Random Musings on Current Events 1.20.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems there is a brewing revolt and government counter to the revolt in Ireland regarding the unfettered immigration being foisted upon the country. It seems Ireland’s County of Mayo Council decided to quit dealing with the national government regarding the housing of immigrants. Ireland’s Department of Transportation Minister came out and said no county council can have veto against accommodating refugees. Perhaps, because I am an American my first response is why not? Why is some puffed, perfumed prince telling individual counties what they can and cannot do. Additionally, what does the Department of Transportation for the entire country have to do with immigration? Sounds eerily similar to an overreach of Federal power like we often see in the United States.

Speaking of the United States Secretary of Transportation, where in the world is Pete Buttigieg? Yet another potential airplane disaster when and Spirit Airline’s jet skidded off the Rochester, N.Y. runway when making a turn to taxi. This along with other transportation issues seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. I have to wonder if these are symptoms of a greater malaise induced by the ever encroaching installation of incompetent people in positions of power because they fit a political narrative instead. No, just kidding, I do not wonder, I know this is a fact and the tapestry of safe economical travel for all is starting to fray around the edges. This fits right in with the Internationalist Socialist movement’s plan to cut our freedom to travel and subsequently create a serf class in the world and in the United States.

I also gave pause this week to think about the implementation of this push for so called artificial intelligence (AI). I know for the past fifteen or twenty years there has been a big push into robotics and, of course, ever increasing computing power for thirty plus years. What disturbs me are all the reports of many white collar and blue collar job losses to these advances in technology. Coupled with the increase of manmade diseases being unleashed on humanity, the relentless march of socialism which always results in mass deaths eventually, and the wheels have been set in motion for a mass kill off of humanity. A slow rolling kill off of those who do not have the resources to benefit from the technological progress and it is being used by the elites to make room for themselves. 

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 1.12.2024

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems that I took longer than a week off to post some of my random thoughts and musings. I would like to say that I am returning refreshed and full of optimism for the new year but I would be fibbing. I will, however, say that I am returning with a more purposeful sense of being here for reasons which I will not divulge.

The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against Donald Trump being allowed on the Colorado Primary ballot. That is until the Supreme Court weighs in on this ruling. This is basically a set up for the Supreme Court. In my current state of mind I could really give a rat’s ass and I probably should give a rat’s ass but do I really? Now Republicans are saying, in a tit for tat sort of way that Biden should be removed from ballots. I honestly cannot disagree with the Republicans considering Joe Biden appears to be the worst kind of traitor one can be. He has no morals and will sell whoever or whatever to enrich himself, his family, and his supporters. Trouble is that this ruling is not a deescalatory move but rather an escalatory action.

I went to a Barnes and Noble bookstore for the first time in quite a while before Christmas and as expected it was quite busy. I noticed that Barnes and Noble is discontinuing their vinyl record album section and have remodeled that part of the store to put more bookshelves in. I can remember enjoying going into bookstores but no longer feel the joy or reason to buy anything. I suppose that perhaps I have become too red pilled to want to pay a red cent for anything. Nothing inspires me and I feel as if the commercial purveyors of “truth” will not provide any value in the reading they are selling. It is all vanilla with not one whiff of controversy or independent thought. Trouble is I do not want to go to Amazon either because if I do that my data will be sold and crunched to provide me a “better shopping experience” and Amazon is responsible for so much of the vanillazation (good luck finding that word in any dictionaries) of our shopping experiences. Some AI generated algorithm will suggest what I should be reading based on a predictive model rather than letting me browse and be inspired by a higher power as to what I could be reading. Perhaps that is the way it always has been considering some of my favorite book locations were mostly considered renegade of rebellious in nature, after all. Thank you, Jeff Bezos, for ruining what was once a comforting and enjoyable endeavour.

Speaking of Jeff Bezos and Amazon. I read that they are losing money on their streaming service and their answer is to lay off a bunch of people and sell commercials in the service that people are paying for. I have to ask why would I pay for a “premium” service with commercials? Insatiable greedy bastards who will never stop until they have finished reshaping all of society and the world. It reminds me of the Borg from Star Treks The Next Generation.

It appears the US and British Navy’s have lost control, either inadvertently or by design, of the Red Sea and effectively use of the Suez Canal since I last rambled. Big surprise there considering the only true statesmen on the world stage currently appears to be Vladimir Putin. Heavens knows there are no statesmen currently in the UK or the US. They appear be interested more in fomenting wars both internally and externally and really are truly evil people.

