Random Musings on Current Events 10.14.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state in a sort of journal format.

One time I donated to President Trump’s campaign and, in fact, I even supported Senator Graham during the 2020 election. It was obvious that my information was either given or sold to the Graham campaign because I was sent emails and texts that were remarkably like those that the Trump campaign sent. This election cycle my texts are getting blown up with solicitations from mostly Republican candidates and yet again they all essentially look the same as from 2020. What is amazing to me is how many phone numbers that these campaign organizations of businesses are purchasing because no matter how many of these numbers that I ignore, which is all of them, more texts keep rolling in.

Speaking of which I recently got several of these texts from the Republican National Party (RNC) despite being called by their phone callers more than once in which I told them that I will no longer support the RNC. I told the phone caller, both times, that so long as Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, the RINO Senator from Utah and other Republicans who would rather be in the minority rather than be leaders received support from the RNC I could no longer support the RNC. I have not received any more phone calls to my knowledge but I sure am getting a lot of texts. Of course, I ignore at least five calls a day that are obviously telemarketers or spam so perhaps I am giving them too much credit.

More January 6 hearings in the kangaroo committee in the US House of Representatives. I would yawn if it were not for the waste of taxpayer money, time, and affront to freedom that it represents. Just ask Brandon Straka and others while Nancy Pelosi who threatened to punch President Trump while he was still in office was never arrested and will surely not be called before the kangaroo committee. Who really incites violence?

Speaking of California, the state that Nancy Pelosi’s tiny district that she supposedly represents is part of, I just learned that there is an organization or perhaps even a movement called the New California State which appears to be legitimate at least on the surface. I am impressed to learn that this seems to be well organized and to be honest well along in its development and organization. Stay tuned for more on this because I believe that I may have to “recognize” this new state. My concern is that I hope they are prepared for the attacks that inevitably will come at them from all corners of the dictatorial regime in California with backing from Washington D.C. See my comment on Nancy Pelosi in the preceding paragraph. One also need to look no further than the chair of the kangaroo committee representing yet another small district in the Golden State.

The Russians have shot several rocket volleys over the Ukraine in the past week. I thought their rocket reserves were decimated and that Russia was on the verge of collapse? You will have to pardon my cynicism and pessimism but I do not believe a word that is coming out of the mainstream media, the US Government spokes people, and certainly not out of the White House. Now Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is saying the Ukraine conflict was solely started by Russia? This is the same man who is forcing by coercion US Military personnel to take an experimental mRNA injection or be separated from the military and I am supposed to believe and trust what he says in truth? A man who was until just a couple of years ago on the payroll of Raytheon? I don’t think so.

Alex Jones has been handed a penalty of nearly a billion dollars based on a sham trial in which the Judge, an obvious political hack, would not even allow him to defend himself. This because he failed to produce documents that did not exist and in which Alex Jones admitted that he made a mistake. Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a New York second. I am not familiar with the details of the trial and what Mr. Jones said, did not say, or what his organization did. However, I have been aware of Alex Jones for well over a decade and know that he is anything but a conformist. My impression is that he is passionate and will say what is on his mind at any given moment whether it is right or wrong but will admit when he is wrong which apparently happened in the case of Sandy Hook. This leads me to question the magnitude of response against Mr. Jones in this matter. It seems to be way out of proportion and has me questioning if this is not a political-economic hit job when the media is constantly falsifying and covering up for those in the elite (i.e., Hunter Biden, Iraq War justification, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton server, Russia Collusion etc.). All I can think now is that apparently Alex Jones is over the target for there to be such a ridiculous trial and penalty to be levied against him. I must ask, for the umpteenth (who knows how many) time, what really is going on here? This appears to be a complete sham against him and quite honestly a criminal conspiracy. What about Mr. Jones’ First Amendment Rights and thanks to this ridiculous over reaction by the establishment and its blatant violation to guarantee his First Amendment Rights I must think that Mr. Jones is probably correct about more and more things than ever before.

I have been checking this website’s statistics and how many visitors I am getting per day and per week. Needless to say, it is not too many and I am OK with that. After all, I must wonder with the bots and algorithms written and controlled by Twitter, Google, Facebook and the others just how many visits their sites really are getting? I know it is more than me as it should but I now am quite confident that they really are not as big as they purport to be. In fact, like Lucifer they are mostly illusion using lies and deception to hoodwink a great number of people into giving up their souls.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.7.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

 I see that Anthony Fauci and his wife’s net worth increased $5 million during the “Wuhan Virus (COVID) Pandemic” from offshore nonprofit organizations. What? Wait a minute? This in addition that he, a long tenured Public Official, has a net worth of over $12 million dollars? An unelected official with the power to shut economies down! How did this happen?

