Random Musings on Current Events 6.19.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Juneteenth!? OK, I get there is good reason to celebrate and honor the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation as slavery wrong in so many ways. It is a stain on American history that we should never forget or try to sweep under the rug, so to speak. It is when we try to pretend that something does not exist or has never happened that the ugly part of humanity can rear its ugly head again. It seems that it already is in the guise of human trafficking, the sex trade, and child labor being imported through our southern border with near impunity. Is it good to honor the freeing of the African slaves in the United States? Sure, but do we need another holiday for the government working class to honor this day?

I am waking up after more than a month and a half of working on a project and the subsequent catching up required on my other projects. Needless to say, the sun is just about at its most northern arc across the sky and the days are the longest they will be for the year as a result.

One thing that I have noticed is the weather is cooler this year and the light does seem dimmer. I have lived in the area where I am for most of my life and it just seems a little odd that the sky seems to always have a dusty or light smokey quality. Perhaps it is because I am downwind from the cesspool known as California?

President Trump has been indicted on what appear to be erroneous Federal charges that one of the Clinton was cleared of at the Supreme Court level. This at the same time news is starting to leak that Joe Biden took a $10 million bribe. Geez, do you think this is coincidental? Spin spin spin, if one were to pay attention too closely to the news cycle they could feel as if they were in a laundry machine set for high spin.

It finally has come to my town. A drag queen story hour has been held at one of my local libraries and one is scheduled to be held at two of the other libraries in the greater community. Why is this happening? What is the agenda of these people?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 6.2.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It appears that Kevin McCarthy’s Congress has caved yet again to the Democrats and agreed to raise the debt ceiling yet again. What disturbs me is the bill also includes somewhere in the neighborhood of $800-900 billion for Ukraine. It is so obvious that even Republicans are in on the fleecing of America in the name of Ukraine.

Let me state as I have probably not stated before that I consider the child of mine who died more than a year and a half ago to be a victim of COVID. A victim not of the disease itself but a victim or the ridiculous over reaction and societal controls put in place because of this man made disease. My child did not get to experience a normal high school graduation, did not get to attend college in person, and then was coerced into taking the experimental mRNA injection which happened to be made by Pfizer by the government and her employer, Delta Airlines.

I have filed a claim with the CICP and have heard nothing after more than six months yet Congress has managed to send another more than $800 – $900 billion to Ukraine? Is it me or has anyone else concluded that there is way too much corruption on both sides of the aisle in D.C.? I know I know, this is a rhetorical question.

How come there has never been a national review and reconciliation around COVID and government’s response to COVID? Isn’t convenient that the politicians and media have just moved on as if nothing happened and they experiment with whatever crisis they next can peddle to the American people.

Elon Musk is cozying up to the CCP this past week in China. Big surprise considering he has made his billions cozying up to government officials in the United States too.

The World Health Organization has chosen North Korea to head up its new Executive Board. Wait! What? Huh? Hey Congress, I have a great way to reduce spending and that is to withdraw all US Funding from the WHO.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 4.28.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Monday morning and Tucker Carlson and Bob Lemon have both lost their jobs with their respective networks. Is this a coordinated action between two supposedly independent media organizations? It sure seems suspicious considering they are about as far apart from center as are their former employees, supposedly. Call me cynical but I must wonder if there is another power behind the curtain pulling the levers?

Speaking of FOX and Tucker Carlson no longer being with the network I see reports of Fox’s stock dropping sharply and many people unsubscribing from FOX Nation. Is this yet another example of leftist politics driving business decisions, for instance Anheuser Busch’s Bud Light? I just learned that Arnon Mishkin had been rehired by FOX News to cover the 2022 and 2024 elections. I will never forget the moment when Chris Stirewalt insisted that Arizona was going against Trump when Florida had still not been called in the 2020 Presidential Election evidently, it seems, at the direction of Mr. Mishkin.

Mr. Murdoch, I suspected all along that you were very uneasy with populism and especially original American values. I understand this considering that you were raised and become wealthy in a country still under the overt rule of Britain’s Crown. I have always suspected that Tucker Carlson made you and your fellow internationalists in and out of your company quite uneasy but I respected that you supported your stockholders and their investments. I know, however, know that you will sell yourself for political reasons and that Mr. Carlson’s show was the last program on Fox News that I watched. I only thank God that I am not a stockholder in your company because you do not have their best interests at heart. You have lost half of the United States with either your decision to let Mr. Carlson go or creating an environment that he had no choice but to leave Fox News.

