Random Musings on Current Events 10.7.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

 I see that Anthony Fauci and his wife’s net worth increased $5 million during the “Wuhan Virus (COVID) Pandemic” from offshore nonprofit organizations. What? Wait a minute? This in addition that he, a long tenured Public Official, has a net worth of over $12 million dollars? An unelected official with the power to shut economies down! How did this happen?

It seems that there are protests all over Iran and the Biden administration will not even acknowledge or express support for protesters against a totalitarian repressive regime. Instead, the administration wants to be part of a deal that sends hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars to this repressive regime. What does this say about the Biden Administration? I understand this is a rhetorical question but who really is in charge of the Biden Administration? It appears to be the Shi’a operatives in the administration and who have a firm grasp of the administration want their own form of totalitarian regime in the United States. Otherwise, they would be in support of the protesters and not be repressing free speech, freedom of assembly, and not be supportive of censorship in the United States.

UK born Peter Daszak’s Ecohealth Alliance, a non-profit non-governmental organization, received a $3 million grant to do research in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos that will go through 2027?!?! You have got to be kidding me!!! This guy and those that fund him appear to be responsible for the Wuhan (COVID) Virus disaster and Anthony Fauci is giving them more money! Why are these experiments being conducted in three of the world’s poorest countries? Would it be because these countries are so poor that the allure of money blinds them or perhaps it is because they have been deceived to the realities of what these experiments could lead to? I cannot help but think that if something looks like a dog, wags its tail like a dog, and barks like a dog it probably is a dog.

California Governor Newsom is promising $1050 stimulus checks to the residents of California to minimize the effects of inflation. I do not know what is more troubling, that California residents believe there is no downside to receiving these checks or that Governor Newsom is using American Rescue Plan Act money either directly or indirectly as a slush fund to buy votes in the coming election. Even more troubling is that opposition politicians and media inside and outside the Golden State are not calling the use of the American Rescue Plan Act funds in this matter for what it is, a slush fund.

Herschel Walker is being accused of action by an anonymous source on the eve of an election in which he has a legitimate chance to win. I don’t know Herschel Walker other than that he was a great football player and yes, I know football players live a far different lifestyle than I do. Also, that this lifestyle can be one that catering to young men and their appetites. Is it a good lifestyle, necessarily? No, and it is within the realm of possibility that he committed these acts or has been close to others who lived this lifestyle. However, there is no proof, the accuser will not face him, and this is such an overused tactic of the Democrat Left, the most recent being Brett Kavanaugh, that I find it hard to believe.

State Farm Insurance is airing commercials featuring Patrick Mahomes this year and not Aaron Rogers during National Football League games being broadcast. Something tells me Aaron Rogers is no longer being asked to be in commercials because of his refusal to take the experimental mRNA jab and more importantly that he has taken a public stance in this matter. It is moments like this that I am glad to no longer use State Farm Insurance as my insurance carrier. I certainly will not be taking them off the list of companies who do not deserve my business any time soon.

God bless America and all of her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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