I went out to dinner for a few meals over the Holidays and inflation is real and it is certainly more than the “official” rate of inflation. In less than six months prices have gone up more than 30% at most of the places that I ate at.

It appears the Republicans in the Senate are going to cave on immigration reform and provide work permits and green cards to those who are in the United States illegally. These folks are disgusting sell outs to the large corporations who profit from illegal immigration.

Lloyd Austin has prostate cancer and did not tell anyone of import that he was down for days if not weeks. As far as I am concerned, he became a non-entity when he ordered all military members to participate in an experiment involving the use of mRNA technology under the guise of COVID. Lloyd Austin is already dead to me.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 12.15.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

So, Mark Zuckerberg has a palatial palace replete with a panic room probably larger than my house on the Hawaiian Island of Maui. If he had made his money only through his own determination and grit, I would not have a problem with this fact. Sure, I might feel a little bit of misguided jealousy but the market theoretically rewards those who bring the best products to market the most efficiently. However, Facebook (Meta) did not rise on its own and is doing the bidding of elements within the US, Israeli and who knows what other governments. Additionally, I believe that I heard Facebook received venture capital from the CIA and I have to assume that it came with strings and possibly “help” in becoming the data vacuum of the world that it is. That does not sit well with me because Fascist regimes are well known for picking winners and losers in the world of business.

I heard today that Harry Windsor was awarded a significant settlement in a suit against a British media company. The reason for the suit is that the company illegally intercepted Harry’s emails among other things. I usually do not give a rip about him or any other royal but in this case, I am happy to see and congratulate him on his victory. One cannot wonder if there was a government agency behind the intercepts. Who, what, where, and how did this media company have the technical abilities to do what they did? How much collusion, if any, was there between MI-5 or elements within MI-5 and this media company. Perhaps I am cynical after revelations of US government collusion between the FBI and who knows what other three letter agencies with US Big Tech and US media.

I loved listening to an analysis this week regarding the Chinese dictator and his visit to the United States this past month. This gentleman that I am speaking of assesses that XI had to come over to the United States because his power is weakening in China or else, he would have insisted his puppets meet him in China. He had to show that he could visit the Peoples Republic of California, be secure, and appear to be in charge. Whether or not he was in charge I do not know but, to be honest, it does make sense. I know there are problems in Han China and I must wonder just how much paper over the tiger is being used to cover up what is really happening?

The Winter Solstice is rapidly approaching here in the Northern Hemisphere where I am now sitting and typing. The coldest time of the year when sunlight is at a premium and of course we are approaching the Christmas season as we are now halfway through the Advent season. It is supposed to be a time for family and friends gathering but having had that growing up now it is time of remembering those who are no longer with me. God bless them all.

So, it appears there are those in Britain who want to send illegal Rwandan immigrants to Liberia. Not even debating the merits and human rights issues is anyone else taken aback how out of place this seems to be? We have the continuing graft and corruption operation underway in Ukraine still, the Israeli purging of Hamas, and now this. It just seems so out of place.

So the shipping giant Maersk has paused its ships from entering the Red Sea through the Bab al-Mandab straight. This due to the near miss recently from the followers of Islam who are upset with the Israeli Gaza War. I wonder what this is going to do to inflation rates. Of course I do not blame Maersk as it appears the US Navy is failing to keep the sea lanes open. It is an ominous sign with no signs of improving with the US Military more concerned about training ESG and testing experimental inject able technologies on its members. Admirals and Generals are not the backbone of militaries and this seems to be a fact that has been forgotten or ignored.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 11.4.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I have committed to posting something to this blog at least one time per week and lately I have been slacking a bit doing this. So, therefore, I am typing despite not really having paid much attention to anything in the news this week. Regardless, here I go.

The United States has a new Speaker of the House and it appears that he is on the side of the Neocons in his support for Israel and going to war in the Middle East. God help humanity because the puppet masters pulling strings seem to want this war so that they can maintain their power in the world and in the process kill a whole bunch of people. These people do not support life but rather are purveyors of death.