The ideological war in the United States is truly escalating when large corporations no longer hold the best interest of their stockholders as a priority over ingratiating themselves with ideologues. The US broadcast media is now being guided by one overarching ideology and it is that of war with Russia and war with China while one of their biggest advertising revenue streams is Big Pharma.

The US is evacuating all embassy staff from Sudan and at the same time providing no readily visible alternative or communications to other US citizens living in Sudan. It seems eerily familiar and reminiscent of the pullout from Afghanistan. Is there any competent people at the helm in the State Department?

Susan Rice has announced her resignation from the Biden Administration. Of course, the spin is she only agreed to two years and is going to spend more time with her family. From what I understand Susan Rice is one of the vicious power hungry leftists in the Obama, pardon me, Biden Administration. I wonder what really is happening and where she is headed? I suppose time will tell.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 4.7.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

One time is a random act, two times is a coincidence and three times is enemy action goes the saying. It is no longer a coincidence and yet so few appear to realize or accept the fact that the culture war in the United States is being lost to those who would rather be paid by Chinese Communist Party Sympathizers or at worst agents, leftists, and or globalists.

I like many others out there I am sure suddenly received another barrage of texts soliciting money for President Trump on the heels of his arraignment. An arraignment that is a complete sham and corruption of justice and I would say is a joke if it were not such a real thing. I am choosing, however, to remain neutral in this because I still have not heard President Trump take any responsibility for the sham COVID vaccine, the botched shutdowns, the failure to fire Anthony Fauci and others like him, taking money from Pfizer etc. I am sorry Mr. Trump but as President of the United States of America one has to hold themselves to a higher standard than even the founder of a billion dollar company.

A report is out in Washington D.C. about the botched pull out from Afghanistan. I will say, up front, that I did not read it but I have heard nothing coming out about why the Generals in charge of US Central Command and of the pull out were allowed to retire at his current rank in the case of the Central Commander’s case and given another star in the latter’s case. Until I hear a critical explanation of this it is nothing more than a puff peace designed to mollify the media and on this Good Friday wash their hands of responsibility for the sacrifice of Marines, a Sailor and countless others due to the failure of the White House, senior Department of Defense leaders, and senior State Department officials. They disgraced their oaths to the Constitution, the American people, and to themselves.

Speaking of Pfizer, they sure have a lot of money. I was watching a baseball game and there must have been at least two or three advertisements touting the benefits of the COVID treatment drug that only Pfizer has. This while they shutdown others for touting the benefits of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other natural yet low profit margin treatments for the manufactured virus. Talk about modern day Pharisees, Sadducees and hypocrites.

Joe Biden is going to Ireland to meet with his fellow socialists and of course they must raise the threat level to justify the increased police presence for the tough talking chicken shit bully empty suit President of the United States with way too much power. The thug and grafter in chief of what was once the shining beacon on the hill of the free world. Talk about hypocrites.

I thought about Hunter Biden being flushed out of the US Navy because he failed a drug test and I have to wonder if it was all a deliberate ruse to provide a cover story for him. I say this because he seems to always dodge whatever legal bullet is hurled his way, it allows him the street credibility to meet with Ukrainian and Chinese thugs and seems to be play right out of a Hollywood style CIA recruiting plot. Not only that we all have suspicions of the CIA, FBI, and other three letter agencies helping to rig the elections and what a great story line this would make to have the President selects son being an undercover CIA agent. Who knows perhaps fact is not too far from fiction and if I were the Chinese, Ukrainians or Russians I would certainly consider this a potential reality. After all it seems Hollywood has a quite a lot of influence on this administration and within the deep state.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 3.31.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I am sickened to see the Tennessee slaughter in a Christian High School allegedly perpetrated by a young woman undergoing a transgender change and hopped up on who knows what pharmaceutical drugs to facilitate the change. I, for one, know a woman who “transitioned” and struggled with the sudden change in elevated testosterone having never experienced adolescence and the anger associated with it. Usually, however, society has its ways of directing and channeling young pubescent males to learn how to control these violent urges via sports and other activities. Yet another example of the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry on a daily basis. Now anti-gun transactivists are storming the Tennessee State Capitol after a trans person committed a gun crime. Wait, what, huh? My prayers go out to the victims and their families.

