A Crisis in Confidence with National Leadership

I have a crisis of confidence in the leadership of my country to effectively lead on my behalf and the behalf of the majority of Americans. This has been further exacerbated in the last week with the apparent failure of senior leadership to effectively and orderly pull out of Afghanistan followed by their inability to assume responsibility whatsoever for their failures.

First, what has happened throughout Afghanistan in the past several weeks that has culminated with the fall of Afghanistan and the debacle at the airport falls squarely on senior political, civilian, and military leadership. As Joe Biden has pointed out the “buck stops here” and now the question is how big or epic will this “blunder” be. I have no illusions that the Joe Biden made this decision in a vacuum as his handlers, I am quite sure, made the decision. From this day forward I will refer to Joe Biden as the Joe Biden Cabal (JBC) because in his dotage I seriously doubt he has one shred of independence of mind left. It is time for some resignations, retirements, and quite honestly some criminal investigations.

Secondly, how am I to support and believe any of these leaders when they are now pulling out every conceivable card in the effort to make me a test subject in a mass gene therapy experiment? I was totally disheartened when Lloyd Austin claimed that every member of the armed services will be subject to the experimental shot by September 15, 2021. The jab has not even been approved by the FDA yet for goodness sakes. Mr. Austin that in not a lawful order and you should, if you were still in service, face a court martial if you make in mandatory. The military leadership appeared to have spent more time figuring out how to give an experimental jab to all sailors, airmen, and soldiers than ensuring the safe exit of Americans out of Afghanistan. I can only wonder what is being done to thwart any military planning against the Peoples Republic of China.

Speaking of the FDA and their corruptions. I find it interesting that they will push through testing on experimental gene therapy and its acceptance for a disease that really poses no more threat to the population than a flu yet they will not approve CBD, which is not marijuana, for use in food. I really find it interesting that now a pharmaceutical company is claiming to have a patent on CBD, which I thought one could not get if it is a naturally occurring substance, and the marketing of CBD will become illegal. Hmmm, does this smell of corruption to anyone else but me?

Of course, do not let me get started on the EPA which has essentially become a tool wielded to shake down industry and business in the country along with the various other bureaucratic government institutions. How did we get to the place where government agencies choose who can succeed and who cannot in our economy? I must wonder about the type of person who would aspire to positions of authority in these organizations. Are they power hungry mediocrities or useful idiots for those in the businesses who use the government to protect and gain favorable market conditions?

Lastly, for today, is the utter contempt I have for the media and big tech in this country mainly for not holding the leadership of the country accountable and, in fact, blatantly supporting the leadership’s information operation. It has become so obvious that the system has become or is so corrupt that honor no longer is present amongst these vipers and they will do whatever it takes to provide cover and concealment to the crooked political class, the crooked senior military class, the crooked business class, and especially themselves. I no longer consider any of you authorities in your so called areas of expertise. You may have power and can wield in the material world more so, but you do not in my mind which is the real seat of my power.

Random Musings 8.2.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proved that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say.

I would like to further comment on my previous post titled Mask Madness with a question. Is it just me or is it coincidental that the “Delta” variant is increasing at the same time the Arizona election audit is wrapping up and California’s recall election has been scheduled to occur in the next couple of months?

Vaccine madness: I sit here at my desk this Monday afternoon wondering what in the world has happened to my country? I am now supposed to believe lifelong bureaucrats drivel regarding COVID and discount leading experts in the US regarding the treatment of COVID-19 such as Peter McCullough, M.D. for example. I am supposed to assume that Twitter, Facebook, Amazon (aka Washington Post) fact checkers have a scientific background and are completely objective in their assessments of what is real and fake?

The latest madness is the article describing how children in a hospital contracted COVID, unvaccinated contracting COVID and then the patients all wishing they had the vaccine. Only, I learn later that a member of the alternative media called the purported hospital to learn that there were no deaths nor any unvaccinated people having checked in recently with COVID. This smells similar to the story authored by the former porn star debunking hydroxychloroquine and it is no wonder why my distrust of anything related to Washington DC, the East, and West Coast elites grows daily.

Moving on to another subject and that is the Olympics. Weren’t they games held in ancient Greece to foster spirited competition between the city states? Didn’t the modern games used to hold somewhat of a similar goal? As far as I am concerned the globalist NBC telecast of what purports to be games held without fans and in an atmosphere are a sham and complete globalist propaganda sham. I feel for the true athletes who seek to prove their mettle against others on the international stage. However, if asked my response now is, “what Olympics”.

Dear Republican Party of the United States of America. Your emails soliciting donations have been marked to go to my spam folder and your snail mailings go immediately into my garbage can without even a second look. This latest sham of Kabuki Theater called the Infrastructure Bill is a farce. I now know and believe that your intent is to run this country into the dustbin of history as you allow the continued debasement of the once mighty US Dollar and my country. All but a few reeks of corruption, grift, and a lack or moral backbone. In fact, I cringe at the fact that I am even giving you time in my typing this afternoon because you barely deserve even this. When you clean your ranks of RINO’s and other criminal families I may consider rehiring you as my party of choice. But until then you are fired!

