Random Musings on Current Events 12.1.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Henry Kissinger is dead at 100 years of age and reading the news certainly caused me to pause. I can remember him from my youth as the way his name sounded, to a youngster, was different and difficult for me to ignore. Of course, I had no idea who he was or what he represented at the time. Now I am more familiar with some of the things that he did, such as open up China while serving in the Nixon administration, leveraging his political ties afterwards to make millions of dollars opening China to western businesses, purportedly being a founder of the World Economic Forum and who knows what else. One thing for certain is he was an Internationalist and a powerful one at that. I will pray for his soul and for his family whether I agree with his stances or not because something tells me he is going to need it.

The southern border of the United States is still wide open and yet President Biden, his puppet masters, and several in Congress want to tie over a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and southern border controls together. I cannot believe the arrogance of these folks. I wish the leaders of Congress would vote individually on these matters so we could see where our Representatives and Senators actually stood on these issues. However, they will not, most likely, because most of these people are good at sales and deal making or else, they would not be in office. They do not appear willing to actually take a moral stand and lack conviction for anything but maintaining their station in office.

To me, if Representatives and Senators actually read the Constitution that they took an oath to defend rather than maneuver, plot, and position themselves for reelection they would understand one of the few specific duties of the Federal Government duties is the defense of our borders. The clearest and most present danger is the army of illegals crossing the southern border, end of story. I think there could be an argument that those who profit from this flood could be considered enemies within our border which is an even more frightening proposition. We have no clue what the intentions of many of the illegals are nor their willingness to learn and assimilate within a Constitutional Republic and this is dangerous. Ukraine and Israel are but mere distractions to many Americans away from the real, clear and present dangers to our society and ways of life. In other words, please do not ask me to fight someone else’s battles when there is a battle raging right in my backyard whether we want to admit it or not.

I have been listening in to a podcast in which the gentlemen, who shall remain nameless for the time being on my blog, pointed out that the power players in business, government, and media have failed to incite a race war in the united States and the world so now they are moving to one of the oldest methods of starting wars in the world, religion. Elements within the Israeli government allowed October 10 to happen to gain support for a disproportionate Israeli response which in turn will inflame anti-Jewish responses throughout the world etc. This will in turn lead to attacks against Christians and the next thing we know we have a full scale religious war spreading throughout the world. As soon as I heard him speak, I took pause, looked at my own feelings, and agreed with his view. Now, many weeks later we see pro Palestine and pro-Israeli marches around the world, attacks on Jewish centers and even two Palestinians killed in the united States. I only pray that cooler heads will prevail because religious wars, as all wars, never end until they burn out. Like fire, wars are often unpredictable and leave nothing but charred ruins in their wakes.

King Charles, of England, is attending or attended COP and blathered some stuff about the climate and how we all need to do our part and blah blah blah. I wonder if he used a private jet to get to Dubai where COP is being held? All these climate change conferences do is provide cover for the elites to meet, discuss, trade and do whatever it is that the ruling elites do in my opinion. Once thing I am certain of is that I will obtain no material benefit from their days of blathering and partying, no doubt.

I saw a news report from China in which the mystery respiratory illness is running rampant through school age children. My first question is how many of these youngsters received the experimental mRNA injection? Once that number is known then a follow up question would be how has the experimental injection compromised the youngsters’ immune systems? Questions that no doubt will not be answered, at least publicly.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 4.7.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

One time is a random act, two times is a coincidence and three times is enemy action goes the saying. It is no longer a coincidence and yet so few appear to realize or accept the fact that the culture war in the United States is being lost to those who would rather be paid by Chinese Communist Party Sympathizers or at worst agents, leftists, and or globalists.

I like many others out there I am sure suddenly received another barrage of texts soliciting money for President Trump on the heels of his arraignment. An arraignment that is a complete sham and corruption of justice and I would say is a joke if it were not such a real thing. I am choosing, however, to remain neutral in this because I still have not heard President Trump take any responsibility for the sham COVID vaccine, the botched shutdowns, the failure to fire Anthony Fauci and others like him, taking money from Pfizer etc. I am sorry Mr. Trump but as President of the United States of America one has to hold themselves to a higher standard than even the founder of a billion dollar company.

A report is out in Washington D.C. about the botched pull out from Afghanistan. I will say, up front, that I did not read it but I have heard nothing coming out about why the Generals in charge of US Central Command and of the pull out were allowed to retire at his current rank in the case of the Central Commander’s case and given another star in the latter’s case. Until I hear a critical explanation of this it is nothing more than a puff peace designed to mollify the media and on this Good Friday wash their hands of responsibility for the sacrifice of Marines, a Sailor and countless others due to the failure of the White House, senior Department of Defense leaders, and senior State Department officials. They disgraced their oaths to the Constitution, the American people, and to themselves.

