Random Musings on Current Events 1.20.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I must decide if I want to spend the money to continue this blog. This blog that is read by few and far between and lately half of them are in mainland China. Evidently, I am circling somewhere over the target, at least relative to my ramblings concerning China and the Chinese Communist Party, otherwise, why would they be watching me? Yes, I assume in is the government of China that is watching me with no proof because I firmly believe that there is nothing that happens in China without the explicit or implicit approval of the government.

I learned that the net worth of Jerome Powell in the two years that he has been chairman of the US Federal Reserve has seen his net worth grow from $20 million to over $60 million. This while my net worth and standard of living has shrunk during this same time period. How is it that a man who creates no value whatsoever but merely oversees an organization that essentially is devaluing the value of currency more than triples his net worth? Does anyone else see something fundamentally wrong with this?

Speaking of rich people, smoke and mirrors, and hypocrisy. It seems that the number of private jets flying into Davos has skyrocketed for the meeting of the worlds uber elite. This and they are requesting pilots who have not participated in the mRNA injection experiment and will be serving beef at the meetings and restaurants surrounding the meeting areas. Why do we collectively give our freedoms and power over to these self-aggrandizing, selfish hypocrites who do not give a rip about our standards of living? 

I read yet another Associated Press (AP) report and this report is on the storms that keep rolling into the US west coast. As per script the article details some of the trials and tribulations of Californian’s this winter to include flooding, heavy mountain snows, and the Los Angeles River, among other coastal California rivers running unabated into the Ocean. As per script the article had the obligatory sentence blaming this all on climate change. As per script I rolled my eyes how fires, drought, flooding, winter storms are all due to climate change. Well, duh, the climate did change when the Hua Tonga Tonga Volcano ejected water vapor and ash to the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere last January only mankind had nothing to do with it.

It seems the drums of war keep beating without any change in their tempo. Now the US and NATO are sending tanks, more money, and whatever else to the Ukrainian NAZI fascist. This while natural gas prices rise in the US because ours is being shipped to Europe. This because a war was started by the west and Russia shut off Europe’s natural gas and the west sabotaged another pipeline from Russia. It seems that Fascism is alive and well in the West, a portion of the world that ostensibly destroyed fascism in World War II.

Speaking of fascism, Davos, and their intersection apparently the Chairmen of Siemens, the huge multinational conglomerate that even includes the once venerable Westinghouse, a company of US origins, apparently feels that a billion people need to stop eating meat. OK, so what he is saying is that he needs a billion undernourished servants who will not have the energy to question that he and others like him dictate. I am supposed to believe a man who is chairman of the board of yet another company that flourished underneath the fascist German Nazi’s is altruistic and has my best interests in mind when he spews his venomous, inciting, and condescending drivel?

Now Green Berets are being arrested for trafficking illicit drugs from Central and South America. Add them to the inglorious list that includes Navy SEALS. It seems that the collapse of the United States is nigh now that our elite warrior class has also been corrupted.

Personally, I know that I need to step up my spiritual practice because the institutions that I once held in high regard are no more. Perhaps it was a mistake in the first place to hold these institutions in high regard because as Moses said, “We must hold no false idols before God”. Perhaps I did not hold my God in high enough regard and so now I must step up my practice. This because mankind’s leadership is certainly failing and appears to be on the road to mass destruction.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings of Current Events 1.13.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format in a New Year.

We now have another Speaker of the House in the United States Congress who is from California. What is it about California that produces those with such ambition that they rise to the top of the House of Representatives in Washington D.C.? I for one think the debate for The Speaker was healthy despite it being nothing more than Kabuki Theater to appease the Build Back America wing of the Republican Party. What frightens me is that the man elected Speaker is a Republican from a state in which the Republican Party is in shambles and a failure. It is a state party that has allowed the Nancy Pelosi Democrats unbridled power and that is a one party state. I must question who Kevin McCarthy really is working for? Is it the American people, a California elite, the Uni Party, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi, and or all the above? Whatever or whoever it is that he is working for I do not trust him nor do I trust that he will hold the line against future encroachment on my rights as an individual under the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Nor do I trust that he will not work to destroy the populist movement that has been ignited by President Trump and help to decentralize power from Washington D.C. I suppose time will tell but I am not going to hold my breath.

