Random Musings on Current Events 5.27.22

Once again it is time for some Twitter, for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word, like Random Musings. In particular Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet and unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants, and revelations in the media. Additionally, it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction; time will tell I suppose. For that reason, I will not remove Twitter, just yet, from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Nancy Pelosi is being denied Holy Communion by the Archbishop of San Francisco. Well, it is about time someone in a Roman Catholic Church position of leadership stood up! I applaud you Archbishop Salvatore Codileone and I hope that your soul is at peace with your decision. I will say that I do not think Nancy Pelosi will really give a rip unless it costs her votes. I believe this because I truly believe she sold her soul long ago and there is nothing left of it.

Now Whoopi Goldberg telling the Archbishop it is not his job to deny communion? Ummm Ms. Goldberg, it is more his job than it will ever be yours. Whoopi! What a waste of breath.

Food shortages, baby food shortages, gasoline prices skyrocketing and war in the Ukraine have all happened since the Democrats and RINO Republicans counterattacked and retook control of all government and continued their control of mainstream media thanks to the installation of Joe Biden as president. Monkey Pox? Yawn. It reminds me of the Boy Who Cried Wolf story. How does the government/media complex expect me to ever believe another medical crisis is real? Again, I say, “yawn”.

I laugh at the reports of drugs, cartels, immigration and etc. coming over the US’s southern border. If there was political will to stop this, it could done in short order. From my perspective there is too much money being made by corrupt politicians, law enforcement, media and who knows who else on this side of the border from this problem. This is in addition to all the same occurring south of the border. The one thing I know for certain is that it is yet another tool that has and is being used to separate this country from its roots so that it can be destroyed from within. Yet another reason to reach back into our American roots and develop our self-sufficiency and robust local networks in which we look out for each other. I believe this because we certainly cannot trust the national government and most definitely anyone associated with the international cabal.

Yet another “mass” shooting at a school by some lunatic who is no longer living to interrogate. Another mass shooting at a “soft” target. Another shooting in which the anti-gun advocates call for greater gun control when it is they themselves who created the environment that allows these types of shootings to occur. Their demonization of weapons has created gun free zones that the lunatics know they can enter and kill at will. If only one teacher in the school had a weapon how much lower would the body count be? Guns did not cause this tragedy but instead it was the media, corrupt politicians, and corrupt teachers unions who should have the light shown upon them as to why this tragedy occurred. 

Another question that I heard yesterday and it makes sense to me to ask is, “How did an 18 year employee at Wendy’s get north of $4,000 to purchase all of the equipment that he used? This when the local police force could not even afford a bullet proof shield?” Something just does not make sense here and yet again I have to bring up the perpetrator is dead so there is no way to answer these questions.

Henry Kissinger has seemingly risen from the dead. Some of my earliest memories are of him in the Gerald Ford administration and though I was too young to remember, let alone understand, what was being reported about him I have never forgotten his name. Perhaps because as a young child the sound of his name being spoken had some sort of a ring to it? Regardless, I agree with what he said but in the same instance, knowing he is a made man in the confederation of internationalists, I must wonder what his end game truly is?

My next rambling comes from President Trump’s re-Truth post from El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele in which talking about the USA he posted, “Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.” I mused about what constitutes an enemy from within a few years ago and it seems to be coming true. The USA does have an enemy and it is operating with seeming impunity inside the USA and its corridors of power.

Finally, I have lost much faith in the nation’s leadership and lack trust in pretty much anyone who is in power and by default I cast a wary eye towards its institutions. This is a sad commentary in my opinion.

Random Musings 8.2.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proved that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say.

I would like to further comment on my previous post titled Mask Madness with a question. Is it just me or is it coincidental that the “Delta” variant is increasing at the same time the Arizona election audit is wrapping up and California’s recall election has been scheduled to occur in the next couple of months?

Vaccine madness: I sit here at my desk this Monday afternoon wondering what in the world has happened to my country? I am now supposed to believe lifelong bureaucrats drivel regarding COVID and discount leading experts in the US regarding the treatment of COVID-19 such as Peter McCullough, M.D. for example. I am supposed to assume that Twitter, Facebook, Amazon (aka Washington Post) fact checkers have a scientific background and are completely objective in their assessments of what is real and fake?

The latest madness is the article describing how children in a hospital contracted COVID, unvaccinated contracting COVID and then the patients all wishing they had the vaccine. Only, I learn later that a member of the alternative media called the purported hospital to learn that there were no deaths nor any unvaccinated people having checked in recently with COVID. This smells similar to the story authored by the former porn star debunking hydroxychloroquine and it is no wonder why my distrust of anything related to Washington DC, the East, and West Coast elites grows daily.

