Random Musings on Current Events 2.17.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems the Chinese Communist Party or a hobbyist has launched another balloon, however, this time it was shot down near the Aleutian Islands just as soon as it entered United States airspace and now yet another balloon has been shot down over Lake Huron. I have to ask why is the Air Force wasting missiles shooting these down? Why can’t they use canons to shoot these down? Am I missing something? Wouldn’t shooting down the balloons with canons be a great training opportunity and cost much less?

I watched the Super Bowl but did not watch the half time show but instead chose to play cards with family. Evidently, I did not miss much after reading the reports of the show and it did not surprise me considering the state of entertainment in the nation.

I have to ask why there is a Black National Anthem (This will be the last time I capitalize this item to avoid the appearance of legitimizing it.) and why it was allowed to be played at the Super Bowl? For me it is nothing but divisive to allow it to be played. Has there and is there discrimination based on race? Yes, there is no disputing this fact but now we are allowing a parallel anthem to be played alongside our national anthem? Think about the impact this has on the country. Yet again I must wonder why I am watching and supporting the NFL? This playing of the black national anthem has nothing to do with uniting the country and everything to do with dividing the country. In fact, I have to wonder if the Chinese are behind and supporting the groups or whatnot that insisted the black national anthem be played at the beginning of the game. After all, Lebron James was in attendance and somehow crowned himself king of something and everyone knows he is a shill for the CCP along with the NBA. Also, let us not forget that the Han Chinese are a very racist ethnic group as is I would imagine LeBron James is as well.

I am getting caught up on the train car derailment, spill, and burning of the toxic vinyl chloride in East Palestine, Ohio news and have more questions than answers at this time. Least of which is why was over a 100,000 pounds of a substance that when burned releases phosgene gas, hydrogen chloride, and other toxic substances allowed to happen and, in fact, dictated to happen? Yet again the public relations around this incident are eerily similar to the public relations surrounding the Three Mile Island nuclear incident that occurred over a generation ago in Pennsylvania. We have a dangerous substance that control over was lost (leak), the owners who lost control telling us everything is OK, and the state and federal government trying to catch up and repeat the talking points of the owner(s). All the while independent reports of residence reporting dead wildlife, the Ohio National Guard arresting independent journalists, and other incidents that point to a cover up and or repression of facts are ongoing. I will say again and will say again and again it does not matter what anyone in leadership does, necessarily, appearances can mean everything which is why our leaders should hold themselves up beyond reproach. Will they? I doubt it in today’s environment.

One fact that I do know is that rail transport falls under the purview and regulation of the United States Department of Transportation and that perhaps the Secretary of Transportation should spend a little more time learning about transportation in the country rather than speaking empty platitudes about race, sexual proclivities and “equity”. This is just yet another incident in a growing list of incidents that shows Mr. Buttigieg is nothing more than an empty suit who was hired because of the political party that he belongs to and because of his homosexuality because it certainly had nothing to do with his experience or competence or his willingness to learn what his job really entails. Not only that it appears he is a chicken sh*t along with the Governor of Ohio, and Norfolk Southern executives who refused to attend the East Palestine, OH townhall.

Moving along as the week progressed there have been a few more “toxic incidents”, for lack of a better descriptor. A tanker truck with acid rolling over in Tucson, Arizona, a large amount of plastic planters burning near Orlando, Florida, and another train derailing near Detroit, Michigan for instance that I am aware of. A few years ago I began to see the pattern of organization behind the near simultaneous and scripted release of news by the main stream media, then the “spontaneous” race riots, and now I am getting a niggling sense that these “chemical release accidents” seem to be happening in a coordinated manner. A few years ago I would have dismissed this unsubstantiated intuitive feeling as nonsense. However, this intuitive feeling was proven right as evidence the FBI and DOJ have been colluding with main stream media and big tech, the obvious preplanning and staging for the “spontaneous” ANITFA riots in the Summer of Love along their attempts this past month in response to the Memphis police atrocity. So, therefore, why would it be a stretch to imagine these toxic incidents happening within a short time of each other are not a coordinated attack of sorts.

Of course, let me back up, I must remember, that the ruling globalist elites that currently run our government would never do anything to harm our citizenry. After all, they were not responsible for the release of a man made genetically altered Covi-SARs virus, the subsequent economy crushing lockdowns, and the pushing of an untested new technology to be injected into billions of people. Nah, they are completely benevolent and spend all of the money that we are forced to send them in the guise of taxes at the point of a gun in a benevolent manner.

In conclusion, this week I am grappling with a fundamental problem that we face in the United States. Currently, it seems as if I am yelling into an echo chamber much as many of the people who agree with me on various podcasts, blogs, Substacks etc. seem to be doing. While those who believe the tripe being peddled by the mainstream media etc. are yelling into their own echo chambers. Of course, I would like to think that I bring reason, cause and effect, and logic to my conclusions after shaking free of the hypnotic effect of the “mainstream”. Therefore, a fundamental problem, as I see it, is how does one break the hypnotic power of big tech and the mainstream media? Perhaps I need to look inside to determine how I was able to break free and somehow share this process? I know there are many other ways and fortunately many are working this problem. It just seems to me there are more ways that just have not been revealed to me yet? I will continue to pray, discuss, and meditate on this problem in the coming days, weeks, months, and years if need be.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.3.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is spouting and supporting a push within the California Legislature to restrict conceal carry laws because of the most recent mass shootings in the golden state. First, why does California have a full time legislature and for that matter why does the United States have a full time Congress? Secondly, I get that Gavin Newsom is a psychopath as is many who desire to become full time legislatures. They love the power and the ability it gives them to operate above the law and the ability it gives them to bend the law to their will. What gets me is why are Californian’s putting up with this? How and why did Californian’s submit to this band of psychopathic sociopaths who have destroyed the state government and as a result made it intolerable for free men and women to live in the state? It certainly is something to ponder.

