Random Musings on Current Events 7.29.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media and from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state.

There was a song playing on the radio a few minutes ago and it really seemed to have the vibe and feel of how I am feeling today. Finally, I realized the name of the song and it was Rude Mood by Stevie Ray Vaughn and the name alone if fitting for how I, in general, have felt all week.

Yesterday the smoke rolled in from the Oak Fire west of Yosemite National Park and of course as if on cue ABC News and USA Today are blaming it on climate change which just made me yawn. No mention of forest mismanagement on California and blah blah blah. Call me conspiratorial, which perhaps I am, but we have gone all summer without a major fire and what happens the week that President Biden does not implement the “Environmental Emergency” but a conflagration that grows to over 10,000 acres in less than 24 hours. Whereas, a fire that started several weeks ago, the Washburn Fire, east of Yosemite in arguably harder to reach terrain on July 7, 2022, is still under 5,000 acres in size. Oh, another difference is that CALFIRE, a California Agency, is managing the Oak Fire versus the   US Forest Service that is managing the Washburn Fire. Is this a coincidence? I do not know but considering that the level of trust remaining in my trust tank is extremely low I must wonder if it is not a coincidence. In the meantime, as has been for the last three summers I have a slight headache, my nose is plugged, my eyes burn and my lungs have a slight ache from breathing all of California’s defecation.

Since I am in a rude mood and because the Oak Fire spread so rapidly and violently and it is hard to know with what CALFIRE responded with to this fire. The US Forest Service reports the assets that they have allocated to their incidents but CALFIRE does not. Is this a case, similar to last year’s Dixie Fire, which was allowed to essentially burn until the fall, over three months, due to a lack of initial response? Afire started by Pacific Gas and Electric’s poorly maintained power lines contacting trees and that before it was extinguished had engulfed nearly 1 million acres in five counties and was the first fire to crest the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Then there was the Caldor Fire which was another fire started last year that was initially managed by CALFIRE that ultimately crested the Sierra Nevada Mountains becoming the second fire in history to do so and for several days threatened the Lake Tahoe Basin. Neither of these fires were fully contained until the first rains fell in October. Oh, and let us not forget that CALFIRE is yet another California governmental agency that is under no other than California’s Governor Newsom. Let’s not forget the Tamarack Fire, another CALFIRE initially responded to incident that was allowed to burn for several days until high winds kicked it up and it burned into the state of Nevada. I wonder how long the US Forest Service will continue to report in detail their response effort because we all know Governor Newsom answers to Nancy Pelosi, how corrupt that political machine is and how much they want to obfuscate and keep the general public in the dark to hide their machine’s corrupt political machinations. After all, they must eat at The Laundry on a regular basis and it is expensive and they need money to pay for their meals. Doesn’t everyone?

Speaking of California and San Francisco in particular is anyone else outraged that children a contracting Monkey Pox. A disease spread by close intimate contract to include saliva, seamen, and blood? My goodness, wake up America, a disease that is primarily found in homosexual male populations is now in children? What does that tell you other than most of these children have contracted Monkey Pox from pedophiles. Why aren’t the police tracing who these children have been with, arresting them, and charging them with crimes against children? This is f***ing disgusting!!!

I was just reminded that the US Federal Reserve expanded the US Dollar money supply by 40% prior to COVID and the Ukrainian War ostensibly to bail out the banks that were about to fail. Funny how even my memory can be short at times.

Speaking of the US Federal Reserve, I just read an article that the US Federal Reserve really has no power left to stop inflation because the US is in massive debt. Not only public debt but also private debt and personal debt. A telling statistic for me is that the majority of Americans equity in their homes is somewhere around 33% when it was 85% after World War II. The good modern day tenants to the modern day financial aristocracy now owe so much more that they truly have become a sort of peasant tenant tied to the property. This while there continue to be advertisements for home equity loans and one just has to say, hmm.

Thanks to JP I read an article about Shasta Country in California and of course the mainstream reporting was negative toward the citizens of Shasta County who are retaking the get along go along government official who may have even been socialists in sheep’s clothing. It really pumped me up to see that some in the Golden State are fighting to return to their once greatness. Go Jefferson!

I have noticed that some of the podcasts that I routinely listen to that would be considered on the conservative side have been delayed lately on the i-Tunes site. Is this a coincidence? I wonder.

Another thing that I have noticed this week is an increase in the number of apparent spam calls to my phone from places all over the country. Do I have any conclusions or reasons why this might be happening? No, for now it is just another data point.

Lastly, while China is in an uproar over the potential visit of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan Senate Majority leader Schumer has stripped “anti-China” verbiage from a multibillion dollar tech industry research and development bill for the US technology sector. First, why is the government passing bills giving $250 billion to semiconductor chip manufacturers? Don’t they already make enough money? Wouldn’t that $250 billion be better spent on bridges, roads, railroads etc.? Secondly, China!?! A country that stifles and caps free thought and individualism and that must steal technology in order to compete. Yet another article to keep my mood rude.

God bless America and all its citizens, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between.

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