Random Musings on Current Events 7.29.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

There was a song playing on the radio a few minutes ago and it really seemed to have the vibe and feel of how I am feeling today. Finally, I realized the name of the song and it was Rude Mood by Stevie Ray Vaughn and the name alone if fitting for how I, in general, have felt all week.

Yesterday the smoke rolled in from the Oak Fire west of Yosemite National Park and of course as if on cue ABC News and USA Today are blaming it on climate change which just made me yawn. No mention of forest mismanagement on California and blah blah blah. Call me conspiratorial, which perhaps I am, but we have gone all summer without a major fire and what happens the week that President Biden does not implement the “Environmental Emergency” but a conflagration that grows to over 10,000 acres in less than 24 hours. Whereas, a fire that started several weeks ago, the Washburn Fire, east of Yosemite in arguably harder to reach terrain on July 7, 2022, is still under 5,000 acres in size. Oh, another difference is that CALFIRE, a California Agency, is managing the Oak Fire versus the   US Forest Service that is managing the Washburn Fire. Is this a coincidence? I do not know but considering that the level of trust remaining in my trust tank is extremely low I must wonder if it is not a coincidence. In the meantime, as has been for the last three summers I have a slight headache, my nose is plugged, my eyes burn and my lungs have a slight ache from breathing all of California’s defecation.

Since I am in a rude mood and because the Oak Fire spread so rapidly and violently and it is hard to know with what CALFIRE responded with to this fire. The US Forest Service reports the assets that they have allocated to their incidents but CALFIRE does not. Is this a case, similar to last year’s Dixie Fire, which was allowed to essentially burn until the fall, over three months, due to a lack of initial response? Afire started by Pacific Gas and Electric’s poorly maintained power lines contacting trees and that before it was extinguished had engulfed nearly 1 million acres in five counties and was the first fire to crest the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Then there was the Caldor Fire which was another fire started last year that was initially managed by CALFIRE that ultimately crested the Sierra Nevada Mountains becoming the second fire in history to do so and for several days threatened the Lake Tahoe Basin. Neither of these fires were fully contained until the first rains fell in October. Oh, and let us not forget that CALFIRE is yet another California governmental agency that is under no other than California’s Governor Newsom. Let’s not forget the Tamarack Fire, another CALFIRE initially responded to incident that was allowed to burn for several days until high winds kicked it up and it burned into the state of Nevada. I wonder how long the US Forest Service will continue to report in detail their response effort because we all know Governor Newsom answers to Nancy Pelosi, how corrupt that political machine is and how much they want to obfuscate and keep the general public in the dark to hide their machine’s corrupt political machinations. After all, they must eat at The Laundry on a regular basis and it is expensive and they need money to pay for their meals. Doesn’t everyone?

Speaking of California and San Francisco in particular is anyone else outraged that children a contracting Monkey Pox. A disease spread by close intimate contract to include saliva, seamen, and blood? My goodness, wake up America, a disease that is primarily found in homosexual male populations is now in children? What does that tell you other than most of these children have contracted Monkey Pox from pedophiles. Why aren’t the police tracing who these children have been with, arresting them, and charging them with crimes against children? This is f***ing disgusting!!!

I was just reminded that the US Federal Reserve expanded the US Dollar money supply by 40% prior to COVID and the Ukrainian War ostensibly to bail out the banks that were about to fail. Funny how even my memory can be short at times.

Speaking of the US Federal Reserve, I just read an article that the US Federal Reserve really has no power left to stop inflation because the US is in massive debt. Not only public debt but also private debt and personal debt. A telling statistic for me is that the majority of Americans equity in their homes is somewhere around 33% when it was 85% after World War II. The good modern day tenants to the modern day financial aristocracy now owe so much more that they truly have become a sort of peasant tenant tied to the property. This while there continue to be advertisements for home equity loans and one just has to say, hmm.

Thanks to JP I read an article about Shasta Country in California and of course the mainstream reporting was negative toward the citizens of Shasta County who are retaking the get along go along government official who may have even been socialists in sheep’s clothing. It really pumped me up to see that some in the Golden State are fighting to return to their once greatness. Go Jefferson!

I have noticed that some of the podcasts that I routinely listen to that would be considered on the conservative side have been delayed lately on the i-Tunes site. Is this a coincidence? I wonder.

Another thing that I have noticed this week is an increase in the number of apparent spam calls to my phone from places all over the country. Do I have any conclusions or reasons why this might be happening? No, for now it is just another data point.

Lastly, while China is in an uproar over the potential visit of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan Senate Majority leader Schumer has stripped “anti-China” verbiage from a multibillion dollar tech industry research and development bill for the US technology sector. First, why is the government passing bills giving $250 billion to semiconductor chip manufacturers? Don’t they already make enough money? Wouldn’t that $250 billion be better spent on bridges, roads, railroads etc.? Secondly, China!?! A country that stifles and caps free thought and individualism and that must steal technology in order to compete. Yet another article to keep my mood rude.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between.


I read an article by Brian Maher in which he contrasts the differences between the American Revolution and French Revolution. In general, he postulates that the American Revolution was more about reform so that the Americans might better return to and preserve their rights guaranteed under English Law. The French Revolution, instead, was a complete tear down and rebuilding of society to include changing the calendar and throwing out God. Needless to say, this article has gotten me thinking about current events in the world and the similarities so succinctly presented and argued by Mr. Maher.

While reading his article I could not help but look at the Globalist Socialist Movement and sense that they are revolutionaries in the sense of the French Revolutionaries. They provide no value to society as it exists currently and quite frankly have no respect for our society, its norms and especially for the US Constitution. True no society and its government is perfect and I agree many of the things happening today in society and in government should be changed, however, I do not think we should not throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak. I believe the way to approach change is through the constitutional framework already established that led this country to become the greatest country on earth. 

