyle or for that matter whether I live or die. They are only concerned with maintaining their lifestyles and power on the backs of the majority of people.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.