It seems that there are protests all over Iran and the Biden administration will not even acknowledge or express support for protesters against a totalitarian repressive regime. Instead, the administration wants to be part of a deal that sends hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars to this repressive regime. What does this say about the Biden Administration? I understand this is a rhetorical question but who really is in charge of the Biden Administration? It appears to be the Shi’a operatives in the administration and who have a firm grasp of the administration want their own form of totalitarian regime in the United States. Otherwise, they would be in support of the protesters and not be repressing free speech, freedom of assembly, and not be supportive of censorship in the United States.

UK born Peter Daszak’s Ecohealth Alliance, a non-profit non-governmental organization, received a $3 million grant to do research in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos that will go through 2027?!?! You have got to be kidding me!!! This guy and those that fund him appear to be responsible for the Wuhan (COVID) Virus disaster and Anthony Fauci is giving them more money! Why are these experiments being conducted in three of the world’s poorest countries? Would it be because these countries are so poor that the allure of money blinds them or perhaps it is because they have been deceived to the realities of what these experiments could lead to? I cannot help but think that if something looks like a dog, wags its tail like a dog, and barks like a dog it probably is a dog.

California Governor Newsom is promising $1050 stimulus checks to the residents of California to minimize the effects of inflation. I do not know what is more troubling, that California residents believe there is no downside to receiving these checks or that Governor Newsom is using American Rescue Plan Act money either directly or indirectly as a slush fund to buy votes in the coming election. Even more troubling is that opposition politicians and media inside and outside the Golden State are not calling the use of the American Rescue Plan Act funds in this matter for what it is, a slush fund.

Herschel Walker is being accused of action by an anonymous source on the eve of an election in which he has a legitimate chance to win. I don’t know Herschel Walker other than that he was a great football player and yes, I know football players live a far different lifestyle than I do. Also, that this lifestyle can be one that catering to young men and their appetites. Is it a good lifestyle, necessarily? No, and it is within the realm of possibility that he committed these acts or has been close to others who lived this lifestyle. However, there is no proof, the accuser will not face him, and this is such an overused tactic of the Democrat Left, the most recent being Brett Kavanaugh, that I find it hard to believe.

State Farm Insurance is airing commercials featuring Patrick Mahomes this year and not Aaron Rogers during National Football League games being broadcast. Something tells me Aaron Rogers is no longer being asked to be in commercials because of his refusal to take the experimental mRNA jab and more importantly that he has taken a public stance in this matter. It is moments like this that I am glad to no longer use State Farm Insurance as my insurance carrier. I certainly will not be taking them off the list of companies who do not deserve my business any time soon.

God bless America and all of her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.30.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Tracking the progress of Hurricane Ian, I must pray for the wellbeing of those who have been impacted and will be impacted by it.

There is no doubt in my mind now that there is an unholy alliance between the leftists and neocons in the Biden administration and the Federal Government. My standard of living is decreasing, my fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights are under attack, the man occupying the office of President appears incompetent, and a war with a nuclear power is being stoked. If one were to watch Star Wars it appears that there is a Sith Lord operating in the background.

I listened to a news broadcast from the United Kingdom the day after the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage and found the language interesting. In an interview with this channel’s correspondent in Brussels he started his monologue by stating that if Russia (emphasis on if) was responsible then etc. and etc. By the time his monologue was complete his language had changed and he was stating that NATO will be taking certain actions. There was no repeat that the cause of the pipeline was unknown but finished that unequivocally it was Russia’s fault with no proof presented. It seems as if he were reading from a script that had been written prior to the attack designed to leave the listener believing action was necessary against Russia. To me, there is no reason whatsoever for Russia to sabotage one of its major revenue streams and when I listen to someone who is sort of subliminally telling me what I need to believe the hairs on my back rise. Something fishy is going on here and the smell is not coming from Denmark or Russia but rather the smell appears to be coming from Washington D.C., London, and Brussels.

I heard an interesting statistic this past week and it deals with demographics in the US. Evidently, those of African descent account for about 12% of the population, those who identify as a sex other than what they are is far less than 1%, and those who identify as homosexual is about 3%. OK, so what, one may ask. I bring this up because Hollywood and the media in the US and the UK now must always have a person of color in every show and additionally many now portray homosexual relationships and several have a woman and or a woman of color as either a lead character or in a position of power. I do not care one way or another, especially, if someone is qualified to do their job, what sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation one is. What I mind is the amount of oxygen that is being sucked out of the public discourse and my limited entertainment bandwidth to push this agenda. What a waste of time and effort and quite honestly it is divisive and a misrepresentation of reality. It is quite honestly propagandist brainwashing being disguised as entertainment in my opinion. Quite honestly the entertainment value has declined as a result in most cases.