Speaking of the new Speaker, I read that he is going to allow a border and immigration bill of sorts to pass through the House. Of course, it is already being written that the Republicans in the Senate, the ringleader being Sen. McConnell, will not allow it to pass as written. This because he and others are beholden to those who are making money off the out of control border immigration issue. Is there any wonder why even the RINO Republicans are against the border wall and controlling the border. They and those who they represent are making too much money and maintaining their power with an open border. All I can do is yawn when I read these stories. The media will make a big deal out of it and nothing substantive will change except that the politicians will tout their positions this upcoming election cycle. OK before I fall asleep, I need to move onto another topic.

Out west in the United States the mainstream media is touting an El Nino year and because of its blah blah blah. Personally, I think the winter will be a little warmer than last winter because the effects of the Hua Tonga Volcano eruption will not be as pronounced in the earth’s upper atmosphere as we are now deeper into the second year after the eruption. I believe much of the light reflecting particulate has settled back into the lower atmosphere, however, there is still some residual to reflect light. This will still impact weather patterns but not as severely. It will be interesting to see how this effects the weather patterns and only time will tell, not a media report quoting the so called experts.

I read today that JP Morgan, Citibank and others are taking huge losses to the tune of 10’s of billions of dollars due to their exposures to US Treasuries. Personally, I can hardly even comprehend the quantities being bandied about and want to use scientific notation to write these figures out to aid in the ease and simplicity of writing them. Nine zeroes after the figures and the banks get to just write them off as if nothing happened as people behind closed doors in the city of Washington, New York, and San Francisco argue among themselves trying to figure out how to maintain confidence in the system.

I must ask myself why do I even worry about paying my credit cards and debt? They certainly do not because it is not the money, they are concerned about but rather it is how to maintain their lifestyles at the expense of the vast majority of the people in the country. I still wonder what would happen if the country as a whole decided not to support their lavish lifestyles in New York City, The Hamptons, San Francisco, Marin County, Washington D.C. etc.? Would there be chaos? Sure, there would be but would it be worse for the men and women who have never had to do hard work in their lives or those who already know how to wash dishes, swing a hammer, turn a wrench, farm and or hunt for the food they eat?

Speaking of the food that we eat I went to the grocery store the other day and yet another item that had not had its price raised much in the last year suddenly had nearly a 25% increase in its price. The pundits, government officials and so called experts can talk all they want but inflation is real, it is here and it is much higher than the official CPI. All this so the elites can maintain and illusion of stability so they can maintain their lifestyles on the backs of most Americans.

Sure, it makes it less expensive to pay the debt but at what cost? The inflation eats away at savings in dollars and one must devote more of his time laboring to maintain their same lifestyle. What irritates me to no end is the beneficiaries of this inflation have no clue or care one wit what it does to those who labor to maintain the elite’s lifestyles. This can only go on for so long before the system can no longer maintain itself because the dollar is no longer tied to the real economy, the economy of labor for bread, shelter, and transportation. Of course, I would imagine the socially inept geeks who made their fortunes on computers will try and make robots to do this work because we all know they do not like nor want to be with or compete with real human beings. Human beings are too unpredictable, dirty, and free thinking to their tastes unlike computers that are cold, logical and controllable.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.28.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

The drum beat for kinetic war continue to beat in the Middle East and sides are being drawn and activated. Is there anyone else out there concerned that this could lead to a much greater conflagration? It certainly seems not considering newly elected Speaker of the House Johnson’s first speech as such included more money laundering, pardon me, support for Ukraine. This while the politicians in the United States are practically in open verbal warfare against each other’s sides over whose side the U.S. should be on and to what degree we should be. War is a racket!

I still have not heard anyone in the mainstream ask the question about how the Israeli’s left their border with Gaza in such a way that Hamas was able to penetrate and do what they did and so successfully? Someone within the Israeli security apparatus had to stand the defenses down for the period of time it took the massacre to develop and occur in the way it did. You also cannot make me believe that the Israeli security and intelligence apparatus along with the United States and other western power’s intelligence agencies did not know something was up. Now it seems there are hidden forces doing what they can do to stoke this tension due to the continual uptick in rhetoric.

Another “mass shooting” in the United States only this time it was in the state of Maine. It seems the shooter and main suspect is now dead of self-inflicted wounds(?). This gentleman, according to the msm narrative had mental problems to include hearing voices in the weeks leading up to what he did. I must wonder if he had received the mRNA jab and if so when he received it? Of course, this little data nugget will never be reported on.