President Trump has been indicted on who knows what charges by a blatantly political hack of a District Attorney in New York City and I am supposed to get riled up by this? Says who? The media who benefit from the ratings spike that this will provide? The CIA, FBI, DHS, and whatever other three letter agency that would love nothing more than to see me protest so they can get more unconstitutional laws through Congress that infringe upon my God given rights? Is what is being done to Donald Trump right? Absolutely not. But what should we expect from the Progressive, Communist, Marxist, Trotskyites who want nothing more than to destroy all that is good and life affirming and that reminds them how demented and worthless that they are. God bless those who seek to destroy life and the greatness of this country.

On top of this Nancy Pelosi has tweeted, “…No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to trial to prove innocence…” regarding President Trump. If this statement does not stop one dead in their tracks, then they should not be allowed to call themselves citizens of the United States of America nor be allowed to vote. Representative Pelosi what happened to a person being innocent until being proved guilty. The burden of proving guilt is on the accuser not the accused. You, Mrs. Pelosi are a true enemy of the state if you believe this statement. A statement most likely Tweeted by one of your ignorant or malicious staffers twits.

The bird flu is coming, the bird flu is coming or rather the sky falling, the sky falling, the sky is falling or perhaps the little boys (and girls) are crying that the wolf is coming? What a bunch of bulls…, pardon me, who knows what this is a bunch of? Whatever it is I can say that it stinks. Just like clockwork when the weather begins to change and we men and women begin to emerge from our winters and start to think about outdoor activities in which we work and attend large events together to celebrate the life giving power of the sun here in the northern hemisphere the peddlers of fear and death seem to be concocting and implementing their weapons. Oh yes, and by the way, there is a Marburg Virus outbreak evidently in Africa now too. 

We have the Trump indictment, the Tennessee shooting and bird flu catching most of our attention while a report came out that there are far more banks in serious trouble than originally reported. Far more banks in trouble thanks to the efforts of the Federal Reserve and the “Too Big to Fail Banks” that make up the Federal Reserve it seems to an outside colluding to consolidate their power and push small regional banks out of business. It is like the scene in “It’s a Wonderful Life” when Mr. Potter capitalizes on the fear and tries to buy out the Bailey’s Savings and Loan’s assets and accounts for pennies on the dollar.

In my lifetime I have seen the media consolidate into a few sources, the federal government’s power over my daily life increase by magnitudes of order and now the banking industry is consolidating. Geez, considering how much my standard of living and freedom have decreased over the recent decades I can only imagine how helpful the mega banks will be.

For some reason I have “Ramblin’ Man” performed by the Allman Brothers looping through my head today. In particular it is the chorus of the song that is on a loop and the lyrics go, “Lord, I was born a ramblin’ man, trying to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can, And when it’s time for leavin’, I hope you’ll understand That I was born a ramblin’ man”. It is times like this that I must wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me about all the nonsense going on in the world.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 3.24.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Tik Tok, Tik Tok, I hear my analog clock ticking in the background as I wonder if Congress will do anything about the overtly CCP controlled app that is the younger generations drug of choice. If anyone were to ask me, which they will not, Tik Tok is Facebook on steroids. Like the Sars-Covi virus that was weaponized in the Wuhan lab, Tik Tok is has probably been funded by the same cast of characters that funded Facebook and Twitter in some sort of dystopian scheme for world domination. Scary stuff I tell you.

I am traveling in a different state this week and after spending a few days with the folks that live here they have mentioned to me that this seems to be a longer, colder and wetter winter than those in recent memory. They also mentioned that even in Hawaii, where they recently worked, it was mentioned that this year or so has seen much more rain than in the past many years. Additionally, speaking with folks who have family in Central America they have said their families have reported a colder wetter winter this year. “Is this due to climate change?”, I ask myself. Absolutely it is due to climate change. It is the climate change brought about by the tons and tons of water vapor and ash ejected into the out reaches of our atmosphere by the Hua Tonga Tonga eruption in January of last year. Nothing more or nothing less and certainly not the product of man’s actions. Not the first time something like this has happened nor will it be the last time. Case closed no matter how the socialist/communist power grabbing elites in the media, science community, and political establishment spin it..

