Random Musings on Current Events 6.3.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I suppose and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

I always wonder what the topic of the week in the press will be. So many careers are being made on the never ending news cycle; a cycle that requires periodic injections of crisis to keep it rolling. In my line of work crisis is the last thing that I want or need. So much so that I work to design the possibility of crisis out of my work and so it is somewhat of anathema to my training and thought processes.

I learned this morning that there is already a vaccine being pushed first responders for Monkey Pox. What a coincidence that the vaccine just happened to be ready for distribution within days of the Monkey Pox being declared a problem.

Two days after updating this blog last, I logged onto my computer and had to boot it up three times. Twice to get my screens to work properly and yet another boot after I deleted and reloaded my virus protection software that would not work. I must wonder if there is any coincidence that just as soon as I begin to update this blog that my computer begins to get glitchy. I suppose others would say, “there can be no coincidence as the left leaning controlled big tech monopolies or government agencies would never hack into conservative leaning blog sites and their administrators’ computers.” Additionally, if I were to mention the possibility of any aforementioned possibilities, I would be branded a kooky conspiratorialist who is out of touch with reality. For that reason, I will qualify that I have no proof that this happened, and all evidence is circumstantial.

I find it fascinating and not surprising that with Mr. Musk’s purchase of Twitter, the panic of the established operatives working within and outside of Twitter, the twitter (all pun intended) and buzzing about algorithms, and how the number of followers for certain tweeters have changed that the operatives have been artificially inflating and deflating follower numbers using algorithms. Additionally, it is seeming that the algorithms have been tweaked to favor those whose political ideologies more closely matches those with the same left leaning ideologies of the Twitter operatives. This seems to coincide with the revelation that many of the members of Twitters board of directors were installed and had no investment in Twitter of their own money. I, for one, would like to know which investor(s) in Twitter installed these people on the board? Is it Blackrock or some other murky investing group who may or may not have ties to the CIA, FBI, or some other agency in government? Whoever it may be, they are the power behind these enemies of free speech and discourse in violation of Amendment I of the US Constitution. I say this because with the Section 230 protections granted Twitter and others under law they are, like the government, not a private company but fall into the public sphere and must be held accountable as a government/public entity. They do not, in my opinion, get to censor as if they were a private company.

Gun control, gun control, gun control! Yet again gun control is the topic du jour. Americans!!! Do you think the lock downs were bad in the United States due to the fraudulent fabricated fratricidal COVID mumbo jumbo hocus pocus? Just look at what the governments of Australia, New Zealand, and England were able to get away with in the name of the globalist WHO scheme. It would have been far worse for the US and, in fact, the world if Americans did not have their Second Amendment Rights. In fact, the global cabal, would have succeeded far more than they have been able to because, trust me, they know there is a wall of freedom loving individuals in the United States who will not cow tow to authoritarian dictators.

That being said, in the preceding paragraph, we as Americans should be getting prepared and getting prepared in a hurry for the next wave of authoritarian governmental maneuvers and manipulations as the people who engineered COVID are drunk with power and will continue to demand, defame, denounce, denigrate, delude and create any crisis in order to maintain and usurp more power. They do not care about me and the most certainly do not care about the majority of Americans and freedom loving people in the world. 

The Washington Post on May 30, 2022, ran a headline of a piece written by Mike Madden and Rachel Siegel saying, “US Policymakers Misjudged Inflation Threat Until it was too Late.” Huh? What did you think was going to happen when trillions of dollars were dumped into an economy that was having its production of real goods cut due to draconian government interference because of a “pandemic”? Though I am not an economist, the simple premise that more dollars chasing less goods causes inflation is not a hard one to grasp. Inflation will happen in these conditions just as sure as the sun will come up in the morning. Is there any wonder why I do not trust the media, the Federal Reserve and Washington DC insiders? I mean, duh!

Johnny Depp won his defamation case against Amber Heard? Quite frankly I really did not give one rip about this case simply because of all the media attention it was getting at the expense of real reporting on real issues. Also, it seems that whenever a media frenzy develops around something related to celebrity it is a distraction away from what is really important. Say, for instance, the failure of the sanctions against Russia as the value of the Ruble increases, there is now trade of Saudi oil in a currency other than the US Dollar, and an escalation mentality of US and European leaders against Russia instead of a de-escalation mentality against a well-developed and mature nuclear power. Despite this, I am happy that Johnny Depp stood up to Amber Heard and won. She appears to have been abusive, manipulative, and an outright liar. She used the MeToo movement to cover her evil and has been exposed. What a shock! There are evil women too? Wow, we just cannot take a woman’s word at face value any more than we can a man’s word? The sarcasm just seems to be flowing out of my fingers thinking about this topic.

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