Damar Hamlin collapses on the field. Was he a guinea pig in the COVID mRNA experiment? I suppose we will never know but it certainly makes me wonder when I hear out of Europe that throughout all sports the number of deaths for athletes, using the same sample population, has jumped from less than 50 to over 1,500 in one year.

Classified documents are being found in Joe Biden’s residence and at his Washington D.C. Penn State offices and somehow, I am supposed to believe it is different than the documents that were found in President Trump’s Mira Lago residence? Well yest it is different. Number one I know that as President of the United States one has the authority to declassify documents, however, as Vice President one does not and the documents in Joe Biden’s possession go back to his days as Vice President. Another difference is Donald Trump is a political outsider much as I am. I have no doubt that if classified documents were found in my possession, I would be busting large rocks into small rocks at an institution such as the federal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth.

The FAA grounded all departing flights for several hours this week because of a glitch in their air traffic control’s Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) computer system. Just another system of the slow rolling failure of air travel in the United States. When government agencies are spending more resources ensuring their work force is trained in woke bull puckey and forcing untested technology injections on their employees instead of ensuring their equipment is maintained and kept up to date, things fail. Fortunately, this time no one was hurt despite many travelers being delayed. I for one am no longer comfortable using commercial airline travel because I must wonder what other systems will soon fail. Not only that I have trouble supporting businesses who were lackeys for the pharmaceutical industry and coerced their employees to be guinea pigs for the experimental mRNA jabs (i.e., Delta Airlines etc.).

Rest in Peace Jeff Beck and Lisa Marie Presley and may there be some good jam sessions with those who have gone before you, Mr. Beck.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

California Snapshot 1.13.23

The other week I had to drive through much of California due to the failure of Southwest Airline’s reservation system. Sitting down to write my observations I wonder if there are similarities to Southwest Airlines’ failure to upgrade basic infrastructure needed to maintain the airline’s ability to function to that of the state of California.

Driving from California’s Imperial Valley two hours east of San Diego, through San Diego and up Interstate 5 past Sacramento I observed, I was impressed, and I was saddened at what California and its citizens have done in the past and what the state has become.

First off, driving north on I-5 from San Diego the freeway ventures inland a bit before it takes a turn to the west by northwest as it enters Los Angeles county and East Los Angeles, I was struck by something that is indicative of what California has become. This happened before the freeway passes by downtown Los Angeles and heads up toward the San Fernando Valley and the Grapevine, the major mountain range and pass that separates the Southern California counties from California’s Central Valley. Traffic was slow and for several miles and the distinct smell of urine permeated the air. I am not sure if this is where the massive homeless camp exists, if I was downwind of the camp or what. Here I was driving in what is supposed to be a first world city in a first world nation on one of its freeways and smelled like urine and I did not mention there was trash littering the side of the freeway for miles.

Next, I stayed in two motels during my trip, one in the Imperial Valley and the other in Bakersfield, both of which are in California. Each motel is part of the same hotel/motel chain and each billed themselves as a suite and the difference was palpable. The room in the Imperial Valley cost 50% more than the room in Bakersfield and, quite honestly, it was substandard as compared to the room in Bakersfield. Granted both rooms were clean, the beds were made, and the towels were folded and clean. The differences existed around the edges. In the Imperial Valley, the room had no tissue, for example, and the person at the front desk was ambivalent when I asked why I could not turn the television volume down with the provided remote control. The room reminded me of one in Las Vegas in which there was no warmth and designed only to take my money.

The room in Bakersfield, on the other hand, was remarkably similar in structure and what it provided but seemed warmer for lack of a better word. I was struck by what it seemed to provide for less money. The room was cozier and just seemed to provide more value for lack of a better word.