Do I believe this is possible and practical? I am unsure because on a societal level the fundamental respects necessary for a constitutional republic have been slowly eroded almost from the beginning and are being eroded even more rapidly leading up to today. For those with knowledge of mathematics the equations signifying this erosion with respect to time is not linear but rather is at a minimum a second order or exponential function. So, if one were to look at a graph with time on the bottom axis and disrespect for the constitutional republic on the vertical axis to the left, the curve would start out as a line barely perceptible at the time of the US Constitution’s ratification and continue barely rising for several decades. Of course, there would be some blips and nothing is perfect and smooth when it relates to humans and their behavior. Starting with the US Civil War we would start to see the line move away from horizontal. Then with the age of the Robber Barons and Trust Busting the curve would increase more and more away from a horizontal orientation faster and faster and begin to look more and more like a vertical line today. Thinking about this curve I cannot help but think how this curve directly correlates to the size and power of governments in our lives. Yes, I mean governments, plural.

OK, great, so what and now what? This leads to fundamental question of how to reverse a trend that has building steam, so to speak, for centuries. What went wrong in the interpretations and implementations of law so that the law, government and society in general no longer respect, understand, or care to know about what I consider to be the most beautiful document for governing people the world has ever seen? Is it mans want for security over freedom or perhaps sheer laziness to exert the energy necessary to thrive in freedom? Is it perfect? Obviously not because we are in the situation that we currently find ourselves in. However, the spirit of the Constitution is one of beauty and we must not allow this spirit to be tarnished any more than it already has. We must remember that the men who created this wonderful document were “firmly grounded in the good, hard earth – and history” as Mr. Maher stated in his article. Something missing in most law makers today.

I often find myself asking how do I as a citizen who respects, honors, and have taken an oath several times to defend the Constitution defend this document? How do I defend this document against people who have no respect for or intention of defending it both inside and outside of government both foreign and domestic? Who and what groups really are in insurrection against the foundations of our Constitutional republic? At what point, if at all, is it OK to ignore the Constitution to prosecute those who do not respect it both inside and outside of government both foreign and domestic and what would that look like? Being seriously uncomfortable with the previous sentence and its ramifications perhaps we should be asking how do we Constitutionally declare war against the enemies of our Constitution, both foreign and domestic? Honestly, it frightens me and makes me shudder to think about what such a declaration could lead to in the short term. In the long term it maybe the best course of action but it will not be easy in the least.

Unfortunately, I have asked a whole bunch of questions and I have no answers or at least any answers I would like to share in a public forum. No answers that I would want to share or discuss in a public forum in a society that is becoming increasingly polarized and seemingly unable to take a step back and have civil and reasoned discourse.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.15.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media.

Ukrainian President Zelensky claims Russia fired deliberately, purposefully at ordinary houses. Ok, this is war and atrocities happen undoubtedly. However, I do not know the full story. Perhaps the “ordinary house” was being used to shoot at Russian troops? Perhaps, it really was not really an ordinary house. President Zelensky, you messed up when you listened to your CIA handlers and allowed a war to happen between you and your next door neighbor who happens to be a big brother that you do not get along with. If you expect the United States to be able to support you just ask Poland what happened to them when England promised to support them before WWII.

Netherlands farmer’s revolt over what I have heard are nitrogen emissions or pollution or something else about nitrogen. This, to me, does not make sense considering crops require nitrogen to grow and our atmosphere comprises something in the neighborhood of 89% nitrogen. What really is at play here? Who is behind these “environmental” regulations and what is their real end game? Something is a foot here and it seems anti life and as if someone or something is trying to really disrupt the world’s food sources. I cannot help but think about how Stalin starved the Ukrainians and how the English starved the Irish. It would not be the first time food has been used as a weapon for certain.

I read that the price of gold and silver are falling because the price of the dollar is strengthening. This because there is “…flight from the Euro and Yen to the dollar”. So let me think about this for a New York second. People are dropping fiat currencies and fleeing to another fiat currency because that particular fiat currency is the world reserve currency because Saudi Arabia has, up to this point, only traded its oil in this particular fiat currency. Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has stated that Saudi Arabia should be willing to trade its oil in other currencies to “balance” the world’s economic powers or something to that affect. Uh oh, how long will the paper gold and silver traders be able to keep their charade up? It is becoming apparent to me that, perhaps, the gold and silver trader’s paper could be fiat at this point as well.

China has an increase in COVID outbreaks leading to shutdowns at the same time banks are beginning to fail in China. Is this coincidental or are they related? Call me cynical but I would not be the least bit surprised that a power hungry elite controlling the largest population on earth would use a virus to imprison their people as the specter of bank failures and increasing riots loom. If they had free and fair elections, I would think that they might even use a virus to rig the elections but I am not the least bit cynical.

Interesting that Canada is allowing Russia’s Siemens repaired turbine be returned to Russia. A turbine that Russia owns by the way. I guess Canada blinked because of the threat of Europe freezing this winter. I wonder how many people realize that Siemens Canada was once a Westinghouse facility, an American company, that built turbines?

NPR Tweets about Shinzo Abe’s death and called him an ultra-nationalist. This while President Obama, woops, I mean President Biden used his death as a platform to call for gun control. These people have no respect for life or death.

I learned a new term this week and it is called Dragflation and it means inflation rises while an economy declines. It seems some are predicting just this for the US and other post COVID economies around the world.

Rest in Peace Ivana Trump and my condolences to your family.