Random Musings 1.11.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

So, Congress sat on the second COVID relief bill for months and now, suddenly, after what appears to be a false flag attack on our nation’s Capitol Building, they suddenly can move an impeachment through in days? This is the same Congress that feels providing $2000 dollars to the rank and file American is too much money. The same bill that provides billions of dollars to foreign countries, their pet projects, and corporations on the government dole? So, I, as an American, am supposed to believe that Congress really thinks what happened at the capitol building is President Trumps fault? Call me a cynic but I am starting to wonder what Congress is hiding? I find it amazing how this supposed “crisis” is being used to jam through an impeachment or calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment? What was on Grandma Nancy’s laptop and or the other laptops that went missing from her office?

I must admit that as I started my typing this fine Monday morning, I was somewhat hesitant to do so because I am not sure who may be recording my keystrokes, tracking my ISP, and etc. Tracking me and recording my comings and going on the internet to be used against me at a time of their convenience. Used against me because I do not agree with them politically, commercially or for whatever reason they deem in order to use it against me. Who knows with the current cult of death that is trying to take over my country it may be to use against me to facilitate my death for all I know. I am wondering if I should seriously consider going underground and stop my rants and rumblings because of how it could be used against me in the near to distant future. For all I know a bank may freeze all my assets or out and out arrest me because I shockingly supported a political candidate and The Constitution of the United States of America.

As I watch the news of Big Tech deplatforming Parler, President Trump, and other conservative websites I have watched the argument that these companies are private companies and so, therefore, do not have to abide by the tenants of the Second Amendment. On the face of this I completely agree as they are not government agencies, however, they have been granted Section 230 protections which essentially extends government guaranteed protections to them. So, by extension, they are defacto extensions of the government given protections similar to the utility companies. Therefore, in my mind, they are subject to Second Amendment restrictions. So, perhaps, it is time to start the seizure of domain names starting with Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter for starters until some changes are made in terms of either changing the Section 230 rules, they submit to the regulations like electric utilities must abide by, arrest the management of these companies for treason, change their algorithms to allow all speech, other actions that I have not thought of and or any or all the preceding actions.

With the Georgia Senate races being called in favor of the Democrat Party candidates I am sitting here in my peaceful location flabbergasted that, from my point of view, the same type of fraud committed in the past national general election was perpetrated in Georgia. The same fraud apparently has been committed and no one has gone to jail or is even being investigated. I pray and hope there is action being taken under the radar, so to speak.

I just took a drive into downtown Sacramento, California and am reminded what a third world country California has become ruled by a small corrupt elite cadre of looters. Tents of the homeless lined the freeway entrance and exit to and from the city core. In case anyone who may read this post do not understand the significance of Sacramento, California, Sacramento is the capitol of the US state of California which arguably if it were to be a stand alone country it has one of the largest economies in the world. The ruling elites of California which has spawned the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Gerry Brown Sr, and Jr will be the first to tout California as a world powerhouse to be admired and respected. Well, based on firsthand observation, I cannot confirm their assertation. It is devolving into a third world hole in which fecal matter is deposited. Do not let them fool you.

Lastly, and I know that I have said this before. I have no patience for pedophiles and speaking from personal experience it is one of the worst crimes against a person and against humanity that can be perpetrated. I have a quite visceral response to this crime. I say let the truth come out!

Random Musings 1.6.21 Part 2

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I normally would not do posts in such rapid succession but today seems to warrant another post albeit more than twelve hours apart.

I have heard and read about our nation’s capit0l building being overrun and some of the violence associated with it. I read how Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and other Senators were quick to demand that President Trump send the National Guard to protect their offices and places of business. Though I agree that is the right thing to do and I agree that President Trump needed to send in the National Guard I will admit my first reaction or thought was not the right thought. No, my first thought was (expletive deleted) you! Where were you and your ilk when small businesses were being destroyed by rioting mobs last summer!?! I guess now you know what these small business owners and homeowners felt. Now you are going to make political hay over this?!?! Let it rest and remember us out here who are only getting $800 and do your jobs. Not only this but now you RINOs have the “cover” to vote the way you really have always wanted to vote and that is to not support President Trump.

Pardon me while I vomit as I now know my country is lost and freedom and equal representation is nothing but an illusion.

Next, and on a more serious note I see the mainstream press and politicians are quick to blame President Trump and his supporters for the rioting without any proof or investigation. How do we know that ANTIFA dressed up as Trump supporters mixed in with the crowds as they did last summer and started this? After all they are for the entire destruction of the system and espouse anarchy in all forms. I pray that cooler heads prevail and the rush to judgement without proof does not rule the day.

