Random Musings on Current Events 8.5.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

The “Inflation Reduction Act”? It probably should be titled the “Take More Rights and Money Away From Me and Give To Special Interests Act”. Give me a break. Like I expect that a bunch of politicians drunk on special interest money are going to reduce inflation for me? I do not care what any politician tells me about how it is not targeting me or how fair it is because it is all a bunch of election year hogwash. Let me sell you some beach front property in Arizona while you are at it.

Blackstone has secured $24.1 billion of commitments for a fund to invest in residential real estate? Wow, do you think the new aristocracy gives a rip about the American Dream of owning one’s own home? Looks like the next step in the creation of a new global feudal society.

Jeff Bezos’s super yacht was moved under the cover of darkness. Why is it that the powered elites always must do their business in the dark?

Is anyone else tired of hearing the name Cheney? Talk about a corrupt family that made its wealth off the public trough. Personally, the continuation of Cheney’s anywhere near public life, I think, is a great threat to the United States. Pardon me while I think of another way to start a war in which my friends and I can get rich. God bless you Dick Cheney because from my point of view, which I admit means nothing, you will need it.

I see Paul Pelosi has sold his NVIDIA stock at a loss due to increasing pressure from the media, judiciary and whoever else. Is there anyone else out there that believes he will not be back at it in a few months? I am sure there will be another hot insider trading tip before the next election.

Speaking of the Pelosi’s! Does anyone else find it interesting that Speaker Pelosi was in Asia the same day that Mr. Pelosi was being arraigned for his DWI offense? Is anyone else asking themselves why Speaker Pelosi is doing this trip in the first place? I know several of the people in podcast land have their opinions and I cannot argue for or against other than their arguments (JP and MA) make sense. Thoughts that I personally have include, like Presidents, she went overseas because her domestic world is failing, the President in incapable of foreign visits and there are business interests demanding high level government attention. Of course, politics is her business, literally considering how much money her family has made from politics, so it could be either or any or all of the above reasons. Nevertheless, one thing for certain is, her visit will not provide any value to me or my standard of living.

Las Vegas is flooding! OK, this is not the first time nor will it be the last time. There are these things called washes which are essentially dry riverbeds that run through Las Vegas that fill up once in a blue moon when there are torrential down pours. This is not the first time nor will it be the last time.

Speaking of flooding god bless those who have died in the Kentucky floods and to their families as well.

The eruption of the Unga Tonga-Hung Ha’apai volcano this past January 15th has been considered by NASA and others to be the largest volcanic eruption since Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. Some are even comparing it to the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. I find it interesting how after discussing the ejection of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere that reflects sunlight etc. a few weeks ago now it is water vapor that has been ejected into the stratosphere as well. Sulfur dioxide reflects sunlight and can cause cooling much like Krakatoa did in 1883 and subsequent years. Now, however, as if on cue after the initial postulations Tonga-Hung ejected more water than did Krakatoa (How do they know this? Who knows) and water will “have a greenhouse gas effect” and warm the atmosphere. I am so cynical that I cannot help but wonder if the greenhouse effect is just a knee jerk response to support the environmentalist narrative? I guess my faith in official sciencedom is not too strong.

I watched the first two seasons of a show on Netflix called “The Umbrella Academy” in which a group of misfits with superpowers work to save the world from time and themselves and I found it good enough, obviously, to watch the first two seasons. The third season has been released and one of the female characters has decided to identify as a male and I have to say I am not sure that I am going to watch anymore of this program. In fact, my wife has been suggesting that we once and for all leave Netflix and I think that I may relent. This is the last straw and after subscribing to Netflix for over 20 years I am done.

I think that I have written about this in the past but I am sick and tired of the LGBTQRSTUV movement and its co-opting of beautiful things. In particular, I am pissed about the rainbow representing homosexuality and now spirals. Why is it that this leftist cabal of degenerates has to sully, soil, and destroy beauty? I love rainbows because they are the reflection of the sun in rain and sun life is affirmed. I say F*** them and all who identify rainbows with the LGBTQRSTUV movement! I identify with rainbows as a heterosexual male of European decent because they are beautiful and if you don’t like it, you can go and get whatever it is you identify with!

I learned some things this past weekend about pedophiles, establishments that cater to pedophiles, and symbols that have been used to signify “pedo friendly” establishments. As a survivor of pedophilia, it makes my stomach queasy thinking about this. It makes me especially queasy thinking that there is a whole underground set up for this grotesqueness. I am not sure what to do with this information but it certainly seems that this is going to forever be a part of my life whether I want it to be or not.

My condolences to the family of NBA legend Bill Russel. May he rest in peace.

The House passed a bill to ban “assault weapons” which is essentially a ban on all semi-automatic weapons. Yet another example of after compromising with these leftist idealogues and they come back demanding more. They will not stop until they have completely dismantled the Constitution and any remnants that remain of our Constitutional Republic. It is time to stand up and say no.

Speaking of saying no, I am constantly reminded of California flight to where I live and other places further inland and additionally flight from where I live further into the interior of the country. I propose that rather than fleeing perhaps people should stand up and say no to those who are destroying the places where you live. Like bullies on the playground, the only way to stop their bullying is to stand up and say no to them. Quit being spineless wallflowers and start standing up because the bullies will keep following you. Guaranteed.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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