Random Musings on Current Events 10.21.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state in a sort of journal format.

Liz Truss is out and Jeremy Hunt, globalist extraordinaire, is back in the mix along with BoJo in Britain. What else could possibly happen in the topsy turvy world of British politics? Quite honestly, why do I give a twitters tweet?

The average family has lost the equivalent of $6,000 dollars this past year due to the ravages of inflation. Everyone wants to blame Joe Biden which he should be blamed but he is not the only one who should be blamed. How about all the other members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who passed the ridiculous spending packages in the name of COVID relief.

New Zealand is canceling Shakespeare? What? Huh?

President Biden was just telling us all how to get student loan forgiveness. I wonder if I would be able to file a claim for the loans that I paid off more than twenty years ago? The loans that I paid off ahead of time because I can do math and realize the amount of money that I saved by paying these loans off early. Oh, let us not forget the sacrifice in lifestyle that I committed to pay these loans off early.

Mike Lee the Senator from Utah is outing Mitt Romney, Utah’s other Senator, because Mitt Romney will not endorse him in Mike Lee’s reelection. Yet again Mitt Romney’s true colors are on full display and they are blue, not red.

So, a juvenile kills 5 with a shotgun and President Biden calls for an assault weapons ban yet again. Last time I checked, a shotgun is not an assault weapon and the kid had a weapon he was not supposed to have. So, I am now supposed to believe that criminals will still not be able to get weapons if the weapons are illegal to have? Get real.

President Biden extended the COVID Emergency declaration another 90 days? What? Huh? Why did he need to extend it? What sorts of dictatorial power do his handlers not want to give up? As if to follow in lockstep the Governors of California and Illinois have done the same thing for their respective states. In the same news segment that I saw the coverage I saw coverage of the Chinese Communist Party Congress. I found it interesting that the Politburo, sitting up on the dais, did not have to wear masks yet everyone else in the room had to wear masks. Hmm, the optics are not good on this for the Governors of California and Illinois but, then again, perhaps they are just how these two governors lean? Perhaps they are in all actuality being controlled in some way by the Chinese Communist Party? I bet if the two governors attended the Chinese Communist Party Congress they would be required to wear masks.

I found it interesting that Secretary of State Blinken has met with Condoleezza Rice in California at the University of Stanford. A socialist is now meeting with a neocon in an East Coast elite stronghold on the West Coast. Whatever were they cooking up?

I am still waiting for the Secret Service to investigate Nancy Pelosi for threatening a sitting President with bodily harm. Wait, is what is good for me not good for thee?

I am still grappling with the notion that someone of General Michael Keane’s’ stature and experience would want to give nuclear technology to the House of Sa’ud? Is it as a sort of balance against Israel and potentially Iran? If so, how does this help the situation for maintaining peace? Something just is not sitting right as I read about NATO and the US conducting regularly planned strategic bomber exercises in Europe. Is it not hard enough keeping the existing nuclear powers on the right side of war let alone allowing more into the nuclear club, so to speak?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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