God bless America both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.

Random Musings on Current Events 7.8.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium.

However, it now appears that Elon Musk is no longer purchasing Twitter. It seems Twitter has too many fake accounts being used to bolster their supposed user numbers and fake account numbers. Fake accounts, bots, and spam accounts. I think that I will no longer even mention Twitter and Facebook because they are fake. Talk about a waste of breath and time even mentioning them.

President Biden spoke in Ohio this week in which he blamed Vladimir Putin, greedy oil companies and who knows who or whatever else except for what truly is to blame. An out of control bureaucracy that thwarts oil and gas at every turn. Granted, the fossil fuel industry does not have saints running it and I truly believe alternative energies such as geothermal, wind, and solar should absolutely be incentivized and encouraged but I have no illusions that they are suitable to completely replace fossil fuels. No matter what pound per pound fossil fuels provide much more energy. Perhaps, the deal Hunter Biden made with SINOPEC via their American subsidiary UNIPEC for our strategic reserves should be rescinded and instead that oil should be put into the US economy. Such a bunch of corrupt opportunists and I will type no more as I can better use the time to work to pay for my vehicle’s gasoline.

I woke up to the smell of burning timber in the air this morning. It seems another wildfire in California is burning and being down wind, I am smelling, for yet another summer, the defecation blowing in from a dis functionally run, despotic, one party Democratically run state. I bring this up every year and I am getting tired of it, but Democrats appear to be nothing more than leeches that feed off the carcasses of once great and thriving communities, states, and countries. Take for example the cities of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland and the states of California, New York and Illinois. Now the worthless looting and mooching class of elites wants to completely kill the United States of America so that we can join the ranks of Venezuela and other once great and vibrant countries and that are now worthless countries who have lost their ways.

Speaking of poorly mismanaged communities there has been yet another mass shooting tragedy in a Democratically run community. I pray for the victims of the Highland Park shooting. I read the conservative press is rightfully pointing out that that Highland Park and Illinois, in general, have some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation. What I fear and expect is the leftist pro-gun control group will raise the stakes now and demand that there be no guns allowed, period. The Fourth of July, what a day to pick to commit an atrocity such as this. Do you think the shooter might be an enemy of the state?

Let us also not overlook the shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark over this past weekend also. A country in with very restrictive gun laws. Evidently the weapons used was purchased legally but the person using the weapon did not have legal possession of the weapons. Therein lies the crux of the matter in my opinion. The weapons somehow ended up illegally in the possession of someone illegally who used the weapons to commit a crime. The weapons are not criminal, the people who used the weapons are criminal.

Speaking of the Fourth of July and its weekend, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney spouted diatribes to the effect that Donald Trump making a political comeback would be disastrous for America and or the Republican Party. Let me think about this for a New York second Senator Romney and Representative Cheney. When President Trump held the office of President, I was paying half the cost for gasoline and food that I am now paying, the Taliban in Afghanistan did not have three quarters of a billion dollars in weapons that they now have, Russia and China were much friendlier, and there did not seem to be as many “mass shootings” as there are now. So, what America and Republican Parties are you speaking of that would it be disastrous for? The America and Party that rewards with graft and pork the states that you represent, the America and Republican Party that rewards a small elite of corrupt politicians and their donors, the America and Republican Party that seeks endless wars and crisis to support the graft and political favors? I know Donald Trump is not a “nice guy” and I am somewhat uneasy about what his true intents are, but I know what your true intents are and, quite frankly, I prospered more under a Trump administration, despite all the obstacles put in his way, than I have under any other presidential administration in my lifetime. Maybe the military industrial complex that pay your bills lost money but I certainly did better.

In closing I have only one thing to say with “There You Go” by Johnny Cash playing in the background, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

Random Musings On Current Events 7.1.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

So, my current events this week have very little to do with is happening outside of my immediate reality which consisted of getting a project out the door, preparing and delivering a technical speech, harvesting 16 chickens for meat, getting another project out for a milestone and little else. Now it is time to turn a local radio station on, yes, I still listen to music over the air waves at times, and have already heard a song by Rush, “Closer to the Heart” and another by Royal Blood, “Honey Brains”.

The Supreme Court certainly has provided lots to discuss this week and last week and I have to say that I am relieved with pretty much every decision that has been passed down. Between the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, the refutation of having to prove the need for conceal carry and the ruling on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) overstep I would have to say we, as a country, are a bit freer today than we were two weeks ago. As a Constitutional Conservative it appears that all this Supreme Court has done is to return our country a little bit of step back toward a literal interpretation of the US Constitution and thereby refuting, albeit a small step, judicial activism. Judicial activism which, to me, is one of the great threats to our constitutional republic.

Speaking of which it appears the EPA has now moved from carbon emissions to ozone emissions and is threatening to shut down one of the biggest oil fields in Texas because of “ozone emissions”. Ozone emissions? What? I think it bears repeating that the EPA along with most other three letter agencies are out of control and operating “off the reservation” outside of their constitutionally dictated parameters. In other words, as the Supreme Court ruled this week, outside of their Congressionally delegated authorities. Perhaps, some of the greatest enemies within to our constitutional democracy are some of s the bureaucrats who seem to thrive behind the veil of government protection in these three letter agencies?

Lastly, I cannot believe this is our countries 246th birthday. I can remember the bicentennial and like all memories it seems like just other day when I remember the day, events, and feelings around the bicentennial. However, when I think about all that has happened to me and world since then I shake my head at how much the world has changed and all that truly has happened. It is a different world for sure and hopefully the United States of America will make it to her 250th birthday as a constitutional republic. Regardless, I would like to say, Happy Birthday America!