Moving on to another subject and that is the Olympics. Weren’t they games held in ancient Greece to foster spirited competition between the city states? Didn’t the modern games used to hold somewhat of a similar goal? As far as I am concerned the globalist NBC telecast of what purports to be games held without fans and in an atmosphere are a sham and complete globalist propaganda sham. I feel for the true athletes who seek to prove their mettle against others on the international stage. However, if asked my response now is, “what Olympics”.

Dear Republican Party of the United States of America. Your emails soliciting donations have been marked to go to my spam folder and your snail mailings go immediately into my garbage can without even a second look. This latest sham of Kabuki Theater called the Infrastructure Bill is a farce. I now know and believe that your intent is to run this country into the dustbin of history as you allow the continued debasement of the once mighty US Dollar and my country. All but a few reeks of corruption, grift, and a lack or moral backbone. In fact, I cringe at the fact that I am even giving you time in my typing this afternoon because you barely deserve even this. When you clean your ranks of RINO’s and other criminal families I may consider rehiring you as my party of choice. But until then you are fired!

Random Musings 1.11.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

So, Congress sat on the second COVID relief bill for months and now, suddenly, after what appears to be a false flag attack on our nation’s Capitol Building, they suddenly can move an impeachment through in days? This is the same Congress that feels providing $2000 dollars to the rank and file American is too much money. The same bill that provides billions of dollars to foreign countries, their pet projects, and corporations on the government dole? So, I, as an American, am supposed to believe that Congress really thinks what happened at the capitol building is President Trumps fault? Call me a cynic but I am starting to wonder what Congress is hiding? I find it amazing how this supposed “crisis” is being used to jam through an impeachment or calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment? What was on Grandma Nancy’s laptop and or the other laptops that went missing from her office?

I must admit that as I started my typing this fine Monday morning, I was somewhat hesitant to do so because I am not sure who may be recording my keystrokes, tracking my ISP, and etc. Tracking me and recording my comings and going on the internet to be used against me at a time of their convenience. Used against me because I do not agree with them politically, commercially or for whatever reason they deem in order to use it against me. Who knows with the current cult of death that is trying to take over my country it may be to use against me to facilitate my death for all I know. I am wondering if I should seriously consider going underground and stop my rants and rumblings because of how it could be used against me in the near to distant future. For all I know a bank may freeze all my assets or out and out arrest me because I shockingly supported a political candidate and The Constitution of the United States of America.

As I watch the news of Big Tech deplatforming Parler, President Trump, and other conservative websites I have watched the argument that these companies are private companies and so, therefore, do not have to abide by the tenants of the Second Amendment. On the face of this I completely agree as they are not government agencies, however, they have been granted Section 230 protections which essentially extends government guaranteed protections to them. So, by extension, they are defacto extensions of the government given protections similar to the utility companies. Therefore, in my mind, they are subject to Second Amendment restrictions. So, perhaps, it is time to start the seizure of domain names starting with Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter for starters until some changes are made in terms of either changing the Section 230 rules, they submit to the regulations like electric utilities must abide by, arrest the management of these companies for treason, change their algorithms to allow all speech, other actions that I have not thought of and or any or all the preceding actions.

With the Georgia Senate races being called in favor of the Democrat Party candidates I am sitting here in my peaceful location flabbergasted that, from my point of view, the same type of fraud committed in the past national general election was perpetrated in Georgia. The same fraud apparently has been committed and no one has gone to jail or is even being investigated. I pray and hope there is action being taken under the radar, so to speak.

I just took a drive into downtown Sacramento, California and am reminded what a third world country California has become ruled by a small corrupt elite cadre of looters. Tents of the homeless lined the freeway entrance and exit to and from the city core. In case anyone who may read this post do not understand the significance of Sacramento, California, Sacramento is the capitol of the US state of California which arguably if it were to be a stand alone country it has one of the largest economies in the world. The ruling elites of California which has spawned the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Gerry Brown Sr, and Jr will be the first to tout California as a world powerhouse to be admired and respected. Well, based on firsthand observation, I cannot confirm their assertation. It is devolving into a third world hole in which fecal matter is deposited. Do not let them fool you.

Lastly, and I know that I have said this before. I have no patience for pedophiles and speaking from personal experience it is one of the worst crimes against a person and against humanity that can be perpetrated. I have a quite visceral response to this crime. I say let the truth come out!

Random Musings 1.6.21 Part 2

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I normally would not do posts in such rapid succession but today seems to warrant another post albeit more than twelve hours apart.