Speaking of Pfizer, they sure have a lot of money. I was watching a baseball game and there must have been at least two or three advertisements touting the benefits of the COVID treatment drug that only Pfizer has. This while they shutdown others for touting the benefits of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other natural yet low profit margin treatments for the manufactured virus. Talk about modern day Pharisees, Sadducees and hypocrites.

Joe Biden is going to Ireland to meet with his fellow socialists and of course they must raise the threat level to justify the increased police presence for the tough talking chicken shit bully empty suit President of the United States with way too much power. The thug and grafter in chief of what was once the shining beacon on the hill of the free world. Talk about hypocrites.

I thought about Hunter Biden being flushed out of the US Navy because he failed a drug test and I have to wonder if it was all a deliberate ruse to provide a cover story for him. I say this because he seems to always dodge whatever legal bullet is hurled his way, it allows him the street credibility to meet with Ukrainian and Chinese thugs and seems to be play right out of a Hollywood style CIA recruiting plot. Not only that we all have suspicions of the CIA, FBI, and other three letter agencies helping to rig the elections and what a great story line this would make to have the President selects son being an undercover CIA agent. Who knows perhaps fact is not too far from fiction and if I were the Chinese, Ukrainians or Russians I would certainly consider this a potential reality. After all it seems Hollywood has a quite a lot of influence on this administration and within the deep state.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 3.31.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am sickened to see the Tennessee slaughter in a Christian High School allegedly perpetrated by a young woman undergoing a transgender change and hopped up on who knows what pharmaceutical drugs to facilitate the change. I, for one, know a woman who “transitioned” and struggled with the sudden change in elevated testosterone having never experienced adolescence and the anger associated with it. Usually, however, society has its ways of directing and channeling young pubescent males to learn how to control these violent urges via sports and other activities. Yet another example of the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry on a daily basis. Now anti-gun transactivists are storming the Tennessee State Capitol after a trans person committed a gun crime. Wait, what, huh? My prayers go out to the victims and their families.

President Trump has been indicted on who knows what charges by a blatantly political hack of a District Attorney in New York City and I am supposed to get riled up by this? Says who? The media who benefit from the ratings spike that this will provide? The CIA, FBI, DHS, and whatever other three letter agency that would love nothing more than to see me protest so they can get more unconstitutional laws through Congress that infringe upon my God given rights? Is what is being done to Donald Trump right? Absolutely not. But what should we expect from the Progressive, Communist, Marxist, Trotskyites who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good and life affirming and that reminds them how demented and worthless that they are. God bless those who seek to destroy life and the greatness of this country.

On top of this Nancy Pelosi has tweeted, “…No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to trial to prove innocence…” regarding President Trump. If this statement does not stop one dead in their tracks, then they should not be allowed to call themselves citizens of the United States of America nor be allowed to vote. Representative Pelosi what happened to a person being innocent until being proved guilty. The burden of proving guilt is on the accuser not the accused. You, Mrs. Pelosi are a true enemy of the state if you believe this statement. A statement most likely Tweeted by one of your ignorant or malicious staffers twits.

The bird flu is coming, the bird flu is coming or rather the sky falling, the sky falling, the sky is falling or perhaps the little boys (and girls) are crying that the wolf is coming? What a bunch of bulls…, pardon me, who knows what this is a bunch of? Whatever it is I can say that it stinks. Just like clockwork when the weather begins to change and we men and women begin to emerge from our winters and start to think about outdoor activities in which we work and attend large events together to celebrate the life giving power of the sun here in the northern hemisphere the peddlers of fear and death seem to be concocting and implementing their weapons. Oh yes, and by the way, there is a Marburg Virus outbreak evidently in Africa now too. 

We have the Trump indictment, the Tennessee shooting and bird flu catching most of our attention while a report came out that there are far more banks in serious trouble than originally reported. Far more banks in trouble thanks to the efforts of the Federal Reserve and the “Too Big to Fail Banks” that make up the Federal Reserve it seems to an outside colluding to consolidate their power and push small regional banks out of business. It is like the scene in “It’s a Wonderful Life” when Mr. Potter capitalizes on the fear and tries to buy out the Bailey’s Savings and Loan’s assets and accounts for pennies on the dollar.

In my lifetime I have seen the media consolidate into a few sources, the federal government’s power over my daily life increase by magnitudes of order and now the banking industry is consolidating. Geez, considering how much my standard of living and freedom have decreased over the recent decades I can only imagine how helpful the mega banks will be.

