Random Musings 7.14.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, it appears that Twitter would most likely censor what I have to say any way and Facebook certainly would censor what I have to say.

I have thought some more about a tack that Republicans could take everywhere in this coming election. I stated this train of thought thinking about my state’s legislative races that will be occurring in the fall. To me there is plenty of reason that there currently is no legislative check upon our Democratic governor who continually opens and shuts businesses down based on what is increasing faulty data regarding the coronavirus, increased taxes, more onerous gun regulations and etc. But that seems too complicated and perhaps the simplest question to ask or advertise from now until the elections is something to the effect of, “A vote for any Democrat this election is a vote to allow our (insert one or more of the following) city, country, state, country to become like San Francisco, Seattle, New York, or Chicago.” It is simple and can be backed up with facts and video. President Trump has already started this campaign, but I question if my local Republican politicians will have the brass to do the same. Again, it is simple, A vote for any Democrat is a vote for San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlanta, and etc. My goodness there is so much fodder for the Republicans it just amazes me that they are not using it. Where are the leaders?!?!?

I will say that I recently read an op-ed written by former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt to a local newspaper in Nevada. It, to me, was a well written and very public opinion supporting the Constitution and American Values. I say to Mr. Laxalt thank you for using your clout to express a truly conservative opinion. Now, I ask, where is the rest of the Republican leadership?

Speaking of which I wrote a letter to the two members of my state’s legislature over a week ago who are both Republican. I have to say I am a bit disappointed as I have heard back from neither one of them. When I wrote my Governor, who happens to be Democrat, I heard back within two days. Perhaps the Governor has a larger staff which is for at least another week I will give the legislators the benefit of the doubt.

Speaking of my state governor. This person is rolling back the coronavirus restrictions because of the upsurge in cases. However, I still fail to see the data to support it. Sure, the number of cases is increasing but the percentage of hospitalizations to number of new cases is falling. I truly believe this is political maneuvering now. Shut the bars down so people will not talk, shut the schools down so mothers will not talk, shut large venues down so the President and others cannot hold rallies and the list goes on. Oh well, I think I am going to brush up on my self defense skills. Something tells me these maybe coming in handy in the near future.

Middle Class Fear?

I was reminded the other day about a couple of scenes from the WWII series “Band of Brothers” and movie “Saving Private Ryan”. Specifically, there are scenes in each in which the US Army Captain is urging on his troops who are cowering scared while under fire. In each of these portrayals it takes the leadership of each Captain to break the spell of fear that grips his troops. Each Captain has to be willing to go out in the open in order to pull, kick, cajole and inspire his troopers to move on and take their objective or move on in pursuit of their objective. In the “Band of Brothers” we see portrayed actual real life events and so we can say that this is not merely a fiction of Hollywood.

I write this to draw a parallel to the events we see today and I have ask where are our conservative leaders and also to highlight that many, I believe, of the sane people who see what are frozen much as the troopers were frozen. The average everyday American has been bombarded with news attacking their way of life since President Trump was elected by grassroots America. The rhythmic beat of the opposition has increased in tenor and pace over time since the day he was elected. First with protests on his inauguration day, followed by independent council proceedings, and then increasingly in pace and volume with each event an impeachment, a “pandemic”, pandemic caused economic crisis and now out and out riots and violence. I believe that the average American has been overwhelmed and really has no idea how to react.

 Much as troopers who understand they are in a war time environment suddenly face withering fire and instantaneously freeze I believe that majority of middle class and other sane Americans have frozen. However, unlike a highly trained military with trained officers as in the case of CAPT Winters in the Band of Brothers who step up and motivate their troops to rally and take the objective the majority of Americans do not know what to do. Why should they? They are not trained to face an organized internationally funded insurgency whose designs are to overthrow their way of life. What further complicates the matter is the dearth of leadership to counter this insurgency and this is the point that I am slowly coming to formulate and put into words. Now that I have been able to vocalize and express my uneasiness, I now have to ask myself where are the leaders? Evidently, most of the Republican in offices of power are frozen as well because they have been silent. Our so called “leaders” seem to be cowering in fear of what I do not know. Is it fear of the China Virus, not being reelected, being exposed for corruption, or what I know not. What is painfully obvious, however, is that they are not being leaders and the only so called opposition I see seems to be in the few media outlets and some think tanks. Otherwise, we seem to remain cowering in fear of what I do not know. I for one have started a letter writing campaign to my state representatives.