Lastly, I will say that I am disgusted with the results and the way the election played out in Georgia. Same tactics from the same playbook as in the other disputed and contested states in November. Elections counting shut down, claims that it will take days to count, observers having to go to court just to get within 10 feet of the counting which really is still not close enough.

I pray for my country because it is obvious that the thugs are ruling the day at many levels and in many places and from my experience thug’s neve voluntarily give up their power.

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and to the other RINOs you have lost the support of a vast swath of America. The responsibility for what happened today at the capitol lies at your feet and the feet of all the other politicians who are nothing more than corrupt puppets. I personally do not see a shred of leadership or courage in any of your actions and persons. Thank you for nothing and you should all be fired at the minimum and if the stories are true you should all be tried for treason and or corruption. You have forfeited your right to represent me and my vote from this day forward.

Come on! Give me a break! You expect me to believe that this violence was incited by Trump supporters only? This smells like provocateurs who have infiltrated a peaceful protest and turned it violent much as what happened this past summer. I am sorry but I no longer believe what the mainstream press, politicians and judges do. The evidence, when one can find it, no longer supports why I should have faith in what is being peddled.  

Enough of my rant this evening.

Random Musings 1.6.21

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I heard today that Lin Wood may have evidence of child molestations up to and including murder being used to blackmail prominent members of the political and executive elites in this country. Just the thought of this disgusts me and if it is true these people and people who would condone and carry out this sort of act to gain political leverage should be held accountable. My stomach roils at the thought of this happening and if someone has this evidence they should be releasing it so the light of day can shine of this utterly despicable atrocity. I mean having an affair with a consenting adult whether of the same sex or not is one thing but this is a crime against the innocent which to me is unpardonable.

The news was just turned off in my house and I screamed when I learned that voting is Georgia has been halted for the night. You have got to be absolutely kidding me!?!? What happened did all the cheats move from Fulton County to DeKalb County because they knew the light was shining too bright in Fulton County? Yet another you have to be absolutely kidding me moment!

I have to admit that when I tuned into FOX News at 9 PM EST I was pleasantly surprised that they had not called the election yet. Although I am sure Paul Ryan and Rupert Murdoch are giggling as they go to sleep tonight knowing that counting has ceased.

Rasmussen Polling keeps calling me and I keep ignoring the call. To be honest I am ignoring everything remotely “mainstream” and especially all requests for money. I am one step away from divorcing myself and declaring myself independent in mind if nothing else. Quite honestly I am asking myself why I even waste my time listening to such drivel when there are so many other things I could do. For instance read some Aristotle and other Western classics.

On that note, I will place equal blame on President Trumps election trouble and the fact the elections is so “close” in Georgia at the feel of Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Mike Lee, Tom Cotton, Ben Sasse and other milk toast, greedy, and corrupted Senators who will not stand for the sanctity of my vote. I have heard others say and I agree that the GOP is on life support and thanks to President Trump it is not dead. I for one will never support a GOP lead by any of these corrupt politicians who seem to profit from public service nor will I any candidate regardless of party who profits from public service. If they are profiting they are stealing from me and now I am convinced of it fully.

On a more international note has anyone noticed that both China and Iran have stepped up their bellicose rhetoric in the last week? I also see that Saudi Arabia is reducing their production of oil. I find it fascinating that over the past four years their rhetoric has quieted and they have, in fact, been put in their place more than once. Now, on the eve of what many believe will be a change in the Presidency they have become bolder. Is there anyone else drawing a similar conclusion? I would imagine it will be even worse if Joe Biden becomes President as the rogue actors who have lost money and power the last four years work to refill both their financial and power coffers. In fact, they cannot even wait for an inauguration!

Goodbye 2020

It has been a week since I last posted a comment and to be honest the reason I have not posted is because I am a bit despondent. I will admit that I donated money to a couple of political campaigns this year and I am still receiving solicitations from the campaigns. I am now dismissing them out of hand because I see absolutely no action being taken to hold the cheats, sneaks, and fraudsters who have stolen this most recent election from me and people like me. I still say count every legal vote and the evidence is not being shown to me that every legal vote has been counted and that tens of thousands of illegal votes have occurred. To those who say they will take care of it later I say, “Yeah right do you think I am stupid? You want to drag your feet and hope that people will forget about it so that you can make your money off of the next election”. I am still waiting for the “bombshell” and needless to say I am getting a bit impatient with all the rhetoric and other bologna being peddled.

