Goodbye 2020

It has been a week since I last posted a comment and to be honest the reason I have not posted is because I am a bit despondent. I will admit that I donated money to a couple of political campaigns this year and I am still receiving solicitations from the campaigns. I am now dismissing them out of hand because I see absolutely no action being taken to hold the cheats, sneaks, and fraudsters who have stolen this most recent election from me and people like me. I still say count every legal vote and the evidence is not being shown to me that every legal vote has been counted and that tens of thousands of illegal votes have occurred. To those who say they will take care of it later I say, “Yeah right do you think I am stupid? You want to drag your feet and hope that people will forget about it so that you can make your money off of the next election”. I am still waiting for the “bombshell” and needless to say I am getting a bit impatient with all the rhetoric and other bologna being peddled.

What this pause to reflect has given rise to within me is the thought that when I do not like a service that I receive from a business or I do not like a particular stance they take politically I can choose to no longer do business with that particular business. For instance, I do not do business with Amazon and will never pay for any of its services, I have not been on Facebook in six months and I will choose any store over Walmart if I can, I am looking at how I can move my business email account off of Google, long ago I quit using Google as my search engine, and now I am looking for alternatives to Netflix as well. Additionally, when Colin Kapernick started taking a knee I took all of my 49er gear down, quit watching the NFL, and this year quit watching MLB when I saw a BLM on a pitcher’s mound. This really has been difficult for me because I like to save money like anyone else and really enjoyed watching sports for entertainment and really have enjoyed the services of Netflix and quite honestly Google had the best search engine for years. I was a happy consumer until these companies, however, now that the owners of these companies have shown themselves to be megalomaniacs with no love for my country and openly support Marxist Leninist Trotskyite organizations and principles I will start my one man boycott of their companies. If others join me all the better but I will at least do my part.   

However, I do not have this recourse when it comes to my government. I do not have the choice to not pay for the so called services that the governments provide me. Let me state up front that I am not an anarchist. I do believe that government is necessary but I am a firm believer that government and its powers should be limited if this has not been clear in the past. I enjoy the notion that thugs that rule China, Russia and elsewhere cannot send ships carrying troops to invade the United States. In other words, I believe the federal government is tasked with the self-defense of our country. It is stated so in the US Constitution for good reason. Because there are those who believe in taking the hard work of those who are industrious and productive by force. I get it. Quite honestly, I enjoy the roads that I drive on though I am not so sure a private company could do the job of maintaining and building roads far more efficiently than my state government. I know there is waste and fraud in the awarding of these contracts as there obviously is in the awarding of military contracts on the federal level. I also enjoy the relative peace that having a local, county and state police and or sheriffs provide in my local area. Without them I am quite sure society would degrade and I would always have to be thinking about mine, my families, and my community’s safety.

But, what I do not enjoy is when my government becomes corrupted and when public service becomes a path to riches at the expense of me I do not have a choice to not pay for the government’s services like I do with commercial enterprises. I do not have a choice to not pay my taxes because if I do not pay my taxes the sheriff or some other branch of law enforcement (who ostensibly only purpose is to keep the peace) will show up at my door with their guns and arrest me. The main recourse I and my fellow citizens have is our vote. Our vote is the currency that each and every citizen has in the marketplace of political ideas and actions. We are each supposed to have one vote no matter how rich, poor, politically connected or not politically connected we are. And now it appears that this has been a charade going back at least twenty years if not further back. At least twenty years since the use of voting machines and probably a century or more in the case of cities with large political machines that have perfected the art of voter fraud.

I would have to say that my grievances are numerous but currently I am not happy with either the executive, the legislative, nor the judicial branches of government nor either of the major political parties in my country. It seems to me that elements of the Executive are out of control with the CIA, FBI and DOJ come to mind right off the top of my head. With regards to the Legislative Branch it seems to be so completely corrupt that they are willing to allow the Executive to run rough shod and comply with their overreaches as for instance in the allowing of the investigations of President Trump and the people around him and carrying out a phony impeachment. I am thinking of James Comey and his underlings in particular in this moment. Additionally, they pass a $1.4 trillion dollar “omnibus” spending bill that provides only $600 to me yet provides $1200 dollars to non-citizens and tens of millions of dollars to foreign interests and etc. It is so obvious that Congress is run by lobbyists and their interests. The Judicial Branch appears to be gone as the Supreme Court will not even do their job as granted them in Article III Section 2 of The Constitution. Texas vs. Pennsylvania has no standing? Give me a break it is your judicial Power to adjudicate controversies between states! This does not even get into all the instances of judicial activism which would be too numerous to list over the last 100 years. Just look at all of the Propositions in California that the people voted for and passed that were subsequently thrown out by corrupt leftist judges.

I sit here and I have to wonder where the leaders are in Washington DC? I have supported President Trump because I see him as being a leader and though I do not agree with everything he stands for, I probably could never work directly for him, and some of his Tweets have made me laugh and cringe I can respect him and his executive abilities. President Trump has not made his fortune off of his position in government as have so many of his detractors both inside and outside (i.e. Big Tech with their Section 230 protection and etc.) of government. What frightens me is that the people inside government have become so comfortable and dependent upon government largess that they have come together to apparently unlawfully prevent mine and others votes from counting. I am fearful that if this is allowed to keep Donald Trump from winning this election then our republic is lost because the one currency I have to express my pleasure or displeasure with current elected office holders, my vote, has been utterly debased and invalidated. To me there is no happy ending to this story if this truly is the level of power the foreign and or domestic enemies of my Constitution have gained and are allowed to keep. As the year of my lord 2021 dawns I will wait quietly to see what, if anything, comes out of Washington DC and around the country in the next week to three weeks. Time is running short and I have to think that I may need to go underground because I will admit that I am more fearful of the left in power than the left carrying out their threats should who appears to be the rightful winner of this election keep power.

Hello 2021!!! Happy New Year!!!

Post Script: Commissions on election fraud, special councils, and Congressional hearings will not change my mind on how I feel about the legitimacy of this past election. I want answers now or the opportunity will be lost forever I fear. If it looks like a delay tactic, and smells like a delay tactic to get the current nonpolitical office holder out of office then it probably is a delay tactic.

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