Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.
I am reading the breaking news about the Covid vaccine and question why many are hell bent on purchasing and distributing the Pfizer vaccine. Something bothers me about putting something in my body that must be super cooled and could potentially affect the RNA of my body. Another thing that bothers me is the rumors that the US Military has already purchased large doses of this vaccine for distribution to our troops. Again I call on the leaders of this country to please do not allow our military to be used as guinea pigs for the vaccine. Right now the only vaccine I am remotely comfortable with is the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine which uses similar technology to previous vaccines and additionally it does not need to be super cooled when stored.
Another thing is to all of these government officials who say they will take the vaccine in public to set an example. Pardon my cynicism but I know how easy it would be to fill a syringe up with a saline solution and play it off as a dose of the vaccine. I personally would prefer to catch the virus right now and treat it like President Trump and Rudolph Giuliani and countless others have and survived.
Chinese honey traps?!? Hmm, some things never change in the espionage game. The good representative from California should immediately be stripped of his security clearance and seat on the House Intelligence Committee pending the outcome of whatever investigation that may be underway if there is one underway.
I am smiling at the actions of Texas and the other 18 states who have enjoined the lawsuit and are challenging the states who have apparently committed fraud against the elections. I am frowning at the states who have filed amicus briefs in support of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia. Of course the states supporting the four states are Democrat Party controlled states such as California, Nevada, and others. I know, big surprise there. I am patiently awaiting what the Supreme Court has to say about this as, to me, this is one of the biggest cases in my lifetime. Even bigger than Florida in 2000 and I certainly hope the Supreme Court takes it up despite the perils fraught with whatever decision they make. Of course, personally, I hope the Supreme Court rules against judicial activism and executive overreach and goes with a conservative originalist interpretation of The Constitution.
Please, whoever is responsible for the security of the Supreme Court Justices and their families security, do your job. I would not put it past radicals on either side but especially the left to find a way to threaten them. Now, if one of them has been dumb enough to compromise themselves then let it come to light so they can be impeached and removed from office because they do not deserve to sit on the bench.
I watched news reports of the city of Los Angeles’ new District Attorney stating that he will not enforce select laws, eliminate cash bail and a host of other actions. Isn’t this just another example, similar to judicial activism, of an elected official overstepping their authority? One man who has been elected using money from an enemy of the state (George Soros) and probably money from Nancy Pelosi considering the new AG is from San Francisco to one position is legislating. To me this is unconstitutional and borderline if not outright criminal. Once again Pelosi ways are being exported to another city to feed off of and destroy. Baltimore to San Francisco to Los Angeles and let us hope not the United States.
I am listening to people who are afraid of threatened violence by the left should the election be legally overturned by the Supreme Court and a legal count is ordered which overturns the election. I personally do not believe we should be concerned as I am fully confident that true patriots have been keeping quiet, preparing and most importantly keeping their powder dry. It may not be pretty but it may be necessary to ensure the survival of our constitutional republic.
Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, has announced a boycott of You Tube. I love it Mr. Sanger!
I heard a new term on HRR today who is posting on Brighteon and it is Techno Fascist. Thank you!