Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format and, yes, there may be some sarcasm thrown in.
Nancy Pelosi has filed papers to run for Congress in 2026. Geez, that comes as a shock. How could I have believed for one New York second that a woman such as Mrs. Pelosi would voluntarily give up her seat in Congress? A woman who has enrichened her family and self on the backs of her constituents and the rest of America. A woman who had a Chinese intelligence agent as her driver for years. A woman who just tells us to allow laws to be passed and to read the details later. A woman raised in a household that bleeds cities, states, and now appears hell bent on bleeding a country dry while enrichening theirs and themselves. How could I have ever believed?
President (sic Elect) Trump with help from his team are busy nominating his Cabinet appointments and the pundits and media are greedy to report all the news. I, for one, am interested but only in passing. Time will tell how these appointments go and so I will reserve comment mostly because I am in no way qualified to comment intelligently. The general trend that I have noticed, so far, is that a percentage of his nominees favors those who currently are members of the House Senate or who have been. Does this mean anything? I have no idea as it is just an observation at the moment.
Reflecting on the previous paragraph, I suppose a level of cynicism pervades or perhaps clouds my ability to comment on anyone who has spent time in the swamp as a member of the House or Senate for more than one or two terms. The place really is a swamp and it certainly appears that the longer a person spends time in the morass the more susceptible to being corrupted one becomes. I really do think that perhaps the best way to address this is term limits for our Representatives, Senators, and perhaps a time limit for Senior Executive Staff (SES) level folk in D.C. I really have to question how centralizing power in D.C. is good for the country as D.C. is essentially a parasite on the collective wealth of the united states? Sure, there needs to be a presence in D.C. but does it need to be the behemoth that it has become? In the human body there are, in fact, some good parasites but if left unchecked they become bad parasites. It is obvious to me that D.C. has definitely fallen into the later.
I am happy to read reports that Generals and Admirals are scrambling at the news of DJT’s win. They should be because I have lost confidence in their ability to lead and I have mentioned this before. Are there some who are more warrior than politician? Maybe, however, after watching the way the senior leadership responded to the illegal orders of Secretary Austin regarding COVID jabs, I have my doubts and I wonder I need to be questioning DOD SES leadership as well, especially since they often advise senior military leadership. Trouble is I have some trepidation that the true warrior leaders may have left the military by choice or by force especially at the mid-grade and enlisted levels in the wake of the COVID bull that was foisted on the military. I, for one, am in favor of reinstating all who were forced out or who chose to leave the military early with back pay because of their refusal to take the untested, unlawful jab and to hold accountable all of those who bullied, coerced and forced others to take the unlawful, untested, poisonous jab.
I find it interesting that the Copper, Silver, and Golden States all took forever to count their votes in this most recently held election. Of course, all of the news focused on the Copper and Silver State’s elections and not the Golden States election but it was the same. The only difference is the Golden State has fallen completely into a petty third world status of one party rule. It now appears the rot from the Golden State is nearly complete in the Copper and Silver State and one has to wonder if future elections will be contested? It is so obvious with the passage of election laws during COVID and subsequently enshrined permanently in the Silver State during and immediately after by its super majority Democrat controlled legislature and its Nancy Pelosi backed governor that it will be a long tough road to have truly have two party elections. It is just too easy to figuratively “stuff” the ballot boxes in these states now. We may as well throw Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington into the mix as well. The one common denominator in the corrupting of these states is that the Golden State was the first state to be corrupted and it has spread from there.
God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.