Random Musings on Current Events 6.24.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media. Additionally, I know, and it has been proven, that Twitter and Facebook would censor what I have to say so I will say what I feel the need to say in this medium. However, with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter perhaps I will have to take Twitter out of my introduction but not just yet. Time will tell I and for that reason I will not remove Twitter from my Random Musings On Current Events introductory paragraph.

Senators McConnell, Graham, Cornyn, Tillis, Collins, Cassidy, Blunt, Burr, Portman, Capito, Ernst, Murkowski, Young, Toomey, and Romney should be ashamed of themselves and their vote for the “gun control” bill just ramrodded through Congress. Actually, all Senators and Representatives who vote for this bill should be ashamed of themselves considering they all took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I thought the Senate was supposed to be the national legislative chamber that is reasoned and less susceptible to the whims of faddish and fickle public sentiment and of media whims. Just as soon as this bill is passed, and it goes into effect there should be lawsuits immediately dropped due to the unconstitutionality of its supporting subjective red flag laws and etc. Tell me how this would have prevented the Uvalde shooting and other shootings? Instead, it could empower corrupt local law enforcement, politicians, and other power elites to randomly disarm any of their opponents without due process. When the rational are made out to be the criminal then the criminals are truly the ones in charge and a true war against the rational citizen is being waged in this country. Leon Trotsky must be jumping up with glee in his grave as even the opposition has become more concerned with their public appearances and perceived reelectability than doing the right thing by the Constitution and common citizen.

It appears official now that Roe versus Wade has been overturned. I will not even discuss abortion, which I do not agree with in the majority of instances. What I am happy about is the US Supreme Court has made a decision effectively returning power to make these types of decisions back to the states as the founders intended.  I would imagine the global leftist movement will be rioting and protesting and the police will be doing next to nothing to stop this rioting. In fact, the press will probably claim it is peaceful protesting with a small fringe causing all the trouble. A complete opposite portrayal of what happened on January 6, 2020, in Washington D.C. which was by and large a peaceful protest until a Capitol Police officer shot an unarmed civilian. What can I do? I can no longer carry a weapon to defend myself, the police are no longer capable of responding to violence (i.e Uvalde, riots of 2019), and I would assume a new plague is lurking around the corner that officials will demand masks be worn again. My rational mind is screaming to me that there is something rotten about this picture and the losses of freedom for self-determination and the ability to defend myself and my family.

I read a headline in which Ireland may reintroduce forced mask wearing again according to Stephen Donnelly, Ireland’s pro-lock down Minister for Health. This while others in the EU ministries want to mandate mask wearing every winter. What has happened to the European man and woman? I will never visit anywhere that requires me to wear a mask. So much for my tourism or business dollar. The European mandarins must really be concerned about the impending shortages in food and energy this winter.

“Tech Glitches” have delayed voting results in the county that I live. According to the local Gannet rag, “… county tested its voting results dashboard back in May, but on the night of … primary election, things didn’t go smoothly – so it has revised testing protocols to keep reporting delays from happening again.” Of course, I am to believe all computers are infallible and secure and we do not need to worry about the appearance of any trouble in our voting systems according to experts. These are the same experts that county voting officials rely on to trouble shoot and provide other technical services for the machine’s operations. These county voting officials have no clue how the inner workings of these machines work or what is possible because, to be honest, the county I live in is more interested in hiring people with political connections than spending the money to hire true information technology experts. These same county voting officials apparently do not understand that when they give away the control to understand and know how these machines work, in the name of ease and efficiency, that they have effectively ceded their ability to monitor the vote. This is another argument for the paper ballot because they are not technologically complicated and most anyone can look at and understand how to count paper ballots. I shake my head in disbelief that I am supposed to believe that there was nothing untoward with the 2020 election or any other election since the advent of computerized voting machines being used.

As I acknowledge the Summer Solstice here in the inter mountain west it has been a strange spring having just experienced yet another snow fall in the upper elevations. It has been quite a while since we have experienced this sort of spring and it just seems that the sun has a sort of subdued quality. I had not paid too much attention to this because for other reasons, like for instance grief, I have been barely able to do the minimum required to stay alive. Then late last week, I listened to a couple of podcasts in which one had a gentleman who suggested a form of atmospheric poisoning was occurring in jet contrails and in the other the gentleman mentioned how large the ash plume was from the Tongan volcanic eruption this past January 15th. In fact, the eruption is now considered to have been in the magnitude of Krakatowa’s eruption in 1883. I am somewhat skeptical of the jet chem trails conspiracy considering I have been hearing about this for decades despite knowing cloud seeding experiments were happening in the late 1970. I would think someone would have found or revealed a “smoking gun” proving the jet chem trail conspiracy by now. Maybe they have but I have yet to see any evidence.

On the other hand, the volcanic explosion is a viable reason for a global cool down for a couple of years. After all NASA is reporting that the, “…giant plume of gases, water vapor and dust particles pushed into the sky by the eruption created large pressure disturbances in the atmosphere, leading to strong winds…” The article further elaborated on ionospheric winds and its electric current flipping which really is quite fascinating. However, on a more mundane level tons and tons of particles were pushed up into the outer reaches of our atmosphere. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that there is more dust potentially reflecting sunlight (to be accurate dust laden with sulfur dioxide gas which reflects solar radiation back to space). This push into the outer reaches of our atmosphere can take years to settle back out into the atmosphere’s lower levels. On top of war in one of Europe’s bread baskets and supply chain break downs thanks to the manmade epidemic it appears we are, indeed, in for a “long volcanic winter”. 

In closing I have only one thing to say, “God bless America and I mean God bless to all who are in this country; both to those who are patriots, those who are enemies and to those who fall somewhere in between.”

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