Watching the talking heads on national news has anyone else noticed and cringed at the amount of makeup and plastic surgery and hair coloring that these folks have? Personally, when I see a smooth face, it does not hide the wrinkles in their hands and necks and an instinctual roil on my stomach occurs. Though I do not typically get seasick I have felt a bit queasy in high seas when I cannot see the horizon and the feeling is similar. I attribute this to my mind not being able to reconcile what it is seeing with what it is feeling.  What I see in their faces does not match what the rest of their body shows me and the connection between what I see and feel does not match. 

Speaking of which maybe the queasiness that I feel when I watch Nancy Pelosi, Amy Klobochar, the aforementioned talking heads and others who use copious quantities of makeup, plastic surgery and hair coloring to appear youthful is due to climate change. After all, climate change seems to be the default reason for all the world’s problems and a queasy stomach is certainly a problem. OK, perhaps it is not only due to climate change, it is all Vladimir Putin’s fault! Of course, none of these problems are caused by Satanic, Luciferic beings yanking the chains of leaders inside the US, Europe, and Asia. Nor is any of it my fault for giving my power to these worthless demonic infested beings because then, after all, I would need to take responsibility for my own actions. Taking responsibility for one’s own actions would be such an outdated and blasé action now that it would be almost novel.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.16.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I am laughing today at the complete and total overreaction of Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton (I thought she had been put out to pasture), and other Democrat’s outrage at Governors DeSantis and Abbot transporting illegal immigrants to “sanctuary cities”. It is even more hilarious that the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was the transport of a couple of handfuls of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Talk about Democrat hypocrisy being on full display. How about the millions of illegal immigrants being allowed to cross our countries southern borders you hypocrites? In the meantime, I need to take a moment to allow the ache from laughter in my midsection to subside.

Apparently, the number of Democrat candidates is growing around the country who are unwilling to debate their Republican opponents in debates this election season. I find it interesting that with all the reports of Democrats distancing themselves from President Biden these Democrats are following his basement campaign strategy. Perhaps, they are unwilling to debate because they know the fix is already in and do not want to risk overwhelming the fix with an increase in voters against their campaigns after potential bad showings in debates?

I just paid my Waste Management garbage pickup bill that is mandated by my county whether I use Waste Management’s services or not. I know in the good interest of good sanitation and cleanliness it is vitally important for garbage to be collected, however, what I am not comfortable with is my county giving essentially what amounts to a monopoly franchise for this service. Waste Management not only picks up garbage but they also control the transfer sites and landfill. On top of this their customer service really is not that good. I often wonder how they became so big and connected?

With all the money and aid that is being promised to Ukraine and knowledge of Hunter Biden’s murky ties to Ukraine, along with other high level Democrats, I cannot help but wonder how much of that taxpayer money is making it back to secret offshore accounts belonging to these Democrats and their cronies.

Major credit card companies are adding a category showing gun store purchases. I guess it is time to stop using my credit cards for anything. Unfortunately, all my credit cards are from these same companies. I wonder what I am going to do going forward because I certainly do not want to support these companies anymore.

Personally, it has been a long and difficult week and I am going to hoist and enjoy immensely a cold amber ale from one of my local breweries.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.9.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

I learned something about quantum computing and the meaning about the language used when discussing quantum computing. Specifically, a qubit is a basic unit of quantum information used by quantum computers. Whereas traditional processors use regular bits, which can be turned on or off to create binary code. Qubits, however, can be turned on, off, or both on and off simultaneously in a phenomenon known as superposition. I see why this is now the topic of a race between China, US Big Tech and others. I am sure because this is not a linear increase in computing power but rather a magnitude of order change in the ability to crunch data.

A group known as the New Civil Liberties Alliance has filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana stating, “Public statements, emails, and recent publicly released documents establish that the President of the United States and other senior officials in the Biden Administration violated the First Amendment by directing social-media companies to censor viewpoints that conflict with the government’s messaging on Covid-19.”  For me this is an exciting development and long overdue. It is one thing for Big Tech to censor free speech but if they are doing it at the behest of those in government it is wrong on so many levels and it is indeed unconstitutional no matter what the subject matter is. Of course, is Zuckerberg and others in big tech merely throwing this out now because their end game is the elimination of government as we know it now? It would not surprise me because they really do not want to answer to anyone and it appears they consider themselves above the law.

Does anyone else believe for a New York second that the only reason Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom and others are against the American Data Privacy and Protection Act solely for altruistic reasons? After all a large data holder is defined as generating $250 million in revenue and processing covered data of 5 million individuals. This immediately includes Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Twitter for starters and no doubt they are large campaign contributors and employers in California, Utah, and other states. They are not fooling me.

Speaking of the growing technocracy which appears to be in lock step with global elites I learned that Apple will be able to market their latest iPhone in Russia. So, Europe is going to freeze this winter, to travel to Russia, one must go through Turkey or the Middle East and yet Apple can sell their newest phone in Russia? Tell me who really is in charge here?

