Health Care (Originally Posted June 2017)

I am so disappointed and tired of the health care debate!  It is just the latest example of the Kabuki Theater that is spewed out of Washington and the ruling elites, in my opinion.

First off I have to ask, “Where in the constitution does it say that we have to provide health care for all Americans?”  I could easily argue that anyone who supports any form of government control of healthcare is an enemy of the state.  They do not support nor defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  Though this is the subject of another conversation and quite honestly it is the conversation which should, in my opinion, be the matter that really is being debated.

However, moving along I have to say that Congress is completely and utterly failing us.  This latest version that is coming out from them is nothing more than a continuation of The Affordable Health Care Act in principal despite some of the details being changed.  Congress, it is my opinion that the only people who benefit from any of this health care is the Insurance Industry and the Media Complex.  The rest of America loses from the insured, the doctors and the hospitals.  Congress, I am a student of history and the decline of health care of this once great nation began when Washington began meddling in it with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid.  Congress!  Do your jobs and what you were elected to do and that is get out of our way!  Reduce government; do not increase it or keep it the same! 

It makes me sick that the insidiousness of the Progressives and Neoconservatives still hold sway over Washington.  Let me say that these groups are strangling the life blood of this once great nation.  I say to those who oppose these groups I am support you within the bounds of the US Constitution.  To those who are so corrupt and self-serving that you would kill the country that created you I am aware of you!  I see you!  You are the enemy!  You are the enemy within!  Anyone who says government is the answer to our problems outside of those prescribed by the Constitution of the land are seditious, treasonous, and should be held accountable! Congress, do your job!  Impeach those within government who do not take their oaths seriously.  It will be ugly but it needs to be done!  We are going the way of the Old World and those countries with no rule of law.  The further stratification of a society is in no way healthy for freedom and free markets.  It will not be easy and will require spines made of steel.  Someone or some people need to stand up and push back against those who corrupt and violate the laws.  Even those who would try to make laws contrary to the living law of the land.

Random Musings 7.1.20

Once again time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

So, Russia put a bounty out on American service members in Afghanistan? Why am I yawning at yet another Russia conspiracy theory from the mainstream media? Tell me something new you purveyors of timed or ill-timed propaganda, as the case may be. A couple of days later and it seems that this is all based on unsubstantiated facts. Oh! Shocking! What a surprise! If you detect sarcasm dripping from my words well then you are smarter than whoever dreamt those reports up.

Is anyone else growing tired of being led around by a bunch of bureaucratic medical doctors? Dr. Fauci is yet another example of a lifelong bureaucrat who is relishing in the spotlight and his power. However, I also believe that there is anecdotal evidence that he is a stooge of big pharma. I say this because of his reluctance to use or support any alternative treatments to combat the Chinese Flu. I also say this because he is insistent to point of irritation that we will not be able to return to normal until a vaccine is created, tested and approved by the proper government approval agencies or ministries or whatever they are called and that it is going to take a long long time to do so. In fact, it will be after the election and isn’t that so convenient. Ok, the last sentence was a bit of sarcasm and I heard Dana Carvey’s Church Lady character in my mind saying the sentence as I typed it.

For those who care my new mantra is that I will not support nor take a knee for Black Lives Matter because they are a Marxist organization. When are others going to start standing up to these leftist revolutionaries?

Random Musings 6.26.20

Once again time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

Is anyone else questioning, besides Tucker Carlson, the lack of leadership and response by any of our leaders to the riots and out and out treasonous calls by the radical left to abolish and replace our system of governance by violent means? I also must agree with, and question why are these people not being arrested and the book be thrown at them? Timothy McVey is no longer with us after he killed unarmed innocents in Oklahoma City. I would argue that there have been many unarmed innocents and wounded and killed in the last several weeks at the hands of these terroristic insurgents. Let me be one of the first to say that if I were in charge I would be sending the National Guard and or Police into Chaz and wherever else these Marxist have declared independence and round them up. I am sure there are plenty of laws that have been broken that they can be charged with. They are violating other right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property (happiness). Then I would ask that the Justice Department purse the organizers and funders of these radicals using RICO statutes to break their financial support. All the while I would be telling the American people exactly what I was doing without revealing tactics and other protocols of course.

This all being said it is easy for me to throw darts so to speak as I am not in charge. I also do not blame the President because he must be tired and weary. He has not caught a break since he took office and quite honestly, I would not blame him if he decided not to run for office again. I hope he does, however, because if he does not win, I will be shutting this blog down because I will be in fear for my life. I firmly believe now that big tech is in bed with many entrenched Washington politicians and bureaucrats. The law of club and fang will be the law of the day as our constitutional rights will became history in not in fact but in application. No, who I am feeling even more anger toward are the so called Republicans who will not or cannot support the President. I do expect there to be support 100% of the time nor would I wish that. But to not stand up to the leftists who are hell bent on destroying our country and supporting the President’s calls to put them down is disgusting! What I do not think many in business and the government realize is that if these Marxist’s gain power (Biden will do their bidding) you can expect all institutions of our market economy and freedoms to come under assault. Yes, I said market economy to include Wall Street and the banking system. One only needs to look to Russia and China for examples.