For some reason I have “Ramblin’ Man” performed by the Allman Brothers looping through my head today. In particular it is the chorus of the song that is on a loop and the lyrics go, “Lord, I was born a ramblin’ man, trying to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can, And when it’s time for leavin’, I hope you’ll understand That I was born a ramblin’ man”. It is times like this that I must wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me about all the nonsense going on in the world.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.23.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Vladimir Putin has declared that he is mobilizing reserve forces in Russia and reiterated his statement that he will use nuclear weapons if he feels it necessary to protect Mother Russia. Well, to me there is nothing new in this statement. What is surprising to me is the feigned shock being displayed by our so called incompetent leaders in this country and the west.

Queen Elizabeth II has been eulogized and interned this week and for me as well as many others she will always be known as The Queen despite my owing nor professing any allegiance to her nor will I to King Charles III. I will simply call him King Charles or Charles Windsor. I do so not out of respect nor disrespect but rather, probably, out of ease of communication, efficiency and my ambivalence to the notion of aristocracy. Perhaps I should not be quite so ambivalent because there is a class of people in the US and world who still consider themselves to be aristocratic and above the law. This would be the class of people who are the so called leaders in government, business, and media who tell me directly and through their controlled surrogates that I am a worthless piece of dung while they jet around the world on their jets, yachts and limousines. I would imagine that they will have plenty of food and be warm this winter. After all this is attitude of efficiency, ease, and ambivalence is their attitude toward me which probably is giving them too much credit if I think twice about it.

I watched replays of the procession from Westminster Castle to Westminster Cathedral and from the cathedral to Windsor Castle’s St. George Cathedral and took note of Harry and his not being allowed to be in uniform and as well his Uncle Prince despite each of them having been in combat. It is a strange world and I would trust Harry more than I would William despite knowing and understanding why he did not serve his time in combat. Then again, I suppose Charles sees the writing on the wall and knows that he needs to trim up the family because the business will be under attack in the next many months if not years.

Speaking of which, the other day someone asked me if I think the monarchy is a good thing and should survive the death of Queen Elizabeth II? My response was a bit muddled and at times incoherent but nevertheless I did manage a bit of an extemporaneous reply. I acknowledged that the English Bill of Rights from which the US Bill of Rights was derived was developed to curb the power of the monarchy and for that reason I believe everyone should be wary of someone or one institution or cabal of institutions developing absolute power. For this reason, I am wary of the monarchy and at the same time I am aware of the growing power of Big Tech and the International Elites and how we should fight as if our lives depended upon the rights guaranteed us in the Bill of Rights and our Constitution as if our lives depended upon them. Because quite frankly, they do.

On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth II and her reign were a relatively benign reign and she was not too interested in amassing power for herself but in turn provided a sense of stability, a sense of history, and a sense of formality midst a world that seems to be intent on destroying or forgetting. Again, I have mixed emotions of this and wonder why we as humans are drawn to this, if it is necessary, and at the same feel a certain wonderment about it. It seems almost hypnotic and yet comforting at the same time.

The Clinton Global Initiative is back for the first time 2016. What is going on here? I wonder why the Clinton’s are ramping up their money laundering machine yet again? It seems there will be a host of celebrities in attendance as well. Celebrities that I will no longer watch, listen to, and especially purchase anything of again. Yes, I am speaking especially to you Bono.

I will say one good thing that has come out of The Woman King’s release this past weekend is how much uproar within the left there is about the Dahomey tribe’s involvement in the slave trade. As for the movie I will not pay nor will I take the time to watch it ever. So much of the unoriginal drivel being pumped out of Hollywood is woke garbage based not on fact but on ideology. I watched the latest Lord of the Rings spin off and the warrior leaders are women and women of color. I am sorry but in combat, and there are a few exceptions to the rule, women, in general, are not going to last too long no matter what Hollywood says. I would imagine the real Woman King always had a guard of male warriors around her.

It provides me a sense of relief, albeit temporary, to see that the Firth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the Texas bill allowing users to sue social media platforms if one feels their accounts have been wrongfully suspended or censored. Of course, I would assume this will go to the Supreme Court. What is disturbing is the level of corruption in Congress that has allowed this censorship to happen in the first place. Again, I call for the removal of Section 530 protections! However, since Congress seems incapable of doing so it appears Texas will.

I think Senator Graham is in the same camp as Senator McConnell and wants to work in the minority in Congress. After all, why would he make abortion a federal issue when it already has been settled by the Supreme Court that put the decision regarding abortion with states? Go home you neoconservative lap dog and keep your mouth shut until after the election for goodness sakes.

President Biden is addressed the UN General Assembly and all I heard was blah blah blah. He was either hooped up on drugs or they have the mean and serious looking double delivering the speech. Blah blah blah, Ukraine this, Russia that, the right to freedom of navigation and blah blah blah. How does any of this help me fill my vehicles gas tank up or have enough money for food? Blah blah blah and watch your step on the way out.

