Tech Tyranny

I sit down to type today very conscious of the tyranny of the big tech oligopoly. This after watching the news concerning the Senate’s Judiciary Committee and a deep shiver went up and down my spine when Mark Zuckerberg all but admitted that tech companies are colluding and sharing information. That and evidently there is some sort of algorithm or software that is monitoring or sharing data between the big platforms that, in my mind, could be used for mass censorship, deplatforming, and essentially cancelling users without any due process. If I remember right the names mentioned on Tucker Carlson last night were Centra and Tasks. Mark Zuckerberg out and out lied when he said he was too familiar with Centra. Anyone looking at him could tell he was lying. Can I probe it? No, but I know deep inside he was.

Do I expect Congress to do anything about it? Let’s see, lame duck session, Senatorial majority in question, Presidential election in question, massive campaign donations to members of both parties, and who knows what sort of blackmail the tech giants and I would have to say no. Let’s hope for the survival of our democracy that President Trump prevails in his refutation and questioning of this election and that the control of the Senate does not switch parties because then for sure nothing will happen. To be honest I do not expect much to happen either way but at least there will be an outside chance that something will happen to Section 230 and quite frankly, in the case of Tasks, the potential for antitrust charges.

Of course Tasks was probably allowed by DHS, the CIA and or another three letter agency in the fight against terrorism. So, yet again something stinks in this exchange and it smells of corruption and abuse of power.

Speaking of the abuse of power I listened to an interview of retired Air Force LT General Thomas McInerny today and his discussion about voter machines and the software used to run these machines. You have got to be effin’ kidding me!!! There is no doubt now in my mind that this software to be used against foreign adversaries is quite possibly being used against the rank and file US citizen. I am spitting angry that no one is providing a platform for this man. Is this why General Flynn was falsely accused because he knew the potential and possibility of how this was being used? Was he the reason this was not used against the American people effectively last election? Is it because he has been effectively taken out this election cycle that it appears to have been used against us on such a wide scale this election? I wonder how much of this is being obfuscated and hidden under the guise of national security?!? I wonder if there is a connection between big tech and flawed software and hardware in the voting machines?

Now that I have vented and let anyone know how I feel in this moment what really bothers me is I wonder who is recording and archiving all of my movements, posts, searches, and etc. on the internet? I wonder if this will be used against me and my family in the future? Fortunately, I really have never trusted Facebook and even less Twitter and so I do not have too large a footprint on these platforms. But after learning of Tasks and Centra I have to wonder if cookies and other spyware have been put on machines without my knowledge gathering all sorts of data. I wonder how much the huge data centers in Senator Lee and Senator Romney’s Utah and in other states have regarding me? Yes, Mr. Carlson, the hair on my back is standing up, has been standing up and now that it is being confirmed what I consider to be righteous anger and fear have been building in my soul. Fear that I have no privacy and anger that I have no privacy.

Now, I suppose, I will have to actively seek out, find, and implement ways to limit my digital footprint. It is confirmed and though I have left some breadcrumbs just to see who might be watching my activities as I have suspected for at least a decade I can now confirm that Facebook and Twitter have. So, I now have to assume that Google, Amazon, the NSA, CIA and or FBI also have been tracking m and that certain groups probably even have record of my specific votes. It turns my stomach and further erodes my faith in the system which just seems to be so so very corrupt.

Additionally, I am still waiting for some consequences to be doled out to Comey and Clapper. Do I have a lot of faith that it will be doled out? No, and it further serves to make me sick. IF I had done what some of these people seem to have done I would be busting rocks in Leavenworth. But then again Hilary Clinton and all of her minions are still walking free so no big surprise.

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