I have heard and read about our nation’s capit0l building being overrun and some of the violence associated with it. I read how Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and other Senators were quick to demand that President Trump send the National Guard to protect their offices and places of business. Though I agree that is the right thing to do and I agree that President Trump needed to send in the National Guard I will admit my first reaction or thought was not the right thought. No, my first thought was (expletive deleted) you! Where were you and your ilk when small businesses were being destroyed by rioting mobs last summer!?! I guess now you know what these small business owners and homeowners felt. Now you are going to make political hay over this?!?! Let it rest and remember us out here who are only getting $800 and do your jobs. Not only this but now you RINOs have the “cover” to vote the way you really have always wanted to vote and that is to not support President Trump.

Pardon me while I vomit as I now know my country is lost and freedom and equal representation is nothing but an illusion.

Next, and on a more serious note I see the mainstream press and politicians are quick to blame President Trump and his supporters for the rioting without any proof or investigation. How do we know that ANTIFA dressed up as Trump supporters mixed in with the crowds as they did last summer and started this? After all they are for the entire destruction of the system and espouse anarchy in all forms. I pray that cooler heads prevail and the rush to judgement without proof does not rule the day.

Lastly, I will say that I am disgusted with the results and the way the election played out in Georgia. Same tactics from the same playbook as in the other disputed and contested states in November. Elections counting shut down, claims that it will take days to count, observers having to go to court just to get within 10 feet of the counting which really is still not close enough.

I pray for my country because it is obvious that the thugs are ruling the day at many levels and in many places and from my experience thug’s neve voluntarily give up their power.

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and to the other RINOs you have lost the support of a vast swath of America. The responsibility for what happened today at the capitol lies at your feet and the feet of all the other politicians who are nothing more than corrupt puppets. I personally do not see a shred of leadership or courage in any of your actions and persons. Thank you for nothing and you should all be fired at the minimum and if the stories are true you should all be tried for treason and or corruption. You have forfeited your right to represent me and my vote from this day forward.

Come on! Give me a break! You expect me to believe that this violence was incited by Trump supporters only? This smells like provocateurs who have infiltrated a peaceful protest and turned it violent much as what happened this past summer. I am sorry but I no longer believe what the mainstream press, politicians and judges do. The evidence, when one can find it, no longer supports why I should have faith in what is being peddled.  

Enough of my rant this evening.

Random Musings 12.23.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings, and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I just read what is an interesting editorial explanation for what has happened with the recent elections. This was an editorial written by a man named Thomas L. Knapp titled, “Yes, the election was rigged. No, not like that”. In the article he professes his belief that the election was not rigged to elect Joe Biden but rather the election was, “… rigged to ensure the status quo and for our de facto one-party system. It was rigged by party committees, by state legislatures, and by the Commission on Presidential Debates. It was rigged with committee rules, state ballot access laws and debate requirement intentionally designed to keep both “major party” dissidents (e.g., Tulsi Gabbard) and third-party and independent candidates as far off of voters’ radar as possible. It was not rigged to benefit a particular person. It was rigged to preserve a system: The post-World War II, military industrial complex centered “consensus” system.”

The trouble with this rigging is that the rigging is being exposed. Why is Arizona fighting to not have an independent audit of their voting machines? In other states why are hard drives being destroyed and evidence of potential linking of voting machines to the internet being destroyed? Why is evidence to confirm signatures either being withheld or destroyed? Why did governors and courts decide to change voting rules outside of their constitutionally authorized powers? If this election was truly fair and not rigged, then why is it that independent audits cannot be performed? For goodness sakes any publicly traded company is always under some form of audit or another under the auspices of protecting the shareholders. If it is good for the shareholder then it is even more important to protect the voter after all is not every single American a shareholder in our country? I must wonder how many auditors were told to just accept the status quo when Enron was ripping off their shareholders and in other cases in which fraud was committed in publicly traded companies.

Yes, the status quo may change if a truly fair election is held and I must ask what is wrong with that? Our Constitution was written to allow for change through the amendment process. The only constant in life is change. Why should we not demand that the stop to this erosion of trust in our republic begin today and right now with this election? I do not care what the status quo is because the status quo is eroding, increasingly being corrupted and I personally would prefer to start the change sooner rather than later after tension has bottled up even more than it already has. I may not like Joe Biden and I certainly did not vote for him but if he won the election fair and square, I am willing to accept that result. However, as it stands, I cannot accept him as a legitimate victor with what I am hearing and seeing (i.e., suppression of ballot observers, suitcases being pulled out from tables after all, but a few vote counters are left after a nonexistent leak in a building, votes being switched by voting machines, no independent audits, courts refusing to hear cases because of procedural matters instead of merits, and …).