The illegal immigrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard are booted after one day. Hypocrisy on full display. What is good for you does not apply to me so says the Democrat elites.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

After yesterday I am more firmly of the belief that the current Democrats in power are unwavering, uncompromising ideologues that are extremely dangerous for this country. I guess that I am a fascist, semi fascist, and or an extremist because I believe in the Constitution. A document that I swore to uphold many times. This group in charge does not want to find middle ground, in fact, they want total power and are showing more and more dictatorial tendencies by the day. I am finding more and more that they cannot nor will not be reasoned with. I cannot believe that President Biden (really his handlers) is doubling down on this matter.

Did anyone else feel the stage set that Biden used was eerily reminiscent of NAZI stagecraft? Red and black colors with military staged in the background. Quite chilling as a matter of fact.

Speaking of which it seems that Washington Post’s (Jeff Bezos’ propaganda outlet) Eugene Robinson branded Biden’s speech a wartime address. It seems that the Technocracy truly may be fomenting civil war in this country. Speaking of which a theory that has been posited but only recently came to my attention is that the end game of all this angst and division in our country is being created by and being stoked by technocrats with the end game being the creation of a technocracy. I need to think about this a bit but certainly at the surface it seems without a doubt plausible. Perhaps Big Tech is an enemy of The Constitution of the United States of America?

Speaker Pelosi does not support the Data Privacy Bill because “California has stricter data privacy laws”. She is essentially saying the Data Privacy Bill will supersede California’s laws which are “stricter”. I do not know for sure but alarms bells are sounding once again in my mind. Silicon Valley which borders Speaker Pelosi’s representative district and the tech giants that have undoubtedly supported her, her husband, and her family are not going to support a bill that holds them to a less restrictive regulatory environment? Yet again something smells fishy, and unlike the smells of fish in a San Francisco Chinatown market, this fishy smell is really rotten which is nothing new around the Pelosi/D’Alesandro family.

Twenty three pages redacted, including 10 of them completely redacted, from the affidavit from the DOJ to search President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? Geez, they must have a lot of sources and methods being used to justify the raid. Sources and methods that one would think would be better used to perhaps go after international drug and human trafficking rings? How about international arms dealers that are illegally supplying these rings, terrorists and rogue nations? Or maybe pedophile rings, Hunter Biden’s laptop and his connections with the CCP at the least!? Give me a freakin’ break! What a waste of taxpayer money. Oh yes, and the Judge who signed the warrant represented one of Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators in a case. What an incestuous body of vile putrid water.

Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to what was painfully obvious with regards to censoring the Hunter Biden laptop information prior to the 2020 presidential election. Of course, he is blaming the FBI and is taking no responsibility for allowing it on to happen on his platform. What a weasel.

Stephen Smith and Ryan Clark? It is any wonder why I no longer watch ESPN. Talk about a couple of racists. They think because someone is black, they should be able to get away with anything. Blah blah blah, here is such a thing as reverse discrimination and racism.

I saw something that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla who ironically just announced that he tested positive for COVID, wants to put microchips in pharmaceuticals created by Pfizer. In the video I saw of him describing the uses for these microchips I became terrified. Paraphrasing what he said he mentioned that these can be used to ensure a person takes their medications. On the face this looks OK but what if someone is being coerced or forced to take a medication against their will? This has such potential for abuse by the petty and not so petty tyrants in our world. What’s next? The ruling elite class will be able to tell if I have taken my SOMA that makes me compliant and subservient to their dictates?

I just this week learned of the USDA raid of the Miller farm in rural Pennsylvania. Pfizer CEO

apparently, if one wants to eat and drink whole milk and organic produce and meats, they are going to have to obtain it on the black market. I must wonder what agricultural conglomerate has paid the USDA off to put the Miller family farm out of business so that they can scoop the land up at bargain basement prices? This reeks of yet more corrupt government overreach.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.26.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I learned some new terms today and these are Milankovic Cycles and anthropogenic CO2 to describe, respectively, the long term changes in the tilt of the earth’s axis and manmade sources of CO2. It seems the Milankovic Cycles have a frequency of about 41,000 years and can explain the comings and goings of ice ages. Am I to believe that what man has put into the atmosphere in the last 100 years compares with the tilting of the earth’s axis when it comes to changes in the environment? 100 years is 2/10 of 1% of the time for one Milankovic Cycle. I am supposed to believe there is an environmental crisis based on this information? I do not think so.

It seems that Americans for Limited Government conducted an internal poll asking its supporters and subscribers who they would be least likely and most likely to vote for President in 2024. Not surprisingly, and refreshing to know, that I am not alone the results have Liz Cheney followed by Mitt Romney as those they would be least likely to vote for. President Trump followed by Governor DeSantis are those who they would definitely vote for.