I am seeing the increased use of crowds behind President Biden and his public addresses similar to what President Trump pioneered. Typical behavior from the political leech class that has very little if any imagination. Too bad President Trump’s team could not have copyrighted the use of crowds behind him.

It will be interesting to see how Nevada’s governor, essentially a man granted dictatorial powers by the Democratic supermajority in Nevada’s legislature due to the COVID “emergency”, will respond to the murder of a reporter critical to one of his appointees. A man who has been charged with the murder of the appointee.

I just read a quote from James Madison and it goes, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”

Rest in Peace Bernard Shaw, Semper Fi, and my condolences to your family and friends.

Lastly, my condolences and prayers go out to the Windsor family and rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

After yesterday I am more firmly of the belief that the current Democrats in power are unwavering, uncompromising ideologues that are extremely dangerous for this country. I guess that I am a fascist, semi fascist, and or an extremist because I believe in the Constitution. A document that I swore to uphold many times. This group in charge does not want to find middle ground, in fact, they want total power and are showing more and more dictatorial tendencies by the day. I am finding more and more that they cannot nor will not be reasoned with. I cannot believe that President Biden (really his handlers) is doubling down on this matter.

Did anyone else feel the stage set that Biden used was eerily reminiscent of NAZI stagecraft? Red and black colors with military staged in the background. Quite chilling as a matter of fact.

Speaking of which it seems that Washington Post’s (Jeff Bezos’ propaganda outlet) Eugene Robinson branded Biden’s speech a wartime address. It seems that the Technocracy truly may be fomenting civil war in this country. Speaking of which a theory that has been posited but only recently came to my attention is that the end game of all this angst and division in our country is being created by and being stoked by technocrats with the end game being the creation of a technocracy. I need to think about this a bit but certainly at the surface it seems without a doubt plausible. Perhaps Big Tech is an enemy of The Constitution of the United States of America?

Speaker Pelosi does not support the Data Privacy Bill because “California has stricter data privacy laws”. She is essentially saying the Data Privacy Bill will supersede California’s laws which are “stricter”. I do not know for sure but alarms bells are sounding once again in my mind. Silicon Valley which borders Speaker Pelosi’s representative district and the tech giants that have undoubtedly supported her, her husband, and her family are not going to support a bill that holds them to a less restrictive regulatory environment? Yet again something smells fishy, and unlike the smells of fish in a San Francisco Chinatown market, this fishy smell is really rotten which is nothing new around the Pelosi/D’Alesandro family.

Twenty three pages redacted, including 10 of them completely redacted, from the affidavit from the DOJ to search President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? Geez, they must have a lot of sources and methods being used to justify the raid. Sources and methods that one would think would be better used to perhaps go after international drug and human trafficking rings? How about international arms dealers that are illegally supplying these rings, terrorists and rogue nations? Or maybe pedophile rings, Hunter Biden’s laptop and his connections with the CCP at the least!? Give me a freakin’ break! What a waste of taxpayer money. Oh yes, and the Judge who signed the warrant represented one of Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators in a case. What an incestuous body of vile putrid water.

Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to what was painfully obvious with regards to censoring the Hunter Biden laptop information prior to the 2020 presidential election. Of course, he is blaming the FBI and is taking no responsibility for allowing it on to happen on his platform. What a weasel.

Stephen Smith and Ryan Clark? It is any wonder why I no longer watch ESPN. Talk about a couple of racists. They think because someone is black, they should be able to get away with anything. Blah blah blah, here is such a thing as reverse discrimination and racism.

I saw something that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla who ironically just announced that he tested positive for COVID, wants to put microchips in pharmaceuticals created by Pfizer. In the video I saw of him describing the uses for these microchips I became terrified. Paraphrasing what he said he mentioned that these can be used to ensure a person takes their medications. On the face this looks OK but what if someone is being coerced or forced to take a medication against their will? This has such potential for abuse by the petty and not so petty tyrants in our world. What’s next? The ruling elite class will be able to tell if I have taken my SOMA that makes me compliant and subservient to their dictates?

I just this week learned of the USDA raid of the Miller farm in rural Pennsylvania. Pfizer CEO

apparently, if one wants to eat and drink whole milk and organic produce and meats, they are going to have to obtain it on the black market. I must wonder what agricultural conglomerate has paid the USDA off to put the Miller family farm out of business so that they can scoop the land up at bargain basement prices? This reeks of yet more corrupt government overreach.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.19.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

The current event most prominent in my world now is that it rained for several hours last night in the middle of August which is highly unusual. The dust has been cleaned off everything outside leaving the colors much more brilliant. What’s more is there is no smoke, so far, this August for the first one in years from California. Evidently, the arsonists have moved to western Europe, for the time being at least, and are setting fires there.

