Random Musings on Current Events 4.14.23

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Despite knowing that there will be more storms to roll through what is turning out to be one of the most grueling winters in quite a while I heard my first robin early this morning before the sun came up tweeting its mating call. This on Easter Monday and in my part of the world this is one of the first welcome signs of spring.

No one is above the law seems to the clarion call of the leftists in the United States, at least this quarter and especially in a sentence about Donald Trump. I agree no one should be above the law and this includes Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, James Comey, Gavin Newsom, and so many others. In fact, the precedent has been sent by Mr. Bragg of New York, let the flood waters run.

The corrupt “old” World Health Organization reportedly has put out a statement that the H3N8 Avian Influenza virus has killed a human in the Guangdong province of China. Here we go again? An international organization with deep ties to the most efficiently repressive regime in the world that happens to be the largest country by population in the world has been notified by this regime of a virus that had not been seen in humans before. The script is eerily familiar as the WHO “does not believe that the virus has the capabilities to spread with ease from person to person. However, due to constantly evolving nature of influenza virus WHO stresses the…blah blah blah”. Geez, where I have, I seen this movie before? Oh yeah, let’s see, will the next scene include an outbreak in a western country followed by a major city in the United States. Then the next scene involve the spread of mass hysteria by the media and subsequently the shutting down of the world economy and the complete disregard for civil liberties? Hmm, I wonder.

I had a conversation this past week about the LGBTQrstuv Movement and in particular the transgender movement. I am sorry but I deal in rational reality and I do not care how a person dresses, characterizes themselves or twists language around to describe their gender reality is reality. You either have an XX chromosome pair or a an XY chromosome pair and their associated physical manifestations. End of story and not worth any more conversation. Now, if you do make it a big deal then you are trying to convince me that reality is not reality because you are sick mentally or have another nefarious purpose in mind. Again, we can change the language but if you are wearing a dress, no matter whether you have male or female genitalia and whatever you call yourself and attack me I have a right to defend myself. Also, if you wear a dress and are a male but claim to be able to complete against women because you self-identify as a woman, you are nothing more than a low life cheat who cannot compete with other men.

Oh my! National Left Wing Socialist Radio (NPR) and even National Left Wing Television (PBS) have left Twitter because they were identified for what they are, “state-affiliated media”. I am so saddened and with sarcasm dripping from my fingers at losing NPR’s presence on the platform that I check maybe once a month. Now we need this label to be applied to anything related to Facebook, Google, CBS, NBC and especially ABC.

Another professional athlete mysteriously dies of a heart attack. My condolences go out to the family of Raymond Swanda. I also send condolences out to the family of news anchor Leslie Swick Van Ness after her untimely death at 42. I am sure the veterinarian in charge of Pfizer does not give a rip about Mr. Swanda’s or Ms. Van Ness’ death.

I am learning of the Darien Gap, the portion of the isthmus between South and North America that borders Columbia and Panama and the engineered humanitarian crisis in this region. It seems that it has been going on for a while but has been increasing lately thanks to the actions of the globalist United Nations and their sponsored NGOs who have no love for the United States. I must ask myself why we as a country support an organization that supports old world values and seems intent on destroying any vestiges of the founder’s vision for the United States?

I am reading of the arrest of Jack Douglas Teixeira kid for releasing classified Pentagon documents and it is sitting uneasily with me. Is it because the FBI seems to have wrapped up this case in a little over a week while Hunter Biden travels the world with his father? Is it because the kid was told that he was loved by his family and he immediately responded in kind at his initial court appearance? Is it because Secretary Austin still has a job despite his violating every oath he has ever taken forcing tens of thousands of service members to take an unproven and untested injection against their wills? Is it due my disbelief that a 21 year old National Guard member had access to the briefs that he leaked? Is it because I have a niggling feeling that Mr. Teixeira may simply be a scapegoat or merely made a dumb choice (albeit a severely dumb choice) while General McKenzie has retired a 4 star general and General Donahue is wearing a fourth star? Is it because it is just too neat, too quick, and too easy a solution to what happened? It is so hard to say just yet.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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