I am tempted to not comment on the immediate response of the Democratic Marxist Party members espousing the need for more gun control. This in the minutes after the story broke before any relevant information had been received. I was tempted to not comment because I have said it before and I am getting tired of saying the same old thing. They are Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyites and I will type no more.

I visited my local county offices this week and noticed that the flags they are flying have the gold fringe. It seems, I am learning, that this could mean that they espouse themselves to be some sort of corporation operating under Maritime Law and not Common Law, which is the original law of the land in the United States. Does this mean they are operating outside the bounds of the Constitution? Something that I need to learn and investigate, no doubt.

We are rapidly approaching the second anniversary of the death of my child whose death I blame on COVID, the response to COVID, and Pfizer who provided the vaccine that this child took thirty days prior to my child’s death. Am I angry? Sure, and I am also sad and not sure where this child’s death will take me. I constantly must remind myself of my Christian upbringing and pray for the purveyors of death who unleashed the man made virus and continue to profit from the government and industry’s responses to the virus.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 10.13.2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I have been quite busy the last several weeks and have missed my personal deadlines not once but twice with regards to posting my ramblings, rumbles, rants and revelations. During the course of these two weeks, I had a bit of a personal revelation or perhaps made an interesting observation.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Israel and the victims of last week’s terror attacks perpetrated by the evil followers of Mohammad. Additionally, my thoughts and prayers go out to the peaceful followers of Islam in the Gaza strip. As it seems to always happen the innocent get caught in the crossfire of the evil one’s actions.

Does anyone else find it ironic that the terror attacks on Israel happened the Friday before the Monday that RFK Jr. announced his bid to run for President as a third party candidate? His announcement barely made the news as all the news was about the terror attack.

Kevin McCarthy is no longer speaker of the house and Nancy Pelosi held the Democrat caucus firm in its resolve to not support him. I have always questioned how a Republican from California could be leader of the Republican caucus in the House which is at the national level. I question this because the Republican Party in California is but a shell of a party and is essentially controlled opposition at the best. Perhaps Mr. McCarthy and any other Republican from California should focus on their own backyard before trying to assume the mantle of any national position because from where I sit there are mountains of work to be done in California to reverse the state’s slide into a third world, narco, corrupt, Marxist one party rule petty dictatorship.

I learned recently that the animal doctor CEO of Pfizer is the highest paid executive in the pharmaceutical industry. All I can say is God bless him because the other thoughts that I have regarding this demonic possession probably would not serve me well in the after life.

Please pardon any implied vitriol that may have been apparent in my previous rambling about the horse doctor. Perhaps it is vitriolic because I am approaching the second anniversary of the death of a child 30 days after taking the second dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. Thirty days that saw my child experience increasing headaches, dark thoughts, and what I call a disconnect from spirit. A batch that according to VAERS was one of the worst, in the months after my child’s death. However, over time, somehow, this batch’s adverse reporting changed to a batch that was not so bad. Call me cynical, which I am, and lacking trust over anything “official” now a days.

Speaking of which, all these events happening around the world and it is late morning in my part of the world. I think I am going to call a lid on my public activities and take a nap. Oh no! Wait a minute! I just stole a line from the Biden administration. I hope I do not get raided by a DOJ swat team for my feeble attempt at satire.

Speaking of satire and Joe Biden, where is Joe Biden? Where is the denouncement of today being a global day of Jihad by Hamas? Of course, why should I expect anything different from his puppets who kept their puppet Joe asleep and under lid after the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and the Lahaina, Hawaii fire?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9-22-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Texas Attorney General Paxton was acquitted by the Texas Senate in his impeachment trial. I do not know nor do I pretend to know the specifics other than AG Paxton supported Trump in the last Presidential Election to include questioning the validity of vote counting etc. With all the, pardon the pun, trumped up charges against President Trump and many of his supporters I cannot help but wonder if the same trumping up of charges was brought against AG Paxton.

An armed man posing as a US Marshall was arrested at a rally that featured RFK Jr. as a guest speaker mere miles from where his father was murdered. In the process of reading this story I learned that the Department of Justice has refused Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. despite his requesting this protection. I find this interesting but perhaps it is best for RFK that he does not have Secret Service protection like his dad and uncle had.

So, Hunter Biden has filed suit against the IRS. I wonder how much longer his handlers in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DIA, and the Campbell Soup Factory are going to keep covering for him?

