Random Musings on Current Events 1.20.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I must decide if I want to spend the money to continue this blog. This blog that is read by few and far between and lately half of them are in mainland China. Evidently, I am circling somewhere over the target, at least relative to my ramblings concerning China and the Chinese Communist Party, otherwise, why would they be watching me? Yes, I assume in is the government of China that is watching me with no proof because I firmly believe that there is nothing that happens in China without the explicit or implicit approval of the government.

I learned that the net worth of Jerome Powell in the two years that he has been chairman of the US Federal Reserve has seen his net worth grow from $20 million to over $60 million. This while my net worth and standard of living has shrunk during this same time period. How is it that a man who creates no value whatsoever but merely oversees an organization that essentially is devaluing the value of currency more than triples his net worth? Does anyone else see something fundamentally wrong with this?

Speaking of rich people, smoke and mirrors, and hypocrisy. It seems that the number of private jets flying into Davos has skyrocketed for the meeting of the worlds uber elite. This and they are requesting pilots who have not participated in the mRNA injection experiment and will be serving beef at the meetings and restaurants surrounding the meeting areas. Why do we collectively give our freedoms and power over to these self-aggrandizing, selfish hypocrites who do not give a rip about our standards of living? 

I read yet another Associated Press (AP) report and this report is on the storms that keep rolling into the US west coast. As per script the article details some of the trials and tribulations of Californian’s this winter to include flooding, heavy mountain snows, and the Los Angeles River, among other coastal California rivers running unabated into the Ocean. As per script the article had the obligatory sentence blaming this all on climate change. As per script I rolled my eyes how fires, drought, flooding, winter storms are all due to climate change. Well, duh, the climate did change when the Hua Tonga Tonga Volcano ejected water vapor and ash to the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere last January only mankind had nothing to do with it.

It seems the drums of war keep beating without any change in their tempo. Now the US and NATO are sending tanks, more money, and whatever else to the Ukrainian NAZI fascist. This while natural gas prices rise in the US because ours is being shipped to Europe. This because a war was started by the west and Russia shut off Europe’s natural gas and the west sabotaged another pipeline from Russia. It seems that Fascism is alive and well in the West, a portion of the world that ostensibly destroyed fascism in World War II.

Speaking of fascism, Davos, and their intersection apparently the Chairmen of Siemens, the huge multinational conglomerate that even includes the once venerable Westinghouse, a company of US origins, apparently feels that a billion people need to stop eating meat. OK, so what he is saying is that he needs a billion undernourished servants who will not have the energy to question that he and others like him dictate. I am supposed to believe a man who is chairman of the board of yet another company that flourished underneath the fascist German Nazi’s is altruistic and has my best interests in mind when he spews his venomous, inciting, and condescending drivel?

Now Green Berets are being arrested for trafficking illicit drugs from Central and South America. Add them to the inglorious list that includes Navy SEALS. It seems that the collapse of the United States is nigh now that our elite warrior class has also been corrupted.

Personally, I know that I need to step up my spiritual practice because the institutions that I once held in high regard are no more. Perhaps it was a mistake in the first place to hold these institutions in high regard because as Moses said, “We must hold no false idols before God”. Perhaps I did not hold my God in high enough regard and so now I must step up my practice. This because mankind’s leadership is certainly failing and appears to be on the road to mass destruction.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings of Current Events 1.13.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format in a New Year.

We now have another Speaker of the House in the United States Congress who is from California. What is it about California that produces those with such ambition that they rise to the top of the House of Representatives in Washington D.C.? I for one think the debate for The Speaker was healthy despite it being nothing more than Kabuki Theater to appease the Build Back America wing of the Republican Party. What frightens me is that the man elected Speaker is a Republican from a state in which the Republican Party is in shambles and a failure. It is a state party that has allowed the Nancy Pelosi Democrats unbridled power and that is a one party state. I must question who Kevin McCarthy really is working for? Is it the American people, a California elite, the Uni Party, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi, and or all the above? Whatever or whoever it is that he is working for I do not trust him nor do I trust that he will hold the line against future encroachment on my rights as an individual under the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Nor do I trust that he will not work to destroy the populist movement that has been ignited by President Trump and help to decentralize power from Washington D.C. I suppose time will tell but I am not going to hold my breath.