ANITFA is rioting in several major cities across the United States because of the much anticipated release of the police body cam footage of the Memphis police who killed a young man three weeks ago. This killing has provided an excuse for the leftists to riot and I am not exactly sure why they are rioting. Because the six Memphis policemen involved in the killing are African American, have been fired, and are now being charges with murder one cannot argue that it was racially motivated with any merit to their argument. Is it to keep our minds off the escalation in Ukraine? Is it to keep our minds focused on something other than the release of the Paul Pelosi attack video? Is it to keep our attention away from Pfizer? Or could it just be the leftists have decided to go for it no matter the consequences or who knows? One thing for certain I saw from a report in one of the citizens was a sign calling for the end of capitalism and espousing the virtues of socialism while they attack businesses.

It appears yet again that the “spontaneous” protest and rioting across the nation in response to the Memphis killing is indeed coordinated and planned. I have read reports of notices being put out, equipment being staged, and protesters shuttling about the country across state lines to incite and play part in the riots in advance of the well-publicized release of the video late in the day on a Friday. These rioters are breaking business windows and destroying the means of livelihood of these business owners and their employees. So far, I have heard of no one being hurt or killed but I would imagine the possibility is running high. There is no doubt in my mind that it is incumbent upon the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other Federal offices to devote a large portion of their resources to root out the conspiracy behind this outrage against business and working class Americans!!! It would be an absolute outrage if they did not.

I have not been reading or listening to a whole lot of news this week because I have been too busy preparing for my day job projects and in one case actually doing work for a project. Additionally, I am repairing a vehicle that was damaged. It is amazing how when I am busy doing actual work how little time there is for watching and commenting on political bull s*it. Quite honestly it feels good to use my hands to repair a car and my mind to calculate and delve deep into design and operational work, in other words, geek out on engineering related tasks. Perhaps this is part of the problem with the world. Too few people (and the numbers I would imagine are growing smaller) understand the joy of creating or repairing something to make it useful and functional.

I sit here typing and wonder what “crisis” will next be created by the tyrannical minority to exert more control over my life. Whether the crisis that is created be to take more control over my finances in the guise of a digital currency, a terrorist attack to pass a revised and updated Homeland Security Act, a man made pandemic to pump a whole lot of money into the markets and essentially create a soft socialist takeover of the economy or what? Perhaps it is Chinese balloons, the unemployment rate lowering more than anticipated or whatever else the sociopaths dream up.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 1.27.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Peaceful riots have turned violent yet again, only this time in Atlanta as leftist hijack a protest against police violence and trouble appears to be brewing in Minneapolis, Minnesota again. Minneapolis is probably in response to the threats to remove Ilhan Omar from the US House Intelligence Committee I suspect. Same playbook, different year, only this time I must wonder what the leftists are up to considering they do not have a Presidential election to overthrow. Or perhaps maybe they are already starting and the true leftist leaders, the ones who hide behind the scenes, are finished with Joe Biden and his corrupt family.

Lindsey Graham is in the Ukraine lecturing us all on how we need to send more arms and even tanks to the Ukraine and blah de de blah blah. I tuned out listening to him because I imagine he probably was going to tell me that if I have one doubt then it is treason. I stole some of the previous sentence’s words from a song written about Vietnam as it seems the new bosses are the same as our old bosses to steal words from another song of the same era. Lindsey Graham is nothing more than Neocon spokes mouth at a minimum and who knows what else in the worst case. Is there any doubt in anyone else’s mind?

Speaking of Neocons and others in Congress I heard that the national debt is now $31.5 trillion, interest rates are rising, the economy is slowing and national government spending is now over $1 trillion per year in the United States. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics just announced the Consumer Price Index (CPI) calculation will be changed and yet they have failed to provide transparency on how the calculation will be performed to the general public. All I must do is read the two previous sentences in which a Neocon spokes mouth wants to launder US Taxpayer money through a war to feed the coffers of the defense industry and the other in which the numbers will be fudged to pay retirees and others less money by obfuscating what the real inflation rate is. It seems that the US Federal Government’s sole purpose and those in control of it is to feed itself no matter the cost to the citizens it purports to serve.

I spoke with a friend several months ago who is very knowledgeable in the world of tech. He told me that he believes that we will be cyborgs (part machine, part human) in the near future. It is his opinion that many of us are already part cyborg considering how much we carry our minicomputers disguised as cell phones (smart phones) with us wherever we go. Trouble is, I can see his logic and it disturbs me. Where does the line between being human and tech end? At what point do we cease being human and become a machine with intelligence? Where are our philosophers and clergy to help us define and debate this potential impending reality?

