Health Care (Originally Posted June 2017)

I am so disappointed and tired of the health care debate!  It is just the latest example of the Kabuki Theater that is spewed out of Washington and the ruling elites, in my opinion.

First off I have to ask, “Where in the constitution does it say that we have to provide health care for all Americans?”  I could easily argue that anyone who supports any form of government control of healthcare is an enemy of the state.  They do not support nor defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  Though this is the subject of another conversation and quite honestly it is the conversation which should, in my opinion, be the matter that really is being debated.

However, moving along I have to say that Congress is completely and utterly failing us.  This latest version that is coming out from them is nothing more than a continuation of The Affordable Health Care Act in principal despite some of the details being changed.  Congress, it is my opinion that the only people who benefit from any of this health care is the Insurance Industry and the Media Complex.  The rest of America loses from the insured, the doctors and the hospitals.  Congress, I am a student of history and the decline of health care of this once great nation began when Washington began meddling in it with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid.  Congress!  Do your jobs and what you were elected to do and that is get out of our way!  Reduce government; do not increase it or keep it the same! 

It makes me sick that the insidiousness of the Progressives and Neoconservatives still hold sway over Washington.  Let me say that these groups are strangling the life blood of this once great nation.  I say to those who oppose these groups I am support you within the bounds of the US Constitution.  To those who are so corrupt and self-serving that you would kill the country that created you I am aware of you!  I see you!  You are the enemy!  You are the enemy within!  Anyone who says government is the answer to our problems outside of those prescribed by the Constitution of the land are seditious, treasonous, and should be held accountable! Congress, do your job!  Impeach those within government who do not take their oaths seriously.  It will be ugly but it needs to be done!  We are going the way of the Old World and those countries with no rule of law.  The further stratification of a society is in no way healthy for freedom and free markets.  It will not be easy and will require spines made of steel.  Someone or some people need to stand up and push back against those who corrupt and violate the laws.  Even those who would try to make laws contrary to the living law of the land.