Damar Hamlin collapses on the field. Was he a guinea pig in the COVID mRNA experiment? I suppose we will never know but it certainly makes me wonder when I hear out of Europe that throughout all sports the number of deaths for athletes, using the same sample population, has jumped from less than 50 to over 1,500 in one year.

Classified documents are being found in Joe Biden’s residence and at his Washington D.C. Penn State offices and somehow, I am supposed to believe it is different than the documents that were found in President Trump’s Mira Lago residence? Well yest it is different. Number one I know that as President of the United States one has the authority to declassify documents, however, as Vice President one does not and the documents in Joe Biden’s possession go back to his days as Vice President. Another difference is Donald Trump is a political outsider much as I am. I have no doubt that if classified documents were found in my possession, I would be busting large rocks into small rocks at an institution such as the federal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth.

The FAA grounded all departing flights for several hours this week because of a glitch in their air traffic control’s Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) computer system. Just another system of the slow rolling failure of air travel in the United States. When government agencies are spending more resources ensuring their work force is trained in woke bull puckey and forcing untested technology injections on their employees instead of ensuring their equipment is maintained and kept up to date, things fail. Fortunately, this time no one was hurt despite many travelers being delayed. I for one am no longer comfortable using commercial airline travel because I must wonder what other systems will soon fail. Not only that I have trouble supporting businesses who were lackeys for the pharmaceutical industry and coerced their employees to be guinea pigs for the experimental mRNA jabs (i.e., Delta Airlines etc.).

Rest in Peace Jeff Beck and Lisa Marie Presley and may there be some good jam sessions with those who have gone before you, Mr. Beck.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.23.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

For the next couple of weeks, I am sort of taking a news sabbatical. What this means is I will not actively be seeking out news but let those who I know tell me what they have read and heard. From this I will piece together my Random Musings. Along with what I hear from others and because of my news sabbatical I have time to formulate and type up what comes to mind in the quiet times.

I just had quite the experience of receiving a text message providing my physical address, one phone number that I have used along with several that I have not used along with being told that I must pay them for something that I did not do. This or they were going to ruin my reputation. It is some sort of blackmail scam and I am not quite sure what to do about it. Perhaps I will call my local Sheriff’s office? Some people work so hard to run a fraud that it makes me wonder why they do not spend half of that energy and do something positive for the world.

The Chinese are building islands out of submerged reefs now in the South China Sea instead of reefs that were above the high tide mark. All of this and the US Congress and President are hosting the Ukrainian President because Russia is our mortal enemy. Give me a freakin’ break! I will choose a Christian Eurasian country any day over a communist Asian country run by thugs who appear intent on taking over the world. Do not get me wrong, I do not trust the Russians either but China has infiltrated the West and is using Sun Tzu tactics to destabilize the country from within far more successfully than the Russians or Soviets ever did.

The end of advent draws nigh and the Christmas season draws near. We have just had the shortest day of the year up here in the northern hemisphere. I feel the inward draw of the earth along with the advancement of night and the longest night of the year. It is hard to feel anything or do much of anything.

I, for one, will be taking the next two weeks off from blogging. It is the Christmas season and I am going to honor it. This is the time of year that I will reflect on this past year and what the coming year might bring. I will be minimizing my time online and spending time with family, friends and minimal day job activities. I would encourage all to remember what this season is about and it is not what the commercialized big corporate world tells you that it is. It is the time of year that we reset our solar clock to the lunar clock and make up for the approximately 12 day difference, hence the 12 days of Christmas. I will remember the Light One and the great teacher who incarnated to show us a way to learn about ourselves and to treat others.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.16.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

For the next couple of weeks, I am sort of taking a news sabbatical. What this means is I will not actively be seeking out news but let those who I know tell me what they have read and heard in casual conversation. From this I will piece together my Random Musings. Along with what I hear from others and because of my news sabbatical I have time to formulate and type up what comes to mind in the quiet times.