What this pause to reflect has given rise to within me is the thought that when I do not like a service that I receive from a business or I do not like a particular stance they take politically I can choose to no longer do business with that particular business. For instance, I do not do business with Amazon and will never pay for any of its services, I have not been on Facebook in six months and I will choose any store over Walmart if I can, I am looking at how I can move my business email account off of Google, long ago I quit using Google as my search engine, and now I am looking for alternatives to Netflix as well. Additionally, when Colin Kapernick started taking a knee I took all of my 49er gear down, quit watching the NFL, and this year quit watching MLB when I saw a BLM on a pitcher’s mound. This really has been difficult for me because I like to save money like anyone else and really enjoyed watching sports for entertainment and really have enjoyed the services of Netflix and quite honestly Google had the best search engine for years. I was a happy consumer until these companies, however, now that the owners of these companies have shown themselves to be megalomaniacs with no love for my country and openly support Marxist Leninist Trotskyite organizations and principles I will start my one man boycott of their companies. If others join me all the better but I will at least do my part.   

However, I do not have this recourse when it comes to my government. I do not have the choice to not pay for the so called services that the governments provide me. Let me state up front that I am not an anarchist. I do believe that government is necessary but I am a firm believer that government and its powers should be limited if this has not been clear in the past. I enjoy the notion that thugs that rule China, Russia and elsewhere cannot send ships carrying troops to invade the United States. In other words, I believe the federal government is tasked with the self-defense of our country. It is stated so in the US Constitution for good reason. Because there are those who believe in taking the hard work of those who are industrious and productive by force. I get it. Quite honestly, I enjoy the roads that I drive on though I am not so sure a private company could do the job of maintaining and building roads far more efficiently than my state government. I know there is waste and fraud in the awarding of these contracts as there obviously is in the awarding of military contracts on the federal level. I also enjoy the relative peace that having a local, county and state police and or sheriffs provide in my local area. Without them I am quite sure society would degrade and I would always have to be thinking about mine, my families, and my community’s safety.

But, what I do not enjoy is when my government becomes corrupted and when public service becomes a path to riches at the expense of me I do not have a choice to not pay for the government’s services like I do with commercial enterprises. I do not have a choice to not pay my taxes because if I do not pay my taxes the sheriff or some other branch of law enforcement (who ostensibly only purpose is to keep the peace) will show up at my door with their guns and arrest me. The main recourse I and my fellow citizens have is our vote. Our vote is the currency that each and every citizen has in the marketplace of political ideas and actions. We are each supposed to have one vote no matter how rich, poor, politically connected or not politically connected we are. And now it appears that this has been a charade going back at least twenty years if not further back. At least twenty years since the use of voting machines and probably a century or more in the case of cities with large political machines that have perfected the art of voter fraud.

I would have to say that my grievances are numerous but currently I am not happy with either the executive, the legislative, nor the judicial branches of government nor either of the major political parties in my country. It seems to me that elements of the Executive are out of control with the CIA, FBI and DOJ come to mind right off the top of my head. With regards to the Legislative Branch it seems to be so completely corrupt that they are willing to allow the Executive to run rough shod and comply with their overreaches as for instance in the allowing of the investigations of President Trump and the people around him and carrying out a phony impeachment. I am thinking of James Comey and his underlings in particular in this moment. Additionally, they pass a $1.4 trillion dollar “omnibus” spending bill that provides only $600 to me yet provides $1200 dollars to non-citizens and tens of millions of dollars to foreign interests and etc. It is so obvious that Congress is run by lobbyists and their interests. The Judicial Branch appears to be gone as the Supreme Court will not even do their job as granted them in Article III Section 2 of The Constitution. Texas vs. Pennsylvania has no standing? Give me a break it is your judicial Power to adjudicate controversies between states! This does not even get into all the instances of judicial activism which would be too numerous to list over the last 100 years. Just look at all of the Propositions in California that the people voted for and passed that were subsequently thrown out by corrupt leftist judges.

I sit here and I have to wonder where the leaders are in Washington DC? I have supported President Trump because I see him as being a leader and though I do not agree with everything he stands for, I probably could never work directly for him, and some of his Tweets have made me laugh and cringe I can respect him and his executive abilities. President Trump has not made his fortune off of his position in government as have so many of his detractors both inside and outside (i.e. Big Tech with their Section 230 protection and etc.) of government. What frightens me is that the people inside government have become so comfortable and dependent upon government largess that they have come together to apparently unlawfully prevent mine and others votes from counting. I am fearful that if this is allowed to keep Donald Trump from winning this election then our republic is lost because the one currency I have to express my pleasure or displeasure with current elected office holders, my vote, has been utterly debased and invalidated. To me there is no happy ending to this story if this truly is the level of power the foreign and or domestic enemies of my Constitution have gained and are allowed to keep. As the year of my lord 2021 dawns I will wait quietly to see what, if anything, comes out of Washington DC and around the country in the next week to three weeks. Time is running short and I have to think that I may need to go underground because I will admit that I am more fearful of the left in power than the left carrying out their threats should who appears to be the rightful winner of this election keep power.

Hello 2021!!! Happy New Year!!!