I also perused the editorial page of another news publications website and in the middle of each page and as a pop out it had an AP report detailing Senator John Thune’s claim that if the election is contested in the Senate on January 6, it will go down ‘Like a Shot Dog’ in the Senate. Ok, so Senator Thune is the number 2 Senator in the Senate behind Senator McConnell. If I were to look at this from the perspective that I wrote of my first paragraph today, then yes, I can see where Senator Thune is coming from. Both he and Senator McConnell represent the status quo, or they would not have the positions that they have. I am beginning to wonder if South Dakota and Kentucky both use the Dominion Voting Machine?

Reading the same publications websites, I noticed an absence of President Trump’s message released yesterday. I did not look at any other websites or publications but considering the news site that I watched it on, OAN, I seriously doubt it was significantly shown anywhere else. Regardless, I like it and found it compelling. I typed in “president trump election update” in Google and the top of the search provides a map showing the 2020 Election Results with a map showing Joe Biden with 306 votes and Donald Trump with 232 votes and underneath the top stories are links to Politico, and two for CNN links. Then it follows links from Politico, BBC, Washington Post, and more CNN before a Reuters link. So if you want to view this I have provided the link below:

Lastly, I read an editorial about teacher’s unions in my state working to get a 1.5% increase in sales tax on next year’s ballot. This while the state I live in is wracked by COVID inspired shutdowns decreasing state revenues because there just is much less revenue to tax. To me this makes no sense as teachers and more importantly administrators of the school systems have worked through the entire shutdowns and have been paid while businesses are shuttered, and jobs have been lost. I can understand that teachers have had to work harder to balance their workloads between distance and in person classrooms and that they most likely do deserve more pay. In fact, I would argue that teachers deserved more pay before the lockdown. The problem is if there is no money there just simply is no money. Maybe the administrators and unions should have thought about this when they demanded remote learning for a population who is practically unaffected by the virus. Sure, some of the teachers may fall into an at risk population but wouldn’t it be easier to work around those cases than a blanket approach that costs more and is detrimental to our children? Perhaps some of the school districts should cut funding for some of their capital projects and from special programs and give the saved money to their teachers? Perhaps some of the administrators should take some furlough days so that the teachers can get a raise? I know I am not alone in my concerns, but I shudder to think what the costs to our children and their futures not going to school is going to be?

Random Musings 12.22.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would  censor what I have to say any way.

I have sat down with music performed by the Berlin Symphony Orchestra playing The Nutcracker in the background. I am thinking that I am supposed to believe the SolarWinds hack is the work of yet again the Russians? Don’t get me wrong considering the Russia sired the second greatest mass murderer in Josef Stalin. Second behind Mao of China and ahead of Adolf Hitler of Germany. Somewhere in the mix is Pol Pot of Cambodia further solidifying the argument that the greatest mass murderers of the twentieth century all used socialism as their platform to impose their murderous regimes.

As I continue to listen to Tchaikovsky’s Grandfather Dance I am reminded of the The Boy Who Cried Wolf story. Russia has been blamed for so much since President Trump was elected that I am extremely skeptical. I am sorry but my gut instinct is to blame China with perhaps the collusion of Russia at best. China has the money and will to increase their military spending yet another 7% next year and is showing how far they will go in total warfare to do whatever it takes to destroy the United States. Russia is not funding Confucius Centers in the United States, and Russia is not using their sovereign fund to build ports and other facilities in Asia, South America, Africa and elsewhere around the world. Yes Russia has spied on the United States using honey traps and most likely continues to. However, have they gotten into the House Intelligence Committee like China has and who knows where else? Has Russia had the money to provide bundlers to finance candidates in the United States? Having grown up during the cold war I did not witness such corruption at the highest levels of government that I seem to be witnessing now with foreign and domestic socialist actors on both sides of the aisle and in our business and banking elites. So pardon me if I yawned yet again when I saw the headlines blaming Russia.

Oh yes and I am supposed to believe that there was not election interference? Why will Arizona not allow their voting machines to be audited? Why is there such pushback to allow an open audit of machines and ballots? Why are courts not hearing cases on merits but rather finding procedural excuses to throw out challenges to the elections? Why are we being told to just accept the results with none of our questions being answered satisfactorily? I cannot help but think that is something has the shape of a fish and something smells like a fish then chances are it is a fish. Something certainly smells fishy and the longer we move away from the election the more it stinks. So much so, and I have typed this before, I doubt the results of elections stretching back into at least the nineties now and certainly do not trust the voting system now.

