Random Musings on Current Events 4.28.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Monday morning and Tucker Carlson and Bob Lemon have both lost their jobs with their respective networks. Is this a coordinated action between two supposedly independent media organizations? It sure seems suspicious considering they are about as far apart from center as are their former employees, supposedly. Call me cynical but I must wonder if there is another power behind the curtain pulling the levers?

Speaking of FOX and Tucker Carlson no longer being with the network I see reports of Fox’s stock dropping sharply and many people unsubscribing from FOX Nation. Is this yet another example of leftist politics driving business decisions, for instance Anheuser Busch’s Bud Light? I just learned that Arnon Mishkin had been rehired by FOX News to cover the 2022 and 2024 elections. I will never forget the moment when Chris Stirewalt insisted that Arizona was going against Trump when Florida had still not been called in the 2020 Presidential Election evidently, it seems, at the direction of Mr. Mishkin.

Mr. Murdoch, I suspected all along that you were very uneasy with populism and especially original American values. I understand this considering that you were raised and become wealthy in a country still under the overt rule of Britain’s Crown. I have always suspected that Tucker Carlson made you and your fellow internationalists in and out of your company quite uneasy but I respected that you supported your stockholders and their investments. I know, however, know that you will sell yourself for political reasons and that Mr. Carlson’s show was the last program on Fox News that I watched. I only thank God that I am not a stockholder in your company because you do not have their best interests at heart. You have lost half of the United States with either your decision to let Mr. Carlson go or creating an environment that he had no choice but to leave Fox News.

The ideological war in the United States is truly escalating when large corporations no longer hold the best interest of their stockholders as a priority over ingratiating themselves with ideologues. The US broadcast media is now being guided by one overarching ideology and it is that of war with Russia and war with China while one of their biggest advertising revenue streams is Big Pharma.

The US is evacuating all embassy staff from Sudan and at the same time providing no readily visible alternative or communications to other US citizens living in Sudan. It seems eerily familiar and reminiscent of the pullout from Afghanistan. Is there any competent people at the helm in the State Department?

Susan Rice has announced her resignation from the Biden Administration. Of course, the spin is she only agreed to two years and is going to spend more time with her family. From what I understand Susan Rice is one of the vicious power hungry leftists in the Obama, pardon me, Biden Administration. I wonder what really is happening and where she is headed? I suppose time will tell.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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