In closing I have only one thing to say with “There You Go” by Johnny Cash playing in the background, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

Random Musings on Current Events 6.17.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

I was remembering an incident in my childhood the other day and it was of my playing a game called Blitzkrieg with a friend at his house after school. Blitzkrieg is a board game in which odds are placed on different pieces depending upon what the piece represents (for example armored division, infantry division, etc.), dice need to be rolled to determine battle outcomes, and the objective, like the name of the game implies, is to use tanks and infantry to overtake your opponent’s territory. Needless to say, one could spend a fair amount of time just reading the instructions to learn the intricacies of ensuring the dice are rolled right to ensure the alignment of odds remained objective and as realistic as possible. Well, my friend, who did not remain my friend for too much longer, did not want me to read the instructions. We would play for a while using the rules as he explained them until I began to get the upper hand and then would “remember” or read another subtly in the rules that gave him the advantage. This went on for a little while until I had to go home for dinner or something like that. I later asked for and got the same game for Christmas and learned that he had changed several rules to his advantage and that playing the game, according to the rules, was much different and it is something that I have never forgotten. Later this same kid grew up, went to work for former Senate Leader Harry Reid in Washington D.C. and has permanently settled in the greater Washington DC area working for or as a lobbyist. It seems like the perfect place for an individual who does not want others to know the rules and who arbitrarily changes the rules to their advantage with no regard for me but in fact to ensure the rules are changed contrary to my benefit.

The S&P 500 is officially in bear market territory, the CPI is at 8.6%, crypto currencies are in the midst of a huge sell off, there has evidently been a run on banks in rural China and all I can do is yawn. So what? Gasoline is now over $6 per gallon and unlike Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and others in New York and San Francisco, I do not have public transportation available to me. I must fill my vehicle up to participate in the economy. This means less money to spend on other items and less time to listen and watch media drivel because I am having to work more and work harder to make dollars stretch just to make ends meet.

I heard someone talking about how this is the worst inflation since 1981 and I had to yawn yet again. This inflation may be much worse than 1981 because the basket of goods used to determine the CPI has changed since 1981. However, after a cursory look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics it is difficult to determine what specifically is in each basket of goods. Additionally, there is the CPI, the core CPI and the core core CPI to further cloud my research. Looking at a summary of changes page on the website it states what categories of the CPI were changed over the years but it provides no specifics. In my line of work, I want and must have specifics, but I do not have the time to dig any deeper into the CPI calculations currently. When something is this difficult to tease out, I must wonder if they are hiding something? For instance, I have heard, that in 1981 the basket of goods used to determine the widely reported CPI included food and gasoline which it does not now. I this is true I know the price of gasoline has doubled in the last year. Using real simple math, not the fancy equations that economists are so fond of that further refine numbers, there has been a 100% increase in gasoline price this past year and food has gone up at least 25% in this past year. Applying these numbers, I would have to say the inflation rate must be near 20% if food and fuel were included in the CPI.  If food and fuel were used in the basket of goods in 1981, I then must ask myself, “Why are food and fuel not used in the CPI’s basket of goods today? Why hasn’t the Federal Reserve jacked up interest rates in the same manner that Paul Volcker did in 1981?  Why are the rules not being told to me and why are they selectively being changed and why has everyone fallen for the fraudulent Keynesian Economic theory?” So, I have concluded that the currency is being debased to pay for debt and because the US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency the globalists in the US have been able to get away with it. Additionally, I think the numbers are being manipulated to make it appear not as bad as it really is for the propagandist in the press to disseminate.

It is election season and advertisements are being mailed to me and commercials are running nonstop on television when I get a minute to watch my favorite baseball team’s game. What amazes me is what is printed or said in these advertisements is nothing substantial and or substantive. I know this has been going on for a long time but, for some reason, I feel like typing about this now. It just tells me how corrupt the election process is that it does not matter what a candidate stands for but how much money they must essentially hypnotize enough people into voting for them. The latest nonsense I read in the media involves one of the Republican’s more viable threats to the Nancy Pelosi machine backed Governor of my state. This news conveniently came out on the day of my state’s primary election. The nonsense involves a story published in the Democrat controlled media propagandists that the candidate made an election related phone call or phone calls using the office phone while at work in his previously elected position. OK, this is probably not the best thing nor an ethical thing for him to have done and he should be fined or whatever but in the big picture, really? Who cares? This allegation comes midst rumors of Nancy Pelosi’s (or perhaps Harry Reid’s) Democrat machine secretly funding of a fringe Trump supporting group that mysteriously formed out of nowhere that advertised against this Republican challenger to Grandma Nancy’s man in which the candidate was portrayed as not “Make America Great” enough. This would not surprise me considering the Harry Reid machine did just the same to get himself re-elected many years ago causing a Republican Candidate to win a Senatorial Primary knowing that the candidate could never win the general election. Additionally, the current Governor signed an election reform bill allowing mail in ballots on a Sunday evening during the pandemic passed by a Legislature late on the preceding Friday night that did not meet in person. Hmm, I ask myself, what should I believe and who is calling who unethical?

A storm raked where I live this past weekend with winds in excess of fifty miles per hour. Tree limbs fell and not a word in the press. If something like this happened in the eastern United States there would be at least a day or two of headlines and an emergency declaration made with at least a hundred million dollars pledged to affected state or states. Of course, this happens all the time here and we know and accept this is something that has to be dealt with several times a year and we survive without the government’s help. Why is it that other parts of the country cannot accept and deal with their own problems without going to the federal government for help?

