Random Musings on Current Events 7.7.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

France is burning and do I really care? Not really and I am ashamed to admit it. France has many problems the least of which is they turned away from God in their revolution and it turned into a bloody mess unlike the leaders of the American revolution who embraced divine providence and prayed regularly to God. Yes, the founders of the United States of America separated church and state they completely embraced God in their private lives and felt it necessary to properly govern the fledgling nation. I find it interesting that the more people are dependent upon God the less dependent on a central governing body they need to be. Perhaps this is the reason churches could not open during COVID while the big box stores, strip clubs, and casinos in some states could remain open?

It is almost amusing now that I am getting solicitation texts from several candidates for public office. I financially supported one candidate once and have seen my information sold over and over again to other candidates from the same party. I now mark all solicitations as junk and if I ever support a candidate, I will not provide my telephone number or my email address. Talk about a thriving industry.

Cocaine was found in the White House!!! Oh, my goodness! Stop the presses! Support for the Biden’s or perhaps even Kamala Harris is waning considering the report that I read said it was found near the Vice President’s office. I think the general public would be surprised to learn that the use of cocaine within the elites of our country is nothing new. At first, I would have immediately suspected Hunter Biden which the press, in general, suspects. I would like to posit that it could also involve the Vice President. I say involve because God knows cocaine has been a mainstay in Oakland, California elites going back decades. Who knows, perhaps Hunter was visiting the Vice President and their dealer misplaced their delivery.

Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria! Now this is something that truly caught my attention.

The National Bank of Ukraine is claiming that it has a $38.99 billion in foreign reserves which is its highest level in its history as a so called independent nation. Geez, I wonder how much of that is money is American money that should have been spent in the United States. I question this especially considering the state of road repair in my own locale after a tough winter. I also question this wondering how much of that money will end up back in offshore bank accounts to support the Uniparty candidates in the next election cycle. This while US Veteran’s benefits cost of living adjustments have now been tied to the inflation rate by law. An inflation rate that does not include the cost of food or energy. Food that has seen 50% inflation in just the last year or so.

Mike Pence was on the Hugh Hewitt Show and said that if elected he would provide Ukraine any aid that was required to win its war with Russia. He also said regarding Russia’s military campaign, “.is not just warfare. It’s evil.” Further evidence that Mike Pence is a neocon member of the nation’s Uniparty.

I am following with some fascination the news regarding the Wagner Group in the Ukraine conflict and now throughout the world. My take is that the Wagner Group and its leader somehow were turned, if they were not already puppets, by MI6 and or the CIA. My mind can race and imagine many different scenarios but I do not have the time or inclination to write about any of these. Suffice it to say I believe this to be a distraction to keep the general public’s eye away from something else that is going on.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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