Shocking! Hunter Biden supposedly has a mole in the FBI. Yawn, tell me something that really matters. Of course, he has moles, he is getting tipped off or is tipping them off or who knows what or who he truly works for. Yet again until somebody does something about it, yawn. 

Shocking! President Trump did not get arrested this week as the NYC DA has suddenly had a spot light shown upon him and appears to be stuttering. Tell me how if President Trump were to be arrested that yet another Rubicon will be crossed by prosecutor whose campaign was funded by leftists.

Of course, there is no “bailout” of SVB by the average tax payer and technically it was not a bailout, sure. But where is the Federal Reserve getting their money when according to who I have listened to this past week the Fed has bought the same US Bonds that SVB bought and has to be equally under water. How is it that the Swiss can write off in the neighborhood of $17 billion dollars on Grade A bondholders of Credit Suisse without holding a board meeting which is against Swiss law. I suppose it is how the US Department of Defense was able to force service members to take an experimental injection in violation of their own Beureau of Medicine instructions. It is through fear, intimidation and because we let them. All I can hear is the echo of Ronald and Nancy Reagan saying, “Just say no!”

Just say no. Just say no. Just say no. This I believe should become the watch phrase for those of us who have supported and enabled the powered public elites, their neophytes, and the crony capitalists who have supported their habits.

I was in a conversation via Zoom, Skype or Teams, I cannot remember which, with people on the US West Coast, US East Coast, and Asia this past week and one of the Asia members of the call had caught COVID this past week. Of course, it is a bit awkward to ask but I would imagine this person was fully jabbed as I know some of the others on the call have even had multiple boosters. Everyone seems to have caught COVID no matter their injection status is. Personally, I was not injected with the experiment, caught COVID, recovered, tested positive for COVID anti bodies and yet I cannot travel. Sure I was sick but since I have recovered, I know by the strange symptoms I experienced from the Wuhan Virus, I caught at least one and maybe  more of the strains, and I felt the symptoms for no more than a day and they were much less intense than during my initial infection. Not only that but I have had one minor cold in the two years since catching the supposed delta variant. Natural immunity has worked in my case and I do not need an “expert” to tell me that it works. I know from my own reasoned and rational approach to my experiences.

Speaking of COVID I saw a commercial this past weekend several times and Pfizer is advertising a drug that helps with the symptoms of COVID. Hmm, I wonder how long Pfizer has held this particular patent? I took Ivermectin, Quercetin, Hydroxychloroquine, rest, and chicken soup when I had the Delta Wuhan Virus. I will say the Ivermectin immediately relieved the symptoms. It makes me wonder why Fauci and the Veterinarian funded false news against this particular drug. This in part is why I wonder how old the patent is for this “new” COVID drug.

Lastly, the best thing I heard this past week coming from podcasts that I listened to is, “The banks will not be allowed to fail but the dollars in the bank will be destroyed.”

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 3.17.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

So, it appears, a US drone was taken out by a Russian fighter somewhere over the Black Sea and of course it gave Lindsey Graham yet another opportunity to pontificate why we should get in a shooting war with Russia. Senator Graham when was the last time you went to war and do you have any children? Because if you do they should be the first ones to enlist (no officer training for them) and be sent out on the front lines in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, or heck maybe even France or England wherever they might be in an infantry unit. Or they should be on a cruiser patrolling in the Black Sea, North Sea or the Mediterranean. I am sorry Neocons but after two decades of war created by you and your neophytes and the subsequent transfers of wealth and degradation of my standard of living I no longer believe a word that you utter. I do have to laugh, albeit a laugh tinged with irony and not without a bit of concern, that something apparently as low tech as spraying a drone with fuel could take a high dollar sophisticated drone down. I bet the multi trillion dollar defense industry and their supposed experts did not see this low tech option in their high dollar high tech decision making process.

I think the LGBQT (rstuv) movement is racist now and I am lodging a formal complaint to whoever will listen. They are racist against the Irish people and people of Irish descent and this thought finally crystallized in my mind this morning. First of all they co-opted the rainbow from which Irish lore has it that the Leprechauns or Little People (most likely pre-Milesean inhabitants of Hibernia) buried their gold underneath. Now, today I am reading that there are gay St. Patrick’s Day parades all over the socialist world, a world that seeks to destroy whatever culture it comes into contact with. I suppose now I will have a topic of conversation to bring up around the table filled with corned beef, soda bread, dark beer (no green for me), and a wee bit of whiskey from Ireland tonight. In other words, Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all who are for a day Irish.