Post Script: Commissions on election fraud, special councils, and Congressional hearings will not change my mind on how I feel about the legitimacy of this past election. I want answers now or the opportunity will be lost forever I fear. If it looks like a delay tactic, and smells like a delay tactic to get the current nonpolitical office holder out of office then it probably is a delay tactic.

Random Musings 12.23.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings, and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say any way.

I just read what is an interesting editorial explanation for what has happened with the recent elections. This was an editorial written by a man named Thomas L. Knapp titled, “Yes, the election was rigged. No, not like that”. In the article he professes his belief that the election was not rigged to elect Joe Biden but rather the election was, “… rigged to ensure the status quo and for our de facto one-party system. It was rigged by party committees, by state legislatures, and by the Commission on Presidential Debates. It was rigged with committee rules, state ballot access laws and debate requirement intentionally designed to keep both “major party” dissidents (e.g., Tulsi Gabbard) and third-party and independent candidates as far off of voters’ radar as possible. It was not rigged to benefit a particular person. It was rigged to preserve a system: The post-World War II, military industrial complex centered “consensus” system.”

The trouble with this rigging is that the rigging is being exposed. Why is Arizona fighting to not have an independent audit of their voting machines? In other states why are hard drives being destroyed and evidence of potential linking of voting machines to the internet being destroyed? Why is evidence to confirm signatures either being withheld or destroyed? Why did governors and courts decide to change voting rules outside of their constitutionally authorized powers? If this election was truly fair and not rigged, then why is it that independent audits cannot be performed? For goodness sakes any publicly traded company is always under some form of audit or another under the auspices of protecting the shareholders. If it is good for the shareholder then it is even more important to protect the voter after all is not every single American a shareholder in our country? I must wonder how many auditors were told to just accept the status quo when Enron was ripping off their shareholders and in other cases in which fraud was committed in publicly traded companies.

Yes, the status quo may change if a truly fair election is held and I must ask what is wrong with that? Our Constitution was written to allow for change through the amendment process. The only constant in life is change. Why should we not demand that the stop to this erosion of trust in our republic begin today and right now with this election? I do not care what the status quo is because the status quo is eroding, increasingly being corrupted and I personally would prefer to start the change sooner rather than later after tension has bottled up even more than it already has. I may not like Joe Biden and I certainly did not vote for him but if he won the election fair and square, I am willing to accept that result. However, as it stands, I cannot accept him as a legitimate victor with what I am hearing and seeing (i.e., suppression of ballot observers, suitcases being pulled out from tables after all, but a few vote counters are left after a nonexistent leak in a building, votes being switched by voting machines, no independent audits, courts refusing to hear cases because of procedural matters instead of merits, and …).

I also perused the editorial page of another news publications website and in the middle of each page and as a pop out it had an AP report detailing Senator John Thune’s claim that if the election is contested in the Senate on January 6, it will go down ‘Like a Shot Dog’ in the Senate. Ok, so Senator Thune is the number 2 Senator in the Senate behind Senator McConnell. If I were to look at this from the perspective that I wrote of my first paragraph today, then yes, I can see where Senator Thune is coming from. Both he and Senator McConnell represent the status quo, or they would not have the positions that they have. I am beginning to wonder if South Dakota and Kentucky both use the Dominion Voting Machine?

Reading the same publications websites, I noticed an absence of President Trump’s message released yesterday. I did not look at any other websites or publications but considering the news site that I watched it on, OAN, I seriously doubt it was significantly shown anywhere else. Regardless, I like it and found it compelling. I typed in “president trump election update” in Google and the top of the search provides a map showing the 2020 Election Results with a map showing Joe Biden with 306 votes and Donald Trump with 232 votes and underneath the top stories are links to Politico, and two for CNN links. Then it follows links from Politico, BBC, Washington Post, and more CNN before a Reuters link. So if you want to view this I have provided the link below:

Lastly, I read an editorial about teacher’s unions in my state working to get a 1.5% increase in sales tax on next year’s ballot. This while the state I live in is wracked by COVID inspired shutdowns decreasing state revenues because there just is much less revenue to tax. To me this makes no sense as teachers and more importantly administrators of the school systems have worked through the entire shutdowns and have been paid while businesses are shuttered, and jobs have been lost. I can understand that teachers have had to work harder to balance their workloads between distance and in person classrooms and that they most likely do deserve more pay. In fact, I would argue that teachers deserved more pay before the lockdown. The problem is if there is no money there just simply is no money. Maybe the administrators and unions should have thought about this when they demanded remote learning for a population who is practically unaffected by the virus. Sure, some of the teachers may fall into an at risk population but wouldn’t it be easier to work around those cases than a blanket approach that costs more and is detrimental to our children? Perhaps some of the school districts should cut funding for some of their capital projects and from special programs and give the saved money to their teachers? Perhaps some of the administrators should take some furlough days so that the teachers can get a raise? I know I am not alone in my concerns, but I shudder to think what the costs to our children and their futures not going to school is going to be?