Heading into the holidays it has become increasingly difficult for me to get into the spirit, so to speak. If anyone has lost a child, perhaps, they can understand. I have now lost both my parents, who I loved, and now a child and during the quiet time of the holidays the memories become painful. It really is hard to explain the depths without experiencing this sort of pain which I would not wish upon anyone.

Speaking of the death of a loved one little more than a month of taking the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection under pressure from their employer, a national airline. I wonder what sort of recourse I, as a father, have? I have submitted claims to the government because evidently the pharmaceutical giants are immune from liability for claims against their concoctions. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?

Why won’t the government release all the files on the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination more than sixty years after the event and more than twenty years after a law was passed by Congress directing the CIA to release their files? Why does a federal agency appear to have more power than an elected body in my country? A country that is supposedly free and with a separation of powers. The appearance of impropriety is enough to cause one to lose confidence in one’s leadership, or so I have been taught.

Am I at risk, just for typing and posting these words, for having my family all but wiped out much as the JFK’s have been wiped out? What is one to do when obviously the rule of law does not apply but rather the law of tooth and fang or who has the largest club appears to be the real law at work? How much of what is going on within government and the media nothing more than Kabuki Theater?

Regardless, despite my moribund, dark, and pointless feelings and thoughts I do have much to be grateful which I am reminded of each day when I pray as I do before writing most times. I will not the purveyors of death despoil what remains of my life because life it is too valuable of a gift to squander and I choose life over death.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.9.22 (a day late)

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Well, the Twitter files are being released and all the assumptions and suspicions of collusion between Federal Government law enforcement agencies are being shown to be true with hard evidence. I, for one, am outraged! More outraged at the apparent lack of outrage being shown by others in positions in power. Ask me if I expect anyone in the Department of Justice to investigate and bring charges? Are there enough in Congress that will change anything? I have not read a whiff about this in either of the local big city newspapers near me in either the news or editorial sections. Where is the outrage that government was telling a Big Tech firm what to block and shadow ban? Perhaps, the CIA, DHS, FBI, DOJ and or who knows what else funded the rise of Twitter? I am not sure really what to believe now except that I have lost full faith in confidence in the ability of my Federal Government’s current leadership in the DNI, CIA, FBI, DHS, DOJ, CDC, and the DOD’s senior leadership (i.e., Flag, General, SES level). What about Google, Amazon, the NY Times and other MSM outlets? What is most troubling is I am not sure what I can do, besides pray, about any of this.

I am happy that the military will no longer be requiring its soldiers, sailors, and airmen to get the experimental COVID mRNA injection. What still disturbs me and prevents me from supporting President Trump is his lack of apology or even acknowledging that there may have been a problem with the initial roll out of the jab. Is he beholden to Big Pharma, is he too stubborn to admit a mistake, or does he still believe it was the right thing to do? I will admit he made decisions under pressure and cannot fault him for the decisions he made. Someone had to make them but with a couple of years now passed and with a better understanding of the disease I would think it is OK to admit mistakes were made.

The Biden administration has traded a killer weapons dealer for a stoner basketball player while a US Marine still sits in a Russian prison. Seems equitable to me and if you detect sarcasm dripping from this it is.

I watched a bit of the Fox network’s news casts on Wednesday morning and they mentioned how the COVID mRNA experiment in the military was being ended. I call this a victory and yet on the newscast not one mention was made that the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) portion was removed from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Hmm, do you think News Corp was not happy about this?

Once again, the MSM is blaming Trump for the loss of a Republican, Herschel Walker, in Georgia’s senate run off. Yawn, I say, put blame where blame is due. It is the RINO Republicans who would rather remain in the minority that are to blame. Yawn.