Moving through the state I was making time out of necessity wanting to avoid an incoming storm and so I did not spend much time anywhere. Driving through Los Angeles and up the interior portion of the state had the biggest impact on me. I was amazed at the amount of infrastructure that had been built to support industry at one time in Los Angeles. I saw beautiful brick buildings that obviously were once factories with large power lines feeding these buildings. I noted that the power lines had been physically cut from the building and that they were nothing more than silent hulks with rusting metal fringes now. “What happened here?”, I thought to myself.

Of course, I know what happened and I can sum it up with one word, corruption. Corruption at the local, county, state and federal levels of power.

The infrastructure is failing, billions of dollars are being spent on a railway that will never pan out that could be spent widening I-5 up the Central Valley and 395 around Victorville, for instance. Will this happen? I doubt it because that would require the gilded elite to leave their cherished enclaves of Los Angeles, Alameda, Sonoma, Napa, and San Francisco Counties and drive around the whole state of California. Yes, I said drive and not fly. They would have to eat somewhere other than the French Laundry, like an Outback Steak House or, gasp, Arby’s, Denny’s, a local diner and stay in motels because they are the only restaurants and lodgings in many of these small towns.

Speaking of San Francisco Country and the city by the bay I learned that in the financial district of the city there are armed guards at many of the shops to prevent theft. This is in a city that no longer prosecutes petty theft up to $1,000.00. So, let me get this straight, businesses must pay high taxes in a city and state ostensibly that provides the service of law enforcement. A city and state that no longer will enforce the law and now these businesses must pay for private security on top of the high taxes that they receive no benefit from paying. Is it me or does anyone else see a problem here? 

Random Musings on Current Events 12.16.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

For the next couple of weeks, I am sort of taking a news sabbatical. What this means is I will not actively be seeking out news but let those who I know tell me what they have read and heard in casual conversation. From this I will piece together my Random Musings. Along with what I hear from others and because of my news sabbatical I have time to formulate and type up what comes to mind in the quiet times.

Heading into the holidays it has become increasingly difficult for me to get into the spirit, so to speak. If anyone has lost a child, perhaps, they can understand. I have now lost both my parents, who I loved, and now a child and during the quiet time of the holidays the memories become painful. It really is hard to explain the depths without experiencing this sort of pain which I would not wish upon anyone.

Speaking of the death of a loved one little more than a month of taking the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection under pressure from their employer, a national airline. I wonder what sort of recourse I, as a father, have? I have submitted claims to the government because evidently the pharmaceutical giants are immune from liability for claims against their concoctions. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?

Why won’t the government release all the files on the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination more than sixty years after the event and more than twenty years after a law was passed by Congress directing the CIA to release their files? Why does a federal agency appear to have more power than an elected body in my country? A country that is supposedly free and with a separation of powers. The appearance of impropriety is enough to cause one to lose confidence in one’s leadership, or so I have been taught.

Am I at risk, just for typing and posting these words, for having my family all but wiped out much as the JFK’s have been wiped out? What is one to do when obviously the rule of law does not apply but rather the law of tooth and fang or who has the largest club appears to be the real law at work? How much of what is going on within government and the media nothing more than Kabuki Theater?

Regardless, despite my moribund, dark, and pointless feelings and thoughts I do have much to be grateful which I am reminded of each day when I pray as I do before writing most times. I will not the purveyors of death despoil what remains of my life because life it is too valuable of a gift to squander and I choose life over death.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation


A National Thanksgiving

Whereas it is the duty of all nations acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and

Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them and opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness;”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and , in general, for the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789.

Geo. Washington

Fr0m, ” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1908, by James D. Richardson, Representative from the state of Tennessee, 1908, Published by the Bureau of National Literature and Art

Random Musings on Current Events 11.18.22

Once again it is time for Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Nancy Pelosi will not seek a leadership position in the new Congress. Wow, she actually kept her word. I wonder if it had something to do with the attack on her husband, her health, something else and or all the preceding? It will be interesting to see who wins the Democrat Party infighting to elect the next Speaker of the House. Will it be the Communists, Socialist, Fascist or just corrupt without any political ideology wing of the party?