I had reason to visit a medical office the other day in a city nearby where I live. I really did not know what the medical center’s primary focus is but for some reason I was dreading and felt a sort of darkness around the place. Even trying to find it was a bit difficult as the building that I was trying to find that housed the office that I was visiting is tucked among a group of similar buildings. It was as if the building and offices in it were disguised and repelling at the same time to obfuscate their existence to all but those who knew what to look for. I turned the correct corner finally, felt a sense of unease, and the building had a giant sign announcing it was a Woman’s Reproductive Health Building. It was at that moment I realized the type of offices the building held. What I noticed was how warm and inviting the building seemed to be at the same time I felt a sense of nausea. It was well apportioned and the office that I visited had dimmed lights, was warm, and smelled of vanilla. All of which seemed designed to put a woman at ease and now I fully understand why I have felt a darkness emanating from that particular business center. 

I have to buy cartridges for my printer which happens to be a Brother color printer and I find it really is no different than any other home office printer whether they be Canon or Epson or whatever. The ink is really expensive for what I get. Essentially what I am getting is two halves of molded plastic, albeit tailored for each individual machine, that is filled with ink. I would imagine the cost of the raw product is less than one tenth of what I pay. I thought about this for some reason staring at a Cross Pen and thinking about how hard it is to get refills for it and how most people, I would believe, have moved to using computers to do their writing. Therefore, there really is not a huge demand for the type of pen that I prefer to use and partly explains why Cross Pen has off shored their production to, hold your breath, China. Yet another consumer good experiencing supply chain issues.

There is news all over the alternate and fringe mainstream media about Project Veritas recording a Pfizer executive. What he says specifically I would encourage others to find but do not use Google because it has censored Project Veritas and anything to do with the recording of this executive. It is interesting that now the so called executive’s social media has been completely scrubbed and there are calls that he was a disinformation agent and blah blah blah. Perhaps either or both are true. What I do know is that Pfizer has a huge advertising and lobbying budget and that they took no money from the US Federal Government to develop their version of the modified ribonucleic acid (nRNA) jab to prevent COVID-19. This so they could reap all the profits unencumbered. So, in summary, I know Pfizer has the deep pockets and ability to be guilty of setting this whole thing up, being guilty of what the gentleman professed Pfizer being guilty of, and I also know Pfizer can certainly afford to have a sophisticated damage control operation instituted. 

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Memorial Day 2021

I sit at my desk as the 11:00 hour approaches on Memorial Day knowing that at that time memorial services will begin at my local Veteran’s Cemetery. This is an event that I first attended two years ago and found it something that I want to attend every year. However, it seems that my desires are being thwarted first by the shutdowns last year inspired by the SARS-CoV-2 introduction to the world and this year because I refuse to wear a useless mask outside in ninety plus degree weather as is being required at the cemetery. A mask that provides as much protection as replacing the screens in my windows with chain link fence and expecting it to keep out flies and mosquitos.

As news breaks in the mainstream media that the SARS-CoV-2 appears to have been leaked for whatever reason out of the lab in Wuhan, China I must ask myself, “Why now?” Hasn’t it been readily apparent from day one that something strange was going on? I must ask myself why is the mainstream media just now reporting on this occurrence? What really is going on that the smokescreen of the leak is being laid to distract and or hide?

Moving on, it was at this time last year that I was beginning to doubt the response to the virus and the shutdowns that were being imposed on the American people and the entire world. Fortunately for me I live in a rural place and so last year I had plenty of space outside to do activities and other than not being able to attend social and memorial functions I was not too inconvenienced. However, I was starting to question the wisdom of increased shutdowns, the apparent subjective application of the term “essential business”, the potential damage to the economy, and the riots that were beginning in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. Little did I know at the time that a massive upset in my nation and the world was just beginning?

Now, a year later, as I pause to remember those who have given their lives in defense of my country and of which I personally have known a couple, I must ask myself what have I learned in the past year? I will not discuss what my actions will be based on what I have learned because to be quite honest, for reasons that I will disclose, a state of war exists in my country. Though it is not an overtly hot war at this point it is at best a cold war whether we want to admit it or not and sides will need to be taken if not already having been chosen.cd

In the last year it has become obvious to me that the leadership of the Centers for Disease and Control, the National Institutes for Health, and the Food and Drug Administration do not have my best interest at heart. These people are public officials with quite frankly vast amounts of bureaucratic power and except for Senator Paul there seems to be little appetite to hold them accountable or audit their business. Their public business which as supposed stewards of public trust they absolutely should be open to. It is apparent to me that these leaders are beholden to lobbyists, special interests (i.e., Big Pharma), and their own lust and greed for power. I am shocked that Senator Paul has received death threats in the aftermath of his question of Anthony Fauci!

I was struck this morning as I finally read The Nuremberg Code of 1947 and quite honestly, I felt my blood begin to boil and my thoughts coalesce into a somewhat rational train of thought. A rational train of thought that I have found difficult to form since the events of January 6, 2021. For those who may read this and are unaware of the Nuremberg Code of 1947 as I was until recently it is essentially a code developed out of the post-World War II trials of medical professionals who experimented on human subjects in the concentration camps. Specifically, article 3 of the code states, “The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment”. To me the use of mRNA technology on humans is an experiment as this technology has never, to my knowledge, made it out of animal trials. Then suddenly, because of a declared “pandemic” to a virus with a 99.9% survivability rate and with treatments available (despite being debunked by a paper fabricated on lies and false science published in The Lancet) animal trials are foregone in the name of an “emergency” declaration by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To me this makes the leaders of the FDA and their corporate sponsors who lobbied for and approved this declaration accusable as war criminals according to the Nuremberg Code. What you have done is more than just committed political crimes to me you have committed crimes against humanity.

