Random Musings on Current Events 2.2.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems that Senator Schumer is going to pull a page out of Nancy Pelosi’s book and ram a bill addressing immigration down the throats of Congress without giving them time to read and absorb what is in the bill. Purportedly, it wants to create new authorities and even money for Ukraine and there are even rumors that Senator McConnell is in support of the bill. So, like Nancy Pelosi’s Affordable Health Care Act we are supposed to trust them and figure out what is in the bill after it passes. Again, I say bull shit! Slow the roll down and give us all time to read the bill because if you did not have something to hide you would allow us time to read. Furthermore, if you had not done all that you could to keep Donald Trump from being reelected, we would not have a group of criminals holding the reins of power in the Executive. For all I know they are passing a bill that legalizes and codifies Joe Biden’s immigration policy while at the same time throwing a bunch of pork out to McConnell’s, Schumer’s, and Biden’s cronies.

Speaking of Texas and Governor Abbot. Something smells rotten and it is not just the sewage and trash at the Mexican border that I am speaking of. We have a Governor who is shipping migrants into the heartland of the country instead of keeping them out while at the same time putting on a show in Eagle Pass with Texas National Guard putting up barbed wire. This while within minutes of Eagle Pass gates are evidently wide open in the border fence in which anyone can drive through. Something does not add up.

It is telling that Europe seems to be freer than the United States with the farmer and trucker protests. One thing for certain is Europe is not beholden to the companies that mass produce genetically modified foods and to big tech. If one were to do something like that in the United States with the unholy alliance between government and its law enforcement and intelligence agencies with big tech the protesters would probably be geo-fenced and arrested. Then they would be thrown in front of a kangaroo court orchestrated by a Hollywood producer and thrown into a D.C. jail without constitutional protections.

Why does Lloyd Austin still have a job? 

I read recently that the Hawaii Electric Company (HECO) has had rolling blackouts on the Hawaiian main island of Oahu. This because solar and wind were not provided enough peak power after a coal fired plant was shut down in the last year.

So, three American service members have been killed in Jordan and God rest their souls. The questions I have are why were they there in the first place and why is there an immediate siren call from the neoconservatives calling for the escalation of hostilities towards Iran? Sometimes it seems that there are elements in the west and the Middle East, for that matter, who are hell bent, no pun intended, on endless if not nuclear war. 

Why do computers have to keep invading every aspect of my life? Do they really make my life more convenient? Am I really saving any more time or am I really any more productive? Sure, I would not be able to type this blog up to have it read by spam bots, no doubt, and the random passerby in cyber land but would it really be that great of a loss to humanity as a whole? Personally, I think not. Why is there a mad rush to replace equipment with computer driven equipment when the original equipment has run great for decades and continues to run great? Perhaps I should refurbish an old typewriter, find and refurbish an old printing press, and try to sell print copy. Of course, I would additionally have to protect myself from the ire of the environmentalists who will accuse me of contributing to deforestation because it takes trees to make paper, the teams of big tech salesmen who will attack my method of information dissemination as antediluvian, who knows I may even get accused of being a troglodyte.

Speaking of troglodytes and those who do not want to move into the so called and purported to be modern times it seems the Red Sea is still being shut down by a semi nomadic people with no sea power to speak of. A tribe of people, no doubt, being used as a proxy by a more technologically advanced nation or nation’s relatively inexpensive weaponry has effectively shut down the once vaunted British and US Navies. Good on them I say because the British and US Navies are now reaping what has been sown in the societies and by extension into the services that purportedly serve these societies.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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