Random Musings 12.22.20

Once again it is time for some Twitter (for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word) like random musings from the mind of a quiet, unassuming, at least in my own opinion, person observing the ramblings, rumblings and revelations in the media. Additionally, now I know that Twitter and Facebook would  censor what I have to say any way.

I have sat down with music performed by the Berlin Symphony Orchestra playing The Nutcracker in the background. I am thinking that I am supposed to believe the SolarWinds hack is the work of yet again the Russians? Don’t get me wrong considering the Russia sired the second greatest mass murderer in Josef Stalin. Second behind Mao of China and ahead of Adolf Hitler of Germany. Somewhere in the mix is Pol Pot of Cambodia further solidifying the argument that the greatest mass murderers of the twentieth century all used socialism as their platform to impose their murderous regimes.

As I continue to listen to Tchaikovsky’s Grandfather Dance I am reminded of the The Boy Who Cried Wolf story. Russia has been blamed for so much since President Trump was elected that I am extremely skeptical. I am sorry but my gut instinct is to blame China with perhaps the collusion of Russia at best. China has the money and will to increase their military spending yet another 7% next year and is showing how far they will go in total warfare to do whatever it takes to destroy the United States. Russia is not funding Confucius Centers in the United States, and Russia is not using their sovereign fund to build ports and other facilities in Asia, South America, Africa and elsewhere around the world. Yes Russia has spied on the United States using honey traps and most likely continues to. However, have they gotten into the House Intelligence Committee like China has and who knows where else? Has Russia had the money to provide bundlers to finance candidates in the United States? Having grown up during the cold war I did not witness such corruption at the highest levels of government that I seem to be witnessing now with foreign and domestic socialist actors on both sides of the aisle and in our business and banking elites. So pardon me if I yawned yet again when I saw the headlines blaming Russia.

Oh yes and I am supposed to believe that there was not election interference? Why will Arizona not allow their voting machines to be audited? Why is there such pushback to allow an open audit of machines and ballots? Why are courts not hearing cases on merits but rather finding procedural excuses to throw out challenges to the elections? Why are we being told to just accept the results with none of our questions being answered satisfactorily? I cannot help but think that is something has the shape of a fish and something smells like a fish then chances are it is a fish. Something certainly smells fishy and the longer we move away from the election the more it stinks. So much so, and I have typed this before, I doubt the results of elections stretching back into at least the nineties now and certainly do not trust the voting system now.

5,593 page spending bill!?!? You have got to be kidding me! And I am supposed to believe that there is no pork or any money going to bail out one of the bankrupt states or large municipalities currently run by corrupt members of the Democratic Party?!? Yeah right, get real.

Evidently, the spending bill includes making the illegal streaming a felony. Yet another pandering to big tech that includes aid to Palestinians when small businesses are failing in our country. Of course, who knows if any of this is true because law makers have six hours to review before voting on it? Yet another Grandma Nancy Pelosi jam it down their throat last minute bully tactic. Just pass it and we will take care of the details afterward. Does this relief bill provide direct relief to restaurants and other small businesses hurt by the unfair lockdowns that have exclusively benefited big tech and the large box stores? It makes me sick!

So, we have another strain of coronavirus reported in Europe and just as the first case is reported in England France shuts off all access to and from France to England. Does anyone else find it coincidental that this happens just as Brexit negotiations are heating up and England may leave the EU? I might out that England leaving the EU is a move completely against the globalist agenda and in support of, gasp, a people who love their nation’s independence.

Again I must reiterate that I would prefer therapeutics to help me combat Covid 19, should I it get, than take an experimental immunization using mRNA technology. Something does not smell right with this technology.

How many believe Joe Bidden took an actual vaccine and not a syringe filled with saline? Of course, it may have been a super dose of vaccine administered under the direction of the Democratic Party handlers who cannot wait to see Kamala Harris inaugurated president. Of course, I still do not believe Joe Biden is the President elect nor will I until it can be proven that all votes counted were legal and that all legal votes have been counted.

All government employees and all offices should be shut down for one week a month until tax revenues increase to pre pandemic levels. The first in line in the government who should lose their paychecks for one week a month should be Congress, the heads of the FDA, CDC, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and state Governors who have shut down their states with unnecessarily long restrictions and etc. I would say President Trump but he already gives his entire paycheck away and has done so throughout his presidency. Remember, this is because he made his money in the new old fashioned way which was in business not due the largesse and grift of holding government positions nearly his whole adult life.

It sure is plain to see who the never Trumpers are and Chris Christie still seems to be one of them.

By the way, I am becoming concerned at the violent rhetoric being spoken by the Democrats and other leftists. I am wondering if I am putting my family and self at risk even typing what I am typing. Though in reality I know it can easily be found by a capable forensic team I am glad of my anonymity at this point. Trouble is I have openly supported President Trump and his campaign so I know my name is on a list somewhere. I wonder if Alec Baldwin will someday show up and try to put a knee on my neck. Would the Washington Post characterize me as a rat like the Nazis characterized Jews in the lead up to World War II?