Oh my goodness! The FBI is coming to counties and harvesting individual concealed carry permit information as reported in Missouri. Fortunately, for the citizens of Missouri, their Attorney General, Eric Schmitt, is fighting this gross overreach and in my opinion abuse of power by the FBI. I say stay out of my business you bloated, power hungry, and corrupt organization. What frightens me is I can easily guess that the Attorney General of my state, I would imagine a Pelosi Democrat, will do nothing to prevent this from happening.

Democratic congressional candidate Christina Bohannan is boasting that she worked as an environmental engineer when, in fact, she was an engineer intern and worked for the Department of Environmental Protection in Florida. So, to educate those who are not aware of the title Engineer and how it pertains to the Engineering profession, one cannot claim to be an Engineer without obtaining the title Professional Engineer. To obtain this license, it requires 8 years of experience of which 4 to 6 years can be offset by years of education in most jurisdictions depending upon whether a bachelors or master’s degree in engineering is obtained. So, in Ms. Bohannan’s case, she would have her four years of school (intern years do not count as experience) and would need another four years of experience to use the title of Engineer. Granted she did obtain the title Engineering Intern which she can use, however, it must specifically be spelled out as Engineering Intern. I can say from my experience the four years of experience truly makes a difference especially if the experience is obtained in the private sector. Of course, she is a professor at the University of Iowa’s law school which explains her hypocrisy and manipulation of language.

Citi Group is predicting 18% inflation in the UK! I should be happy that it is so much lower in the US but I am not. After all, anyone with any wits knows this is closer to the reality in the US as well.

The local Gannettoid in my hometown just had a headline that reads, “How the pandemic created a seismic shift in (state’s) election system.” Yes, it did create a shift. A shift in which the Democratic super majority in the Legislature, late on a Friday evening while meeting online during the Wuhan Virus fraud, passed emergency mail in balloting. This same legislature subsequently made permanent the rule changes at their next regularly scheduled convening. Of course, the Pelosi machine backed governor of my state signed the bill making mail in balloting permanent. I suppose that has been a seismic shift. A shift that, in my opinion, has made it much more difficult to ever see a serious Republican contender again. It seems that California has taken one step closer to turning my state into a third world petty one party oligarchy as has happened to California.

I sure wish I had not paid off my student loans, albeit I paid them off early and more than twenty years ago, because I could sure use some debt relief or a $10,000 payoff better yet. I have written in the past how the only new office buildings being built where I live are at the local university. The university has purchased entire blocks around its perimeter and has been expanding into these blocks for years. How is it that while the economy is faltering the University is expanding? How does the J. Biden administration have the authority constitutionally to forgive these loans? Why have tuition rates continued to outpace inflation in the last decades and yet incomes have not? Is it, perhaps, because most of the institutions of higher learning in our country are nothing but an industry to bilk people and the taxpayer out of money while providing cover to enemies of our Constitutional Republic? What value and values are most of these institutions really providing? Once again, more questions than answers but the one fact that remains is that there is something seriously wrong with what is happening in these “institutions of higher learning”.

Dr. Fauci may be retiring but I will never forget the appearance of fraud, violations of US Federal Law and violations of the Nuremberg Codes (international crimes) that appear to swirl around him. Whether he is purely a figure head, or not, he is the embodiment of all that is wrong around COVID. It is my belief that he and his cohorts need to be investigated under the full extent of the law both nationally and internationally. Do I believe it will happen? No, he probably has the same lawyers that Paul Pelosi has.

It looks like the Shi’a in the Obama, I mean Biden, administration are firmly in control and ready to flex their power even more with the Iran Deal being pushed through. Is it any wonder why homosexuality and child rape normalization are being pushed? Isn’t this business as usual in states and regions of the world where Sharia and or Islamic Law is the law of the land? Sometimes I feel that the ancient war between Greece and Persia is still being waged.

 God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Computerized Voting

I read that several county GOP central committees have rejected the last Presidential election and declared that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States. This is quite an accusation and, quite frankly, is rife with potentialities that are not pleasant or pretty. To this I ask myself, “How did we get here?”. There is an axiom in the uniformed services that leaders must hold themselves to higher standards and that there cannot even be appearances of impropriety in their comportment (manner of behaving, bearing, deportment, demeanor, bearing). It does not matter whether there is concrete proof or not that a leader is guilty of crimes, poor leadership or whatnot but that leader can be removed from his command solely for the reason of a “loss in confidence to lead” by his superiors.

I would hold that the election process must be held to the same standards and quite frankly it should be held to even higher standards. I say this because, to me, free and fair elections are what makes the United States of America one of the greatest nations ever, if not the greatest nation, to exist on the face of the earth. Currently, there is great mistrust in the election process and by extension the elected leaders of the nation. Why is there a great mistrust? I would posit that there is great mistrust because of computerized election machines, computerized vote tabulating, and computerized result reporting. Quite honestly, speaking from experience, most of the citizenry does not understand how computers work to include the hardware and especially how software is written to control machines. I would even postulate this includes the vast majority of election officials in the many election’s offices throughout the country. This mistrust the election process is harbored by a great number of Americans in this nation solely because they do not understand how all the computerized election processes work. Perhaps it is time to “relieve the current election process of its authority due to a lack of confidence in its ability to be objective”.

