Random Musings on Current Events 12.9.22 (a day late)

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

Well, the Twitter files are being released and all the assumptions and suspicions of collusion between Federal Government law enforcement agencies are being shown to be true with hard evidence. I, for one, am outraged! More outraged at the apparent lack of outrage being shown by others in positions in power. Ask me if I expect anyone in the Department of Justice to investigate and bring charges? Are there enough in Congress that will change anything? I have not read a whiff about this in either of the local big city newspapers near me in either the news or editorial sections. Where is the outrage that government was telling a Big Tech firm what to block and shadow ban? Perhaps, the CIA, DHS, FBI, DOJ and or who knows what else funded the rise of Twitter? I am not sure really what to believe now except that I have lost full faith in confidence in the ability of my Federal Government’s current leadership in the DNI, CIA, FBI, DHS, DOJ, CDC, and the DOD’s senior leadership (i.e., Flag, General, SES level). What about Google, Amazon, the NY Times and other MSM outlets? What is most troubling is I am not sure what I can do, besides pray, about any of this.

I am happy that the military will no longer be requiring its soldiers, sailors, and airmen to get the experimental COVID mRNA injection. What still disturbs me and prevents me from supporting President Trump is his lack of apology or even acknowledging that there may have been a problem with the initial roll out of the jab. Is he beholden to Big Pharma, is he too stubborn to admit a mistake, or does he still believe it was the right thing to do? I will admit he made decisions under pressure and cannot fault him for the decisions he made. Someone had to make them but with a couple of years now passed and with a better understanding of the disease I would think it is OK to admit mistakes were made.

The Biden administration has traded a killer weapons dealer for a stoner basketball player while a US Marine still sits in a Russian prison. Seems equitable to me and if you detect sarcasm dripping from this it is.

I watched a bit of the Fox network’s news casts on Wednesday morning and they mentioned how the COVID mRNA experiment in the military was being ended. I call this a victory and yet on the newscast not one mention was made that the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) portion was removed from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Hmm, do you think News Corp was not happy about this?

Once again, the MSM is blaming Trump for the loss of a Republican, Herschel Walker, in Georgia’s senate run off. Yawn, I say, put blame where blame is due. It is the RINO Republicans who would rather remain in the minority that are to blame. Yawn.

The JCPA has been added and now, deleted from the NDAA by Senator McConnell in a lame duck session! Wow, the bloated, corrupt, media really is pulling out all the stops to get this one through. They must really be hurting to use their big, corrupted gun Mitch McConnell to pull this stunt. All I can say is for them to do this sort of shenanigans to pass this bill it cannot be good for me. This is back room politics at its finest. It must tell one something when Amy Klobuchar supports it also.

What is up with Kanye West? This story has gone from messed up to reprehensible and now is entering the bizarre stage. Something is off.

Xi Jianping is visiting China. Interesting to say the least. It makes me mull over the fact that every reserve currency has failed and been replaced by another. Does this meeting mark the end of the US Dollar’s hegemony as the global reserve currency? Or is it the first, an intermediary, or a purely innocuous step in the future of currency in the world? Something tells me it is not an innocuous step with regards to the US Dollar.

Anthony Fauci has admitted that he talked to Mark Zuckerberg and that one of his daughters worked as a software engineer for Twitter. Now she works as a software engineer for a leftist organization the pushes vaccines.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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