It seems to me that the intolerant globalist left is beginning to show their true colors. They do not seem to like it when people question their narrative of correct social norms and supposed values. Most of all they do not like it when people question their self-professed moral superiority. My fear is that if they are allowed to amass more power than they already have there is a great potential for rhetoric to turn into actual physical acts. I say this because one of the first things a ruling elite does to condone violence against their opponents is to dehumanize them.

Do I believe that Joe Biden’s administrations will continue the work of President Trump? No, it will be a return to globalism and a very real possibility of the death of our Constitutional Republic. As The Clown in Divertissement comes to its crescendo and gives way to the Waltz of the Flowers, I cannot help but wonder if the SolarWinds could in fact be an operation put in play by rogue elements of our very own intelligence agencies to try and drag us into yet another war? Who to believe and who to trust? As I discussed in my most previous post the same tools that could lead us into enlightenment could indeed be being used to oppress, spread fear, and drag us into another dark age.

Golden Age or Dark Age?

Two days ago, I was reading a story and in the story two of the characters were having a conversation. The two characters are older characters who have seen a lot and have been around a lot and one of the characters is speaking of today. There are two sentences spoken by one of the characters that somehow rang true to me. It rang true to me because in those two sentences it seemed to sum up my observations and opinions of one industry in particular. The two sentences read, “This should be a golden age ushered in on the wings of science and technology. Instead, it is the opposite. The start of a new dark age, using those same tools to spread ignorance and fear.”

It seems like just a little bit of time ago, in reality thirty years ago, I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area working and taking an introduction to computer science class. I was fascinated with the new technology and had to learn what it was all about so that I could move forward in my life with some fundamental knowledge of how the technology worked. It was being touted that this “new technology that would increase productivity and save time for all of us”. In the class, I learned about inputs, outputs, memory, and the computer processing unit (CPU). Within a couple of years I was using an IBM 286 to manipulate data and do word processing. Within another couple of years I was learning how to write code and at the same time explore this new medium called the internet in which I could instantly in my house or in a computer lab communicate and or share ideas and information with others. It seemed to me to be the dawn of a golden age in which information would flow much more freely and quickly than it had up to that time.

It was interesting to note that I remember speaking with the first person that I bought a computer from in 1993. This gentleman essentially bought the computer components and assembled the complete machine for his customers. In a conversation he talked about being in Berkeley California in the 1980’s running in computer geek crowds and meeting Bill Gates. The gentleman that I bought the assembled computer remembered Bill Gates as the geek of geeks and yet he always had a crowd of people around him. By the time I was told this story in 1992 Microsoft was well on its way to the dominance that it developed and currently maintains.

Regardless, I was riding high on the power of the personal computer and the internet as I was able to research, perform calculations, and find spare parts and machinery that otherwise could not be found much easier than it had been before. I think one of the biggest boons for me was the word processing capability because I have never liked typing considering all of the mistakes I make when writing. It was awesome! Suddenly, friends of mine who lived in the San Francisco Bay Area were encouraging me to move back there as they were taking jobs at startups with huge stock options with promises of personal fortunes. Needless to say I was starting to become uncomfortable with how non-technical people were starting to become experts in high tech. Again, secretaries were becoming millionaires. I chose not to move and thank goodness I did not because when the dot com bubble burst some of these same friends lost their jobs and their stock options became worthless. For me personally the euphoric bubble was beginning to burst.

The survivors of this bloodletting only became bigger and stronger and little did I know some of these of the strongest and biggest companies were receiving protections from the US Government. Evidently, as they became bigger they also started using their new found wealth to begin lobbying and out right supporting political candidates. It is little wonder as I sit here now and reminisce that I was becoming disillusioned with the industry instinctively. All the while they became larger and larger. It did not help that new program versions and hardware “versions” were being pushed every year or two and I just could not bring myself to keep up when I had machines that were running perfectly good. I could sense that the technologists had been replaced by greedoligists as the user interfaces became more and more glitzy despite the user functionality remaining essentially the same and in fact decreasing in many cases as the software became more and more proprietary locking me out of certain capabilities.

The last programming language that I learned was C++ and I realized that programming was advancing at rate far faster than I cared to match and so I kind of turned my focus on other items periodically upgrading my computers to newer, faster, and more complex machines. Although I will admit that one of the most frustrating trends at the time was all the extra programs provided on these new machines that were difficult to remove. Quite honestly I never really felt comfortable that I had removed all the superfluous programs and as a consequence that the machine ran as fast as it could but I never really paid too much attention or devoted too much time to “clean” all the garbage programs out of my machines. It began to feel that the machine really was not truly my machine but that I was somehow paying for a machine that someone else could control and manipulate.