Speaking of which, installed President Biden visited New Mexico to address the Federal Government started wildfires that are raging across New Mexico. I drove through this part of the country mere months ago and it was gorgeous but tinder dry. What mental giants conceived of starting a controlled burn in this area knowing a storm was coming? Oh, wait a minute, they are probably related to the same mental giants in the area near where I live that had a controlled burn several years ago and decided not to post fire watches when a storm was approaching. That fire erupted into an inferno that destroyed multiple homes, threatened mine along with the whole neighborhood, but fortunately was extinguished by the rain that eventually arrived in the storm after nearly twelve hours of dry winds. Evidently the New Mexican mental giants are less mentally gifted than their relatives in my neck of the woods because they chose the spring to start their fires when the likelihood of moisture in the storm is far less than in the fall as was the case in the fire near my home. What also amazes me is there is so much weather information out there to see what sort of weather might be coming in. How can mistakes like these be made? How are people in these agency’s being vetted for positions of responsibility and authority? Evidently, it has nothing to do with competence because these types of mistakes are unacceptable and not only should the people making these bad decisions be fired but so should the people who gave these people the authority to make these sorts of decisions. It does not take a rocket scientist to read and understand a weather forecast. Although now that I made this comment the National Weather Service will have the attention of the left wing lunatics focused their way so that only politically connected can be promoted if it has not already begun. It seems the cancer of forest neglect and mismanagement has now metastasized well beyond the borders of California.

In closing I have only one thing to say, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

The Sowing of Chaos

I talked with my spouse and some of her family members this past weekend and found myself a bit resigned to what they were saying. I think what I struggled with is they seem really good at regurgitating what they have been told by whatever media source it is that they are listening to. One, obviously, was listening to a lot of Fox News, another to some alternative news sites and others who obviously were listening to other legacy news sources. I think what led to my sense of feeling resigned is how unoriginal their thinking and reasoning processes were and the lack of solutions to the problems they are being fed by the propaganda press. I asked them to take their listening and mental processing a step further, but I am not sure they heard me. A step further than just being able to regurgitate what is being told to them, to think about what the news means to them, at the same time to ask themselves if what is being reported important to them and why might the media claim it to be important? Again, I am not sure if they heard me, but it certainly helped me to clarify my thinking and thought processes.

For example, the other morning, sitting at the breakfast table, my spouse and I had a conversation about the transgender movement and who is doing what and what is being said by whom, according to our reading, listening, and watching. I was able to articulate, perhaps for the first time, in our conversation that this is all noise to me. It is noise that appears to be meant to distract me from something. What specifically that something is I do not know. However, when someone tries to tell me that a man can call himself a woman and compete against women despite still having a viable penis, testicles and who still produces testosterone at levels that a man produces testosterone is a woman, I must wonder. In fact, if this person has not had a change in sex before puberty they would still be at an advantage, in the case of a male transitioning to female, because their musculature and bone structures would have developed as a male. Sure, they could take drugs to reduce the amount of testosterone in their systems at that time, but they still would have the foundational advantage of a male in a competitive female sports competition. So much for Title IX and woman’s rights and another example of how the left will turn on their own when it no longer suits their goals.

As one can see, just in this small diatribe of mine, I have already wasted my readers and my time reading and writing a paragraph on a subject that should not even be an issue. Outside of the rare instance in which a person is born with hermaphrodite like sex organs this whole transgender movement is a ruse. A woman is born with female reproductive organs, a male is born with male reproductive organs, and each has their own sets and ratios of hormones being created within their bodies. Sure, some will have different ratios that place them outside the norm of their sex (i.e., some women may produce more testosterone relative to estrogen than the average female and likewise some men may produce less testosterone relative to estrogen than the average male) but that does not change the fact that they are the sex that they are born with for the vast majority of people. This is a non-issue that is being made into an issue and for what reason?

So, back to the conversation and the distractions being peddled by the propaganda media complex and government, I come back to the fundamental question of, “why?” Why are these distractions being peddled and I consider the question of sex identity to be one of many distractions. What I see in the immediate future is the release of the Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v. Wade and a seeming bipartisan agreement regarding gun control which I think is a bunch of hooey considering current laws are not being enforced but, for now, I will leave that as a subject for another conversation. What I see is midterm elections and the chess board being set. As far as I am concerned right now the news cycle, if you want to call it news since it really should be called the propaganda cycle, is gearing up for the midterms because there is a ton of money to be made in advertising and pushing the agendas of the corporate globalist leftist elites.

Refining my line of questioning I ask myself, “OK, why are these stories being pushed at this time knowing the midterm elections are just around the corner and only mere months away?” Further questions arise in my mind when framing the question this way such as, why has there been an uptick in “mass shootings” in the last couple of months that are now causing Congress to come up with “bipartisan” gun control legislation? Why has a George Soros backed company bought several Spanish language media outlets in the past week? Why is the uproar already building over the Supreme Court’s release of its Roe V Wade challenge? Summing all these questions I would say the common denominator is there seems to be an uptick in chaos that is purposely being stoked and I must, again, ask myself, “why?”

My thoughts are starting to coalesce around the idea of chaos and the loss of an objective application of the law. The sex identity movement is yet another movement designed to confuse language and with the confusion of language it makes it easier for the autocrats (bullies) in this world to subjectively lash out with impunity against all who do not agree with they say. It does matter if what is being said refutes logically what the bullies are saying it only matters that you agree with what the bullies are saying and this is totalitarian in nature. With the gun laws being proposed does anyone really believe they will help stop these seemingly random acts of violence? No, it only will give more power to thugs and bullies who care not what the law says. Besides with the trust in the institutions of the country already flagging the application of law will become even more subjective and whoever has the biggest club, so to speak, will be the final arbiter of law.

