Random Musings on Current Events 3.17.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

So, it appears, a US drone was taken out by a Russian fighter somewhere over the Black Sea and of course it gave Lindsey Graham yet another opportunity to pontificate why we should get in a shooting war with Russia. Senator Graham when was the last time you went to war and do you have any children? Because if you do they should be the first ones to enlist (no officer training for them) and be sent out on the front lines in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, or heck maybe even France or England wherever they might be in an infantry unit. Or they should be on a cruiser patrolling in the Black Sea, North Sea or the Mediterranean. I am sorry Neocons but after two decades of war created by you and your neophytes and the subsequent transfers of wealth and degradation of my standard of living I no longer believe a word that you utter. I do have to laugh, albeit a laugh tinged with irony and not without a bit of concern, that something apparently as low tech as spraying a drone with fuel could take a high dollar sophisticated drone down. I bet the multi trillion dollar defense industry and their supposed experts did not see this low tech option in their high dollar high tech decision making process.

I think the LGBQT (rstuv) movement is racist now and I am lodging a formal complaint to whoever will listen. They are racist against the Irish people and people of Irish descent and this thought finally crystallized in my mind this morning. First of all they co-opted the rainbow from which Irish lore has it that the Leprechauns or Little People (most likely pre-Milesean inhabitants of Hibernia) buried their gold underneath. Now, today I am reading that there are gay St. Patrick’s Day parades all over the socialist world, a world that seeks to destroy whatever culture it comes into contact with. I suppose now I will have a topic of conversation to bring up around the table filled with corned beef, soda bread, dark beer (no green for me), and a wee bit of whiskey from Ireland tonight. In other words, Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all who are for a day Irish.

Credit Suisse, yet another once venerable institution, appears to be on the ropes only this time it is not a US bank. The headline that I read mentioned that one of its main investors, the Saudi Crown bank (not its official name) refuses to bail it out because of the regulatory environment that owning more than 10% will bump them into. I cannot say that I blame them but I am sure there are reasons the rules were put into place.

Speaking of banks and US Federal Reserve and the guarantee of all depositors in Silicon Valley Bank. Can the corruption and bank scratching between Silicon Valley and the Washington D.C. elites be shown to be more obvious? Why make rules such as to guarantee deposits up to $250,000 if you are not going to hold the line? I know this and for that reason I have never deposited more than $250,000 into a bank account for any length of time, over a day, for that reason. Why is it that the average American is being asked to bail out, yet again, risky behavior of those who are either ill-informed, corrupt, quite frankly reckless gamblers or perhaps have malevolent intent? The powered elite and their acolytes are addicts that keep coming to us to support their habits and until we say no they will keep on coming back to the trough that keeps on feeding them.

It appears that there is generally a refusal to follow rules that were put in place in the halls of power in the United States and elsewhere. The US Military when forcing its members to take the experimental mRNA jab completely ignored its own rules around the use of experimental vaccines because, I suspect, the Flag and General Officers were more concerned about the size of their pensions than fielding a fighting force. Now it appears the Federal Reserve and the FDIC are ignoring their own rules regarding the guaranteeing of loans, Congress and the DOJ have ignored the US Constitution when prosecuting Americans who were in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021, and the list goes on and on. What is the point of these rules if the powered elites will not follow them as well as the rest of the citizenry? I understand in England and in Sa’udi Arabia the rules do not apply to the monarchy and gilded elites because the rules are set up to protect them and their old world ways. However, in the United States, we are supposed to have left this old world way behind thanks the great luminaries and statesmen like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and others but it appears we as a country are getting drug back into the mud by old world mores and it makes me angry and sad.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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