Random Musings on Current Events 9.30.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Tracking the progress of Hurricane Ian, I must pray for the wellbeing of those who have been impacted and will be impacted by it.

There is no doubt in my mind now that there is an unholy alliance between the leftists and neocons in the Biden administration and the Federal Government. My standard of living is decreasing, my fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights are under attack, the man occupying the office of President appears incompetent, and a war with a nuclear power is being stoked. If one were to watch Star Wars it appears that there is a Sith Lord operating in the background.

I listened to a news broadcast from the United Kingdom the day after the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage and found the language interesting. In an interview with this channel’s correspondent in Brussels he started his monologue by stating that if Russia (emphasis on if) was responsible then etc. and etc. By the time his monologue was complete his language had changed and he was stating that NATO will be taking certain actions. There was no repeat that the cause of the pipeline was unknown but finished that unequivocally it was Russia’s fault with no proof presented. It seems as if he were reading from a script that had been written prior to the attack designed to leave the listener believing action was necessary against Russia. To me, there is no reason whatsoever for Russia to sabotage one of its major revenue streams and when I listen to someone who is sort of subliminally telling me what I need to believe the hairs on my back rise. Something fishy is going on here and the smell is not coming from Denmark or Russia but rather the smell appears to be coming from Washington D.C., London, and Brussels.

I heard an interesting statistic this past week and it deals with demographics in the US. Evidently, those of African descent account for about 12% of the population, those who identify as a sex other than what they are is far less than 1%, and those who identify as homosexual is about 3%. OK, so what, one may ask. I bring this up because Hollywood and the media in the US and the UK now must always have a person of color in every show and additionally many now portray homosexual relationships and several have a woman and or a woman of color as either a lead character or in a position of power. I do not care one way or another, especially, if someone is qualified to do their job, what sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation one is. What I mind is the amount of oxygen that is being sucked out of the public discourse and my limited entertainment bandwidth to push this agenda. What a waste of time and effort and quite honestly it is divisive and a misrepresentation of reality. It is quite honestly propagandist brainwashing being disguised as entertainment in my opinion. Quite honestly the entertainment value has declined as a result in most cases.

Watching the talking heads on national news has anyone else noticed and cringed at the amount of makeup and plastic surgery and hair coloring that these folks have? Personally, when I see a smooth face, it does not hide the wrinkles in their hands and necks and an instinctual roil on my stomach occurs. Though I do not typically get seasick I have felt a bit queasy in high seas when I cannot see the horizon and the feeling is similar. I attribute this to my mind not being able to reconcile what it is seeing with what it is feeling.  What I see in their faces does not match what the rest of their body shows me and the connection between what I see and feel does not match. 

Speaking of which maybe the queasiness that I feel when I watch Nancy Pelosi, Amy Klobochar, the aforementioned talking heads and others who use copious quantities of makeup, plastic surgery and hair coloring to appear youthful is due to climate change. After all, climate change seems to be the default reason for all the world’s problems and a queasy stomach is certainly a problem. OK, perhaps it is not only due to climate change, it is all Vladimir Putin’s fault! Of course, none of these problems are caused by Satanic, Luciferic beings yanking the chains of leaders inside the US, Europe, and Asia. Nor is any of it my fault for giving my power to these worthless demonic infested beings because then, after all, I would need to take responsibility for my own actions. Taking responsibility for one’s own actions would be such an outdated and blasé action now that it would be almost novel.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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