Credit Suisse, yet another once venerable institution, appears to be on the ropes only this time it is not a US bank. The headline that I read mentioned that one of its main investors, the Saudi Crown bank (not its official name) refuses to bail it out because of the regulatory environment that owning more than 10% will bump them into. I cannot say that I blame them but I am sure there are reasons the rules were put into place.

Speaking of banks and US Federal Reserve and the guarantee of all depositors in Silicon Valley Bank. Can the corruption and bank scratching between Silicon Valley and the Washington D.C. elites be shown to be more obvious? Why make rules such as to guarantee deposits up to $250,000 if you are not going to hold the line? I know this and for that reason I have never deposited more than $250,000 into a bank account for any length of time, over a day, for that reason. Why is it that the average American is being asked to bail out, yet again, risky behavior of those who are either ill-informed, corrupt, quite frankly reckless gamblers or perhaps have malevolent intent? The powered elite and their acolytes are addicts that keep coming to us to support their habits and until we say no they will keep on coming back to the trough that keeps on feeding them.

It appears that there is generally a refusal to follow rules that were put in place in the halls of power in the United States and elsewhere. The US Military when forcing its members to take the experimental mRNA jab completely ignored its own rules around the use of experimental vaccines because, I suspect, the Flag and General Officers were more concerned about the size of their pensions than fielding a fighting force. Now it appears the Federal Reserve and the FDIC are ignoring their own rules regarding the guaranteeing of loans, Congress and the DOJ have ignored the US Constitution when prosecuting Americans who were in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021, and the list goes on and on. What is the point of these rules if the powered elites will not follow them as well as the rest of the citizenry? I understand in England and in Sa’udi Arabia the rules do not apply to the monarchy and gilded elites because the rules are set up to protect them and their old world ways. However, in the United States, we are supposed to have left this old world way behind thanks the great luminaries and statesmen like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and others but it appears we as a country are getting drug back into the mud by old world mores and it makes me angry and sad.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 3.12.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I seem to be running late but I have been too busy trying to make a living and at the same time work through winter weather and as happens I become so focused on the immediate tasks at hand I do not have a whole lot of time to comment on the news media entertainment complex and what is being pushed, propagandized, and purified.

Is anyone else disgusted that two Americans were killed and two were kidnapped from the same group that had gone to Mexico for a medical procedure? First off why is there a need to go to Mexico in the first place for a medical procedure that I am sure was developed in the United States but for some reason is affordable in Mexico? Save that for another conversation. What makes me angry is that I do not believe anything will come of this because, evidently, the corrupting influence of the drug cartels has now reached so far into American society that even elements of the US Military’s Special Forces have been compromised by the cartels. Or are they working for the CIA who is working with the Cartels to push drugs on the American citizens to fund their own “off the book” black ops. Either way it is disgusting that I even must imagine this possibility but then again, even Lindsey Graham (Neocon in Chief) weighed in on this story.

A bank failure in Silicon Valley by a bank, ironically, bearing the same name. I can honestly say I do not remember, in my lifetime, a run and subsequent failure of a bank with the image of Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life flashing in my memory and all the townspeople panicking. I certainly hope that the bank is not bailed out as the FDIC should be able to provide deposit insurance for the people who had deposits in the bank. Especially, as it seems to be coming out in the media that the bank focused quite a bit on ESG type causes instead of ensuring their depositors were kept solvent.

Oh, the outrage, that Tucker Carlson showed a couple of minutes of video footage from the nearly 45,000 hours of video footage of the US Capitol Building on January 2, 2021!!! Oh, the outrage, as the MSM claims he pieced together selective footage to push a narrative!!! Oh, the outrage, spewing from the Fascist Left (yes that includes you Senator McConnell and the other RINOs). I sense a bit of projection in the wind but who am I to say? What I can say for certain is that I am surprised Speaker McCarthy even released these videos and my cynicism is running high. I understand the potential security implications inherent in doing this but it would be refreshing if multiple independent analysis could be undertaken of these videos because as we are seeing with the likes of Senator McConnell, the car salesman from Utah (Romney) and other Republicans they probably all have skeletons in their closets that they wish to remain hidden.

