Random Musings on Current Events 11.4.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am deeply disturbed but not surprised that the founders of True The Vote are currently sitting in jail in the week before the election. They must be over the target considering that they have been thrown in jail for speaking the truth and it is truth based on fact.

Evidently Pfizer, General Mills, and Audi are not going to advertise on Twitter anymore because of what Elon Musk is doing with his newly acquired acquisition. It seems I have three more companies to not spend money with. Of course, General Mills will be a challenge considering how many products they make but I will figure it out.

So, Paul Pelosi’s attached has seen a judge for the first time which he should as there was a crime committed and justice should be served. What struck me watching the news story is the artist rending of the proceeding shows the judge and all others in the court room wearing masks. You must be kidding me that in San Francisco they are still requiring people to wear the useless face diapers just like they required everyone but the Politburo to wear at the Chinese Communist Party Congress in the previous weeks. Is this further evidence of the influence the CCP and its communist sympathizers and supporters have in San Francisco?

Speaking of poorly run Democratically controlled cities I am thinking that I may create a domestic cities Fact Sheet that is similar to what the US State Department has for the countries in the world. Since I do not have the resources what I thought would be a good idea to start with is publishing a Travel Advisory Level ranking. The State Department’s Travel Advisory has four levels that range from 1-4 with 1 being the safest to 4 being the “Do Not Travel” category. Right now, I would place San Francisco and New York City in the 4 (Do Not Travel) category because they do not enforce laws and are essentially lawless cities. By the way Afghanistan is a country that currently has a Travel Advisory Level of 4 as an example.

Whoa whoa whoa!!! I just read that Las Vegas’ Operating Engineers Local 501 just reported Resort World to State of Nevada officials of ties to the Chinese Communist Party state owned military companies through its parent company, Malaysia based Genting Group. Why did they not report this to Federal Agencies whose task is. specifically spelled out in the United States Constitution, to protect the borders of the United States? Could it merely be an organizing stunt or could it be because the union has an inkling that the Federal Government and its agencies have been corrupted by the CCP?

Protesters got into the Supreme Court chambers this week shouting, “We will restore our freedom to choose! Women of America, Vote”. Pardon me? I must wonder if the Supreme Court justices felt threatened at any given time during these protests? Perhaps we should set up a November 2nd committee to investigate Nancy Pelosi and others who have called for the continuing protests against the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe vs. Wade?

It now appears that Liz Truss and England may have been responsible for the Nordstream Pipeline bombing. In my opinion, they may have been the tip of the spear but trust me it is a spear with a shaft that was thrown and that there were plenty of others who either turned a blind eye or helped the English materially in some way or another.

Bloomberg News has an article that we must get used to artificial intelligence (AI) and details some of how it will affect our lives moving forward. Personally, it appears that Bloomberg is pushing the AI narrative because they know the economies are being collapsed and seee it as a replacement for all the people that will soon be losing their lives through war, famine, and the ensuing disease that always is part of war and famine. It is as if they have read the tea leaves, so to speak, or perhaps they are part of the group engineering this war, famine and disease. Michael Bloomberg does almost have a sort of cyborg quality about him after all.

There is now documented evidence, evidently, that the FBI and DHS were colluding with Twitter, Google, and Facebook (Meta) to censor information on the Wuhan Virus, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine, Hunter Biden, George Floyd etc. to label information as misinformation. This is wrong at all levels and is in violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. These people need to be held accountable up to and include criminal charges and restitution to those harmed by them being brought against them. They need to have all their rights to public discourse removed for life. They have failed this country. 

I am hearing that government, education, media and other officials who pushed the Wuhan Corona Virus narrative are asking for immunity from liability and amnesty for their actions (i.e., Jim Kramer, The Atlantic, New York Times, etc.). I am disgusted that after they plunged us all into an economic and life altering global shutdown, they now want immunity and an abdication of responsibility for the harm and devastation that they are responsible for? They will never get it from me and I would hope others will never give them a pass and that these globalist and petty dictators are held accountable for what appears to more and more be crimes against humanity. Let’s start with Anthony Fauci, Laurene Powell Jobs, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Murial Bowser, the United Nations, Facebook executives, Twitter executives, Google executives, Department of Defense officials, Big Pharma Execs etc.) n opportunist, an elitist, and a crony capitalist for sure but not a leftist. It appears the Pelosi compound has now been affected by the do nothing against crime group running San Francisco. A city which is on my no go list.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the twin suicide bombing attacks in Mogadishu, Somalia that killed more than 100 people and injured over 300. It has been a while since Islamic militants have staged this sort of attack. Perhaps there is something that people are trying to distract us from.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 6.3.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I suppose and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

I always wonder what the topic of the week in the press will be. So many careers are being made on the never ending news cycle; a cycle that requires periodic injections of crisis to keep it rolling. In my line of work crisis is the last thing that I want or need. So much so that I work to design the possibility of crisis out of my work and so it is somewhat of anathema to my training and thought processes.