The JCPA has been added and now, deleted from the NDAA by Senator McConnell in a lame duck session! Wow, the bloated, corrupt, media really is pulling out all the stops to get this one through. They must really be hurting to use their big, corrupted gun Mitch McConnell to pull this stunt. All I can say is for them to do this sort of shenanigans to pass this bill it cannot be good for me. This is back room politics at its finest. It must tell one something when Amy Klobuchar supports it also.

What is up with Kanye West? This story has gone from messed up to reprehensible and now is entering the bizarre stage. Something is off.

Xi Jianping is visiting China. Interesting to say the least. It makes me mull over the fact that every reserve currency has failed and been replaced by another. Does this meeting mark the end of the US Dollar’s hegemony as the global reserve currency? Or is it the first, an intermediary, or a purely innocuous step in the future of currency in the world? Something tells me it is not an innocuous step with regards to the US Dollar.

Anthony Fauci has admitted that he talked to Mark Zuckerberg and that one of his daughters worked as a software engineer for Twitter. Now she works as a software engineer for a leftist organization the pushes vaccines.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.2.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It appears that the railway workers in the US have been dealt a bad hand by both the President, their Union leaders and now the US Congress. Here we are just emerging from a pandemic, fraudulent as it was, in which we were supposed to stay home when sick to learn that railway workers did not have sick leave. I had to ask myself, “What?” The railroads are a major component in the logistics backbone of this nation and its workers are not asking for much, at least on the surface. What is going on here that the politicians and union leaders are siding with the railway companies? Something stinks here and the rank and file appear to be getting screwed.

I just had a conversation in which I learned that Janet Yellen was on Stephen Colbert and she blamed the American public, writ large, for inflation. I heard this and did a double take as I could not believe what I heard. So, Secretary Yellen, you and others in government screwed us all with your ridiculous, overbearing, and unnecessary shutdowns for a man made virus that ostensibly was unleashed to implement legalized voter fraud, then you provided stimulus to help offset these shutdowns and now you are blaming us for inflation? So, you screwed us against our will and now you are going to tell us that we are to blame for the forcible screwing? That makes a lot of sense, not!

I am tired of the LGBTWRS movement. It is a waste of time, it is counterproductive, and I will not stand for it anymore. I do not support homosexuality, I will call people by gender specific pronouns whether they like it or do not like it, and I will not allow or support men competing in women’s sports because they are men no matter how they dress. The Socialist movement used women in the beginning and now the women are being kicked to the curb.

Speaking of cross dressing bald headed fools that somehow have gotten positions of leadership in the Biden administration. We have one who steals luggage and somehow plays it off that it was an accident. The guy is a criminal, his security clearance should be revoked, he should be fired without severance, and he should never be allowed a position of authority ever again. After all, I would probably have the same done to me just for typing the above paragraph.

Speaking of another cross dressing piece of work the Surgeon General should be given the option to either start dressing as the man that he is or resign. The person is a man, end of story. If you have a penis, you are a male whether you self-identify or not. I notice that you are unwilling to become a eunuch.

Arizona seems to be capitulating in the face of the most recent election steal while the White House throws a lavish state dinner in which celebrities and others are invited for French President Macron and his wife. It was a dinner to honor and stroke each other’s backs and egos for the globalist elites.

Still a very watered down response from the administration and MSM regarding the protests in China and in Iran. Of course, the Chinese have sent tanks in to quell some of these riots while some leaders in the west, for instance the CEO of Apple who was invited to the White House State Dinner, praises the government of China. This man and others like him do not respect me or my rights and I, for the record, never expect these types of people, if you want to call them people, to respect me or my rights.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.25.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Arizona is fighting their election results with multiple counties being unwilling to certify their elections. I believe this to be awesome and it appears there are true patriots in Arizona who are willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. This is unlike their neighboring state of Nevada where the Republicans have once again merely rolled over and accepted the results of a fraudulent election in many cases. They conceded without nary a fight.

Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zenn has been convicted of pro-democracy support along with five others. So, just another example of what Communist Thugs will do to maintain their power and how words do hurt them. Like how Democrat Governors would shut down churches during the pandemic while allowing box stores to remain open. What was it the Democrat governors were afraid would be said by the clergy and others in houses of worship?

Does it surprise anyone that Pope Francis has said nary a word of support for the Cardinal or condemned the actions of the Hong Kong court? Why would it surprise anyone that an avowed Argentine socialist would not support a Cardinal who espouses and supports freedom in a city being forced by the government to submit to the will of the socialist dictatorship? One thing it seems socialists all over the world have in common is their belief and support of socialist dictatorships. After all, no one in their right minds, given all the information and realities of socialism, would ever willingly and freely choose socialism.

Is anyone else surprised that the mainstream media is not reporting one wit of the Foxconn riots in China? You know the factory that assembles iPhones and pays their workers a mere pittance of what their counterparts would make in Taiwan let alone in the United States.

More shootings in the US are being exaggerated up by the left as a reason for gun control. This despite the narratives being pushed by the mainstream media usually being proved false withing twenty four hours of their release. Blah blah blah and by the way you will not take my Second Amendment rights away from me.

I see the World Cup competition has started in Qatar with even a bit of drama scripted around Iran to give the requisite national drama. Personally, NBC has been advertising their coverage for months now and I do not plan to watch any of the globalist sponsored spectacles. I will, however, watch some American football and hockey. Soccer puts me to sleep and I will not contribute to NBC’s ratings, support any of the sponsors, nor will I give the globalist puppet masters any of my time.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.18.22

Once again it is time for Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Nancy Pelosi will not seek a leadership position in the new Congress. Wow, she actually kept her word. I wonder if it had something to do with the attack on her husband, her health, something else and or all the preceding? It will be interesting to see who wins the Democrat Party infighting to elect the next Speaker of the House. Will it be the Communists, Socialist, Fascist or just corrupt without any political ideology wing of the party?

Oh no! FTX has failed and with it $32 billion has disappeared!!! Disappeared into Democratic Party candidate coffers, disappeared into Bahamian real estate, disappeared into mysterious bank accounts, and since much of the value was speculative anyway it just vanished. It seems we live in a world where counter party risk seems increasingly, ahem, risky. Personally, I am going to sit back and watch the show on this one because its entertainment value seems to be increasing daily.

President Trump has announced his candidacy for another term of office. Although ostensibly I hope he wins I have my reservations. For instance, when will the irritating texts, emails, and phone calls start asking for money? This is when the RNC machine has not stopped asking me for donations for Hershel Walker’s campaign to finish out the most recent banana republic election that the RINO’s ensured will keep the establishment in power. Additionally, it will be an uphill battle for President Trump, no doubt, considering all the forces arrayed against him. After all, a worldwide pandemic was engineered to ensure he was not reelected in 2020. I say this because of all the mail in ballot laws passed which are patently corrupt during the plandemic, all churches and public gatherings were shut down in the name of public safety with Democratic states being the most militant in doing so, and President Trump could not have his rally’s, his strength, in the numbers he did the first time. I also have my reservations about President Trumps handling of the plandemic and his support for the experimental mRNA inoculations.

It certainly seems that Ron DeSantis has some favor with the establishment because he is being allowed to govern Florida as he sees fit and won his reelection easily which is a good thing, no doubt. However, as I was reminded by one of my favorite pod casters yesterday let us wait and see who the people are that surround him. If fact, isn’t that true of everyone? Trump surrounded himself with people who were part of the problem, no doubt.

