Random Musings on Current Events 2.3.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is spouting and supporting a push within the California Legislature to restrict conceal carry laws because of the most recent mass shootings in the golden state. First, why does California have a full time legislature and for that matter why does the United States have a full time Congress? Secondly, I get that Gavin Newsom is a psychopath as is many who desire to become full time legislatures. They love the power and the ability it gives them to operate above the law and the ability it gives them to bend the law to their will. What gets me is why are Californian’s putting up with this? How and why did Californian’s submit to this band of psychopathic sociopaths who have destroyed the state government and as a result made it intolerable for free men and women to live in the state? It certainly is something to ponder.

ANITFA is rioting in several major cities across the United States because of the much anticipated release of the police body cam footage of the Memphis police who killed a young man three weeks ago. This killing has provided an excuse for the leftists to riot and I am not exactly sure why they are rioting. Because the six Memphis policemen involved in the killing are African American, have been fired, and are now being charges with murder one cannot argue that it was racially motivated with any merit to their argument. Is it to keep our minds off the escalation in Ukraine? Is it to keep our minds focused on something other than the release of the Paul Pelosi attack video? Is it to keep our attention away from Pfizer? Or could it just be the leftists have decided to go for it no matter the consequences or who knows? One thing for certain I saw from a report in one of the citizens was a sign calling for the end of capitalism and espousing the virtues of socialism while they attack businesses.

It appears yet again that the “spontaneous” protest and rioting across the nation in response to the Memphis killing is indeed coordinated and planned. I have read reports of notices being put out, equipment being staged, and protesters shuttling about the country across state lines to incite and play part in the riots in advance of the well-publicized release of the video late in the day on a Friday. These rioters are breaking business windows and destroying the means of livelihood of these business owners and their employees. So far, I have heard of no one being hurt or killed but I would imagine the possibility is running high. There is no doubt in my mind that it is incumbent upon the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other Federal offices to devote a large portion of their resources to root out the conspiracy behind this outrage against business and working class Americans!!! It would be an absolute outrage if they did not.

I have not been reading or listening to a whole lot of news this week because I have been too busy preparing for my day job projects and in one case actually doing work for a project. Additionally, I am repairing a vehicle that was damaged. It is amazing how when I am busy doing actual work how little time there is for watching and commenting on political bull s*it. Quite honestly it feels good to use my hands to repair a car and my mind to calculate and delve deep into design and operational work, in other words, geek out on engineering related tasks. Perhaps this is part of the problem with the world. Too few people (and the numbers I would imagine are growing smaller) understand the joy of creating or repairing something to make it useful and functional.

I sit here typing and wonder what “crisis” will next be created by the tyrannical minority to exert more control over my life. Whether the crisis that is created be to take more control over my finances in the guise of a digital currency, a terrorist attack to pass a revised and updated Homeland Security Act, a man made pandemic to pump a whole lot of money into the markets and essentially create a soft socialist takeover of the economy or what? Perhaps it is Chinese balloons, the unemployment rate lowering more than anticipated or whatever else the sociopaths dream up.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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