I learned this morning that there is already a vaccine being pushed first responders for Monkey Pox. What a coincidence that the vaccine just happened to be ready for distribution within days of the Monkey Pox being declared a problem.

Two days after updating this blog last, I logged onto my computer and had to boot it up three times. Twice to get my screens to work properly and yet another boot after I deleted and reloaded my virus protection software that would not work. I must wonder if there is any coincidence that just as soon as I begin to update this blog that my computer begins to get glitchy. I suppose others would say, “there can be no coincidence as the left leaning controlled big tech monopolies or government agencies would never hack into conservative leaning blog sites and their administrators’ computers.” Additionally, if I were to mention the possibility of any aforementioned possibilities, I would be branded a kooky conspiratorialist who is out of touch with reality. For that reason, I will qualify that I have no proof that this happened, and all evidence is circumstantial.

I find it fascinating and not surprising that with Mr. Musk’s purchase of Twitter, the panic of the established operatives working within and outside of Twitter, the twitter (all pun intended) and buzzing about algorithms, and how the number of followers for certain tweeters have changed that the operatives have been artificially inflating and deflating follower numbers using algorithms. Additionally, it is seeming that the algorithms have been tweaked to favor those whose political ideologies more closely matches those with the same left leaning ideologies of the Twitter operatives. This seems to coincide with the revelation that many of the members of Twitters board of directors were installed and had no investment in Twitter of their own money. I, for one, would like to know which investor(s) in Twitter installed these people on the board? Is it Blackrock or some other murky investing group who may or may not have ties to the CIA, FBI, or some other agency in government? Whoever it may be, they are the power behind these enemies of free speech and discourse in violation of Amendment I of the US Constitution. I say this because with the Section 230 protections granted Twitter and others under law they are, like the government, not a private company but fall into the public sphere and must be held accountable as a government/public entity. They do not, in my opinion, get to censor as if they were a private company.

Gun control, gun control, gun control! Yet again gun control is the topic du jour. Americans!!! Do you think the lock downs were bad in the United States due to the fraudulent fabricated fratricidal COVID mumbo jumbo hocus pocus? Just look at what the governments of Australia, New Zealand, and England were able to get away with in the name of the globalist WHO scheme. It would have been far worse for the US and, in fact, the world if Americans did not have their Second Amendment Rights. In fact, the global cabal, would have succeeded far more than they have been able to because, trust me, they know there is a wall of freedom loving individuals in the United States who will not cow tow to authoritarian dictators.

That being said, in the preceding paragraph, we as Americans should be getting prepared and getting prepared in a hurry for the next wave of authoritarian governmental maneuvers and manipulations as the people who engineered COVID are drunk with power and will continue to demand, defame, denounce, denigrate, delude and create any crisis in order to maintain and usurp more power. They do not care about me and the most certainly do not care about the majority of Americans and freedom loving people in the world. 

The Washington Post on May 30, 2022, ran a headline of a piece written by Mike Madden and Rachel Siegel saying, “US Policymakers Misjudged Inflation Threat Until it was too Late.” Huh? What did you think was going to happen when trillions of dollars were dumped into an economy that was having its production of real goods cut due to draconian government interference because of a “pandemic”? Though I am not an economist, the simple premise that more dollars chasing less goods causes inflation is not a hard one to grasp. Inflation will happen in these conditions just as sure as the sun will come up in the morning. Is there any wonder why I do not trust the media, the Federal Reserve and Washington DC insiders? I mean, duh!

Johnny Depp won his defamation case against Amber Heard? Quite frankly I really did not give one rip about this case simply because of all the media attention it was getting at the expense of real reporting on real issues. Also, it seems that whenever a media frenzy develops around something related to celebrity it is a distraction away from what is really important. Say, for instance, the failure of the sanctions against Russia as the value of the Ruble increases, there is now trade of Saudi oil in a currency other than the US Dollar, and an escalation mentality of US and European leaders against Russia instead of a de-escalation mentality against a well-developed and mature nuclear power. Despite this, I am happy that Johnny Depp stood up to Amber Heard and won. She appears to have been abusive, manipulative, and an outright liar. She used the MeToo movement to cover her evil and has been exposed. What a shock! There are evil women too? Wow, we just cannot take a woman’s word at face value any more than we can a man’s word? The sarcasm just seems to be flowing out of my fingers thinking about this topic.