Which leads me to another item which has become obvious to me. The International Socialist-Progressive-ANTIFA-Marxist-Communist (I-SPAMC) movement will stop at nothing to keep and obtain power. It is obvious to me that Big Tech is working with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the CCP has corrupted many of our politicians on both sides of the aisle (i.e., Rep Pelosi, Sen McConnell and etc.). I also feel that the United States Supreme Court has been corrupted as evidenced by their refusal to even hear arguments in any of the election fraud cases.

Which leads me to another item, and this is the 2020 election, its execution, and the subsequent acceptance of it by Congress and the supposed “insurrection” on January 6, 2021. First, the “insurrection” to me was such an obvious false flag event that there is nothing anyone can say to me anymore that will dissuade or change my thoughts on this. Rioting in major cities agitated by left wing Marxists (SPAMC) was allowed all summer under the guise of “racial equality” in which businesses were looted and destroyed. This after businesses were forced to shutter for longer than the initial ninety days for a virus that had a greater than 99.9% survivability rate for the majority of the population and this was not called an insurrection? Further, this shuttering continued all winter in states controlled SPAMC controlled governors! Bullshit! You who would try to convince me that a peaceful march on the capitol was an insurrection while the destruction in our cities fomented by left wing Marxist (SPAMC) groups was not an insurrection are a domestic enemy. Let us not forget the only real death during the day as a direct result of the Capitol breach was that of a young veteran who was shot by a member of the Capitol Police who was wearing a BLM bracelet and who, to my knowledge, has never had an investigation performed regarding their actions and has remained anonymous. You domestic enemies of the United States are using the weapon of narrative to try and confuse the issue but for me it is not working!

I shake my head in disbelief at the members in Congress who “feared for their lives” during the supposed “insurrection”. An “insurrection” in which from what I understand truly little was damaged or stolen except for, perhaps, Representative Pelosi’s laptops. To me it looks like a covert operation again Grandma Nancy and our nation. What about the fear, sadness, and anger of the business owners who lost their businesses in the last year due to the SARS-CoV-2 inspired shutdowns and SPAMC agitated violent riots? Where is the outrage to this in the media? Well let me tell you what I think. Big Media and Big Tech your total disregard for these business owners and their plight makes you a domestic enemy. Your silence is consent to the SPAMC movement and your outright censorship are the actions of a domestic enemy.

To the “woke” corporations, politicians, bureaucrats, community members, and military leadership you are now my enemy. You are proponents of mail in ballots in which no form of identification needs to be provided by anyone to cast a vote. A system so open to fraud and abuse and yet I cannot open a bank account or fly on an airplane without providing identification. In fact, I cannot fly on an airplane without first obtaining a form of identification that requires me to prove my citizenship yet I can vote by just being home when the mail arrives? Umm, something is wrong with this picture. You who support this sham are guilty of disenfranchising my vote and I now consider you to be my political enemies. Further you run a race baiting scam in the guise of Critical Race Theory in which you seek to change history so that you can rewrite and change it at your whim. This right out of an Orwellian/Dystopian/Soviet playbook. You are running a sham in accordance with the I-SPAMC playbook to increase and or maintain your power at my countries expense and so, therefore, you are a domestic enemy.

Lastly, Big Media, I drove through Portland, Oregon in the last few months and was struck by the size of the city and the relatively small area that the insurrection has been occurring in that city. The conclusion that I came to is that if the leadership of that city really wanted to quell the insurrection, they could do it in mere hours. I have concluded that the leaders of Portland and perhaps by extension the state of Oregon just do not want to quell the insurrection. They either lack the political will, intestinal fortitude and or are complicit in the insurrection. This also goes for the leaders in the other cities of our nation who allowed the riots to go on ad infinitum last summer. There is no will to stop them and now I consider these leaders and the powers behind them to be domestic enemies. Big Media I consider you to be complicit in this as well because you are making money selling advertisements because of the strife in these cities caused by the SPAMC movement. You do not allow the opposing (my view) airtime and engage in censorship of any view not in line with your corporate and intellectual I-SPAMC masters and so I now also consider you to be domestic enemies from this point forward. It is now 12:00 PM and I have risen my flag back to full staff from its half-mast position. The half-masted flag flown in honor of the fallen.

Random Musings 1.6.21 Part 2

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I normally would not do posts in such rapid succession but today seems to warrant another post albeit more than twelve hours apart.

I have heard and read about our nation’s capit0l building being overrun and some of the violence associated with it. I read how Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and other Senators were quick to demand that President Trump send the National Guard to protect their offices and places of business. Though I agree that is the right thing to do and I agree that President Trump needed to send in the National Guard I will admit my first reaction or thought was not the right thought. No, my first thought was (expletive deleted) you! Where were you and your ilk when small businesses were being destroyed by rioting mobs last summer!?! I guess now you know what these small business owners and homeowners felt. Now you are going to make political hay over this?!?! Let it rest and remember us out here who are only getting $800 and do your jobs. Not only this but now you RINOs have the “cover” to vote the way you really have always wanted to vote and that is to not support President Trump.

Pardon me while I vomit as I now know my country is lost and freedom and equal representation is nothing but an illusion.