Speaking of which, the results of this past election were not Trumps fault but rather, I would submit, it is the fault of the CCP/Globalist Controlled Uni Party. It is the fault of Mitch McConnell who has sold his party and country out to maintain power for what I am not sure. His not providing funding to Don Bolduc, Adam Laxalt, Blake Masters, and Kelly Tshibaka reeks of his willingness to ignore much of the populace of the United States, especially in those states they were running, and the Trump wing of the Republican because they would not take a knee to him. I commend these candidates despite their losses because unlike an inflexible loser who will destroy his party, stunt his party from changing to face the future, who appears willing to sell his country, and who is incapable of seeing the future in the name of maintaining his grip on power, these candidates have taken a stand. They have taken a stand for more than greed and going along to get along which is a course that has cost this country dearly and will continue until Mitch McConnell and those like him which include but are not limited to Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, the Cheney’s, the Bushes, the Clinton’s, the Obama’s and the rest of the greedy power hungry group of globalists have been put out to pasture for good.

It certainly is interesting to read the news of celebrities and politicians reacting to the Musk takeover of Twitter. They are attacking Mr. Musk with the same fervor that they attacked Donald Trump and it is coming from the same quarter of society and the world. For instance, Kathy Griffin and German Socialists and others.

Before the election, the election office of Kari Lake was targeted by someone emailing suspicious envelopes with white powder and General Don Bolduc was physically assaulted and nary a peep in the mainstream media. Who really are the purveyors of violence in spreading fear? Maybe the answer is located somewhere in Chicago or someone who called Chicago home in their past.

So, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and several Silicon Valley Tech Giants are funding an organization called Internews that claims to support “independent media.” In Hungary they are calling the branch of Internews “position media” and to me this provides further proof of the alliance between big tech, the US foreign intelligence apparatus and George Soros. Does anyone else ever wonder how Big Tech got so big so fast in a free market? To me, they had to have help and perhaps this is a chit being called in?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings and (mostly) Election Observations 11.11.22

Random Musings and Special Election Observations 11.11.22

The pundits are already blaming the poorer than advertised showing of Republicans because of Donald Trump. This was from a “New York Democrat” on Fox who voted Republican. He blames Donald Trump for the Republicans not winning in New York. All I can say right now is get lost New York and get lost California. I do not give a rip about what you think, say or do. Go and do something with yourselves and leave me out of it. For you who care, I toned down and removed several expletives in this draft as compared to my first draft in case you wondered what I really think

The area that I live in, which is predominately Red, had the number of polling locations consolidated from 2 to 1 in this election. In the one remaining polling location, where I voted yesterday, there were five machines, one of which was not working, and this number was down from nine voting machines at this location the previous election. Within 45 minutes of my arriving to vote, the line was long, all of the voting machines (Dominion Voting Machines in case anyone wonders) quit working and the workers at the polling location said that a technician had been called. In the meantime, I live in a State where all voters were mailed a ballot, the workers made sure everyone who was in line to vote in person knew that if they had a mail in ballot, they could drop them off in the box provided at the polling location. The voters in line were informed that they could go to another polling location in the county as well. Needless to say, I would estimate around 40 people took advantage of dropping their ballots into the box and the line grew increasing short in a relatively short amount of time.

Due to the rapid decrease in the length of the line I quickly found myself inside the building where the machines were located only to learn that the computer that was used to somehow synchronize a card that is used to insert into the voting machines themselves was the problem. The woman who was working on the computer was the same person who suggested and argued that the drop box was secure and that there was no way to commit fraud despite the mail in ballots having no way to verify their accuracy via signature once taken out of the envelope.

All the while as people cast their mail in ballots more people arrived and the remaining stalwarts, me included, remained in line waiting to see what was going to happen. At some point the workers made mention that no technician had been dispatched at about the same time a news crew from one of the local television stations showed up. The crew mentioned that there were problems in another area of the county that is predominately Red also, shot some footage, and left. Miraculously, within five minutes of the news crew leaving the computer that synchronized the voting machine cards started to work and within ten minutes I was able to cast my vote on a machine. I spent a total of two hours waiting in line for a machine and the computer did not work for about 50 minutes.