Perhaps some of my cynicism surrounding Speaker McCarthy has just been refreshed having to drive through his home state of California again. I must ask myself how can I trust someone from the state of California, on the national stage, when they did or have done nothing to either save or retake their home state from the Getty-Pelosi-Brown-Newsom Oligarchy?

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.24.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It is President’s Day and we have, for some reason, combined Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday with George Washington’s Birthday and call it President’s Day. I am not sure if we are supposed to honor both Presidents, all Presidents, or just Presidents on this day. When I was young there was a distinction between Lincoln and Washington with us always getting Washington’s Birthday off as a holiday. Why this changed I know not because it happened when I was too busy either serving in the military, going to school or raising a family. Now I must ask, “What was wrong with the old way? Why did it change?” I bet it was for some woke bull pucky reason. Call me cynical but there seems to be a lot of that going around.

The West Palestine disaster just seems to be getting worse by the day and FEMA is only reluctantly becoming involved after two weeks and a growing chorus of people questioning the executive response to the disaster. A disaster that is looking more and more a case of negligence at best and nefarious at worst. Reports of the train not having proper placards, the EPA changing rules on vinyl chloride just weeks before the derailment, reports of Norfolk Southern not performing proper maintenance on their rail equipment, a toxic atmospheric plume spreading east while a toxic water plume spreads east and south into the Ohio and Mississippi River basins. What is true and what is fake I do not know because, quite frankly, my cup of cynicism hath runneth over and is spreading like toxic waste.

As if to insult to injury I woke up one day this past week and President Biden made a “surprise” visit to Kiev, Ukraine with an offer of another half a billion dollars in aid. Had President Biden made a trip to East Palestine, Ohio yet? No and in fact I learned Pete Buttigieg is making a visit to the town but only after President Trump visited the town.

Speaking of East Palestine, Ohio I am slowly learning that in addition to the release of hydrogen chloride and phosgene gas as a byproduct of burning vinyl chloride another far worse byproduct are dioxins and we are hearing nothing of these. These result from the incomplete combustion byproducts of burning vinyl chloride. I also learned there were empty rail cars ready in order to transfer the partial contents of remaining vinyl chloride prior to it being lit on fire. What the heck happened and is going on with respect to this incident. For those who do not know dioxins are a multi-generational poison that will affect mothers, soon to be mothers, and the off spring of young girls. Think Love Canal and other places where dioxins have been released. I smell criminal negligence in the air.

Hey US Department of Defense! Your primary function is to defend the homeland not the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. F*ck that you feckless, treasonous, apparatchiks!

Speaking of being F*cked. Seriously, Sean Penn? Spiccolli? Talks about the poster child for all that is wrong in Hollywood and its deranged and demented culture. Hey Sean! Why don’t you go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of instead of being a Neocon spokes mouth like Lindsey Graham. In fact, I must wonder if you are on the payroll of the Biden Crime Family?

May you rest in peace Bishop David O’Connell. A 69 year old man who died of an “apparent” gunshot wound. A man who “worked to restore trust between inner-city residents and law enforcement,..”. So many questions run through my mind the foremost being how come an apparent Mexican style shooting of a clergy member has happened in my country? Should I be surprised that something like this has happened in Los Angeles? I have known the direction that the city and state of California were going but now it appears to be in the open. Has the Sinaloa or Cartel Jalisco New Generation or one of their proxies in California openly declared war? So many questions, yet again, and yet not enough answers. 

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

Random Musings on Current Events 2.17.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

It seems the Chinese Communist Party or a hobbyist has launched another balloon, however, this time it was shot down near the Aleutian Islands just as soon as it entered United States airspace and now yet another balloon has been shot down over Lake Huron. I have to ask why is the Air Force wasting missiles shooting these down? Why can’t they use canons to shoot these down? Am I missing something? Wouldn’t shooting down the balloons with canons be a great training opportunity and cost much less?

I watched the Super Bowl but did not watch the half time show but instead chose to play cards with family. Evidently, I did not miss much after reading the reports of the show and it did not surprise me considering the state of entertainment in the nation.

