Random Musings on Current Events 7.8.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium.

However, it now appears that Elon Musk is no longer purchasing Twitter. It seems Twitter has too many fake accounts being used to bolster their supposed user numbers and fake account numbers. Fake accounts, bots, and spam accounts. I think that I will no longer even mention Twitter and Facebook because they are fake. Talk about a waste of breath and time even mentioning them.

President Biden spoke in Ohio this week in which he blamed Vladimir Putin, greedy oil companies and who knows who or whatever else except for what truly is to blame. An out of control bureaucracy that thwarts oil and gas at every turn. Granted, the fossil fuel industry does not have saints running it and I truly believe alternative energies such as geothermal, wind, and solar should absolutely be incentivized and encouraged but I have no illusions that they are suitable to completely replace fossil fuels. No matter what pound per pound fossil fuels provide much more energy. Perhaps, the deal Hunter Biden made with SINOPEC via their American subsidiary UNIPEC for our strategic reserves should be rescinded and instead that oil should be put into the US economy. Such a bunch of corrupt opportunists and I will type no more as I can better use the time to work to pay for my vehicle’s gasoline.

I woke up to the smell of burning timber in the air this morning. It seems another wildfire in California is burning and being down wind, I am smelling, for yet another summer, the defecation blowing in from a dis functionally run, despotic, one party Democratically run state. I bring this up every year and I am getting tired of it, but Democrats appear to be nothing more than leeches that feed off the carcasses of once great and thriving communities, states, and countries. Take for example the cities of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland and the states of California, New York and Illinois. Now the worthless looting and mooching class of elites wants to completely kill the United States of America so that we can join the ranks of Venezuela and other once great and vibrant countries and that are now worthless countries who have lost their ways.

Speaking of poorly mismanaged communities there has been yet another mass shooting tragedy in a Democratically run community. I pray for the victims of the Highland Park shooting. I read the conservative press is rightfully pointing out that that Highland Park and Illinois, in general, have some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation. What I fear and expect is the leftist pro-gun control group will raise the stakes now and demand that there be no guns allowed, period. The Fourth of July, what a day to pick to commit an atrocity such as this. Do you think the shooter might be an enemy of the state?

Let us also not overlook the shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark over this past weekend also. A country in with very restrictive gun laws. Evidently the weapons used was purchased legally but the person using the weapon did not have legal possession of the weapons. Therein lies the crux of the matter in my opinion. The weapons somehow ended up illegally in the possession of someone illegally who used the weapons to commit a crime. The weapons are not criminal, the people who used the weapons are criminal.

Speaking of the Fourth of July and its weekend, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney spouted diatribes to the effect that Donald Trump making a political comeback would be disastrous for America and or the Republican Party. Let me think about this for a New York second Senator Romney and Representative Cheney. When President Trump held the office of President, I was paying half the cost for gasoline and food that I am now paying, the Taliban in Afghanistan did not have three quarters of a billion dollars in weapons that they now have, Russia and China were much friendlier, and there did not seem to be as many “mass shootings” as there are now. So, what America and Republican Parties are you speaking of that would it be disastrous for? The America and Party that rewards with graft and pork the states that you represent, the America and Republican Party that rewards a small elite of corrupt politicians and their donors, the America and Republican Party that seeks endless wars and crisis to support the graft and political favors? I know Donald Trump is not a “nice guy” and I am somewhat uneasy about what his true intents are, but I know what your true intents are and, quite frankly, I prospered more under a Trump administration, despite all the obstacles put in his way, than I have under any other presidential administration in my lifetime. Maybe the military industrial complex that pay your bills lost money but I certainly did better.

In closing I have only one thing to say with “There You Go” by Johnny Cash playing in the background, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

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