Oh no! FTX has failed and with it $32 billion has disappeared!!! Disappeared into Democratic Party candidate coffers, disappeared into Bahamian real estate, disappeared into mysterious bank accounts, and since much of the value was speculative anyway it just vanished. It seems we live in a world where counter party risk seems increasingly, ahem, risky. Personally, I am going to sit back and watch the show on this one because its entertainment value seems to be increasing daily.

President Trump has announced his candidacy for another term of office. Although ostensibly I hope he wins I have my reservations. For instance, when will the irritating texts, emails, and phone calls start asking for money? This is when the RNC machine has not stopped asking me for donations for Hershel Walker’s campaign to finish out the most recent banana republic election that the RINO’s ensured will keep the establishment in power. Additionally, it will be an uphill battle for President Trump, no doubt, considering all the forces arrayed against him. After all, a worldwide pandemic was engineered to ensure he was not reelected in 2020. I say this because of all the mail in ballot laws passed which are patently corrupt during the plandemic, all churches and public gatherings were shut down in the name of public safety with Democratic states being the most militant in doing so, and President Trump could not have his rally’s, his strength, in the numbers he did the first time. I also have my reservations about President Trumps handling of the plandemic and his support for the experimental mRNA inoculations.

It certainly seems that Ron DeSantis has some favor with the establishment because he is being allowed to govern Florida as he sees fit and won his reelection easily which is a good thing, no doubt. However, as I was reminded by one of my favorite pod casters yesterday let us wait and see who the people are that surround him. If fact, isn’t that true of everyone? Trump surrounded himself with people who were part of the problem, no doubt.

Speaking of which, the results of this past election were not Trumps fault but rather, I would submit, it is the fault of the CCP/Globalist Controlled Uni Party. It is the fault of Mitch McConnell who has sold his party and country out to maintain power for what I am not sure. His not providing funding to Don Bolduc, Adam Laxalt, Blake Masters, and Kelly Tshibaka reeks of his willingness to ignore much of the populace of the United States, especially in those states they were running, and the Trump wing of the Republican because they would not take a knee to him. I commend these candidates despite their losses because unlike an inflexible loser who will destroy his party, stunt his party from changing to face the future, who appears willing to sell his country, and who is incapable of seeing the future in the name of maintaining his grip on power, these candidates have taken a stand. They have taken a stand for more than greed and going along to get along which is a course that has cost this country dearly and will continue until Mitch McConnell and those like him which include but are not limited to Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, the Cheney’s, the Bushes, the Clinton’s, the Obama’s and the rest of the greedy power hungry group of globalists have been put out to pasture for good.

It certainly is interesting to read the news of celebrities and politicians reacting to the Musk takeover of Twitter. They are attacking Mr. Musk with the same fervor that they attacked Donald Trump and it is coming from the same quarter of society and the world. For instance, Kathy Griffin and German Socialists and others.

Before the election, the election office of Kari Lake was targeted by someone emailing suspicious envelopes with white powder and General Don Bolduc was physically assaulted and nary a peep in the mainstream media. Who really are the purveyors of violence in spreading fear? Maybe the answer is located somewhere in Chicago or someone who called Chicago home in their past.

So, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and several Silicon Valley Tech Giants are funding an organization called Internews that claims to support “independent media.” In Hungary they are calling the branch of Internews “position media” and to me this provides further proof of the alliance between big tech, the US foreign intelligence apparatus and George Soros. Does anyone else ever wonder how Big Tech got so big so fast in a free market? To me, they had to have help and perhaps this is a chit being called in?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.21.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state in a sort of journal format.

Liz Truss is out and Jeremy Hunt, globalist extraordinaire, is back in the mix along with BoJo in Britain. What else could possibly happen in the topsy turvy world of British politics? Quite honestly, why do I give a twitters tweet?