I have to ask why there is a Black National Anthem (This will be the last time I capitalize this item to avoid the appearance of legitimizing it.) and why it was allowed to be played at the Super Bowl? For me it is nothing but divisive to allow it to be played. Has there and is there discrimination based on race? Yes, there is no disputing this fact but now we are allowing a parallel anthem to be played alongside our national anthem? Think about the impact this has on the country. Yet again I must wonder why I am watching and supporting the NFL? This playing of the black national anthem has nothing to do with uniting the country and everything to do with dividing the country. In fact, I have to wonder if the Chinese are behind and supporting the groups or whatnot that insisted the black national anthem be played at the beginning of the game. After all, Lebron James was in attendance and somehow crowned himself king of something and everyone knows he is a shill for the CCP along with the NBA. Also, let us not forget that the Han Chinese are a very racist ethnic group as is I would imagine LeBron James is as well.

I am getting caught up on the train car derailment, spill, and burning of the toxic vinyl chloride in East Palestine, Ohio news and have more questions than answers at this time. Least of which is why was over a 100,000 pounds of a substance that when burned releases phosgene gas, hydrogen chloride, and other toxic substances allowed to happen and, in fact, dictated to happen? Yet again the public relations around this incident are eerily similar to the public relations surrounding the Three Mile Island nuclear incident that occurred over a generation ago in Pennsylvania. We have a dangerous substance that control over was lost (leak), the owners who lost control telling us everything is OK, and the state and federal government trying to catch up and repeat the talking points of the owner(s). All the while independent reports of residence reporting dead wildlife, the Ohio National Guard arresting independent journalists, and other incidents that point to a cover up and or repression of facts are ongoing. I will say again and will say again and again it does not matter what anyone in leadership does, necessarily, appearances can mean everything which is why our leaders should hold themselves up beyond reproach. Will they? I doubt it in today’s environment.

One fact that I do know is that rail transport falls under the purview and regulation of the United States Department of Transportation and that perhaps the Secretary of Transportation should spend a little more time learning about transportation in the country rather than speaking empty platitudes about race, sexual proclivities and “equity”. This is just yet another incident in a growing list of incidents that shows Mr. Buttigieg is nothing more than an empty suit who was hired because of the political party that he belongs to and because of his homosexuality because it certainly had nothing to do with his experience or competence or his willingness to learn what his job really entails. Not only that it appears he is a chicken sh*t along with the Governor of Ohio, and Norfolk Southern executives who refused to attend the East Palestine, OH townhall.

Moving along as the week progressed there have been a few more “toxic incidents”, for lack of a better descriptor. A tanker truck with acid rolling over in Tucson, Arizona, a large amount of plastic planters burning near Orlando, Florida, and another train derailing near Detroit, Michigan for instance that I am aware of. A few years ago I began to see the pattern of organization behind the near simultaneous and scripted release of news by the main stream media, then the “spontaneous” race riots, and now I am getting a niggling sense that these “chemical release accidents” seem to be happening in a coordinated manner. A few years ago I would have dismissed this unsubstantiated intuitive feeling as nonsense. However, this intuitive feeling was proven right as evidence the FBI and DOJ have been colluding with main stream media and big tech, the obvious preplanning and staging for the “spontaneous” ANITFA riots in the Summer of Love along their attempts this past month in response to the Memphis police atrocity. So, therefore, why would it be a stretch to imagine these toxic incidents happening within a short time of each other are not a coordinated attack of sorts.

Of course, let me back up, I must remember, that the ruling globalist elites that currently run our government would never do anything to harm our citizenry. After all, they were not responsible for the release of a man made genetically altered Covi-SARs virus, the subsequent economy crushing lockdowns, and the pushing of an untested new technology to be injected into billions of people. Nah, they are completely benevolent and spend all of the money that we are forced to send them in the guise of taxes at the point of a gun in a benevolent manner.

In conclusion, this week I am grappling with a fundamental problem that we face in the United States. Currently, it seems as if I am yelling into an echo chamber much as many of the people who agree with me on various podcasts, blogs, Substacks etc. seem to be doing. While those who believe the tripe being peddled by the mainstream media etc. are yelling into their own echo chambers. Of course, I would like to think that I bring reason, cause and effect, and logic to my conclusions after shaking free of the hypnotic effect of the “mainstream”. Therefore, a fundamental problem, as I see it, is how does one break the hypnotic power of big tech and the mainstream media? Perhaps I need to look inside to determine how I was able to break free and somehow share this process? I know there are many other ways and fortunately many are working this problem. It just seems to me there are more ways that just have not been revealed to me yet? I will continue to pray, discuss, and meditate on this problem in the coming days, weeks, months, and years if need be.

God bless America, all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.