I consider myself more technologically savvy than many of people and perhaps it is for that reason that I am not comfortable with computerized voting machines. I made a point of learning programming languages in my youth and have lived, firsthand, through the rise of Big Tech and its ever increasing encroachment into my life. This encroachment has included a gradual loss of control of my computer and autonomy with each “upgrade” pushed by Microsoft and other application developers. So much so that I feel, despite owning my computer and phone, that I no longer control these machines. For me it is not a great intellectual leap to imagine that the software developers of these computerized voting machines could write code to remotely control them. Which begs the question are they, in fact, remotely controlling them? I do not know but I do not have confidence in the ability of computerized election equipment to objectively report results nor I do not have confidence that programs (algorithms) cannot be changed remotely. To me that should be enough to throw the system out and return to paper ballots with a way to verify the identification of each voter to ensure they have the legal right to vote.

One may ask why paper ballots and hasn’t there also been cheating with paper ballots? Absolutely there has been cheating and it is a far less efficient way to count ballots without a doubt. What I would like to submit, however, is that it makes it harder to cheat. For instance, one does not need to be a computer programmer with forensic abilities to observe the cheating because all one needs is to have eyes to see the cheating. It will take the power back from the computer ballots manufacturers and programmers (big tech) and redistribute power back to the county and local election officials’ offices where it should be. It will put many of the people at ease that they can physically see, touch, and listen to the process that receives and tabulates the elections and reports the results. The current “black box” is not the solution for our nations most sacred institution; elections in which everyone is equal because each person, no matter how rich or poor, politically connected or not, has one vote and only one vote.


I read an article by Brian Maher in which he contrasts the differences between the American Revolution and French Revolution. In general, he postulates that the American Revolution was more about reform so that the Americans might better return to and preserve their rights guaranteed under English Law. The French Revolution, instead, was a complete tear down and rebuilding of society to include changing the calendar and throwing out God. Needless to say, this article has gotten me thinking about current events in the world and the similarities so succinctly presented and argued by Mr. Maher.

While reading his article I could not help but look at the Globalist Socialist Movement and sense that they are revolutionaries in the sense of the French Revolutionaries. They provide no value to society as it exists currently and quite frankly have no respect for our society, its norms and especially for the US Constitution. True no society and its government is perfect and I agree many of the things happening today in society and in government should be changed, however, I do not think we should not throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak. I believe the way to approach change is through the constitutional framework already established that led this country to become the greatest country on earth. 

Do I believe this is possible and practical? I am unsure because on a societal level the fundamental respects necessary for a constitutional republic have been slowly eroded almost from the beginning and are being eroded even more rapidly leading up to today. For those with knowledge of mathematics the equations signifying this erosion with respect to time is not linear but rather is at a minimum a second order or exponential function. So, if one were to look at a graph with time on the bottom axis and disrespect for the constitutional republic on the vertical axis to the left, the curve would start out as a line barely perceptible at the time of the US Constitution’s ratification and continue barely rising for several decades. Of course, there would be some blips and nothing is perfect and smooth when it relates to humans and their behavior. Starting with the US Civil War we would start to see the line move away from horizontal. Then with the age of the Robber Barons and Trust Busting the curve would increase more and more away from a horizontal orientation faster and faster and begin to look more and more like a vertical line today. Thinking about this curve I cannot help but think how this curve directly correlates to the size and power of governments in our lives. Yes, I mean governments, plural.

OK, great, so what and now what? This leads to fundamental question of how to reverse a trend that has building steam, so to speak, for centuries. What went wrong in the interpretations and implementations of law so that the law, government and society in general no longer respect, understand, or care to know about what I consider to be the most beautiful document for governing people the world has ever seen? Is it mans want for security over freedom or perhaps sheer laziness to exert the energy necessary to thrive in freedom? Is it perfect? Obviously not because we are in the situation that we currently find ourselves in. However, the spirit of the Constitution is one of beauty and we must not allow this spirit to be tarnished any more than it already has. We must remember that the men who created this wonderful document were “firmly grounded in the good, hard earth – and history” as Mr. Maher stated in his article. Something missing in most law makers today.

