Random Musings on Current Events 10.28.22

Once again it is time for some Random Musings On Current Events from the mind of a quiet, unassuming (at least in my own opinion) person observing the ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in the media from behind the lines in an increasingly blue state. I present these ramblings, rumblings, rants and revelations in a sort of stream of conscious journal format.

I have commented a few times on what at the time was Elon Musk’s bid to purchase Twitter. The purchase has been completed after many months and an iteration or two. Mr. Musk’s first action was to fire some top executives which is not surprising and common when a company purchases another company. Now, it will be interesting to see if the US intelligence agencies who actually run Twitter will allow Mr. Musk to open up the algorithms and restore the accounts who have been blacklisted for political reasons. I for one will still reserve my judgment for the time being as actions speak louder than words.

Where in the world is James Gordon Meek? Perhaps US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco has the facts? Strange how there is a “lightning” FBI raid on his apartment that lasted approximately 10 minutes and it now appears his apartment is vacant. This all has happened to a man who is an Emmy Award winning reporter who happened to cover government wrongdoing. Nothing suspicious in the least about this is there considering he was purportedly working on a story of kickbacks from Ukraine to the US Democratic Party? Speaking of which I see this morning that the Biden administration is sending another $275 million to Ukraine. I wonder how much of that money will be going into the Democratic Party slush fund in the weeks before the midterm election? Do we live in the United States or Mexico where reporters are routinely killed or “disappeared” when they report against criminal drug cartels?

Speaking of the midterm elections. I see that President Obama is campaigning for some candidates. I would imagine as an ex-president that his appearance fees are astronomical. Perhaps that is the reason another $275 million is being sent to Ukraine.

I am so glad that I do not live in New York. I could not believe that the gubernatorial debate was held virtually. I saw this on a news report and nearly vomited. The Empire State has been reduced to rubble and run by a bunch of weak kneed corrupt globalist hacks evidently. Heaven forbids someone catches a sniffle by meeting other people in person. Get some fresh air!

Kanye “Ye” West has joined the club that includes Mel Gibson and probably did not even realize that he was applying for it at the time that he made his “anti-Semitic” remarks. I will confess that I did not listen to the entire context that his remarks were made withing so I will not say one way or the other if I believe them to be anti-Semitic. What I do know is that he has been judged by the court of public opinion and the court has ruled expeditiously and without hesitation. I am not even sure what to say about this other than he has the right to say whatever he wants under the US Constitution and at the same time others have the right to spend their money and support whoever they want under the US Constitution.

It appears Ben Shapiro has decided to admit that he was wrong about vaccine safety and effectiveness. I just hope for his sake that he is not too late to be jumping out of the rail car that few if any knew its destination. I, for one, am glad that I chose not to hop aboard that one.

So, Pfizer can produce a Wuhan Virus mRNA injection dose for $1.18, has sold these injections to the US Federal Government for $92 a dose and now will charge those with insurance $134 a dose. At the same time Pfizer is pushing mRNA boosters much like the flu injection is being pushed. Is this really about the wellbeing of humanity or about making money? It sure looks to me that it is about Pfizer paying off their $2 billion investment. What is more sinister is the media and federal agencies are in support of Pfizer’s plans. I wonder how much of that $2 billion investment includes payoffs?

Isn’t it interesting that Pfizer always knew it’s experimental mRNA injection never prevented the spread of the Wuhan Virus yet governments and businesses were forcing its citizens and employees to take the experimental injection in the name of protecting others? This sounds like a sham and, quite honestly, the beginnings of a criminal case of fraud. How come the Department of Justice is not investigating Pfizer? Is it because they are too busy going after journalists who expose government wrongdoing? Is it because they are going after a former President who was not a DC insider? Is it because they are building domestic terrorism cases against those who at worse committed misdemeanor trespassing on January 6th? Is it because they feel parents who stand up and question their local school boards about curriculum that their children are being taught to?

I have been thinking about Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta World and have to say that I do not like the thought of it. Personally, I would rather be able to go outside, get my hands dirty, feel the sunshine on my skin and even squint my eyes when it shines directly on me. I really do not see how losing myself in a digital world can be healthy. In fact, it reminds me a bit too much of the Matrix and becoming a cyborg or avatar in Mark Zuckerberg’s matrix certainly does not sound appealing. I think I will take a break after writing and go for a real walk in the real outside under the real sun and feel my legs step one in front of the other. Oh, I might even say hello to a neighbor or two using my real vocal cords along the way. I also do not really care if some pale skinned, bug eating attenuate calls me a troglodyte either.

So, realistically Google controls nearly 96-98% of the searches made on the internet. I suppose this site will never show up in any of the searches one may carry out on Google which is fine with me. I will just have to work harder and ignore Google. Why waste my time, especially when there is fresh air and sunshine to enjoy?

I researched the members of my state’s board that was stood up during the Wuhan Virus sham shutdown and learned that not one member of clergy was on the board. No wonder the churches were not allowed to remain open while big box and other “connected” businesses were allowed to either remain open or open early.

God bless America and all her citizens and residents, no matter whether they are enemies, not enemies or somewhere in between. Additionally, forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.

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