5,593 page spending bill!?!? You have got to be kidding me! And I am supposed to believe that there is no pork or any money going to bail out one of the bankrupt states or large municipalities currently run by corrupt members of the Democratic Party?!? Yeah right, get real.

Evidently, the spending bill includes making the illegal streaming a felony. Yet another pandering to big tech that includes aid to Palestinians when small businesses are failing in our country. Of course, who knows if any of this is true because law makers have six hours to review before voting on it? Yet another Grandma Nancy Pelosi jam it down their throat last minute bully tactic. Just pass it and we will take care of the details afterward. Does this relief bill provide direct relief to restaurants and other small businesses hurt by the unfair lockdowns that have exclusively benefited big tech and the large box stores? It makes me sick!

So, we have another strain of coronavirus reported in Europe and just as the first case is reported in England France shuts off all access to and from France to England. Does anyone else find it coincidental that this happens just as Brexit negotiations are heating up and England may leave the EU? I might out that England leaving the EU is a move completely against the globalist agenda and in support of, gasp, a people who love their nation’s independence.

Again I must reiterate that I would prefer therapeutics to help me combat Covid 19, should I it get, than take an experimental immunization using mRNA technology. Something does not smell right with this technology.

How many believe Joe Bidden took an actual vaccine and not a syringe filled with saline? Of course, it may have been a super dose of vaccine administered under the direction of the Democratic Party handlers who cannot wait to see Kamala Harris inaugurated president. Of course, I still do not believe Joe Biden is the President elect nor will I until it can be proven that all votes counted were legal and that all legal votes have been counted.

All government employees and all offices should be shut down for one week a month until tax revenues increase to pre pandemic levels. The first in line in the government who should lose their paychecks for one week a month should be Congress, the heads of the FDA, CDC, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and state Governors who have shut down their states with unnecessarily long restrictions and etc. I would say President Trump but he already gives his entire paycheck away and has done so throughout his presidency. Remember, this is because he made his money in the new old fashioned way which was in business not due the largesse and grift of holding government positions nearly his whole adult life.

It sure is plain to see who the never Trumpers are and Chris Christie still seems to be one of them.

By the way, I am becoming concerned at the violent rhetoric being spoken by the Democrats and other leftists. I am wondering if I am putting my family and self at risk even typing what I am typing. Though in reality I know it can easily be found by a capable forensic team I am glad of my anonymity at this point. Trouble is I have openly supported President Trump and his campaign so I know my name is on a list somewhere. I wonder if Alec Baldwin will someday show up and try to put a knee on my neck. Would the Washington Post characterize me as a rat like the Nazis characterized Jews in the lead up to World War II?

It seems to me that the intolerant globalist left is beginning to show their true colors. They do not seem to like it when people question their narrative of correct social norms and supposed values. Most of all they do not like it when people question their self-professed moral superiority. My fear is that if they are allowed to amass more power than they already have there is a great potential for rhetoric to turn into actual physical acts. I say this because one of the first things a ruling elite does to condone violence against their opponents is to dehumanize them.

Do I believe that Joe Biden’s administrations will continue the work of President Trump? No, it will be a return to globalism and a very real possibility of the death of our Constitutional Republic. As The Clown in Divertissement comes to its crescendo and gives way to the Waltz of the Flowers, I cannot help but wonder if the SolarWinds could in fact be an operation put in play by rogue elements of our very own intelligence agencies to try and drag us into yet another war? Who to believe and who to trust? As I discussed in my most previous post the same tools that could lead us into enlightenment could indeed be being used to oppress, spread fear, and drag us into another dark age.

Random Musings 12.11.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I am reading the breaking news about the Covid vaccine and question why many are hell bent on purchasing and distributing the Pfizer vaccine. Something bothers me about putting something in my body that must be super cooled and could potentially affect the RNA of my body. Another thing that bothers me is the rumors that the US Military has already purchased large doses of this vaccine for distribution to our troops. Again I call on the leaders of this country to please do not allow our military to be used as guinea pigs for the vaccine. Right now the only vaccine I am remotely comfortable with is the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine which uses similar technology to previous vaccines and additionally it does not need to be super cooled when stored.

Another thing is to all of these government officials who say they will take the vaccine in public to set an example. Pardon my cynicism but I know how easy it would be to fill a syringe up with a saline solution and play it off as a dose of the vaccine. I personally would prefer to catch the virus right now and treat it like President Trump and Rudolph Giuliani and countless others have and survived.