Next, and on a more serious note I see the mainstream press and politicians are quick to blame President Trump and his supporters for the rioting without any proof or investigation. How do we know that ANTIFA dressed up as Trump supporters mixed in with the crowds as they did last summer and started this? After all they are for the entire destruction of the system and espouse anarchy in all forms. I pray that cooler heads prevail and the rush to judgement without proof does not rule the day.

Lastly, I will say that I am disgusted with the results and the way the election played out in Georgia. Same tactics from the same playbook as in the other disputed and contested states in November. Elections counting shut down, claims that it will take days to count, observers having to go to court just to get within 10 feet of the counting which really is still not close enough.

I pray for my country because it is obvious that the thugs are ruling the day at many levels and in many places and from my experience thug’s neve voluntarily give up their power.

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and to the other RINOs you have lost the support of a vast swath of America. The responsibility for what happened today at the capitol lies at your feet and the feet of all the other politicians who are nothing more than corrupt puppets. I personally do not see a shred of leadership or courage in any of your actions and persons. Thank you for nothing and you should all be fired at the minimum and if the stories are true you should all be tried for treason and or corruption. You have forfeited your right to represent me and my vote from this day forward.

Come on! Give me a break! You expect me to believe that this violence was incited by Trump supporters only? This smells like provocateurs who have infiltrated a peaceful protest and turned it violent much as what happened this past summer. I am sorry but I no longer believe what the mainstream press, politicians and judges do. The evidence, when one can find it, no longer supports why I should have faith in what is being peddled.  

Enough of my rant this evening.

Random Musings 12.22.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would  censor what I have to say any way.

I have sat down with music performed by the Berlin Symphony Orchestra playing The Nutcracker in the background. I am thinking that I am supposed to believe the SolarWinds hack is the work of yet again the Russians? Don’t get me wrong considering the Russia sired the second greatest mass murderer in Josef Stalin. Second behind Mao of China and ahead of Adolf Hitler of Germany. Somewhere in the mix is Pol Pot of Cambodia further solidifying the argument that the greatest mass murderers of the twentieth century all used socialism as their platform to impose their murderous regimes.

As I continue to listen to Tchaikovsky’s Grandfather Dance I am reminded of the The Boy Who Cried Wolf story. Russia has been blamed for so much since President Trump was elected that I am extremely skeptical. I am sorry but my gut instinct is to blame China with perhaps the collusion of Russia at best. China has the money and will to increase their military spending yet another 7% next year and is showing how far they will go in total warfare to do whatever it takes to destroy the United States. Russia is not funding Confucius Centers in the United States, and Russia is not using their sovereign fund to build ports and other facilities in Asia, South America, Africa and elsewhere around the world. Yes Russia has spied on the United States using honey traps and most likely continues to. However, have they gotten into the House Intelligence Committee like China has and who knows where else? Has Russia had the money to provide bundlers to finance candidates in the United States? Having grown up during the cold war I did not witness such corruption at the highest levels of government that I seem to be witnessing now with foreign and domestic socialist actors on both sides of the aisle and in our business and banking elites. So pardon me if I yawned yet again when I saw the headlines blaming Russia.

Oh yes and I am supposed to believe that there was not election interference? Why will Arizona not allow their voting machines to be audited? Why is there such pushback to allow an open audit of machines and ballots? Why are courts not hearing cases on merits but rather finding procedural excuses to throw out challenges to the elections? Why are we being told to just accept the results with none of our questions being answered satisfactorily? I cannot help but think that is something has the shape of a fish and something smells like a fish then chances are it is a fish. Something certainly smells fishy and the longer we move away from the election the more it stinks. So much so, and I have typed this before, I doubt the results of elections stretching back into at least the nineties now and certainly do not trust the voting system now.

5,593 page spending bill!?!? You have got to be kidding me! And I am supposed to believe that there is no pork or any money going to bail out one of the bankrupt states or large municipalities currently run by corrupt members of the Democratic Party?!? Yeah right, get real.

Evidently, the spending bill includes making the illegal streaming a felony. Yet another pandering to big tech that includes aid to Palestinians when small businesses are failing in our country. Of course, who knows if any of this is true because law makers have six hours to review before voting on it? Yet another Grandma Nancy Pelosi jam it down their throat last minute bully tactic. Just pass it and we will take care of the details afterward. Does this relief bill provide direct relief to restaurants and other small businesses hurt by the unfair lockdowns that have exclusively benefited big tech and the large box stores? It makes me sick!

So, we have another strain of coronavirus reported in Europe and just as the first case is reported in England France shuts off all access to and from France to England. Does anyone else find it coincidental that this happens just as Brexit negotiations are heating up and England may leave the EU? I might out that England leaving the EU is a move completely against the globalist agenda and in support of, gasp, a people who love their nation’s independence.

Again I must reiterate that I would prefer therapeutics to help me combat Covid 19, should I it get, than take an experimental immunization using mRNA technology. Something does not smell right with this technology.

How many believe Joe Bidden took an actual vaccine and not a syringe filled with saline? Of course, it may have been a super dose of vaccine administered under the direction of the Democratic Party handlers who cannot wait to see Kamala Harris inaugurated president. Of course, I still do not believe Joe Biden is the President elect nor will I until it can be proven that all votes counted were legal and that all legal votes have been counted.