In addition, reading alternative non legacy news sources, I have learned that the Saudis, Russians, Indians and Chinese have been talking about trading Saudi oil using non US Dollars as the medium of exchange. This coupled with the fact that the Europeans are still purchasing Russian oil and natural gas with Rubles using cutouts it is obvious that the days of the US Dollar being the world’s Reserve Currency are numbered. Paraphrasing what I have learned from Mr. Dalio in his book, “The Changing World Order” once a Reserve Currency becomes a fiat currency history has shown it is the beginning of the end for that currency. It has now been fifty years since the US Dollar became a truly fiat currency, thanks to a Republican President and Democrat Congress, and quite frankly it appears that the gas tank supporting the US Dollar as the worlds reserve currency is running out of Saudi oil which is what has supported the dollar thanks to Breton Woods. Couple this with the reluctance of the ruling elites in the US to “face the music”, for instance, not allowing a true free market clean out of the economy after the 2008 financial crisis, the economy has hobbled along with a deadly government backed cancer being artificially kept alive and being allowed to metastasize. It has been kept alive only to benefit corrupt government politicians, corrupt businessmen with government connections and especially a corrupt and bloated banking industry. I know with the stripping of reserve currency status for the US Dollar the US economy is in for very difficult times and historically these difficult times include civil unrest against the current ruling powers in a country. Lastly, unlike most Americans who believe or accept the drivel being peddled by the corrupt government media propagandists, I have no illusions that the Russians, Indians, Saudis and Chinese are not buying what is being sold.

The conclusion that I have come up with is that chaos is being sowed so that the Constitutional Rights of Americans can be taken away from the general citizenry. From my perspective a rapid increase in the iterative cycle of the autocratic seizing of citizens’ rights began with the passing of the Patriot Act, then the autocratic use of executive authority of emergency powers in the name of the COVID scam, and now, gun control in the name of “out of control gun violence”. What I am suspecting is this grab for autocratic dictatorial power by the globalist elites in the United States is because, like it or not, the US Dollar is losing its reserve currency status.  Therefore, there is economic hardship and quite frankly sever economic hardship looming on the horizon and the powered elites in the US beholden to the International Socialist Globalist movement know this. It seems that many events are being engineered to instill fear on the one hand so that the other hand can pass laws that erode the fundamental rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. One of the fundamental arguments for the creation of the Second Amendment was that periodically the rank and file citizenry must rise and throw out any rulers who have become too enamored with and or addicted to the power of their offices. I think the powered elites, inside and outside of government, are afraid of this potential scenario looming on the horizon. They are afraid that when the rank and file of the United States citizenry wake up as their standards of living erode much faster than they have over the past twenty years there will be great social unrest.

God bless America and God bless the world.

Random Musings on Current Events 6.10.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I suppose and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Why is an attempt on the life of a Supreme Court Justice not being decried from every corner of the land? Why is it that none of the liberal media outlets made this their top headline? Who really are the violent ones in our society? Congressional Democrats block bill to provide Supreme Court Justices additional security yet at the same time want to limit my ability to protect myself? Does anyone else see a pattern here? A pattern of subjective application of logic and law. A subjective application in which chaos, is being fomented and allowed to flourish.

I cannot believe that I am paying more than $5.50 (now it is $5.70 since I wrote the initial draft four days ago) per gallon for low grade gasoline and now I am also having to increase my food budget more than $200/month! This is happening while the Congressional January 6th committee hearings are happening. Hey Congress and media! Do you think I give a rip about this committee and its televised broadcast with commercials? No, I will be too busy working extra hours to make ends meet thanks to you! Besides it really is just a bone being thrown to the media by Congress to boost some ratings. Nothing substantial will come out of the Kabuki Theater show being put on because there is nothing to it. If something does come out of it it will just be further proof of how corrupt the ruling elites, Democrats and RINO Republicans, truly are.

Another item closer to home is my local newspaper/media outlet that happens to be a Gannet owned rag and an article on their website yesterday. The headline mentioned that Democrats are turning out more early voters that the GOP in the county that I live in. I read the article and there is much speculation and reasoning as to why this is the case but I will not go into detail. However, call me cynical, I cannot help but think what a bunch of bull or how meaningless all the debate can be. My state’s Legislature used COVID to pass an initial mail in ballot law and then made it permanent in the most recent Democratic majority legislature. I cannot help but wonder if we will ever see a Republican win in this state again considering that we are neighbors of the one party Peoples Republic of California and the power hungry elite that controls the Golden State. This on top of the rumors that Speaker Pelosi and her minion, Governor Gavin Newsom, have funneled large quantities of campaign money to the Democratic coffers of my state’s Governor and other Democratic candidates.

What I would have considered, at one time, my two favorite basketball teams are playing for the Nike Basketball Association’s (NBA’s) championship, and I will not watch a game. The NBA’s self-congratulatory statement of feigned pious self-appreciation explaining how the NBA has lost hundreds of millions of dollars due to being shut out of the Chinese market after the former Houston Rocket General Manager Daryl Morey’s “Fight for freedom, stand for Hong Kong” Tweet does not elicit one tear from me. Mr. Silver, you and your advertisers do not deserve my attention let along my financial support. I have been to Hong Kong and what was once a free, healthy and vibrant city is no more. There are more important things in life than a sport created by Naismith to keep his students occupied during the cold Massachusetts winters. You may want to explain that to your boss, Mr. Knight, as well explain that my Constitutional Freedoms far outweigh any entertainment product that you offer. I only wish that Mr. Morey had stood his ground and not apologized. After all, despite his groveling, he still lost his job.