The average family has lost the equivalent of $6,000 dollars this past year due to the ravages of inflation. Everyone wants to blame Joe Biden which he should be blamed but he is not the only one who should be blamed. How about all the other members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who passed the ridiculous spending packages in the name of COVID relief.

New Zealand is canceling Shakespeare? What? Huh?

President Biden was just telling us all how to get student loan forgiveness. I wonder if I would be able to file a claim for the loans that I paid off more than twenty years ago? The loans that I paid off ahead of time because I can do math and realize the amount of money that I saved by paying these loans off early. Oh, let us not forget the sacrifice in lifestyle that I committed to pay these loans off early.

Mike Lee the Senator from Utah is outing Mitt Romney, Utah’s other Senator, because Mitt Romney will not endorse him in Mike Lee’s reelection. Yet again Mitt Romney’s true colors are on full display and they are blue, not red.

So, a juvenile kills 5 with a shotgun and President Biden calls for an assault weapons ban yet again. Last time I checked, a shotgun is not an assault weapon and the kid had a weapon he was not supposed to have. So, I am now supposed to believe that criminals will still not be able to get weapons if the weapons are illegal to have? Get real.

President Biden extended the COVID Emergency declaration another 90 days? What? Huh? Why did he need to extend it? What sorts of dictatorial power do his handlers not want to give up? As if to follow in lockstep the Governors of California and Illinois have done the same thing for their respective states. In the same news segment that I saw the coverage I saw coverage of the Chinese Communist Party Congress. I found it interesting that the Politburo, sitting up on the dais, did not have to wear masks yet everyone else in the room had to wear masks. Hmm, the optics are not good on this for the Governors of California and Illinois but, then again, perhaps they are just how these two governors lean? Perhaps they are in all actuality being controlled in some way by the Chinese Communist Party? I bet if the two governors attended the Chinese Communist Party Congress they would be required to wear masks.

I found it interesting that Secretary of State Blinken has met with Condoleezza Rice in California at the University of Stanford. A socialist is now meeting with a neocon in an East Coast elite stronghold on the West Coast. Whatever were they cooking up?

I am still waiting for the Secret Service to investigate Nancy Pelosi for threatening a sitting President with bodily harm. Wait, is what is good for me not good for thee?

I am still grappling with the notion that someone of General Michael Keane’s’ stature and experience would want to give nuclear technology to the House of Sa’ud? Is it as a sort of balance against Israel and potentially Iran? If so, how does this help the situation for maintaining peace? Something just is not sitting right as I read about NATO and the US conducting regularly planned strategic bomber exercises in Europe. Is it not hard enough keeping the existing nuclear powers on the right side of war let alone allowing more into the nuclear club, so to speak?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Don’t Ask Me To Your War Party

Watching and listening the news surrounding the Ukraine, the Nordstream pipeline, President Biden and his family lining their pocketbooks by promising more aid to Ukraine, and now the Russians firing missiles into Kyiv I am feeling even more uneasy. This uneasiness was stoked initially after watching General Jack Keane (Retired) speaking on the Mark Levin Show a week ago. For those who may not know Jack Keane, in addition to being a retired US Army 4 star general officer, he currently sits on the board for the Institute for Study of War funded by General Dynamics, DynCorp and previously by Raytheon according to Wikipedia (I know I know I don’t have time to verify). Additionally, Gen. Keane is a founder of International, Peace, and Prosperity (IP3) whose purpose is to transfer nuclear technology from the United States to Saudi Arabia (again according to Wikipedia).

In the interview I was surprised at the vehemence that both the General and Mark Levin had in branding the Russians as the enemy and additionally denouncing those who would even merely suggest that the United States or its surrogates may have anything to do with the sabotage of the Nordstream Pipeline. There was one moment in the interview when the real Jack Keane flashed his combat look and it was that of the steely eyed determination of a combat veteran and quite honestly it was frightening. I have seen this look before, in more than a few instances, and I suddenly became aware of something. That is that a war is, indeed being waged, and we Americans better wake up.