All government employees and all offices should be shut down for one week a month until tax revenues increase to pre pandemic levels. The first in line in the government who should lose their paychecks for one week a month should be Congress, the heads of the FDA, CDC, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and state Governors who have shut down their states with unnecessarily long restrictions and etc. I would say President Trump but he already gives his entire paycheck away and has done so throughout his presidency. Remember, this is because he made his money in the new old fashioned way which was in business not due the largesse and grift of holding government positions nearly his whole adult life.

It sure is plain to see who the never Trumpers are and Chris Christie still seems to be one of them.

By the way, I am becoming concerned at the violent rhetoric being spoken by the Democrats and other leftists. I am wondering if I am putting my family and self at risk even typing what I am typing. Though in reality I know it can easily be found by a capable forensic team I am glad of my anonymity at this point. Trouble is I have openly supported President Trump and his campaign so I know my name is on a list somewhere. I wonder if Alec Baldwin will someday show up and try to put a knee on my neck. Would the Washington Post characterize me as a rat like the Nazis characterized Jews in the lead up to World War II?

It seems to me that the intolerant globalist left is beginning to show their true colors. They do not seem to like it when people question their narrative of correct social norms and supposed values. Most of all they do not like it when people question their self-professed moral superiority. My fear is that if they are allowed to amass more power than they already have there is a great potential for rhetoric to turn into actual physical acts. I say this because one of the first things a ruling elite does to condone violence against their opponents is to dehumanize them.

Do I believe that Joe Biden’s administrations will continue the work of President Trump? No, it will be a return to globalism and a very real possibility of the death of our Constitutional Republic. As The Clown in Divertissement comes to its crescendo and gives way to the Waltz of the Flowers, I cannot help but wonder if the SolarWinds could in fact be an operation put in play by rogue elements of our very own intelligence agencies to try and drag us into yet another war? Who to believe and who to trust? As I discussed in my most previous post the same tools that could lead us into enlightenment could indeed be being used to oppress, spread fear, and drag us into another dark age.

A Portland Drive By

I see, this morning, that Ted Wheeler has won his reelection as the mayor of Portland. This after allowing riots and the destruction of businesses in Portland all summer. So, I think it is time to write about Portland because after this election cycle my view of the country and this leftist movement is solidifying and the use of Communism/Marxism/Progressivism to destroy the middle class is on full display in the city of Portland.

Why Portland you may ask? Well for starters the Portland area is the home of Nike and my readers ask why I bring attention to Nike? Nike is somewhere around a $15-20 billion dollar international behemoth who it has been shown has factories in none other than China. The next piece of evidence that I would like to point out is, since the Michael Jordan era, Nike has become the prime sponsor of the National Basketball Association (NBA) along with numerous other sporting events, franchises, leagues and etc. Looking at the balance sheets Nike revenue far surpasses that of the NBA so much so that one really could call the NBA the Nike Basketball Association. The NBA who organizationally and certainly had some of its most popular players embrace Black Live Matter an overtly and openly Marxist organization.

So back to Portland, the re-election of its mayor, the home town of Antifa, the site of continued leftist rioting despite the re-election of its leftist mayor, and the home of Nike with its deep ties to Communist China. Is there a pattern developing here? I wonder? I know there is no criminality on the surface and being a Constitutionalist everyone is innocent until proven guilty in our system of justice. However, this is not the case in China and we must, as members of our democracy, remain ever vigilant for all enemies both foreign and domestic. To me, in the city of Portland, the coincidences are adding up and I am beginning to wonder if these really are not coincidental.

Death Cult

In the not too distant past, we learned and heard that ISIS or Daesh was a death cult. A label placed on this organization by our press and media. I have taken the time to look up and see if there is a formal definition of the term “death cult” and the most objective definition I was able to find is, “a fringe religious group that glorifies or is obsessed with death” courtesy of lexico.com. I think we can see why this descriptor was applied to Daesh as they spread their death and destruction across Syria and Iraq. They left nothing but death and destruction in their wake. I will submit that the German Nazi Party in the first half of the twentieth century, the Soviet Communist Party, the Maoist Chinese Communist Party and Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge could also be defined as a death cults. Though they would never consider themselves religious groups they based their power by preying on the fear of death in human beings. They not only threatened death but implemented and carried through with their threats. In the process they were responsible for the destruction of much of Europe and Asia which included tens of millions of deaths.

Yesterday morning as I woke up to the news of rioting and looting in Philadelphia ostensibly because of another police shooting of a black man the concept of death cult rummaged in my mind. These rioters and looters paid no mind to the fact that the black man shot was wielding a knife and coming at police officers. This and video footage showing the police officers actually backed away from the assailant in an effort to defuse the situation. Now we have yet another city run by Democrats in the throes of rioting and looting that will drain the life out of that city. I say this will drain the life out of the city because I can imagine very few of the businesses will want to reopen once the smoke clears, the glass is cleaned up, and the insurance claims are filed. Let us not forget that business is the life blood of communities, states, our country, and our way of life. I say business is the life blood because it is business that generates the wealth that funds and feeds our communities and even our governments. Business is the ultimate expression in freedom and innovation. Freedom because we have choices with who to do our business seeking out the best value for our money and innovation because the successful businesses will innovate to provide this value for the least amount of cost to the business owner. This so that they can number one pay for their expenses and number two profit from the sale of their product or products. These profits, in turn, are used to seek other services or goods supporting yet even more business. Like a healthy freshwater lake when water is flowing in and water is flowing out the water of the lake retains its vitality and is capable of supporting life.