President Biden said, “enough is enough” regarding gun violence in this country. I agree Mr. President, when will you support the right for all law abiding citizens to carry firearms whenever and wherever they choose? Because, as I saw in Uvalde, Texas, I cannot rely on law enforcement to protect me and my family. Mr. President, give me a break! 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoing a bill earmarking $35 million for a Tampa Bay Rays facility days after the team went on an anti-gun tirade. I think this is awesome!

The US Department of Justice announce they will not prosecute Scavino and Meadows but Navarro is arrested on the same day this is announced. I must agree that there is a witch hunt underway, and people will continue to be arrested until finally a charge sticks somehow and somewhere to someone. Talk about the rotten politicization of what should be an objective law enforcement organization. Can anyone say GESTAPO, STASI, KGB, or FSB?

I watched “Top Gun Maverick” the other day and have to say that I enjoyed it. It was a fun movie to watch, and it even elicited some emotion, like movies did in my youth. This without the overtly political garbage being pushed by Hollywood these days. Sure, there was some changes from the original such as female fighter pilots which certainly different than the US Navy that I joined shortly after the first Top Gun was released. However, this is the new reality, and it is my understanding that some of the female pilots are good. I think the Vice Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson played by Jon Hamm is actually an accurate representation of most flag officers in the US Navy today. That of being risk adverse and valuing their careers more than mission. Of course, there were the stretches, for example stealing an F-14, pulling 10 g’s as a 50+ year old, and location realism, however, I really did not care. It was an entertaining movie that I did not mind paying to see in a theater. Additionally, judging by the reports, I am not alone as revenue records are being broken by the movie.

Early results are coming in for the first round of primary elections and it does look like left wing cities may have pushed too far to the left. This is most evidenced by the recall of San Francisco’s District Attorney. Maybe there is a ray of sanity left in the world and in this nation’s once vibrant and healthy cities, but I am not going to hold my breath. San Francisco keeps reelecting Nancy Pelosi, so they have a long way to go to recapture its lost brilliance.

I went to a high school graduation ceremony for a niece and a nephew and it was held in one of the local auditoriums in the city nearest me. It was full of people with no regard for social distancing or vaccination status. Albeit there were still a few people wearing masks, but they were doing so of their own volition. For my wife, daughter, and myself, however, there was a cloud over the ceremony because our youngest daughter, who graduated two years ago from high school, did not get to have this experience thanks to the COVID scam. She and countless others missed out on their graduation ceremony’s along with however many others missed out on events thanks to the mass hysteria created, generated, and foisted upon us by our so called leaders in politics, the press, and bureaucratic institutions. Let me say that I am happy for those who get to have ceremonies this year, but it is a bittersweet moment for myself, my family, and others like us whose children did not get to have this experience.

In closing this week I have only one thing to say, “God bless America and to all who are in this country both patriots and enemies equally.”

Random Musings on Current Events 6.3.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I suppose and for that reason I will not remove Twitter just yet from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

I always wonder what the topic of the week in the press will be. So many careers are being made on the never ending news cycle; a cycle that requires periodic injections of crisis to keep it rolling. In my line of work crisis is the last thing that I want or need. So much so that I work to design the possibility of crisis out of my work and so it is somewhat of anathema to my training and thought processes.

I learned this morning that there is already a vaccine being pushed first responders for Monkey Pox. What a coincidence that the vaccine just happened to be ready for distribution within days of the Monkey Pox being declared a problem.

Two days after updating this blog last, I logged onto my computer and had to boot it up three times. Twice to get my screens to work properly and yet another boot after I deleted and reloaded my virus protection software that would not work. I must wonder if there is any coincidence that just as soon as I begin to update this blog that my computer begins to get glitchy. I suppose others would say, “there can be no coincidence as the left leaning controlled big tech monopolies or government agencies would never hack into conservative leaning blog sites and their administrators’ computers.” Additionally, if I were to mention the possibility of any aforementioned possibilities, I would be branded a kooky conspiratorialist who is out of touch with reality. For that reason, I will qualify that I have no proof that this happened, and all evidence is circumstantial.

I find it fascinating and not surprising that with Mr. Musk’s purchase of Twitter, the panic of the established operatives working within and outside of Twitter, the twitter (all pun intended) and buzzing about algorithms, and how the number of followers for certain tweeters have changed that the operatives have been artificially inflating and deflating follower numbers using algorithms. Additionally, it is seeming that the algorithms have been tweaked to favor those whose political ideologies more closely matches those with the same left leaning ideologies of the Twitter operatives. This seems to coincide with the revelation that many of the members of Twitters board of directors were installed and had no investment in Twitter of their own money. I, for one, would like to know which investor(s) in Twitter installed these people on the board? Is it Blackrock or some other murky investing group who may or may not have ties to the CIA, FBI, or some other agency in government? Whoever it may be, they are the power behind these enemies of free speech and discourse in violation of Amendment I of the US Constitution. I say this because with the Section 230 protections granted Twitter and others under law they are, like the government, not a private company but fall into the public sphere and must be held accountable as a government/public entity. They do not, in my opinion, get to censor as if they were a private company.

Gun control, gun control, gun control! Yet again gun control is the topic du jour. Americans!!! Do you think the lock downs were bad in the United States due to the fraudulent fabricated fratricidal COVID mumbo jumbo hocus pocus? Just look at what the governments of Australia, New Zealand, and England were able to get away with in the name of the globalist WHO scheme. It would have been far worse for the US and, in fact, the world if Americans did not have their Second Amendment Rights. In fact, the global cabal, would have succeeded far more than they have been able to because, trust me, they know there is a wall of freedom loving individuals in the United States who will not cow tow to authoritarian dictators.

