Don’t Ask Me To Your War Party

Watching and listening the news surrounding the Ukraine, the Nordstream pipeline, President Biden and his family lining their pocketbooks by promising more aid to Ukraine, and now the Russians firing missiles into Kyiv I am feeling even more uneasy. This uneasiness was stoked initially after watching General Jack Keane (Retired) speaking on the Mark Levin Show a week ago. For those who may not know Jack Keane, in addition to being a retired US Army 4 star general officer, he currently sits on the board for the Institute for Study of War funded by General Dynamics, DynCorp and previously by Raytheon according to Wikipedia (I know I know I don’t have time to verify). Additionally, Gen. Keane is a founder of International, Peace, and Prosperity (IP3) whose purpose is to transfer nuclear technology from the United States to Saudi Arabia (again according to Wikipedia).

In the interview I was surprised at the vehemence that both the General and Mark Levin had in branding the Russians as the enemy and additionally denouncing those who would even merely suggest that the United States or its surrogates may have anything to do with the sabotage of the Nordstream Pipeline. There was one moment in the interview when the real Jack Keane flashed his combat look and it was that of the steely eyed determination of a combat veteran and quite honestly it was frightening. I have seen this look before, in more than a few instances, and I suddenly became aware of something. That is that a war is, indeed being waged, and we Americans better wake up.

Why am I uneasy now one may ask? I am uneasy of this because it appears to me that not only are the Neocons (I now put Mark Levin and General Keane in this category) waging war against the Russians but they are waging war against free and open debate on the Ukraine in the United States. What I deduced from this conversation is that they want to dictate the narrative and that they not only want me to agree but that they expect me to believe what they are saying. Even more frightening is that I now believe that they will do whatever is necessary to ensure their agenda succeeds and they have serious backing (defense industry backing) for support.

The reason I believe this is General Keane is part of a group supporting the transfer of Nuclear Technology to the House of Saud, sits on the board of a think tank backed by huge players in the defense industry, and is on the Mark Levin show discussing how to fight a nuclear exchange with the Russians at the same time Russian President Vladimir Putin is publicly stating that Russia reserves the right (and capability no doubt) to use nuclear weapons to defend itself. I am supposed to accept that all is rosy in their view of the world knowing these facts? Why is no one in the mainstream media and politics not discussing the increase in rhetoric around the use of nuclear weapons and how to cool this situation off?!? This is not a good thing and I would argue that the Russians have just demonstrated this fact with the missile strikes across the Ukraine!

Is it because the greedy members of the Democratic Party (i.e. Biden and Clinton Families) are making too much money from kickbacks from the Ukrainian aid, is it because the leftist ideologues in the Democratic Party (i.e. Obama, Rice etc.) want a nuclear war to tear down the system so they can rebuild it in the image that they envision, or perhaps the Neocons who run the deep state who see an opportunity to further or somehow strengthen their grips on the levers of power in the government? Or could it be some hermaphrodite version of either or any or all the above or even something else I do not know. What I do know is that they are playing with a fire and that is dangerous beyond all comprehension and the consequences of this fire getting out of control are not good. 

As a child of the Cold War, I find it reprehensible and an affront to my service that these so called leaders would even consider taking steps in the direction that they are going. I must ask myself where are the adults in the room when these characters are having these conversations? It appears to me that they believe they are truly untouchable and most importantly they truly believe the rhetoric and are not afraid of the consequences of the actions that they are supporting, suggesting, and or executing.

I believe in summary what is bothering me is that there really is no good explanation being made to the public as to why these actions are underway. Maybe there is a good reason from their point of view but it is not being shared with me nor do I expect it to be shared with me because I am more than familiar with the arrogance of the East and West Coast ruling elites in the United States. To them I am cannon fodder and menial labor to be kept waiting and expected to jump when called upon to jump. Do I believe they care about me, my family, or my friends? No, I do not, and if fact I am starting to understand that they really do not even see me as a human being but rather as chattel to be used and discarded as they see fit. Perhaps, this is what Vladimir Putin is feeling right now as all forms of communication in terms of trade, finance, and travel are being cut to the country he presides over?

As the East Coast elites hype up the war in Ukraine, I must ask myself who has our six with regards to China? China seems to be conspicuously silent as their surrogate North Korea launches missiles and I cannot but help but wonder what they are up to? America be careful of the East Coast elites who by nature tend to focus primarily on Europe while they are unwittingly losing a war against an Asian enemy who does not play by the same rules.

In closing, I am reminded of a song by Eddy Grant a Guyanese British artist who was born in 1948 called “War Party” which was released in 1982 on his Killer on the Rampage album. I am not sure specifically for what conflict or what continent this song was written, but it seems to have universal meaning, at least for me sitting in North America thinking about Europe and the rest of the world. The lyrics go something like this:

You invite me to a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks

yo ho, a yo ho

You killed off all the Indians and you killed off all the slaves

and not quite so you kill of the remains

you look for me, I lookin’ for you

I can’t believe what say bout you is true

That you are a bastard just like Pharaoh

You kill the children just like Pharaoh

Now you send a ticket for me

You don’t have a RSVP

Oh Lord it’s a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks

yo ho, a yo ho

You invited all our wise men many times before

To dance around your fires and even up your scores

and when those spaken of the valiant and the brave

The only decoration is the one above the grave

You’re a bastard just like Pharaoh

You kill the children just like Pharaoh

Now you send a ticket for me

And you don’t have RSVP

Oh Lord it’s a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks

yo ho, a yo ho

Please don’t send no ticket for me

No, don’t send no ticket

No, don’t send no ticket for me if you don’t have RSVP

Oh Lord it’s a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks,

do you wanna go, say no

Do you wanna go, say no

Me no wanna go right now, Me no wanna go right now

They invite me to a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

God Bless

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