Random Musings 1.11.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

So, Congress sat on the second COVID relief bill for months and now, suddenly, after what appears to be a false flag attack on our nation’s Capitol Building, they suddenly can move an impeachment through in days? This is the same Congress that feels providing $2000 dollars to the rank and file American is too much money. The same bill that provides billions of dollars to foreign countries, their pet projects, and corporations on the government dole? So, I, as an American, am supposed to believe that Congress really thinks what happened at the capitol building is President Trumps fault? Call me a cynic but I am starting to wonder what Congress is hiding? I find it amazing how this supposed “crisis” is being used to jam through an impeachment or calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment? What was on Grandma Nancy’s laptop and or the other laptops that went missing from her office?

I must admit that as I started my typing this fine Monday morning, I was somewhat hesitant to do so because I am not sure who may be recording my keystrokes, tracking my ISP, and etc. Tracking me and recording my comings and going on the internet to be used against me at a time of their convenience. Used against me because I do not agree with them politically, commercially or for whatever reason they deem in order to use it against me. Who knows with the current cult of death that is trying to take over my country it may be to use against me to facilitate my death for all I know. I am wondering if I should seriously consider going underground and stop my rants and rumblings because of how it could be used against me in the near to distant future. For all I know a bank may freeze all my assets or out and out arrest me because I shockingly supported a political candidate and The Constitution of the United States of America.

As I watch the news of Big Tech deplatforming Parler, President Trump, and other conservative websites I have watched the argument that these companies are private companies and so, therefore, do not have to abide by the tenants of the Second Amendment. On the face of this I completely agree as they are not government agencies, however, they have been granted Section 230 protections which essentially extends government guaranteed protections to them. So, by extension, they are defacto extensions of the government given protections similar to the utility companies. Therefore, in my mind, they are subject to Second Amendment restrictions. So, perhaps, it is time to start the seizure of domain names starting with Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter for starters until some changes are made in terms of either changing the Section 230 rules, they submit to the regulations like electric utilities must abide by, arrest the management of these companies for treason, change their algorithms to allow all speech, other actions that I have not thought of and or any or all the preceding actions.

With the Georgia Senate races being called in favor of the Democrat Party candidates I am sitting here in my peaceful location flabbergasted that, from my point of view, the same type of fraud committed in the past national general election was perpetrated in Georgia. The same fraud apparently has been committed and no one has gone to jail or is even being investigated. I pray and hope there is action being taken under the radar, so to speak.

I just took a drive into downtown Sacramento, California and am reminded what a third world country California has become ruled by a small corrupt elite cadre of looters. Tents of the homeless lined the freeway entrance and exit to and from the city core. In case anyone who may read this post do not understand the significance of Sacramento, California, Sacramento is the capitol of the US state of California which arguably if it were to be a stand alone country it has one of the largest economies in the world. The ruling elites of California which has spawned the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Gerry Brown Sr, and Jr will be the first to tout California as a world powerhouse to be admired and respected. Well, based on firsthand observation, I cannot confirm their assertation. It is devolving into a third world hole in which fecal matter is deposited. Do not let them fool you.

Lastly, and I know that I have said this before. I have no patience for pedophiles and speaking from personal experience it is one of the worst crimes against a person and against humanity that can be perpetrated. I have a quite visceral response to this crime. I say let the truth come out!

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