The “Inflation Reduction Act” has been passed and signed by Joe Biden into law. Geez, I feel so much better now knowing that Washington DC has my back. Perhaps I should buy some body armor to protect my back?

I took pause and remembered the debacle of the United States’ final withdrawal from Afghanistan this week on its first anniversary. I have written about this already for Memorial Day and will not go too far into it. What I will say is that I still see that no one being held accountable for the debacle.

I read that James Carville, The New York Times, and other leftists claim that the Republican Party is the greatest threat to democracy in this country. Mr. Carville and others let me check the facts. The last time I read history, if it has not yet been changed by the Ministry of Information, all socialist states demand larger governments with more centralized control and taxes and the government control to support their central governments. The extremes being NAZI Germany, USSR, Communist China and the less extremes being Sweden and other Nordic States. Who really is the greatest threat to democracy? I feel that Mr. Carville you should give up your residences so that I can get my fair share for missing work this past year to grieve the death of my child. After all, don’t you and others in your camp believe in the redistribution of wealth axiom of Marx “…each according to his need?”

I had a routine visit with my doctor this past week and it seems that I am getting healthier. My blood sugars have declined, my cholesterol has declined, and all other metrics are the same. To be honest I am not really working out anymore that I have the past couple of years, I have experienced the death of a child, in my grief I have not worked as much and therefore my income has declined and it makes wonder how this is so? The only thing that I can think of is I retired from the nation’s military reserve and it is now more than a year since I have taken a vaccine of any sort. The last couple of vaccines that I had were flu vaccines for the previous 4 years that I took to maintain my status in the armed forces reserves. Obviously, I chose not to be part of the FDA Phase 3/4 (unclear to me which phase this really is) clinical trial of the mRNA drugs which is the reason I chose to retire from the military when I did. So, I attribute it to a decrease in stress from either being on the hook for war and additionally my body is purging itself of all the garbage that has been injected into me for years. I thank God every day that I chose to be part of the mRNA experiment as a member of the non-injected test group.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bouria has COVID after being vaccinated four times. Interesting, I have never taken the mRNA injection, survived COVID albeit I did take Ivermectin, and have not had COVID since except for maybe once. I say once because I had a similar immune response as I did when I had COVID and my immune response was unlike anything I had ever had. The only difference is the immune response the second time lasted no more than a day and were far milder than the first time.

Speaking of which I commend Novak Djokavic for not bowing down to the US, Australia and other countries requiring the mRNA injection to enter their countries. On the other hand, I condemn the US, Australia, and other country’s bureaucratic institutions and their leaders who keep pushing this ineffective, unnecessary, and it appears to be deadly in some cases injection. I certainly cannot blame Mr. Djokavic and others who do not support the Fauci Tax that ultimately may be paid with their health and possibly life.

For the first time in many months, I went to my local Amazon Whole Foods Market and was struck by the number of people wearing face diapers in the store. Is this a foreshadowing of what the “Big Tech Masters of the Universe” have in store for us plebeians this fall?

Does anyone else find it interesting that President Biden is slow rolling the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022. Does anyone else find it ironic that Mitch McConnell’s Senate wrote the bill? Does anyone else believe that the bill would have been written if the Presidency was held by anyone other than the Joe Biden cabal? All one needs to do is look at who supported Liz Cheney and not be suspicious of Leader McConnell’s intentions and wonder if it is just another media theater orchestrated for the “base” knowing it will never pass.

Now there is human to dog transmission of Monkey Pox virus evidently. Pardon me but I want to vomit. I am supposed to support this lifestyle? F*&k You!

Liz Cheney was soundly defeated and by so much so that not even voter fraud could ensure her victory in Wyoming’s primary. Good for Wyoming, it is not a surprise to me, and thank God for it.

I read this morning that President Trump is considering the releasing of footage from the FBI’s raid of his home and that the FBI demanded the security cameras be turned off when they raided his home. What did they have to hide? Honestly, I am laughing out loud reading the reports and imagining what sort of squirming and puckering is happening inside the DOJ at the moment if it is true. If it is true, I hope he releases it, especially if the FBI is really hiding something. At the same time, I have had a more humbling and sobering thought considering those of us Americans who do not have the resources that Mr. Trump has and how would we be able to protect ourselves from out of control public agencies if we were in the cross hairs so to speak?

Speaking of which, do I really expect the Judge who issue the warrant to search President Trump’s residence to release any meaningful part of the affidavit? Not really, the drama surrounding all of this is yet another way to draw out and garner ratings for the establishment media and if there is anything incriminating in the affidavit it would just shed light on his issuance of the warrant. If he or the DOJ has nothing to hide then they would not be afraid to release the affidavit.