It seems there is yet another threat of a government shutdown. Yawn, another rerun from the 1980’s? Do I expect any different outcome than any of the other looming, threatened or otherwise potentially catastrophic government shutdowns? No, just a bunch of pontificating and jockeying for my brain space by the mainstream media and government mandarins. As I say, yawn.

President Biden’s handlers have put Kamala Harris in charge of an executive Office of Gun Violence Protection!?!?  Let me scratch my head for a minute. I was in Oakland California earlier this summer and it looks like a third world dump, is crime infested, and is in California one of the states with the most restrictive gun control laws in the united States of America. Does anyone else think their homes are going to be safer? Oh yeah, I forgot, VP Harris has done such a great job at the border that I am sure she will do a good job in this new position as well.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 9-8-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the front lines of a purple state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I want to pause and remember the anniversary of September 11, 2001, and the memory of those who were murdered by Islamic Terrorists and those who supported the terrorists. Not only that but to honor the memory of those who paid the ultimate price in the Global War on Terrorism because of the that day. Additionally, I would like to honor those who served and their families who supported those who served over the decades in this endeavor.

I had to laugh at the elite effete snobs of Burning Man getting mired in the mud this year. No, I did not feel sorry for them one bit and I am sure that if one were to ask any of them, they would be the first to say they do not want anyone feeling sorry for them because they are too proud to admit it. The image of mud coming out of portable toilets conjured the image of the mud demon in the movie Dogma for me which, perhaps, is why I laughed. Even more ironic is that Chris Rock, who starred in Dogma was at Burning Man and had to hitch a ride in the back of a pickup truck to paved road to get out of Burning Man’s “Black Rock City”. It has been said it is better to laugh than to cry, though, at this moment I am not sure I necessarily agree with that statement.

What is going on in Lahaina? It seems that the installation of the curtain of opacity has been finished. No satellite, no drones, and collusion, yet again, between government and big tech to censor any news around this event. Not only that but the official propaganda, ahem pardon me, media has pushed this event out of its news cycle. What really is going on there? Will we ever know? Was it MECO equipment? Was it a directed energy weapon? Was it an arsonist? Why did the police stop traffic from leaving Lahaina? How come there are reports of hundreds of children if not thousands not showing up for school? Why is there a “dust control” fence up around the site? What did the FBI divers find? What is up with the former Las Vegas Police Chief now being the Maui County Police Chief? Why didn’t the US Coast Guard release the numbers of victims pulled from the waters surrounding Lahaina? Will we ever have the answers to these questions or will we be wondering decades later much as we still wonder about the assassination of JFK? Wait a minute, I have been to Dallas where he was murdered and there is no doubt, in my mind, that it was a coordinated ambush. What does this knowledge say about Lahaina to me?

Gen. Frank McKenzie was interviewed on Fox News and was asked about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He stated that withdrawing from Bagram before the evacuation was a mistake and that he feels history will “…view the decision to come out of Afghanistan and the way that we did and the manner that we were directed to come out as a fatal flaw.” I had to read this twice because he is claiming that he was directed to withdraw in the manner that we did and I know it is within the realm of reality that he was ordered to do so. Number one, I can respect his following orders as he should have done so. However, that being said he was already a General and his retirement was secure even if only at Lieutenant General pay and almost any fool knew Bagram was much easier to secure than the Kabul airport. If he knew better then why did he not resign instead of following foolish, at best, or malignant and misguided orders in the worst case. Retiring with Lieutenant General pay would have been the honorable course instead of following foolish orders and with the utter failure of the withdrawal and the loss of the Marines, Sailor, and civilians an absolute requisite to maintain his honor as events transpired. General McKenzie you can try and punt the blame now that you are no longer in active service to the United States but on the face of it, your command failed and any honorable man would have fallen on his sword, metaphorically speaking, with the utter failure at Kabul’s Airport two years ago.

I learned recently that the Veterinarian in Chief head of Pfizer is the highest paid pharmaceutical executive in the world. Hey Doc! Why don’t you give up some of your money to the victims of your companies experiments? Oh no, I forgot, you ae evidently a sociopath and your actions clearly classify you as a anti human globalist with homicidal intent. You giving up any of your money will never happen, who am I kidding?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 7-28-2023

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am reading the California governor wants to spend $4.5 million for undocumented aliens in the tarnished state. This is ostensibly to aid the workers in labor investigations. In all actuality it is for the attorneys that represent them and knowing the corruption and cost of attorneys this money will not last long. Better to spend the money repaving a section of pot holed road in the Sierra Nevada’s or elsewhere destroyed by this last winter’s storms. Will that happen? No, Gavin Newsom has a campaign to finance after all.