Random Musings 1.11.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

So, Congress sat on the second COVID relief bill for months and now, suddenly, after what appears to be a false flag attack on our nation’s Capitol Building, they suddenly can move an impeachment through in days? This is the same Congress that feels providing $2000 dollars to the rank and file American is too much money. The same bill that provides billions of dollars to foreign countries, their pet projects, and corporations on the government dole? So, I, as an American, am supposed to believe that Congress really thinks what happened at the capitol building is President Trumps fault? Call me a cynic but I am starting to wonder what Congress is hiding? I find it amazing how this supposed “crisis” is being used to jam through an impeachment or calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment? What was on Grandma Nancy’s laptop and or the other laptops that went missing from her office?

I must admit that as I started my typing this fine Monday morning, I was somewhat hesitant to do so because I am not sure who may be recording my keystrokes, tracking my ISP, and etc. Tracking me and recording my comings and going on the internet to be used against me at a time of their convenience. Used against me because I do not agree with them politically, commercially or for whatever reason they deem in order to use it against me. Who knows with the current cult of death that is trying to take over my country it may be to use against me to facilitate my death for all I know. I am wondering if I should seriously consider going underground and stop my rants and rumblings because of how it could be used against me in the near to distant future. For all I know a bank may freeze all my assets or out and out arrest me because I shockingly supported a political candidate and The Constitution of the United States of America.

As I watch the news of Big Tech deplatforming Parler, President Trump, and other conservative websites I have watched the argument that these companies are private companies and so, therefore, do not have to abide by the tenants of the Second Amendment. On the face of this I completely agree as they are not government agencies, however, they have been granted Section 230 protections which essentially extends government guaranteed protections to them. So, by extension, they are defacto extensions of the government given protections similar to the utility companies. Therefore, in my mind, they are subject to Second Amendment restrictions. So, perhaps, it is time to start the seizure of domain names starting with Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter for starters until some changes are made in terms of either changing the Section 230 rules, they submit to the regulations like electric utilities must abide by, arrest the management of these companies for treason, change their algorithms to allow all speech, other actions that I have not thought of and or any or all the preceding actions.

With the Georgia Senate races being called in favor of the Democrat Party candidates I am sitting here in my peaceful location flabbergasted that, from my point of view, the same type of fraud committed in the past national general election was perpetrated in Georgia. The same fraud apparently has been committed and no one has gone to jail or is even being investigated. I pray and hope there is action being taken under the radar, so to speak.

I just took a drive into downtown Sacramento, California and am reminded what a third world country California has become ruled by a small corrupt elite cadre of looters. Tents of the homeless lined the freeway entrance and exit to and from the city core. In case anyone who may read this post do not understand the significance of Sacramento, California, Sacramento is the capitol of the US state of California which arguably if it were to be a stand alone country it has one of the largest economies in the world. The ruling elites of California which has spawned the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Gerry Brown Sr, and Jr will be the first to tout California as a world powerhouse to be admired and respected. Well, based on firsthand observation, I cannot confirm their assertation. It is devolving into a third world hole in which fecal matter is deposited. Do not let them fool you.

Lastly, and I know that I have said this before. I have no patience for pedophiles and speaking from personal experience it is one of the worst crimes against a person and against humanity that can be perpetrated. I have a quite visceral response to this crime. I say let the truth come out!

Golden Age or Dark Age?

Two days ago, I was reading a story and in the story two of the characters were having a conversation. The two characters are older characters who have seen a lot and have been around a lot and one of the characters is speaking of today. There are two sentences spoken by one of the characters that somehow rang true to me. It rang true to me because in those two sentences it seemed to sum up my observations and opinions of one industry in particular. The two sentences read, “This should be a golden age ushered in on the wings of science and technology. Instead, it is the opposite. The start of a new dark age, using those same tools to spread ignorance and fear.”

It seems like just a little bit of time ago, in reality thirty years ago, I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area working and taking an introduction to computer science class. I was fascinated with the new technology and had to learn what it was all about so that I could move forward in my life with some fundamental knowledge of how the technology worked. It was being touted that this “new technology that would increase productivity and save time for all of us”. In the class, I learned about inputs, outputs, memory, and the computer processing unit (CPU). Within a couple of years I was using an IBM 286 to manipulate data and do word processing. Within another couple of years I was learning how to write code and at the same time explore this new medium called the internet in which I could instantly in my house or in a computer lab communicate and or share ideas and information with others. It seemed to me to be the dawn of a golden age in which information would flow much more freely and quickly than it had up to that time.