Why am I uneasy now one may ask? I am uneasy of this because it appears to me that not only are the Neocons (I now put Mark Levin and General Keane in this category) waging war against the Russians but they are waging war against free and open debate on the Ukraine in the United States. What I deduced from this conversation is that they want to dictate the narrative and that they not only want me to agree but that they expect me to believe what they are saying. Even more frightening is that I now believe that they will do whatever is necessary to ensure their agenda succeeds and they have serious backing (defense industry backing) for support.

The reason I believe this is General Keane is part of a group supporting the transfer of Nuclear Technology to the House of Saud, sits on the board of a think tank backed by huge players in the defense industry, and is on the Mark Levin show discussing how to fight a nuclear exchange with the Russians at the same time Russian President Vladimir Putin is publicly stating that Russia reserves the right (and capability no doubt) to use nuclear weapons to defend itself. I am supposed to accept that all is rosy in their view of the world knowing these facts? Why is no one in the mainstream media and politics not discussing the increase in rhetoric around the use of nuclear weapons and how to cool this situation off?!? This is not a good thing and I would argue that the Russians have just demonstrated this fact with the missile strikes across the Ukraine!

Is it because the greedy members of the Democratic Party (i.e. Biden and Clinton Families) are making too much money from kickbacks from the Ukrainian aid, is it because the leftist ideologues in the Democratic Party (i.e. Obama, Rice etc.) want a nuclear war to tear down the system so they can rebuild it in the image that they envision, or perhaps the Neocons who run the deep state who see an opportunity to further or somehow strengthen their grips on the levers of power in the government? Or could it be some hermaphrodite version of either or any or all the above or even something else I do not know. What I do know is that they are playing with a fire and that is dangerous beyond all comprehension and the consequences of this fire getting out of control are not good. 

As a child of the Cold War, I find it reprehensible and an affront to my service that these so called leaders would even consider taking steps in the direction that they are going. I must ask myself where are the adults in the room when these characters are having these conversations? It appears to me that they believe they are truly untouchable and most importantly they truly believe the rhetoric and are not afraid of the consequences of the actions that they are supporting, suggesting, and or executing.

I believe in summary what is bothering me is that there really is no good explanation being made to the public as to why these actions are underway. Maybe there is a good reason from their point of view but it is not being shared with me nor do I expect it to be shared with me because I am more than familiar with the arrogance of the East and West Coast ruling elites in the United States. To them I am cannon fodder and menial labor to be kept waiting and expected to jump when called upon to jump. Do I believe they care about me, my family, or my friends? No, I do not, and if fact I am starting to understand that they really do not even see me as a human being but rather as chattel to be used and discarded as they see fit. Perhaps, this is what Vladimir Putin is feeling right now as all forms of communication in terms of trade, finance, and travel are being cut to the country he presides over?

As the East Coast elites hype up the war in Ukraine, I must ask myself who has our six with regards to China? China seems to be conspicuously silent as their surrogate North Korea launches missiles and I cannot but help but wonder what they are up to? America be careful of the East Coast elites who by nature tend to focus primarily on Europe while they are unwittingly losing a war against an Asian enemy who does not play by the same rules.

In closing, I am reminded of a song by Eddy Grant a Guyanese British artist who was born in 1948 called “War Party” which was released in 1982 on his Killer on the Rampage album. I am not sure specifically for what conflict or what continent this song was written, but it seems to have universal meaning, at least for me sitting in North America thinking about Europe and the rest of the world. The lyrics go something like this:

You invite me to a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks

yo ho, a yo ho

You killed off all the Indians and you killed off all the slaves

and not quite so you kill of the remains

you look for me, I lookin’ for you

I can’t believe what say bout you is true

That you are a bastard just like Pharaoh

You kill the children just like Pharaoh

Now you send a ticket for me

You don’t have a RSVP

Oh Lord it’s a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks

yo ho, a yo ho

You invited all our wise men many times before

To dance around your fires and even up your scores

and when those spaken of the valiant and the brave

The only decoration is the one above the grave

You’re a bastard just like Pharaoh

You kill the children just like Pharaoh

Now you send a ticket for me

And you don’t have RSVP

Oh Lord it’s a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks

yo ho, a yo ho

Please don’t send no ticket for me

No, don’t send no ticket

No, don’t send no ticket for me if you don’t have RSVP

Oh Lord it’s a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

Heard about the last one so thanks but no thanks,

do you wanna go, say no

Do you wanna go, say no

Me no wanna go right now, Me no wanna go right now

They invite me to a war party, me no wanna go

Everybody seem to be invitin’ me to a war party, me no wanna go

God Bless

Random Musings on Current Events 9.30.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

Tracking the progress of Hurricane Ian, I must pray for the wellbeing of those who have been impacted and will be impacted by it.

There is no doubt in my mind now that there is an unholy alliance between the leftists and neocons in the Biden administration and the Federal Government. My standard of living is decreasing, my fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights are under attack, the man occupying the office of President appears incompetent, and a war with a nuclear power is being stoked. If one were to watch Star Wars it appears that there is a Sith Lord operating in the background.

I listened to a news broadcast from the United Kingdom the day after the Nordstream Pipeline sabotage and found the language interesting. In an interview with this channel’s correspondent in Brussels he started his monologue by stating that if Russia (emphasis on if) was responsible then etc. and etc. By the time his monologue was complete his language had changed and he was stating that NATO will be taking certain actions. There was no repeat that the cause of the pipeline was unknown but finished that unequivocally it was Russia’s fault with no proof presented. It seems as if he were reading from a script that had been written prior to the attack designed to leave the listener believing action was necessary against Russia. To me, there is no reason whatsoever for Russia to sabotage one of its major revenue streams and when I listen to someone who is sort of subliminally telling me what I need to believe the hairs on my back rise. Something fishy is going on here and the smell is not coming from Denmark or Russia but rather the smell appears to be coming from Washington D.C., London, and Brussels.

I heard an interesting statistic this past week and it deals with demographics in the US. Evidently, those of African descent account for about 12% of the population, those who identify as a sex other than what they are is far less than 1%, and those who identify as homosexual is about 3%. OK, so what, one may ask. I bring this up because Hollywood and the media in the US and the UK now must always have a person of color in every show and additionally many now portray homosexual relationships and several have a woman and or a woman of color as either a lead character or in a position of power. I do not care one way or another, especially, if someone is qualified to do their job, what sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation one is. What I mind is the amount of oxygen that is being sucked out of the public discourse and my limited entertainment bandwidth to push this agenda. What a waste of time and effort and quite honestly it is divisive and a misrepresentation of reality. It is quite honestly propagandist brainwashing being disguised as entertainment in my opinion. Quite honestly the entertainment value has declined as a result in most cases.

Watching the talking heads on national news has anyone else noticed and cringed at the amount of makeup and plastic surgery and hair coloring that these folks have? Personally, when I see a smooth face, it does not hide the wrinkles in their hands and necks and an instinctual roil on my stomach occurs. Though I do not typically get seasick I have felt a bit queasy in high seas when I cannot see the horizon and the feeling is similar. I attribute this to my mind not being able to reconcile what it is seeing with what it is feeling.  What I see in their faces does not match what the rest of their body shows me and the connection between what I see and feel does not match. 