Since I have started on the metaphor of lakes, I must point out that death occurs even in healthy lakes. Unfortunately, death is still a part of life especially in the material world that we live in. Eventually all biological beings expire and on top of that all biological processes generate waste. Even in the healthiest of mountain lakes biological processes continue and death occurs. What I will submit for the sake of my current argument, however, is the introduction of fresh water to the lake and subsequently the free flow of water from the lake allows waste products to easily flow out and at the same be replenished by and diluted by the fresh water flowing into the lake. All the while life continues and flourishes. However, in the unhealthy lake water typically does not flow out as freely or fresh water into the lake is completely shut off. When the water is not allowed to flow out the lake will eventually become brackish, swamp like, and otherwise much unhealthier for normal oxygen breathing creatures to survive. Likewise, when fresh water does not flow into the lake the lake will dry up and eventually die.

Likewise, from the bodies of ideas and politics, I believe, can be drawn comparisons to the examples of fresh water, brackish or dried up bodies of water. I will submit that the societies with the freshest of ideas continually replenishing the existing bodies of ideas lead to the healthiest societies and in parallel the freshest of political institutions are characterized by the free flowing of ideas in and out of the body politic of these societies. It is when the flow of ideas into the body politic is shut off or restricted that the body becomes brackish, polluted, suffocating, oppressive and unable to support healthy life. Or, in the extreme case, when the ideas are allowed to leave without any fresh ideas to replenishing the body politic the body politic has entered a death spiral that will inevitably lead to the body drying up completely leaving nothing behind but dried up brittle crusty sand.

Currently in our country we have huge out of control media conglomerates and internet behemoths who seem intent to shut out ideas counter to the opinions of the intellectuals and or ownership of these organizations. All the while, at least in the case of the internet behemoths, they enjoy the protections of law.  In the case of media, they seem intent to quash any news counter to the narrative the intellectuals who fuel their opinion. This while they claim to be objective purveyors of news. They have, in fact, almost seem to have doubled down on their claims and efforts to suppress and stymie the conservative message at every opportunity despite being called out and proven to be carrying out their seemingly nefarious actions. I will submit to my readers that because of this suppression we as a nation are precariously close to witnessing the death of the bastion of fresh thoughts, ideas, speech, and all other freedoms. We are precariously close to watching “the swamp” expand its poisonous life draining ideas and norms to the rest of the country.

Speaking of poison, I come back to the topic of the death cult. Let me remind you that the most objective definition that I found for the term death cult is, “a fringe religious group that glorifies or is obsessed with death”. I would submit that it appears with the suppression of opposing ideas in most of the media, the internet behemoths, the constant rioting and looting in democratically controlled riotous cities, and the obsession with Covid and their subsequent desire to shut down all business that the left is under the control of a death cult. No, they will never admit they are religions but as I have written about in the past, socialism is a religion. I say they are a religion because they expect blind servitude based on faith in the party or progressive ideals and have no proof to back up their claims of social utopia. So we have a very powerful group of people in this country who seem intent to usher in the death of the US Constitution and will use death and our fear of death in the guise of Covid 19 to bring death to our economy. Additionally, they use the death of black men to stage and support riotous looting behavior which in turn brings about the death of businesses which are the hallmark of lively prosperous communities. I see nothing positive or prosperous coming out of this except more death and destruction and this alarms me. This alarms me because I enjoy and give thanks for every day of life, the food that supports life, the means by which I have to support life, and for those in my life who I love. I also miss the freedoms to move freely in society without fear of retribution for not wearing a mask, attending live worship, sporting and music events, and all other manner of life sustaining group activities in which the free exchange of ideas, discourse, and social interaction occur. All the groundwork for the death cult to flourish even more seems be laid and the outcome cannot be good for any of us.

Random Musings 8.29.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I keep seeing the image of Senator Paul holding up the police officer who had been assaulted by the mob that had surrounded the Senator and the police escorting the Senator and his wife back to their hotel. This was not a peaceful protest nor a peaceful situation and nothing bad would have come from it had the police not been there. I find it frightening that these protests have gotten to the point that they have gotten. Furthermore, what bothers me are the thoughts that I am starting to have with regards to making myself prepared to defend myself and my love ones. Preparations that I never would have imagined that I would have to make in the United States when I was serving in Afghanistan. I ask why has this lawlessness been allowed to deteriorate the point that it has? It is also plain to see the ignorance of those who surrounded the Senator regarding his legislative agenda in general. Or was it truly not ignorance on the organizers of the riotous behavior but something more sinister at its roots?

Oh, and memo to LeBron James and your fellow NBA players since you have chosen to boycott the NBA for a couple of games? Well I am going to boycott the NBA for at least a season or two. Screw you and imaginary horse you rode in on! I will not support a Marxist sympathizer nor a Marxist sympathizing organization. I know there are racial injustices and I have witnessed it, but Marxism is not the answer and I will fight it. Get an education before you spout uneducated diatribes that bite the hand that feeds you. Or better yet, move to China since you seem to like the CCP better than the United States. Go ahead and renounce your citizenship and get the f*&k out of my country!!!