How come Big Tech has not been unionized yet? I would think Big Tech would welcome unionization considering their support of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party’s “support” of unions.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 8.5.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

The “Inflation Reduction Act”? It probably should be titled the “Take More Rights and Money Away From Me and Give To Special Interests Act”. Give me a break. Like I expect that a bunch of politicians drunk on special interest money are going to reduce inflation for me? I do not care what any politician tells me about how it is not targeting me or how fair it is because it is all a bunch of election year hogwash. Let me sell you some beach front property in Arizona while you are at it.

Blackstone has secured $24.1 billion of commitments for a fund to invest in residential real estate? Wow, do you think the new aristocracy gives a rip about the American Dream of owning one’s own home? Looks like the next step in the creation of a new global feudal society.

Jeff Bezos’s super yacht was moved under the cover of darkness. Why is it that the powered elites always must do their business in the dark?

Is anyone else tired of hearing the name Cheney? Talk about a corrupt family that made its wealth off the public trough. Personally, the continuation of Cheney’s anywhere near public life, I think, is a great threat to the United States. Pardon me while I think of another way to start a war in which my friends and I can get rich. God bless you Dick Cheney because from my point of view, which I admit means nothing, you will need it.

I see Paul Pelosi has sold his NVIDIA stock at a loss due to increasing pressure from the media, judiciary and whoever else. Is there anyone else out there that believes he will not be back at it in a few months? I am sure there will be another hot insider trading tip before the next election.

Speaking of the Pelosi’s! Does anyone else find it interesting that Speaker Pelosi was in Asia the same day that Mr. Pelosi was being arraigned for his DWI offense? Is anyone else asking themselves why Speaker Pelosi is doing this trip in the first place? I know several of the people in podcast land have their opinions and I cannot argue for or against other than their arguments (JP and MA) make sense. Thoughts that I personally have include, like Presidents, she went overseas because her domestic world is failing, the President in incapable of foreign visits and there are business interests demanding high level government attention. Of course, politics is her business, literally considering how much money her family has made from politics, so it could be either or any or all of the above reasons. Nevertheless, one thing for certain is, her visit will not provide any value to me or my standard of living.

Las Vegas is flooding! OK, this is not the first time nor will it be the last time. There are these things called washes which are essentially dry riverbeds that run through Las Vegas that fill up once in a blue moon when there are torrential down pours. This is not the first time nor will it be the last time.

Speaking of flooding god bless those who have died in the Kentucky floods and to their families as well.

The eruption of the Unga Tonga-Hung Ha’apai volcano this past January 15th has been considered by NASA and others to be the largest volcanic eruption since Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. Some are even comparing it to the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. I find it interesting how after discussing the ejection of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere that reflects sunlight etc. a few weeks ago now it is water vapor that has been ejected into the stratosphere as well. Sulfur dioxide reflects sunlight and can cause cooling much like Krakatoa did in 1883 and subsequent years. Now, however, as if on cue after the initial postulations Tonga-Hung ejected more water than did Krakatoa (How do they know this? Who knows) and water will “have a greenhouse gas effect” and warm the atmosphere. I am so cynical that I cannot help but wonder if the greenhouse effect is just a knee jerk response to support the environmentalist narrative? I guess my faith in official sciencedom is not too strong.

I watched the first two seasons of a show on Netflix called “The Umbrella Academy” in which a group of misfits with superpowers work to save the world from time and themselves and I found it good enough, obviously, to watch the first two seasons. The third season has been released and one of the female characters has decided to identify as a male and I have to say I am not sure that I am going to watch anymore of this program. In fact, my wife has been suggesting that we once and for all leave Netflix and I think that I may relent. This is the last straw and after subscribing to Netflix for over 20 years I am done.

I think that I have written about this in the past but I am sick and tired of the LGBTQRSTUV movement and its co-opting of beautiful things. In particular, I am pissed about the rainbow representing homosexuality and now spirals. Why is it that this leftist cabal of degenerates has to sully, soil, and destroy beauty? I love rainbows because they are the reflection of the sun in rain and sun life is affirmed. I say F*** them and all who identify rainbows with the LGBTQRSTUV movement! I identify with rainbows as a heterosexual male of European decent because they are beautiful and if you don’t like it, you can go and get whatever it is you identify with!

I learned some things this past weekend about pedophiles, establishments that cater to pedophiles, and symbols that have been used to signify “pedo friendly” establishments. As a survivor of pedophilia, it makes my stomach queasy thinking about this. It makes me especially queasy thinking that there is a whole underground set up for this grotesqueness. I am not sure what to do with this information but it certainly seems that this is going to forever be a part of my life whether I want it to be or not.

My condolences to the family of NBA legend Bill Russel. May he rest in peace.