ESPN is asking for the sports leagues to invest in the company that is failing. Maybe ESPN, you should report on sports and not politics and you might see your ratings rise. Not only that but eliminate some of the commercial breaks and get rid of the self-aggrandizing, racist Stephen Smith. He is nothing but poison and is one of the reasons I no longer watch your network.

Hmm, New York state has a $36 billion shortfall due to “taxpayers fleeing”. Geez, I wonder why they are fleeing.

I read a report in which Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz called on House Speaker McCarthy and Senator McConnell to press for action on the Biden family’s business dealings. Congressman Chaffetz I do not believe either one of them will push the matter because Senator McConnell and his family are just a guilty and do not want to shine light on the practices of the uni-party. I am not sure about Speaker McCarthy but his actions or lack thereof certainly indicate that he is hamstrung for some reason.

Europe seems to be on fire this week and summer as Rhodes is being evacuated and Palermo’s airport on Sicily has been closed. My cynicism is on high alert as mysterious fires have developed, like those is Canada and the US West in previous years and this year.

Yellow Freight purportedly maybe filing for bankruptcy next week. Hmm, interesting I wonder what is behind their business failure?

I think Senators Durbin and Whitehouse should be brought up for impeachment or expulsion from the Senate under High Crimes and Misdemeanors. What gives them the right to target private citizens and conservative Supreme Court Justices’ communications? This smacks of a willful infringement of Constitutional Rights.

I am watching the fallout of Britain’s Nigel Farage’s debanking as the second CEO of a bank that he was debanked from has been fired-cum-resigned.  What I find interesting, as well, is that the UK Government is the majority shareholder of NatWest one of the banks that delisted Nigel Farage.

The Hunter Biden saga continues and the courts are now revealing what the alternate media has said all along. Information that has been and is still suppressed by the old media and the big tech platforms going back to the last Presidential election. What I must wonder is why now?  

Fox is forcing Jason Aldean to remove BLM riot footage from his video. Yet more proof, in a long list, of why I no longer trust or watch Fox News going back to 2020.

Speaking of Senators, Sen. Tuberville is pushing the Senate to seriously review the promotion of each General and Flag officer above the rank of O-7. This means he is tasking the Senate to review the second star and above for each officer selected by the DOD which is one of the jobs of the Senate. A serious review instead of rubber stamping the nominations. After the debacle of Afghanistan, the forced COVID bio warfare injections on our service members, and the military’s focus on transgenderism etc. I think it is high time more attention be paid to these promotions. The flag and general officer corps has failed this nation and the service members who serve under them and they need to be held accountable.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 6.19.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Juneteenth!? OK, I get there is good reason to celebrate and honor the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation as slavery wrong in so many ways. It is a stain on American history that we should never forget or try to sweep under the rug, so to speak. It is when we try to pretend that something does not exist or has never happened that the ugly part of humanity can rear its ugly head again. It seems that it already is in the guise of human trafficking, the sex trade, and child labor being imported through our southern border with near impunity. Is it good to honor the freeing of the African slaves in the United States? Sure, but do we need another holiday for the government working class to honor this day?

I am waking up after more than a month and a half of working on a project and the subsequent catching up required on my other projects. Needless to say, the sun is just about at its most northern arc across the sky and the days are the longest they will be for the year as a result.

One thing that I have noticed is the weather is cooler this year and the light does seem dimmer. I have lived in the area where I am for most of my life and it just seems a little odd that the sky seems to always have a dusty or light smokey quality. Perhaps it is because I am downwind from the cesspool known as California?

President Trump has been indicted on what appear to be erroneous Federal charges that one of the Clinton was cleared of at the Supreme Court level. This at the same time news is starting to leak that Joe Biden took a $10 million bribe. Geez, do you think this is coincidental? Spin spin spin, if one were to pay attention too closely to the news cycle they could feel as if they were in a laundry machine set for high spin.

It finally has come to my town. A drag queen story hour has been held at one of my local libraries and one is scheduled to be held at two of the other libraries in the greater community. Why is this happening? What is the agenda of these people?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.