That being said, in the preceding paragraph, we as Americans should be getting prepared and getting prepared in a hurry for the next wave of authoritarian governmental maneuvers and manipulations as the people who engineered COVID are drunk with power and will continue to demand, defame, denounce, denigrate, delude and create any crisis in order to maintain and usurp more power. They do not care about me and the most certainly do not care about the majority of Americans and freedom loving people in the world. 

The Washington Post on May 30, 2022, ran a headline of a piece written by Mike Madden and Rachel Siegel saying, “US Policymakers Misjudged Inflation Threat Until it was too Late.” Huh? What did you think was going to happen when trillions of dollars were dumped into an economy that was having its production of real goods cut due to draconian government interference because of a “pandemic”? Though I am not an economist, the simple premise that more dollars chasing less goods causes inflation is not a hard one to grasp. Inflation will happen in these conditions just as sure as the sun will come up in the morning. Is there any wonder why I do not trust the media, the Federal Reserve and Washington DC insiders? I mean, duh!

Johnny Depp won his defamation case against Amber Heard? Quite frankly I really did not give one rip about this case simply because of all the media attention it was getting at the expense of real reporting on real issues. Also, it seems that whenever a media frenzy develops around something related to celebrity it is a distraction away from what is really important. Say, for instance, the failure of the sanctions against Russia as the value of the Ruble increases, there is now trade of Saudi oil in a currency other than the US Dollar, and an escalation mentality of US and European leaders against Russia instead of a de-escalation mentality against a well-developed and mature nuclear power. Despite this, I am happy that Johnny Depp stood up to Amber Heard and won. She appears to have been abusive, manipulative, and an outright liar. She used the MeToo movement to cover her evil and has been exposed. What a shock! There are evil women too? Wow, we just cannot take a woman’s word at face value any more than we can a man’s word? The sarcasm just seems to be flowing out of my fingers thinking about this topic.

Random Musings on Current Events 5.27.22

Once again it is time for some Twitter, for those with a litigious bent there is a trademark symbol just after the “r” in the previous word, like Random Musings. In particular Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet and unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants, and revelations in the media. Additionally, it has been proven that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction; time will tell I suppose. For that reason, I will not remove Twitter, just yet, from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Nancy Pelosi is being denied Holy Communion by the Archbishop of San Francisco. Well, it is about time someone in a Roman Catholic Church position of leadership stood up! I applaud you Archbishop Salvatore Codileone and I hope that your soul is at peace with your decision. I will say that I do not think Nancy Pelosi will really give a rip unless it costs her votes. I believe this because I truly believe she sold her soul long ago and there is nothing left of it.

Now Whoopi Goldberg telling the Archbishop it is not his job to deny communion? Ummm Ms. Goldberg, it is more his job than it will ever be yours. Whoopi! What a waste of breath.

Food shortages, baby food shortages, gasoline prices skyrocketing and war in the Ukraine have all happened since the Democrats and RINO Republicans counterattacked and retook control of all government and continued their control of mainstream media thanks to the installation of Joe Biden as president. Monkey Pox? Yawn. It reminds me of the Boy Who Cried Wolf story. How does the government/media complex expect me to ever believe another medical crisis is real? Again, I say, “yawn”.

I laugh at the reports of drugs, cartels, immigration and etc. coming over the US’s southern border. If there was political will to stop this, it could done in short order. From my perspective there is too much money being made by corrupt politicians, law enforcement, media and who knows who else on this side of the border from this problem. This is in addition to all the same occurring south of the border. The one thing I know for certain is that it is yet another tool that has and is being used to separate this country from its roots so that it can be destroyed from within. Yet another reason to reach back into our American roots and develop our self-sufficiency and robust local networks in which we look out for each other. I believe this because we certainly cannot trust the national government and most definitely anyone associated with the international cabal.

Yet another “mass” shooting at a school by some lunatic who is no longer living to interrogate. Another mass shooting at a “soft” target. Another shooting in which the anti-gun advocates call for greater gun control when it is they themselves who created the environment that allows these types of shootings to occur. Their demonization of weapons has created gun free zones that the lunatics know they can enter and kill at will. If only one teacher in the school had a weapon how much lower would the body count be? Guns did not cause this tragedy but instead it was the media, corrupt politicians, and corrupt teachers unions who should have the light shown upon them as to why this tragedy occurred. 

Another question that I heard yesterday and it makes sense to me to ask is, “How did an 18 year employee at Wendy’s get north of $4,000 to purchase all of the equipment that he used? This when the local police force could not even afford a bullet proof shield?” Something just does not make sense here and yet again I have to bring up the perpetrator is dead so there is no way to answer these questions.

Henry Kissinger has seemingly risen from the dead. Some of my earliest memories are of him in the Gerald Ford administration and though I was too young to remember, let alone understand, what was being reported about him I have never forgotten his name. Perhaps because as a young child the sound of his name being spoken had some sort of a ring to it? Regardless, I agree with what he said but in the same instance, knowing he is a made man in the confederation of internationalists, I must wonder what his end game truly is?

My next rambling comes from President Trump’s re-Truth post from El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele in which talking about the USA he posted, “Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.” I mused about what constitutes an enemy from within a few years ago and it seems to be coming true. The USA does have an enemy and it is operating with seeming impunity inside the USA and its corridors of power.

Finally, I have lost much faith in the nation’s leadership and lack trust in pretty much anyone who is in power and by default I cast a wary eye towards its institutions. This is a sad commentary in my opinion.