It was interesting to note that I remember speaking with the first person that I bought a computer from in 1993. This gentleman essentially bought the computer components and assembled the complete machine for his customers. In a conversation he talked about being in Berkeley California in the 1980’s running in computer geek crowds and meeting Bill Gates. The gentleman that I bought the assembled computer remembered Bill Gates as the geek of geeks and yet he always had a crowd of people around him. By the time I was told this story in 1992 Microsoft was well on its way to the dominance that it developed and currently maintains.

Regardless, I was riding high on the power of the personal computer and the internet as I was able to research, perform calculations, and find spare parts and machinery that otherwise could not be found much easier than it had been before. I think one of the biggest boons for me was the word processing capability because I have never liked typing considering all of the mistakes I make when writing. It was awesome! Suddenly, friends of mine who lived in the San Francisco Bay Area were encouraging me to move back there as they were taking jobs at startups with huge stock options with promises of personal fortunes. Needless to say I was starting to become uncomfortable with how non-technical people were starting to become experts in high tech. Again, secretaries were becoming millionaires. I chose not to move and thank goodness I did not because when the dot com bubble burst some of these same friends lost their jobs and their stock options became worthless. For me personally the euphoric bubble was beginning to burst.

The survivors of this bloodletting only became bigger and stronger and little did I know some of these of the strongest and biggest companies were receiving protections from the US Government. Evidently, as they became bigger they also started using their new found wealth to begin lobbying and out right supporting political candidates. It is little wonder as I sit here now and reminisce that I was becoming disillusioned with the industry instinctively. All the while they became larger and larger. It did not help that new program versions and hardware “versions” were being pushed every year or two and I just could not bring myself to keep up when I had machines that were running perfectly good. I could sense that the technologists had been replaced by greedoligists as the user interfaces became more and more glitzy despite the user functionality remaining essentially the same and in fact decreasing in many cases as the software became more and more proprietary locking me out of certain capabilities.

The last programming language that I learned was C++ and I realized that programming was advancing at rate far faster than I cared to match and so I kind of turned my focus on other items periodically upgrading my computers to newer, faster, and more complex machines. Although I will admit that one of the most frustrating trends at the time was all the extra programs provided on these new machines that were difficult to remove. Quite honestly I never really felt comfortable that I had removed all the superfluous programs and as a consequence that the machine ran as fast as it could but I never really paid too much attention or devoted too much time to “clean” all the garbage programs out of my machines. It began to feel that the machine really was not truly my machine but that I was somehow paying for a machine that someone else could control and manipulate.

This became even more noticeable over the years when due to the increase in interconnectivity updates began being pushed out to my machines, licenses to run certain software packages required one to be online, and security due to hacking and other malicious code became so sophisticated and pervasive that to even visit and use some sites I had to keep my computer security up to date. Thus requiring my machine to be nearly always connected to the internet. My machine became even less my machine but rather like something I am leasing with someone always watching my every move and I have to pay for it. Oh and yes, if you think you are not being watched when you are online I have known this for quite some time and really it is not too difficult to tell that someone is watching you.

Now here we are today and we have FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google) who have essentially become the most powerful companies in the world. Some of whom enjoy the privilege of Section 230 protection and have actually benefitted from the COVID “pandemic” as people have been brow beat into being fearful of going out and meeting people in person. Like Amazon’s destruction of small and even large brick and mortar businesses now they enjoy the benefit of having governments actually destroy their competition while they become larger and larger and more and more powerful. Ever so much more powerful that using technologies perfected with their partners in Communist China they apparently have even been able to turn tools of mass censorship on the country that spawned them. So much for the euphoria that I once associated with the internet; the medium that could provide for free flow and dissemination of information and that could provide so much more freedom to the world.

Make no mistake of my opinion but that I have no doubt that several if not all of these companies have colluded at some level with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). It is my opinion that if a company has done business in China they have had to make deals as the CCP is the most powerful authoritarian regime on the face of the earth currently. In order to do business in CCP controlled China these companies had to develop censorship algorithms. Now it appears the FANG have colluded with the Democratic Party and have conspired to cheat America out of a free and fair elections. I just wonder where the lines between the CCP and FANG exist because from my point of view the lines are very very blurry.

Additionally, I know look back on the history of recent elections in California and even the state that I live in and have to wonder how long this apparent digital vote cheating has been going on? Additionally, in all the other states that are using computerized voting systems? It is my opinion that the union between the big tech giants, the Democratic Party, elements of the Republican Party, the mainstream media and now apparently the CCP is an unholy alliance and an out and out criminal alliance. Freedom is euphoric but what we have now is oppression that is rapidly leading to a disintegration of social cohesion in the United States that is not going to end up good for many many tens if not more tens of millions of people. One that if not stopped now may be too late to be stopped if it indeed it is not already too late. Will the next four years bring us more fear and ignorance or will they bring us more jobs, freedoms, and be more akin to a golden age?