I often find myself asking how do I as a citizen who respects, honors, and have taken an oath several times to defend the Constitution defend this document? How do I defend this document against people who have no respect for or intention of defending it both inside and outside of government both foreign and domestic? Who and what groups really are in insurrection against the foundations of our Constitutional republic? At what point, if at all, is it OK to ignore the Constitution to prosecute those who do not respect it both inside and outside of government both foreign and domestic and what would that look like? Being seriously uncomfortable with the previous sentence and its ramifications perhaps we should be asking how do we Constitutionally declare war against the enemies of our Constitution, both foreign and domestic? Honestly, it frightens me and makes me shudder to think about what such a declaration could lead to in the short term. In the long term it maybe the best course of action but it will not be easy in the least.

Unfortunately, I have asked a whole bunch of questions and I have no answers or at least any answers I would like to share in a public forum. No answers that I would want to share or discuss in a public forum in a society that is becoming increasingly polarized and seemingly unable to take a step back and have civil and reasoned discourse.

Random Musings On Current Events 7.1.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

So, my current events this week have very little to do with is happening outside of my immediate reality which consisted of getting a project out the door, preparing and delivering a technical speech, harvesting 16 chickens for meat, getting another project out for a milestone and little else. Now it is time to turn a local radio station on, yes, I still listen to music over the air waves at times, and have already heard a song by Rush, “Closer to the Heart” and another by Royal Blood, “Honey Brains”.

The Supreme Court certainly has provided lots to discuss this week and last week and I have to say that I am relieved with pretty much every decision that has been passed down. Between the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, the refutation of having to prove the need for conceal carry and the ruling on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) overstep I would have to say we, as a country, are a bit freer today than we were two weeks ago. As a Constitutional Conservative it appears that all this Supreme Court has done is to return our country a little bit of step back toward a literal interpretation of the US Constitution and thereby refuting, albeit a small step, judicial activism. Judicial activism which, to me, is one of the great threats to our constitutional republic.

Speaking of which it appears the EPA has now moved from carbon emissions to ozone emissions and is threatening to shut down one of the biggest oil fields in Texas because of “ozone emissions”. Ozone emissions? What? I think it bears repeating that the EPA along with most other three letter agencies are out of control and operating “off the reservation” outside of their constitutionally dictated parameters. In other words, as the Supreme Court ruled this week, outside of their Congressionally delegated authorities. Perhaps, some of the greatest enemies within to our constitutional democracy are some of s the bureaucrats who seem to thrive behind the veil of government protection in these three letter agencies?

Lastly, I cannot believe this is our countries 246th birthday. I can remember the bicentennial and like all memories it seems like just other day when I remember the day, events, and feelings around the bicentennial. However, when I think about all that has happened to me and world since then I shake my head at how much the world has changed and all that truly has happened. It is a different world for sure and hopefully the United States of America will make it to her 250th birthday as a constitutional republic. Regardless, I would like to say, Happy Birthday America!

In closing I have only one thing to say with “There You Go” by Johnny Cash playing in the background, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

Random Musings on Current Events 6.17.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

I was remembering an incident in my childhood the other day and it was of my playing a game called Blitzkrieg with a friend at his house after school. Blitzkrieg is a board game in which odds are placed on different pieces depending upon what the piece represents (for example armored division, infantry division, etc.), dice need to be rolled to determine battle outcomes, and the objective, like the name of the game implies, is to use tanks and infantry to overtake your opponent’s territory. Needless to say, one could spend a fair amount of time just reading the instructions to learn the intricacies of ensuring the dice are rolled right to ensure the alignment of odds remained objective and as realistic as possible. Well, my friend, who did not remain my friend for too much longer, did not want me to read the instructions. We would play for a while using the rules as he explained them until I began to get the upper hand and then would “remember” or read another subtly in the rules that gave him the advantage. This went on for a little while until I had to go home for dinner or something like that. I later asked for and got the same game for Christmas and learned that he had changed several rules to his advantage and that playing the game, according to the rules, was much different and it is something that I have never forgotten. Later this same kid grew up, went to work for former Senate Leader Harry Reid in Washington D.C. and has permanently settled in the greater Washington DC area working for or as a lobbyist. It seems like the perfect place for an individual who does not want others to know the rules and who arbitrarily changes the rules to their advantage with no regard for me but in fact to ensure the rules are changed contrary to my benefit.

The S&P 500 is officially in bear market territory, the CPI is at 8.6%, crypto currencies are in the midst of a huge sell off, there has evidently been a run on banks in rural China and all I can do is yawn. So what? Gasoline is now over $6 per gallon and unlike Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and others in New York and San Francisco, I do not have public transportation available to me. I must fill my vehicle up to participate in the economy. This means less money to spend on other items and less time to listen and watch media drivel because I am having to work more and work harder to make dollars stretch just to make ends meet.