The House passed a bill to ban “assault weapons” which is essentially a ban on all semi-automatic weapons. Yet another example of after compromising with these leftist idealogues and they come back demanding more. They will not stop until they have completely dismantled the Constitution and any remnants that remain of our Constitutional Republic. It is time to stand up and say no.

Speaking of saying no, I am constantly reminded of California flight to where I live and other places further inland and additionally flight from where I live further into the interior of the country. I propose that rather than fleeing perhaps people should stand up and say no to those who are destroying the places where you live. Like bullies on the playground, the only way to stop their bullying is to stand up and say no to them. Quit being spineless wallflowers and start standing up because the bullies will keep following you. Guaranteed.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.29.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

There was a song playing on the radio a few minutes ago and it really seemed to have the vibe and feel of how I am feeling today. Finally, I realized the name of the song and it was Rude Mood by Stevie Ray Vaughn and the name alone if fitting for how I, in general, have felt all week.

Yesterday the smoke rolled in from the Oak Fire west of Yosemite National Park and of course as if on cue ABC News and USA Today are blaming it on climate change which just made me yawn. No mention of forest mismanagement on California and blah blah blah. Call me conspiratorial, which perhaps I am, but we have gone all summer without a major fire and what happens the week that President Biden does not implement the “Environmental Emergency” but a conflagration that grows to over 10,000 acres in less than 24 hours. Whereas, a fire that started several weeks ago, the Washburn Fire, east of Yosemite in arguably harder to reach terrain on July 7, 2022, is still under 5,000 acres in size. Oh, another difference is that CALFIRE, a California Agency, is managing the Oak Fire versus the   US Forest Service that is managing the Washburn Fire. Is this a coincidence? I do not know but considering that the level of trust remaining in my trust tank is extremely low I must wonder if it is not a coincidence. In the meantime, as has been for the last three summers I have a slight headache, my nose is plugged, my eyes burn and my lungs have a slight ache from breathing all of California’s defecation.

Since I am in a rude mood and because the Oak Fire spread so rapidly and violently and it is hard to know with what CALFIRE responded with to this fire. The US Forest Service reports the assets that they have allocated to their incidents but CALFIRE does not. Is this a case, similar to last year’s Dixie Fire, which was allowed to essentially burn until the fall, over three months, due to a lack of initial response? Afire started by Pacific Gas and Electric’s poorly maintained power lines contacting trees and that before it was extinguished had engulfed nearly 1 million acres in five counties and was the first fire to crest the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Then there was the Caldor Fire which was another fire started last year that was initially managed by CALFIRE that ultimately crested the Sierra Nevada Mountains becoming the second fire in history to do so and for several days threatened the Lake Tahoe Basin. Neither of these fires were fully contained until the first rains fell in October. Oh, and let us not forget that CALFIRE is yet another California governmental agency that is under no other than California’s Governor Newsom. Let’s not forget the Tamarack Fire, another CALFIRE initially responded to incident that was allowed to burn for several days until high winds kicked it up and it burned into the state of Nevada. I wonder how long the US Forest Service will continue to report in detail their response effort because we all know Governor Newsom answers to Nancy Pelosi, how corrupt that political machine is and how much they want to obfuscate and keep the general public in the dark to hide their machine’s corrupt political machinations. After all, they must eat at The Laundry on a regular basis and it is expensive and they need money to pay for their meals. Doesn’t everyone?

Speaking of California and San Francisco in particular is anyone else outraged that children a contracting Monkey Pox. A disease spread by close intimate contract to include saliva, seamen, and blood? My goodness, wake up America, a disease that is primarily found in homosexual male populations is now in children? What does that tell you other than most of these children have contracted Monkey Pox from pedophiles. Why aren’t the police tracing who these children have been with, arresting them, and charging them with crimes against children? This is f***ing disgusting!!!

I was just reminded that the US Federal Reserve expanded the US Dollar money supply by 40% prior to COVID and the Ukrainian War ostensibly to bail out the banks that were about to fail. Funny how even my memory can be short at times.

Speaking of the US Federal Reserve, I just read an article that the US Federal Reserve really has no power left to stop inflation because the US is in massive debt. Not only public debt but also private debt and personal debt. A telling statistic for me is that the majority of Americans equity in their homes is somewhere around 33% when it was 85% after World War II. The good modern day tenants to the modern day financial aristocracy now owe so much more that they truly have become a sort of peasant tenant tied to the property. This while there continue to be advertisements for home equity loans and one just has to say, hmm.

Thanks to JP I read an article about Shasta Country in California and of course the mainstream reporting was negative toward the citizens of Shasta County who are retaking the get along go along government official who may have even been socialists in sheep’s clothing. It really pumped me up to see that some in the Golden State are fighting to return to their once greatness. Go Jefferson!