Mr. Silver, you and rest of the professional sports organization better wake up and wake up quick. You have lost me and others who have been lifelong sports fans for the first time ever are doubting whether they will continue being fans. Quite catering to the lowest denominator. Educate about the evils of racism yes but supporting Marxist organizations and movements is going to cost you if it is not already costing you.

Tim Cook, same to you. The status quo is probably not the best but Marxism is a dark dark road and if you think you will be immune good luck. I am sure there were some powerful businessmen in France, Russia, China, Vietnam, and Venezuela who thought they were immune too. That is unless they voluntarily took their knee to whatever dictator it was that rose to the top of the anarchy, chaos, and brutality.

So, Riot Kitchen members were arrested with gasoline filled fuel cans, helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, attempted escape and are members of an Antifa linked terrorist organization? Let’s see a group from Seattle in Michigan, with instruments of violence, resisting search? Hmmm, I am sure there is a federal statue somewhere that can put these bad actors out of service for a while.

I was impressed and glad to see no Hollywood speakers during the RNC this past week. It may explain why I watched the whole convention after the first night. Oh, and that firework display was amazing! I wanted to be there and watch it firsthand and it reminded me how the Democratic Governor of my state put such a wet blanket on all the Fourth of July celebrations in my state. I will definitely not forget. I love, amongst many other one liners from President Trump’s speech, “The Biden agenda is made in China, mine is made in America.”

Oh yes and where is Kamala Harris denouncing the killing of Patrick Underwood in her hometown of Oakland, California? It disgusts me.

The Purge, great ad.

I read the three men shot by Kyle Rittenhouse were each a felon! He was using a weapon loaned to him by a friend who lives in Kenosha after helping his friend clean up graffiti all day and, additionally, he and his friend were asked by the owner of the auto shop to help in its defense. Again, it is good to let the facts come out before rushing to judgement regardless if waiting fits one’s narrative or not.

Random Musings 8.26.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I watched the entire RNC telecast last night which, I admit, is the first live coverage of any convention I have watched since watching my first which was with my Grandparents in 1976. This was the convention that Ronald Regan lost to Gerald Ford and we all know how the election turned out in November of 1976. Something ironic about that is my grandparents were die hard democrats and had nothing good to say about “The Actor”.

First off, I enjoyed watching and listening to the five people take the Oath of Citizenship. I have to be honest that I have never listened nor read this oath before and I was humbled. To listen to these people voluntarily renounce allegiance to their previous government was as I just wrote, humbling. I think every high school civics or government class could include a reading of this oath. Having taken the military oath a few times I noted the similarities and differences. The one striking similarity that I noticed that both have the oath taker protecting The Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Of course, this was a nice set up for First Lady Trump who herself has taken the Oath of Citizenship. For her speech I only have a couple of words and that she is a smart lady and one has to respect her journey based on her own merits at a minimum if nothing else.

Kentucky Attorney General Cameron rocked. He came across as poised, self-confident, intelligent and a politician. The last I would not consider a positive, however, the fact that his parents owned a coffee shop when he was young certainly helped to shape his outlook on life. In other words, I like his small business background and I hope he did not forget this in law school.

I noted after the conclusion of the RNC for the night Fox News had Chris Wallace speak last. What struck me is Chis Wallace’s talk about the president using the White House for a political convention and Secretary of State Pompeo being the first Secretary of State to speak at a convention. Ok, by themselves these are good points and should raise an eyebrow and Mr. Wallace did after pointing this out. However, let us take these comments into context. First, these are the first pandemic conventions with social distancing requirements and all the fear that comes along with a pandemic. Second, let us not forget all the other precedents that have been broken by the Democrats going back to President Roosevelt breaking through the two term limit and recently the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against a political foe, and the completely partisan impeachment. Mr. Fox give me a break and I have to wonder why Fox gave Juan Williams and Chris Wallace the last word amongst pundits?

Ok, my mind took a dark turn this morning thinking about the possibility of a contested election as Hillary Clinton seems to be calling for. What if this goes on and the UN decides they need to send in “peace keeping” forces? Could this be the end game? No no no, the globalist elites would never endorse such a thing. Yes, there may have been some sarcasm dripping from the last sentence and yes, I agree it is far fetched but if I am thinking about it I have to believe someone else could be thinking about it.

Lastly, Kenosha, Wisconsin. The riots took a dark turn last night and not necessarily for the good. I see this afternoon that a young 17 year old has been arrested but I will not rush to judgement. I see the governor and others are now calling for an end to the violence and more National Guard is being called in. My first reaction is to say to the governor why did you wait for people to be killed? You had to know the way it was going to play out considering all that has happened this summer since the George Floyd death.

Quite honestly, I was beginning to wonder how long it was going to take before something like last night happened. When business owners, who are tax paying citizens, cannot expect or trust their government to protect their businesses there is going to come a point when the businesses owners are going to protect their businesses with or without the government. Governor Evers, and the other governors out there, can you blame the formation of groups like The Boogaloos from occurring? Remember the businesses pay taxes and license fees and provide employment. When you deliberately do not allow the police to do their jobs nor do you allow others to help people will be forced to take matters into their own hands or be destroyed. This is not a good thing because what this means is that people have lost faith in your government. This is dangerous and can lead to much pain and heartache. Quite honestly, the responsibility rests on the current batch of local elected leaders in my opinion. Elected leaders who seem unqualified, cynical, corrupt and or generally unsuited for their jobs.