I decided to check the national news a few hours later during my lunch break and learned that in Arizona’s Maricopa County there was massive trouble with voting machines and in other places around the country voting machines did not have the right ink or ink distribution to print ballots. Funny that it seemed, according to reports, that most of the problems, like the one I experienced, were mostly in Red areas. I thought to myself, uh oh, how can a first world country, supposedly, and the inventors of high tech computers have these sorts of troubles?

Moving on to the evening, the results were on television in my household whether I wanted them on or not. I learned that in the big Democrat run city of Philadelphia the democrat candidate at the time had over 90% of the vote. Does that seem a bit extreme to anyone else? Of course, the talking heads have all the reasons in the world that this is happening in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, and other areas. I am sorry but it is all starting to sound a bit too canned for my taste and a bit too formulaic. Let us not forget that Philadelphia and New York are essentially “no go” zones due to rampant crime.

The day after the election, I woke up to find that the Arizona and Nevada races were too close to call and at the same time the election office had been closed for hours in my home state. In Nevada Republicans were ahead in the Senate and Governor races but only 76% of the votes had been counted which puzzled me to no end. Nevada is a state that uses the dominion voting machines but county officials are stating that it will take longer because of the mail in ballots. This after they shut down their ballot counting machines overnight and claim the results will not be in for over a week. Wait! What really is going on here? Something smells fishy here and it is not just the fishy smell blowing north across the border from Arizona.

Now, it is Friday and in Nevada Adam Laxalt barely holds a lead for Senate, the Republican Governor candidate, Joe Lombardo, is barely holding on to a lead, in Arizona Kari Lake just cannot seem to get over the hump, and Arizona’s Republican candidate for Senate Blake Masters cannot seem to really close the gap. In Washoe County, Nevada which has the cities of Reno and Sparks, the second most populous county in Nevada behind Clark County which has Las Vegas I have heard reports of voter machine malfunctions on election day. Additionally, I have heard that Washoe County has a live stream of their vote counting rooms that up until about 3 PM yesterday, Thursday November 2, 2022, and Adam Laxalt was up by nearly a thousand votes. At about 3 pm two of the cameras went down for a couple of hours and when the four cameras came back online Catherine Cortez Masto, the Democratic candidate for the US Senate, had a five thousand vote lead in the county and the Joe Lombardo’s lead was drastically diminished. Coincidence? I do not know but it certainly seems strange in today’s world and climate. One would think that the County, which once could produce election results on election night, would be able to do the same in today’s day and age.

Speaking of Arizona and machines breaking down in Maricopa County, the Secretary of State responsible for monitoring the elections is running for Governor and did not recuse herself from monitoring the election!? Whoa whoa whoa! Talk about a blatant conflict of interest and the mainstream press is not reporting a thing about this, not even Fox.

A good Veteran’s Day to all in the United States who have served and to those outside the United States have a good Remembrance Day.

What is going on here? Have we given up so much of our freedoms in the name of convenience and maintaining stability that we cannot even call a spade a spade? All of this reeks of corruption and no one within the establishment will call it so. Only people outside of the establishment are calling it what it is.

A good Veteran’s Day to all in the United States who have served and to those outside the United States have a good Remembrance Day. God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.4.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am deeply disturbed but not surprised that the founders of True The Vote are currently sitting in jail in the week before the election. They must be over the target considering that they have been thrown in jail for speaking the truth and it is truth based on fact.

Evidently Pfizer, General Mills, and Audi are not going to advertise on Twitter anymore because of what Elon Musk is doing with his newly acquired acquisition. It seems I have three more companies to not spend money with. Of course, General Mills will be a challenge considering how many products they make but I will figure it out.