This became even more noticeable over the years when due to the increase in interconnectivity updates began being pushed out to my machines, licenses to run certain software packages required one to be online, and security due to hacking and other malicious code became so sophisticated and pervasive that to even visit and use some sites I had to keep my computer security up to date. Thus requiring my machine to be nearly always connected to the internet. My machine became even less my machine but rather like something I am leasing with someone always watching my every move and I have to pay for it. Oh and yes, if you think you are not being watched when you are online I have known this for quite some time and really it is not too difficult to tell that someone is watching you.

Now here we are today and we have FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google) who have essentially become the most powerful companies in the world. Some of whom enjoy the privilege of Section 230 protection and have actually benefitted from the COVID “pandemic” as people have been brow beat into being fearful of going out and meeting people in person. Like Amazon’s destruction of small and even large brick and mortar businesses now they enjoy the benefit of having governments actually destroy their competition while they become larger and larger and more and more powerful. Ever so much more powerful that using technologies perfected with their partners in Communist China they apparently have even been able to turn tools of mass censorship on the country that spawned them. So much for the euphoria that I once associated with the internet; the medium that could provide for free flow and dissemination of information and that could provide so much more freedom to the world.

Make no mistake of my opinion but that I have no doubt that several if not all of these companies have colluded at some level with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). It is my opinion that if a company has done business in China they have had to make deals as the CCP is the most powerful authoritarian regime on the face of the earth currently. In order to do business in CCP controlled China these companies had to develop censorship algorithms. Now it appears the FANG have colluded with the Democratic Party and have conspired to cheat America out of a free and fair elections. I just wonder where the lines between the CCP and FANG exist because from my point of view the lines are very very blurry.

Additionally, I know look back on the history of recent elections in California and even the state that I live in and have to wonder how long this apparent digital vote cheating has been going on? Additionally, in all the other states that are using computerized voting systems? It is my opinion that the union between the big tech giants, the Democratic Party, elements of the Republican Party, the mainstream media and now apparently the CCP is an unholy alliance and an out and out criminal alliance. Freedom is euphoric but what we have now is oppression that is rapidly leading to a disintegration of social cohesion in the United States that is not going to end up good for many many tens if not more tens of millions of people. One that if not stopped now may be too late to be stopped if it indeed it is not already too late. Will the next four years bring us more fear and ignorance or will they bring us more jobs, freedoms, and be more akin to a golden age?

Article III Section 2

Having now had two days since the Supreme Court chose not to hear the case between Texas against the four states whose elections rules were changed by their executive and or judicial branches, I am troubled. First, however, I thought I would inform my readers of sections specifically of the US Constitutions and some legal definitions. I inform because I first had to inform myself before writing this

First is Article III Section 2 paragraph 2 which reads:

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

Second, I call attention to Article II Section 1 paragraph 2:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding and Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

It seems to me the case that the Supreme Court made the decision not to hear centered upon these two paragraphs. The first paragraph provides the Supreme Court jurisdiction and responsibility and the second seems to be a valid argument to justify a hearing. However, all except two justices chose not to hear the case which I cannot find a justification for their actions in my mind.

In the Supreme Court response they said, “The State of Texas’ motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.”

So, looking up the legal meaning of standing I found the following definition on the freedicitionary.com which reads, “The legally protectable state or interest that an individual has in a dispute that entitles him to bring the controversy before the court to obtain judicial relief.”

I will admit that I did not read Texas’ briefs provided to the Supreme Court and so cannot be sure of their arguments and for the sake of this post on what is otherwise an obscure blog in an obscure corner or the internet it does not matter. I say it does not matter because I am not a constitutional scholar nor am I an attorney. What I am is a practitioner of applied physics. A world in which, except on the fringes, the laws are absolute and work in nearly all applications that they are applied.

Looking at this and using the definition of standing I can agree that a state really does not have grounds to argue how another state’s legislature prescribes the way their electors are chosen. After all, as I typed above Article II states that a state’s Legislature may direct the way their electors are chosen. What I do not understand is in the contested states the state’s Judicial and Executive branches subverted or elaborated upon the manner which the electors are being chosen. In that case it does affect me because it crosses boundaries separating powers and is grossly unconstitutional and undermines and sets precedent for the same sorts of actions in my state. What the Supreme Court has essentially said is this is acceptable conduct in any state which makes me very uneasy.

Granted I am not a Constitutional scholar and the erudite students of law can probably come up with all sorts of reasons why the Supreme Court was justified in their decisions I cannot. To me it seems like s shirking of responsibility and displays a total disregard for the Constitution by the justices. In a time of struggle between judicial activism and a disputed and questionable election that threatens to destabilize and erode confidence in our Constitutional republic the Supreme Court Justices punted by saying their decision was based on merits but rather grounds. I for one would like to see an explanation of why the justices chose not to hear the case besides a curt two sentence statement.