Chinese honey traps?!? Hmm, some things never change in the espionage game. The good representative from California should immediately be stripped of his security clearance and seat on the House Intelligence Committee pending the outcome of whatever investigation that may be underway if there is one underway.

I am smiling at the actions of Texas and the other 18 states who have enjoined the lawsuit and are challenging the states who have apparently committed fraud against the elections. I am frowning at the states who have filed amicus briefs in support of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia. Of course the states supporting the four states are Democrat Party controlled states such as California, Nevada, and others. I know, big surprise there. I am patiently awaiting what the Supreme Court has to say about this as, to me, this is one of the biggest cases in my lifetime. Even bigger than Florida in 2000 and I certainly hope the Supreme Court takes it up despite the perils fraught with whatever decision they make. Of course, personally, I hope the Supreme Court rules against judicial activism and executive overreach and goes with a conservative originalist interpretation of The Constitution.

Please, whoever is responsible for the security of the Supreme Court Justices and their families security, do your job. I would not put it past radicals on either side but especially the left to find a way to threaten them. Now, if one of them has been dumb enough to compromise themselves then let it come to light so they can be impeached and removed from office because they do not deserve to sit on the bench.

I watched news reports of the city of Los Angeles’ new District Attorney stating that he will not enforce select laws, eliminate cash bail and a host of other actions. Isn’t this just another example, similar to judicial activism, of an elected official overstepping their authority? One man who has been elected using money from an enemy of the state (George Soros) and probably money from Nancy Pelosi considering the new AG is from San Francisco to one position is legislating. To me this is unconstitutional and borderline if not outright criminal. Once again Pelosi ways are being exported to another city to feed off of and destroy. Baltimore to San Francisco to Los Angeles and let us hope not the United States.

I am listening to people who are afraid of threatened violence by the left should the election be legally overturned by the Supreme Court and a legal count is ordered which overturns the election. I personally do not believe we should be concerned as I am fully confident that true patriots have been keeping quiet, preparing and most importantly keeping their powder dry. It may not be pretty but it may be necessary to ensure the survival of our constitutional republic.

Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, has announced a boycott of You Tube. I love it Mr. Sanger!

I heard a new term on HRR today who is posting on Brighteon and it is Techno Fascist. Thank you!

Random Musings 12.7.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I am sitting down to type after a couple of days of not feeling well. Never fear I did not have COVID or at least I do not think I had COVID as I felt better in two days and only had a slight fever, sore throat, and tight chest. Who knows maybe I did have COVID and just handled it? Well safe to say I am not going to go get tested because I feel better and who knows I may have just had a common cold! I know shocking and inconceivable isn’t it?!?

I am reading about the cabinet selections that Joe Bidden is making in his illegitimate claim to be the “President Elect”. After what to me has been an energizing last four years despite the nonstop back biting and outright attempts to oust President Trump I look at Joe Biden’s picks and suddenly feel de-energized. It feels as if a bunch of vampires are lining up to reestablish and or establish (i.e. big tech) their positions at the blood fest. All the old and new names with the same old ideas and corrupt agendas are lining up at the trough to pierce their teeth into the life blood of America after a four year long unexpected period of fasting. Though I will argue there have been several who have managed to hang on despite President Trump’s efforts to clear them out of government. After all, four years is such a short amount of time to do so considering the leaches have had a century or more to establish their colonies in the swamp, our educational system, bureaucratic institutions, politically connected businesses, and other “social” institutions.

I am in no hurry to learn the results of a fair election in which only legal votes are counted. It is now or never because I see no other way out of the morass of corruption amidst the coordinated attack on our Constitutional Republic being perpetrated by enemies foreign and domestic. I should say I see no other peaceful way as if the socialists are allowed to gain power illegally as it will entrench their hold on the levers of power. Levers of power that they will use by whatever means necessary to maintain their hold on power. Again, I know of no other socialist regime that has peacefully relinquished power once they have obtained power.  

I just recently learned that Paul Ryan, an obvious globalist never Trumper, was put on the board of Fox News. To some this is old news but new news to me and suddenly many pieces fell into place in my understanding of the tilt Fox News has recently taken. Of course, I only watch a few shows on the network at most and now I am now questioning why I pay extra to be able to watch it. Again, I am questioning why I pay money to companies who despise me and my freedoms?

Memo to Paul Ryan; President Trump has earned the right to be a leader in his own right by creating a successful business and winning one election despite being an outside and obviously would be winning the current election if it were not for the increasingly apparent meddling and fraud perpetrated on a grand scale. You are nothing more than a government hack who has made your wealth off the backs of taxpayers. The only reason you have your job at Fox News is your political connections built up over the decades as a public servant on the taxpayer’s dole. I have the same amount of respect for you that you have for me which apparently is zero.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is going to become President of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation?!?! Wow, though this is legal is there any doubt now that George Soros is not behind the apparent mass election fraud in the last election. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown!?!? The same Lord Mark Malloch-Brown who is currently the chairman of the Smartmatic voting system’s parent company, Dominion Systems?