Speaking of which maybe the queasiness that I feel when I watch Nancy Pelosi, Amy Klobochar, the aforementioned talking heads and others who use copious quantities of makeup, plastic surgery and hair coloring to appear youthful is due to climate change. After all, climate change seems to be the default reason for all the world’s problems and a queasy stomach is certainly a problem. OK, perhaps it is not only due to climate change, it is all Vladimir Putin’s fault! Of course, none of these problems are caused by Satanic, Luciferic beings yanking the chains of leaders inside the US, Europe, and Asia. Nor is any of it my fault for giving my power to these worthless demonic infested beings because then, after all, I would need to take responsibility for my own actions. Taking responsibility for one’s own actions would be such an outdated and blasé action now that it would be almost novel.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

After yesterday I am more firmly of the belief that the current Democrats in power are unwavering, uncompromising ideologues that are extremely dangerous for this country. I guess that I am a fascist, semi fascist, and or an extremist because I believe in the Constitution. A document that I swore to uphold many times. This group in charge does not want to find middle ground, in fact, they want total power and are showing more and more dictatorial tendencies by the day. I am finding more and more that they cannot nor will not be reasoned with. I cannot believe that President Biden (really his handlers) is doubling down on this matter.

Did anyone else feel the stage set that Biden used was eerily reminiscent of NAZI stagecraft? Red and black colors with military staged in the background. Quite chilling as a matter of fact.

Speaking of which it seems that Washington Post’s (Jeff Bezos’ propaganda outlet) Eugene Robinson branded Biden’s speech a wartime address. It seems that the Technocracy truly may be fomenting civil war in this country. Speaking of which a theory that has been posited but only recently came to my attention is that the end game of all this angst and division in our country is being created by and being stoked by technocrats with the end game being the creation of a technocracy. I need to think about this a bit but certainly at the surface it seems without a doubt plausible. Perhaps Big Tech is an enemy of The Constitution of the United States of America?

Speaker Pelosi does not support the Data Privacy Bill because “California has stricter data privacy laws”. She is essentially saying the Data Privacy Bill will supersede California’s laws which are “stricter”. I do not know for sure but alarms bells are sounding once again in my mind. Silicon Valley which borders Speaker Pelosi’s representative district and the tech giants that have undoubtedly supported her, her husband, and her family are not going to support a bill that holds them to a less restrictive regulatory environment? Yet again something smells fishy, and unlike the smells of fish in a San Francisco Chinatown market, this fishy smell is really rotten which is nothing new around the Pelosi/D’Alesandro family.

Twenty three pages redacted, including 10 of them completely redacted, from the affidavit from the DOJ to search President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? Geez, they must have a lot of sources and methods being used to justify the raid. Sources and methods that one would think would be better used to perhaps go after international drug and human trafficking rings? How about international arms dealers that are illegally supplying these rings, terrorists and rogue nations? Or maybe pedophile rings, Hunter Biden’s laptop and his connections with the CCP at the least!? Give me a freakin’ break! What a waste of taxpayer money. Oh yes, and the Judge who signed the warrant represented one of Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators in a case. What an incestuous body of vile putrid water.

Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to what was painfully obvious with regards to censoring the Hunter Biden laptop information prior to the 2020 presidential election. Of course, he is blaming the FBI and is taking no responsibility for allowing it on to happen on his platform. What a weasel.

Stephen Smith and Ryan Clark? It is any wonder why I no longer watch ESPN. Talk about a couple of racists. They think because someone is black, they should be able to get away with anything. Blah blah blah, here is such a thing as reverse discrimination and racism.

I saw something that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla who ironically just announced that he tested positive for COVID, wants to put microchips in pharmaceuticals created by Pfizer. In the video I saw of him describing the uses for these microchips I became terrified. Paraphrasing what he said he mentioned that these can be used to ensure a person takes their medications. On the face this looks OK but what if someone is being coerced or forced to take a medication against their will? This has such potential for abuse by the petty and not so petty tyrants in our world. What’s next? The ruling elite class will be able to tell if I have taken my SOMA that makes me compliant and subservient to their dictates?

I just this week learned of the USDA raid of the Miller farm in rural Pennsylvania. Pfizer CEO

apparently, if one wants to eat and drink whole milk and organic produce and meats, they are going to have to obtain it on the black market. I must wonder what agricultural conglomerate has paid the USDA off to put the Miller family farm out of business so that they can scoop the land up at bargain basement prices? This reeks of yet more corrupt government overreach.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.