I have noticed that some of the podcasts that I routinely listen to that would be considered on the conservative side have been delayed lately on the i-Tunes site. Is this a coincidence? I wonder.

Another thing that I have noticed this week is an increase in the number of apparent spam calls to my phone from places all over the country. Do I have any conclusions or reasons why this might be happening? No, for now it is just another data point.

Lastly, while China is in an uproar over the potential visit of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan Senate Majority leader Schumer has stripped “anti-China” verbiage from a multibillion dollar tech industry research and development bill for the US technology sector. First, why is the government passing bills giving $250 billion to semiconductor chip manufacturers? Don’t they already make enough money? Wouldn’t that $250 billion be better spent on bridges, roads, railroads etc.? Secondly, China!?! A country that stifles and caps free thought and individualism and that must steal technology in order to compete. Yet another article to keep my mood rude.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.22.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Council for Inclusive Capitalism? Wow! That sounds like a benevolent and inclusive organization that will do wonders for the world. My apologies if you could not hear, see, or feel the sarcasm dripping in the previous sentence because I certainly felt it typing.

San Diego Public Schools bring back Mask Mandate. Huh? Did I just actually read that?

Why is Congress voting on a “competition bill” next week that gives the semiconductor industry a $52 billion subsidy? Oh yes, it appears, that Paul Pelosi recently bought $5 million in stocks of Nvidia last week. That must be why we need to give them a subsidy. I mean, duh! He needs money to pay attorneys and whoever else to get out of his DUI after all. Sheesh, of course, isn’t that normal?

Oh my goodness Monkey Pox in coming! Monkey Pox is coming and Anthony Fauci just announced his retirement at the end of Joe Biden’s term. What are we going to do!?!? Of course, it could be two weeks or 6 years depending upon how long his doubles stay alive and the election rigging goes unchecked. I suppose Mr. Fauci needs to pad his retirement account a bit more so once again, Monkey Pox is coming! Monkey Pox is coming!

I just learned that, evidently, as part of the latest spending bill Representative Schiff inserted language that would remove all congressional over-site of the military. Included in the language is that the biggest threat to the United States is its own citizens. In a sense I must agree with that language. The only trouble is the biggest threat to the Constitutional republic, in my opinion, is Rep. Schiff and others in the Uni Party. That this would give the President dictatorial powers, as some say, I am not so sure. Others that I have listened to have said it is nothing new and all it does is codify what the President already does. My thought and injection into this discussion is that Congress still has the power of the purse and could just shut funding off and take back the powers that it has ceded to the Executive Branch. A very mean feat I will admit but still within its Constitutional powers, nevertheless.

I read that California’s Governor Newsom still has not lifted “states of emergencies” in counties throughout the state of California. This in turn has given counties justification to keep rent protections in place. This is an overt attack on the middle class. Solano County, for instance, says rent protections will continue for 90 days after the state of emergency terminates and there is no scheduled termination date. Isn’t this a gross overreach of executive authority? Where is the legislative branch to step in and limit this executive authority? A never ending emergency to justify the continuation of dictatorial powers. Isn’t this similar to President Biden’s discussion of declaring a “climate emergency”? Just another instance that the Legislative branch has ceded unconstitutional authorities to the Executive branch in the name of an emergency with no check or limits on the authorities. The socialist/communists saw what they could get away with in COVID and continue to abuse and or look for more ways to abuse these authorities.

A central bank digital currency? We may as well be getting the mark of the beast tattooed on our foreheads. If people do not think that people in their government will track them, they are either naive, to ignorant of history or to drugged up to care. Thanks to JP for the enlightenment on the last portion of the previous sentence because it is so true in so many cases.

So, BMW wants to be able to charge monthly to be able to use the seat heater in a car that you supposedly own. Tesla essentially needs to update their vehicles software regularly or the car that you bought from them will shut down similar to Microsoft always pushing updates to the computers we own but obviously do not control. Does anyone but me see the problem here? One pays money for a vehicle and then must pay licensing fees to use the vehicle. Not only that but if anyone, for instance the government, wants to shut “your” vehicle down and track where your vehicle travels, they can do so. Quite frankly the thought of it gives me a bad case of indigestion.

So, if anyone believes we should listen to the greens and adopt all their policies I suggest they pay a visit to Sri Lanka.

I just spoke to two people who paid separate visits each to different local grocery stores. In one of the stores, part of a large regional chain, the store manager told my friend that the sheer volume of price hikes per week has lessened a bit. At one point they were raising the price on average of 75 items per week for several weeks. Additionally, my friend noted that items on the shelves are being spread out in several places as several items are out of stock. This leads me to my other friend’s observation. In the grocery store that they normally frequent there are two sections of chest freezer normally containing meat for sale that are covered up and out of use.

God bless America both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.