So, Paul Pelosi’s attached has seen a judge for the first time which he should as there was a crime committed and justice should be served. What struck me watching the news story is the artist rending of the proceeding shows the judge and all others in the court room wearing masks. You must be kidding me that in San Francisco they are still requiring people to wear the useless face diapers just like they required everyone but the Politburo to wear at the Chinese Communist Party Congress in the previous weeks. Is this further evidence of the influence the CCP and its communist sympathizers and supporters have in San Francisco?

Speaking of poorly run Democratically controlled cities I am thinking that I may create a domestic cities Fact Sheet that is similar to what the US State Department has for the countries in the world. Since I do not have the resources what I thought would be a good idea to start with is publishing a Travel Advisory Level ranking. The State Department’s Travel Advisory has four levels that range from 1-4 with 1 being the safest to 4 being the “Do Not Travel” category. Right now, I would place San Francisco and New York City in the 4 (Do Not Travel) category because they do not enforce laws and are essentially lawless cities. By the way Afghanistan is a country that currently has a Travel Advisory Level of 4 as an example.

Whoa whoa whoa!!! I just read that Las Vegas’ Operating Engineers Local 501 just reported Resort World to State of Nevada officials of ties to the Chinese Communist Party state owned military companies through its parent company, Malaysia based Genting Group. Why did they not report this to Federal Agencies whose task is. specifically spelled out in the United States Constitution, to protect the borders of the United States? Could it merely be an organizing stunt or could it be because the union has an inkling that the Federal Government and its agencies have been corrupted by the CCP?

Protesters got into the Supreme Court chambers this week shouting, “We will restore our freedom to choose! Women of America, Vote”. Pardon me? I must wonder if the Supreme Court justices felt threatened at any given time during these protests? Perhaps we should set up a November 2nd committee to investigate Nancy Pelosi and others who have called for the continuing protests against the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe vs. Wade?

It now appears that Liz Truss and England may have been responsible for the Nordstream Pipeline bombing. In my opinion, they may have been the tip of the spear but trust me it is a spear with a shaft that was thrown and that there were plenty of others who either turned a blind eye or helped the English materially in some way or another.

Bloomberg News has an article that we must get used to artificial intelligence (AI) and details some of how it will affect our lives moving forward. Personally, it appears that Bloomberg is pushing the AI narrative because they know the economies are being collapsed and seee it as a replacement for all the people that will soon be losing their lives through war, famine, and the ensuing disease that always is part of war and famine. It is as if they have read the tea leaves, so to speak, or perhaps they are part of the group engineering this war, famine and disease. Michael Bloomberg does almost have a sort of cyborg quality about him after all.

There is now documented evidence, evidently, that the FBI and DHS were colluding with Twitter, Google, and Facebook (Meta) to censor information on the Wuhan Virus, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine, Hunter Biden, George Floyd etc. to label information as misinformation. This is wrong at all levels and is in violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. These people need to be held accountable up to and include criminal charges and restitution to those harmed by them being brought against them. They need to have all their rights to public discourse removed for life. They have failed this country. 

I am hearing that government, education, media and other officials who pushed the Wuhan Corona Virus narrative are asking for immunity from liability and amnesty for their actions (i.e., Jim Kramer, The Atlantic, New York Times, etc.). I am disgusted that after they plunged us all into an economic and life altering global shutdown, they now want immunity and an abdication of responsibility for the harm and devastation that they are responsible for? They will never get it from me and I would hope others will never give them a pass and that these globalist and petty dictators are held accountable for what appears to more and more be crimes against humanity. Let’s start with Anthony Fauci, Laurene Powell Jobs, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Murial Bowser, the United Nations, Facebook executives, Twitter executives, Google executives, Department of Defense officials, Big Pharma Execs etc.) n opportunist, an elitist, and a crony capitalist for sure but not a leftist. It appears the Pelosi compound has now been affected by the do nothing against crime group running San Francisco. A city which is on my no go list.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the twin suicide bombing attacks in Mogadishu, Somalia that killed more than 100 people and injured over 300. It has been a while since Islamic militants have staged this sort of attack. Perhaps there is something that people are trying to distract us from.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.