This morning I was working out and half watching and half listening to Pearson Sharp on One America News. In the segment he stood in front of chalkboard with numbers and state names written on the board and at the top of the board underlined were the words, “Election Breakdown”. I began listening to his presentation and within minutes I had stopped working out and was staring at the numbers on the chalkboard as he made his way through the presentation. On the right sight of the board he presented numbers from Nevada in the most recent Presidential election first with a breakdown. In the state of Nevada Biden “won” by 33,000 votes. However, according to Mr. Sharp there were 1,500 votes cast by dead people, 2,500 votes cast by voters who changed addresses, 6,000 votes cast from addresses that are vacant, 8,000 votes cast from nonexistent addresses, 15,000 votes cast from commercial addresses, 20,000 votes cast from out of state addresses, and 42,000 double votes cast for a total of 95,000. In case anyone is wondering, apparently, all these votes are considered fraudulent votes which means there were 95,000 fraudulent votes counted.

So, the next question I ask is how many of these 95,000 fraudulent votes went for Joe Biden? Call me cynical but I have a feeling the vast majority of these fraudulent votes when for Joe Biden. Mr. Pearson then went on to show Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan and Georgia numbers comparing the number of fraudulent votes to Joe Biden’s “margin of victory”. In each state the number of fraudulent votes far exceeds the margins of victory. Even more stench effluviates from the mainstream media, big tech, entrenched politicians, and bureaucrats on both sides of the aisle in their choice to ignore these numbers in their race to embrace Joe Biden.

What bothers me most about all of this is that I am just supposed to shut up and push the I believe button by the press, big tech, and the elites. They all say, “Let’s all just accept that Joe Biden won so we can move on, fix the problems and all get along”. I say bull pucky! I have been hearing that mantra my whole life as politically connected and correct people use the government to squash competition to their benefit while active as if they are morally superior while my quality of life has been under constant attack. It will never be fixed in a Joe Biden administration and in fact it will only get worse. Just look at what Big Tech has accomplished in California which is now a one party state. Bleh, I see you and you are not beautiful despite all your plastic surgery, pontifications, and supposed moral authority. You are deceitful, conniving, power hungry, hard to look at, hard to listen to and generally repulsive.

Let me finish this missive be offering my gratitude the veterans, the memory of deceased veterans and the generation who fought and lived to see the United States and allies to victory in World War II on this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

Random Musings 11.19.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I listened to the news this morning while working out and there are reports of intimidation against Republican poll watchers and against an attorney who is or perhaps was working on one of President Trump’s lawsuits against the election results. One of the stories takes place in Michigan and the other takes place in Pennsylvania. These would then be examples, if proven true, of thuggish brutish and criminal behavior and the perpetrators of these crimes need to be held accountable.

So, Google starts Google Pay and thus creates their own bank, Amazon has now gone into the pharmacy business all announced in the span of a whole two days. Geez, who has been making money during this pandemic while countless numbers of small businesses are shuttered? Yet again, can anyone say anti-trust?

California Governor Newsom caught on camera with leaders and a lobbyist of California’s medical community eating in one of the most expensive restaurants in the country. That in and of itself stinks in the midst of a pandemic but to add icing to the cake none of them wore personal protective equipment (ppe), they were sat indoors, and the whole party of twelve was packed around a table with obviously less than six feet between each of them. Can you say hypocrisy?

What bothers me most is that Governor Newsom can meet with the so called medical leaders of the state for dinner in a group of twelve, which by the way exceeds the maximum allowed by state edict, to one could ostensibly assume to discuss their next actions against the citizens of California in the name of the pandemic. This while on the other side they are placing increasing numbers of counties in “purple” status which shuts down restaurants and are encouraging people to not hold Thanksgiving Dinners in their own homes. Wow, do you think perhaps Governor Newsom, his handlers and minions and all of the others across the country, (i.e. Governor Cuomo) and etc. like him do not want families, friends, and associates to gather because they fear political repercussions? You know the sort of political repercussions that could germinate when friends, family, and associates gather, talk, and begin comparing notes so to speak.

Let us not forget that the British did allow large gatherings in the days leading up to the American Revolution as have plenty of other dictators and etc. throughout the course of human history. Let us not forget that often the Sons of Liberty met in taverns throughout the American Colonies because obviously this fact has not been lost on the perpetrators of the COVID restrictions.

