Random Musings on Current Events 4.19.24

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am finding it less and less interesting to follow the media from behind the lines in my purple state that is truly going blue more and more. Perhaps, I am feeling low because I know that it does not really matter considering the fix is pretty much in. However, I am grateful for those who have come into my life in the past several years who are showing me new ways to pray and be open to listening to my intuition. Perhaps I will become more inspired again to use my imaginations. Perhaps I will be inspired to let the blog of ramblings, rumblings, and rants go the wayside, especially if I discern that it is not what Christ would do or in alignment with his teachings. However, in the meantime…

It appears House Speaker Johnson is just another in a long line of bought and paid for members of the uni party. Pulling Democrats in to push spending in Ukraine and for Israel while infrastructure and people flood the United States’ southern border on the face appears asinine if not treasonous. His priorities a certainly not to defend my freedoms and pursuit of happiness but rather those of the nations and world WEF inspired elites. Although, I will admit that I am not surprised otherwise he would not been allowed to become the Speaker of the House. I have to wonder if his name is in or should be in the book about how the Chinese Communist Party has corrupted the nation’s elites? I also have to wonder if he will formally switch parties because he has already done so in practice.

I just learned that California, between the years of 2018 to 2022 has spent nearly $24 billion on their homeless problem which equates to approximately $34,284 per year per person for the estimated 140,000 homeless at the start of this period. A number that has, in actuality, grown to somewhere north of 180,000 at the end of 2022. What has California gotten to show for this expenditure? I would imagine that a lot of graft for the connected is where the majority of the money went. Money that comes on the backs of the citizens of the other 49 states in the form of COVID bailouts, infrastructure bills etc. thanks to Nancy Pelosi and her cronies. I would imagine that her cronies in the state have California and their cronies really received the benefit of these “homeless dollars”.

Speaking of graft in California how is the 500 mile high speed rail line between Los Angeles and that California that voters approved $10 billion in 2008 to be complete in 2020 doing? Oh yes, that’s right it has not happened. Instead, now they are proposing a $35 billion rail line between Bakersfield and Merced, a distance of 100 miles, to be completed by 2033. Ummm, what? So, in the last 16 years nothing has been done with the original $20 billion and now they want another $15 billion to complete a length of rail 1/5 the distance of the original. Not only that the rail would run between arguably two minor population centers in the middle of the state. This when there are roads in the outlying counties in urgent need of maintenance and repair. Something stinks and it is similar to the stench that started in Baltimore, Maryland.

Speaking of Baltimore, Maryland it appears there is a concerted effort to get the shipping lanes open in its port after the destruction of the Francis Scott Key bridge which is a good thing. However, one can only wonder how this is happening and quite frankly it is a part of the tearing apart or one can say completion of the demolition of the Francis Scott Key bridge. When it comes time to rebuild, I can only imagine the grafters that are circling this project like vultures.

Donald Trump is standing trial for, pardon the expression, what appears to be trumped up charges in which both campaigns are using an excuse to ask for additional donations etc. The only winners in all of this are the attorneys, the media, and the campaign industry.

It appears the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is telling everyone to treat COVID like the flu now and forget about all the happened in the past around COVID. OK, the forget all that happened in the name of COVID was never explicitly said but, to me, it is implied. I for one, will never forget what happened in the name of COVID. The least of which was the shutdown of an economy in an election year, the passing of midnight legislation in some states to allow mail in ballots during an election year, and death of a loved one, the cutting short of a career of mine because I chose early retirement rather than to allow an experimental injection to be introduced into my body, and the death of a close loved one within thirty days of their taking their second Pfizer COVID injection. No, I cannot forget the events of COVID and feeling like the victim of a confidence game was perpetrated on me and the country.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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