I heard someone talking about how this is the worst inflation since 1981 and I had to yawn yet again. This inflation may be much worse than 1981 because the basket of goods used to determine the CPI has changed since 1981. However, after a cursory look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics it is difficult to determine what specifically is in each basket of goods. Additionally, there is the CPI, the core CPI and the core core CPI to further cloud my research. Looking at a summary of changes page on the website it states what categories of the CPI were changed over the years but it provides no specifics. In my line of work, I want and must have specifics, but I do not have the time to dig any deeper into the CPI calculations currently. When something is this difficult to tease out, I must wonder if they are hiding something? For instance, I have heard, that in 1981 the basket of goods used to determine the widely reported CPI included food and gasoline which it does not now. I this is true I know the price of gasoline has doubled in the last year. Using real simple math, not the fancy equations that economists are so fond of that further refine numbers, there has been a 100% increase in gasoline price this past year and food has gone up at least 25% in this past year. Applying these numbers, I would have to say the inflation rate must be near 20% if food and fuel were included in the CPI.  If food and fuel were used in the basket of goods in 1981, I then must ask myself, “Why are food and fuel not used in the CPI’s basket of goods today? Why hasn’t the Federal Reserve jacked up interest rates in the same manner that Paul Volcker did in 1981?  Why are the rules not being told to me and why are they selectively being changed and why has everyone fallen for the fraudulent Keynesian Economic theory?” So, I have concluded that the currency is being debased to pay for debt and because the US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency the globalists in the US have been able to get away with it. Additionally, I think the numbers are being manipulated to make it appear not as bad as it really is for the propagandist in the press to disseminate.

It is election season and advertisements are being mailed to me and commercials are running nonstop on television when I get a minute to watch my favorite baseball team’s game. What amazes me is what is printed or said in these advertisements is nothing substantial and or substantive. I know this has been going on for a long time but, for some reason, I feel like typing about this now. It just tells me how corrupt the election process is that it does not matter what a candidate stands for but how much money they must essentially hypnotize enough people into voting for them. The latest nonsense I read in the media involves one of the Republican’s more viable threats to the Nancy Pelosi machine backed Governor of my state. This news conveniently came out on the day of my state’s primary election. The nonsense involves a story published in the Democrat controlled media propagandists that the candidate made an election related phone call or phone calls using the office phone while at work in his previously elected position. OK, this is probably not the best thing nor an ethical thing for him to have done and he should be fined or whatever but in the big picture, really? Who cares? This allegation comes midst rumors of Nancy Pelosi’s (or perhaps Harry Reid’s) Democrat machine secretly funding of a fringe Trump supporting group that mysteriously formed out of nowhere that advertised against this Republican challenger to Grandma Nancy’s man in which the candidate was portrayed as not “Make America Great” enough. This would not surprise me considering the Harry Reid machine did just the same to get himself re-elected many years ago causing a Republican Candidate to win a Senatorial Primary knowing that the candidate could never win the general election. Additionally, the current Governor signed an election reform bill allowing mail in ballots on a Sunday evening during the pandemic passed by a Legislature late on the preceding Friday night that did not meet in person. Hmm, I ask myself, what should I believe and who is calling who unethical?

A storm raked where I live this past weekend with winds in excess of fifty miles per hour. Tree limbs fell and not a word in the press. If something like this happened in the eastern United States there would be at least a day or two of headlines and an emergency declaration made with at least a hundred million dollars pledged to affected state or states. Of course, this happens all the time here and we know and accept this is something that has to be dealt with several times a year and we survive without the government’s help. Why is it that other parts of the country cannot accept and deal with their own problems without going to the federal government for help?

Speaking of which, installed President Biden visited New Mexico to address the Federal Government started wildfires that are raging across New Mexico. I drove through this part of the country mere months ago and it was gorgeous but tinder dry. What mental giants conceived of starting a controlled burn in this area knowing a storm was coming? Oh, wait a minute, they are probably related to the same mental giants in the area near where I live that had a controlled burn several years ago and decided not to post fire watches when a storm was approaching. That fire erupted into an inferno that destroyed multiple homes, threatened mine along with the whole neighborhood, but fortunately was extinguished by the rain that eventually arrived in the storm after nearly twelve hours of dry winds. Evidently the New Mexican mental giants are less mentally gifted than their relatives in my neck of the woods because they chose the spring to start their fires when the likelihood of moisture in the storm is far less than in the fall as was the case in the fire near my home. What also amazes me is there is so much weather information out there to see what sort of weather might be coming in. How can mistakes like these be made? How are people in these agency’s being vetted for positions of responsibility and authority? Evidently, it has nothing to do with competence because these types of mistakes are unacceptable and not only should the people making these bad decisions be fired but so should the people who gave these people the authority to make these sorts of decisions. It does not take a rocket scientist to read and understand a weather forecast. Although now that I made this comment the National Weather Service will have the attention of the left wing lunatics focused their way so that only politically connected can be promoted if it has not already begun. It seems the cancer of forest neglect and mismanagement has now metastasized well beyond the borders of California.

In closing I have only one thing to say, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”