I just finished watching he press conference with President Trump’s attorneys and have to say I am encouraged. I am still digesting a fair amount of it but have to say overall it was encouraging despite Mayor Giuliani’s perspiration streaked face. Of course doing a Yahoo search I pull up the headlines such as” Giuliani quotes ‘My Cousin Vinny’ as he sets out conspiracy theories at bizarre press conference”, “Most respectable lawyers have quit Trump’s lawsuits…”, and “Confusion as Trump’s lawyers how press conference nest to sex shop”. I personally think Sidney Powell and especially Jenna Ellis were very well laid out. Ms. Ellis mentioned, and I am paraphrasing, that these are essentially opening statements and that the case is not to be judged in the court of public opinion but rather in the legal system. Therefore, there is no need to provide the details to the press. So true! If you are to believe Yahoo News one would think that the team is nothing but a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theorists. I wonder if they are saying this because each of the attorneys called the members of the press for their lack of objective reporting. I for one am patient and would like to see this played out in court. I certainly do not believe an iota of what the media is reporting. In fact, seeing the facts that can be laid out in the manner that they have been so far seems to me that more investigating is needed. I lived through the election of 2000 and it took much longer to resolve than has expired so far in since this current election was supposedly held.

One last thought is when people need to be bullied, censored, and otherwise threatened and intimidated into a view other than what they initially believe I ask myself why? I ask myself who are the people doing the bullying and intimidating and what are they hiding and trying to pull over on me? Something stinks when this simultaneously occurs geographically disperse areas and at the same time. Kind of like the “spontaneous’ eruption of protests and riots across the country as if on cue and with equal fervor.  

Random Musings 10.20.2020

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I have been quiet the past couple of weeks because I, quite frankly, need a break from all of the junk on the news coming from both sides. However, I just watched the Clint Eastwood story of Richard Jewell, the security guard initially accused of planting the bomb at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. Needless to say, the movie left me angry and reminded me and brought my mind back to current events. Specifically, what brought my attention back is how in the story and unholy alliance between and FBI agent and a member of the press unleashed a witch hunt on an innocent man. An innocent man who was smeared and whose family was put through a press fueled ringer. All this for a crime committed by a man who later plead guilty to the crime.

So, if this happened more than 24 years ago how am I to believe, in today’s world anything that the FBI or government bureaucrats say? How am I to be expected to believe anything that the media says? So, now we have the FBI who spied on citizen and President Trump based on trumped up (all pun intended) charges when they claim Russian interference is responsible for Hunter Biden’s computer being left at a computer repair shop? How am I to believe all the major press outlets print and digital with the exception of Fox News and the New York Post? How am I supposed to believe all who appear to be in an all-out blitz to prevent President Trump from being reelected?

Oh yes, has anyone else found it fascinating that COVID cases are on the rise within mere weeks of the election?

Governor Newsome is now recommending that Thanksgiving celebrations in California? I am shaking my head.

I also have been traveling and have in fact flow into and a little out of the swamp of Washington DC in the last week and perhaps this is why I can not longer avoid the news and have to write something. It seeps out of the television and where I am staying, I am seeing BLM t shirts and hats being worn by people openly. I have to admit that my first thoughts are to ask if the people wearing them understand that they are supporting a Marxist organization?

Also, I have been watching CSPAN 2 the last couple of mornings and have to admit that I am unsure what to say. On one morning being interviewed by Karen Tumotty of the Washington Post were the coauthors of a book called Presidents, Populism, and Crisis of Democracy: Terry Moe and William Howell. This morning a woman named Tara McGowen was one of the people being interviewed and each morning the named people were Progressive apologists and supporters of the Progressive movement. Again, I felt a visceral reaction as these people are quite eloquent and truly believe in what they are saying. To be honest this is what frightens me. This frightens me because I do not believe these intellectuals really give a rip about me nor do they understand the laws of physics. I think these people truly believe that because they say something it is true and if anyone disagrees with them, they will do whatever it takes to suppress opposing views. Perhaps, they are being paid by Facebook, Google, and or Amazon? This is a small example of the problem that exists in our institutes of higher learning. Their minds are made up and using circular logic they are professing to know what is best for me.

Good on the Justice Department for filing a suit against Google. I am still waiting to see how people who ran a coup against a duly elected President are going to pay for their crimes.

I think I may have a new byline for my home page, and it is going to be something like, “Eventually the laws of physics will trump the laws of man”. The question is when and in what form will the laws of physics push back and slap the laws of man in the face?