Random Musings on Current Events 8-25-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The Pretender in Chief decided to grace Maui with his presence this past Monday. I guess his handlers finally got enough heat that they decided to let him out of his cage or wake him up enough to make the trip to the Aloha State. Meanwhile, the curtain of opacity has descended on the island and the islands governments. Governments rife with nepotism and corruption.

I finally listened to “Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony. Finally! A good protest song being sung by someone who truly believes what he is singing. I can only pray that he does not lose his way in the sudden fame that he is garnering. I pray because if there is more of this in him that I am sure I and others want to hear.

The county that I live in just approved an increase of nearly $300/year for those who operate short term rentals (Airbnb, VRBO, etc.). At its core the purpose of the fee increase will include hiring two additional staff members to administer the counties permitting of the short term rentals within its boundaries. This all came about because of neighbor complaints in an exclusive neighborhood in the county where 94% of these short term rentals exist and it is a neighborhood with far higher values than the rest of the county and where many of the owners of these homes are absent most of the year. So, those who live outside of this neighborhood are now being asked to subsidize the poor management of those who live in this neighborhood and, in addition, the taxpayer now must pay for additional salaries in an already bloated bureaucratic institution. Sounds like the county government is emulating the rich men north of Richmond playbook.

Donald Trump has been arrested by the Fulton County Georgia Sheriff and even got a mug shot taken of him. You have got to be kidding me with the banana republic charade that most likely holds no legal water. Interesting that the Republican debate’s ratings are half of the first Republican debate in 2015. Maybe because Rupert Murdoch is benefiting from the immigration flow across the border like many other crony capitalists and elitists in both parties, ahem, excuse me the uni-party.

It pumps me up to see Senator Tuberville not rubber stamping the promotions of flag and general officers! Thank goodness someone in Congress, along with those who support the Senator, are doing their jobs.

Well now I have another reason to like Carlos Santana besides just his music. In this instance it is because I happen to agree with him regarding a man being a man and a woman being a woman. As I have said before, A male has an XY chromosome pair and woman has an XX chromosome pair. I do not care how one mutilates or drugs themselves in the vain, egotistical, sick manner in order to pretend to be the opposite sex, they are not. End of story, enough said, close the books on this one.

More aid is being promised to Ukraine. I guess the Biden’s and the rest of the ilk in Washington need more money to ensure the next election does not go Donald Trump’s way. Let’s see they have paid of the Manhattan DA’s office, the Washington D.C. DA’s office, the Fulton County DA’s office, the mainstream media and who knows who else and Donald Trump is gaining more ground in the polls. Holy cow how many more people are they going to have to pay off because I am sure the coffers are running low which would explain why more dollars need to get laundered through Ukraine!!! On the flip side this shows the depravity, ruthlessness and quite honestly idiocy of the group running this country that they are willing to kill the goose that lays the golden egg and not even realize that they are killing it.

 God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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